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Wang Lan borrowed a car from the Superintendent of Police, honked all the way, and spent nearly 20 minutes driving to the Jiaotong University Affiliated Hospital. After stopping the car, I saw five consecutive luxury cars driving into the hospital just after I came to the hospital entrance.

Mr. 10000’s bodyguard got out of the car first. As soon as he got out of the car, the vigilant bodyguard saw Wang Lan approaching quickly. Suddenly all guarded, three bodyguards blocked Wang Lan in front of him.

“Sir, you can’t get close.”

“Give up, it’s you.” Li Ge stepped out of the car and waved to Wang Lan.

“What is the situation now?”

“Just called the Superintendent, the takeaway little brother found it, but it is dead.” Li Ge whispered to Wang Lan.

Wang Lan’s eyes flashed finely, and he turned to look at Mr. 10000 who got off the car. Mr. 10000 is still out of the ordinary, calm and calm. Only after getting off the bus, the pace of walking into the hospital accelerated a lot.

Wang Lan and Li Ge guarded Mr. 10000 from left to right, striding into the first aid section of the hospital. Under the opening of the bodyguard, go straight to the intensive care unit on the third floor.

“Injured 10000 Chery, male, 17 years old, enrolled in Yaqi Academy Class 3 2 high. He was stabbed at 5:45 at noon today and sent to the emergency center for rescue at 1:1, after an hour Has undergone observation and treatment in the intensive care unit.

Among the wounded, 7 knives, including 3 knives hit the vital parts and caused fatal injuries. We can not guarantee that we can survive the dangerous period. “

Outside the intensive care unit, the chief medical officer told Mr. 10000 about the situation of 10000 Chery.

“Doctor, please must do everything possible to save my son’s life, as long as my son is fine, I will be 10000 Lihao will be very grateful. No matter what medicine, what expensive treatment options are okay, as long as my son can be saved.”

At this moment, Mr. 10000 completely lost his composure and calmly, holding the doctor’s hand and talking excitedly.

“We will do our best, and we can only say our best. But please let Mr. 10000 rest assured that as long as 10000 Chery’s injury does not deteriorate, we are 90% sure that he will be out of danger.”

This guarantee is already very important. The injury will no longer deteriorate. The injury that has been treated and the injury that has been treated with medicine will basically not deteriorate. Unless, someone made a cut at 10000 Chery.

“Xiao Li, go in and change the medicine with me.”


Pushing the medical cart, passing a group of bodyguards to the door of the intensive care unit. The female nurse wore a mask and a nurse hat, and only had a pair of eyes exposed. But it was this pair of eyes that caught Wang Lan’s attention.

Those are a pair of eyes, though they are water spirits, but the focal length is empty. As the nurse came, Wang Lan smelled a strange and heavy fragrance under his nose.

In an instant, Wang Lan shot.

At the same time, the female nurse also shot instantly. The scalpel hidden in the sleeve of the sleeve turned into a brilliant lightning and struck 10000 Lihao’s throat.


Wang Lan’s movements were quick, preemptive, a palm was cut on the female nurse’s wrist, and the scalpel flew away in an instant. At this moment, Li Ge also reacted in an instant, opened his palms, and a grid shot out, binding the nurse to the wall.

The nurse bound by the power grid struggled terribly, but suddenly his head fell down and his face was expressionless.

“Xiao Li, what are you doing?” The chief doctor only reacted at this moment, exclaiming in horror.

When the current disappeared, Wang Lan stepped forward and touched Xiaoli’s neck with his finger, “Dead!”


“You, who the hell are you? Did you kill Xiaoli? You … you …” The chief physician has been scared. 6 God has no back and leans back against the wall.

Even doctors who often deal with death are still full of fear of death. Especially in her eyes, Li Ge is a butcher who is killing without blinking an eye, killing Xiao Li’s people with one shot.

“Dr. Zhang, don’t be afraid, we are from the Heavenly Sword Bureau.” Wang Lan quickly pulled out his documents to show Dr. Zhang, “And this little Li’s nurse was not killed by my colleague, but she had already died before.

It is a star martial artist killer who first kills Xiaoli, and then uses his ability to control Xiaoli’s body. Can you understand that? “

Star martial artist’s ability