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After seeing the fight between star martial artists, Wang Lan’s interaction with ordinary person was originally lacking in interest. But surprisingly, the fight between ordinary persons was also unexpectedly wonderful.

The development process of this World is different from the previous life after all. With the development of human civilization, star martial artist also derived out a strong fighting culture.

Especially since the underworld was born in the rivers and lakes of the old society, many ancient martial arts Sect took root in the underworld. Originally thought to be a general fight, but in front of him staged a wonderful confrontation of martial arts expert. ,

Ordinary martial artists have no star force and no star martial skill, so their moves are more skillful. There are both boxing and boxing methods, as well as opening and closing.

After 3 games, the list actually won 3 consecutive championships.

“No wonder the list can lay down such a large site in a short time, and the effort under his hands is really good.”

“It’s good, but it’s just too arrogant. If you want him to be the leader, I’m afraid it’s better.”

“Who else?” Shan Zi knocked a yellow hair out with a punch, and squeezed his fist. “Why can’t one hit it? Boss, do you have no one under your hand?”

“Single, you’re overdoing that.” On the seat, the Buddha pinched the rosary-lifted thes, “Song Ting, come and teach the kung fu of the list leader.”

As Buddha’s words landed, a youngster walked out of the crowd. When seeing Song Ting, Wang Lan’s mouth twitched a casual smile.


“you know?”

“My classmate, who was formerly a civilian genius agency in Duan Ziqi. The Heavenly Sword Bureau secretly monitored him for half a month, and after excluding the suspicions, let him go. Unexpected …”

“Buddha, are you empty? Have you chosen such a Little Brother with hairs not even grown yet?” The list suddenly saw the young Song Ting and laughed sarcastically.

“Brother Danzi, you can be careful.”

“Nonsense, come on.”

When the words hit the ground, Song Ting’s figure flashed in an instant, and fast as lightning rushed in front of Shandan, punching Danzi’s nose. This speed, faster than the list expected, the list hurriedly raised his hands in front of him, trying to block Song Ting’s punch.


Song Ting’s fist hit the Shanzi’s arm with a bang, and a clear click sounded, Song Ting’s fist trend did not change the striker’s face in strikes.


There was another crunch, and the naked eye of Shan Zi’s nose collapsed.

Even the screams were too late to send out, and the list that was just alive was knocked down to the ground. The blood of the falling list rushed out of his mouth and nose, and his entire face was blurred in an instant.

“Brother Danzi!”

“Brother Danzi–“

The man of the list rushed up hurriedly and lifted the list, and the two arms of the list had swollen a large circle at the moment, and it was strangely curved, obviously the bone was broken.

“I grass you …”

Song Ting flicked his feet gently, and the yellow-haired mouth’s teeth that hadn’t had time to scold the swear words flew halfway.

“Star martial artist?”

“Star martial artist?”

Several bigwigs stood up nervously, and a surprise appeared on each and everyone’s faces.

Before Brother Li could call the wind and summon the rain in the ancient city area, it was because he had a star martial artist under his hand to fight the ghost face. But I never imagined that the Buddha, who had been crushed by Brother Li, had a star martial artist under his hand.

“Buddha, you hide so deep, when did you recruit a star martial artist?”

“Blessing the happiness of 7 less, when 7 less let me contain Brother Li, I introduced Song brother to me. But my Buddha is not the kind of person who forgets favors and violate justice. As long as Brother Li is not sorry for one day, he has always been My boss. Song brother, I have always provided good service.

Now that Brother Li is gone, Brother Qiu is gone. In terms of seniority, my Buddha has been in the ancient city for almost 30 years. In terms of strength, my Buddha is no worse than any of you. Is this my lord? “

The words fell to the ground, and several Elderly Hei who didn’t send someone on the court suddenly looked ugly.

They all want to do this, but there is no star martial artist thug under their hands. Moreover, since Buddha has a star martial artist, those of them can indeed be kneaded in the eyes of Buddha.

Even if you are not convinced, you can be beaten if you change your mind.

After thinking about it, I finally sat down in a state of depression.

“Since Buddha said so … then we have nothing to say. I am old, convinced.”

“I’m old black too.”

“My old calendar, I think I can play a dozen.”

Suddenly, Buddha lifts the head sharply and looked at the opposite Li Ge who had been silent for a while, and his heart suddenly raised vigilance. Careless, this always harmless guy turned out to be a smiling tiger.

“The old calendar also seems to have a star martial artist thug?”

“He he he … Rose, come and play with this Little Brother.”

As Li Ge’s words fell to the ground, a scent burst into the crowd. A tall woman in dark leather and heavy makeup squeezed from the crowd and walked towards Song Ting step by step.

Rose’s hand is playing with a butterfly knife. The gorgeous knife flower blooms in the rose’s hand, like a butterfly flying between fingers.

“Buddha, give me a dagger.” Song Ting drank coldly.

Lord Buddha turned back nodded, and a younger brother quickly sent a dagger. Song Ting holds a dagger and takes a deep breath. In an instant, body flashed rushed towards the opposite woman.


A crunch sounded at the moment when the two met, and in an instant, the crisp sound of ding ding dong dong exploded quickly. Whether it is Song Ting or that woman, the speed of fast as lightning is dazzling, and the dagger and butterfly knife’s combat is more like ding ding dong dong.

But as the two met, Wang Lan and Hu Qing frowned.

Song Ting’s performance is fairly normal, but the woman is a little strange. Although the speed is fast, there is no fluctuation of star force. The speed of the human body has a limit, which is like running at 100 meters. The limit is ten seconds, and it can’t be faster.

If you can run to less than 9 seconds, then you absolutely exceed the limit of human running, only star martial artist can do it. The reason why star martial artist can do it is because the star force blesses the flesh.

But that woman, even Hu Qing, could not sense the fluctuation of star force. Either her strength is too strong, and it is not necessary to use Song Ting or even star force. Or, this woman is not a normal person.

As the fight became more intense, Song Ting gradually became precarious. And the fierceness of the woman in front of her is refreshing Song Ting’s cognition more and more.

Although Song Ting is a star martial artist, he is only a senior high school student after all. Never experienced life and death, let alone the imposing manner of press forward perish together. When the woman cut Song Ting’s arm with a wound for injury, Song Ting’s imposing manner was clear.

Later, almost women chased Song Ting. Even though Song Ting performed many Wrestling skills and hit many women, the wound on Song Ting’s body was gu gu gu’s blood, and the wound on the woman’s body was only a small amount of blood.

“Is it a star martial artist of innate talent of the flesh?” Hu Qing asked solemnly.

“No, do you see that woman’s eyes?” Wang Lan locked the woman through dynamic vision, and found that the woman’s eyes were empty, and there was no look in her eyes.

“No more, no more, I admit defeat–” Song Ting collapsed and suddenly yelled back.

But the woman still bullied him, and the butterfly knife in her hand was the key to Song Ting.

“Shoot.” Wang Lan shouted sharply, body flashed appeared beside Song Ting, kicking Song Ting aside. One hand accurately held the wrist of the woman’s hand holding the butterfly knife.

The picture freezes instantly, the change of this scene makes everyone stunned.

Wang Lan instantly inserted into the circle of two people, and he subdued the two star martial artists in one move. Is there anything to say about this strength? It is definitely a lot of experts over 2 star martial artists.

But … are we gangsters? When did you crouching tiger hidden dragon? When can you jump out of so many fairies?

Lord Buddha looked at Wang Lan in shock, suddenly didn’t look over towards Zheng Ji, “Brother Ji … It turns out that you are really deeply hidden.”

Zheng Ji’s face was very calm, laughed and said, “My Old Zheng does not participate in the election of the servant, and this statement is still valid. The reason why the people under his hands did not want to let everyone hurt? I admit defeat, old calendar, is your person a bit excessive? “

But Wang Lan holding the woman’s wrist is complexion changed, and a finger quietly pinches the woman’s pulse. There is no pulse, this is a dead person.

“Brother Hu, take the old calendar, and Brother Qiu killed him.”

Wang Lan’s words fell to the ground, Li Ge instantly complexion greatly changed, and turned to leave, but at this moment Hu Qing has turned into a streamer and appeared in front of him, grabbed Li Ge with one hand.

Li Ge ’s younger brother did n’t even mean to save the boss. He watched Hu Qing take Brother Li down.

“Brother Ji, what are you doing?”

“Zheng Ji, what the hell do you want to do?” Li Ge, who was taken by Hu Qing, suddenly shouted loudly.

“Boss, let me say it.” Wang Lan let go of the woman’s hand lightly, and the woman fell straight to the ground. “Ji and Qiu are brothers who change their lives. Everyone knows that.

Brother Qiu is dead, and of course Brother Ji is going to avenge him. Brother Ji learned from the superintendent that it wasn’t the young lady named Xiaoqin who killed Qiu brother. Xiaoqin was dead the day before he killed Qiu brother.

There is a star martial artist who can control the corpse, and he controls Xiaoqin and kills Qiu brother. Just now, I saw that this woman was not afraid of death at all. I was suspicious. Later I saw that there were so few wounds on her body.

This woman, she is not a living person at all, she is just a corpse controlled by others. Since she was brought by Li Ge, it means you are the one who killed Qiu Ge. “

“Made–” Buddha immediately bounced the table and bounced, “didn’t expect is you—”

“Bai Li, I can’t think of you as big as your heart, so ruthless! What a terrible thing you don’t see.”

The gangsters who responded suddenly slammed the table. And Li Ge, who was shocked by Shi Haokou, was suddenly scared, “Mr. Jin, save me–“

In an instant, Wang Lan and Hu Qing became alert. Almost instinctively, Hu Qing grabbed Li Ge and rolled. And a mixed head behind Li Ge burst instantly.

The change in this scene suddenly scared everyone away.

Wang Lan suddenly looked towards the direction of the attack, “farsightedness, open–“

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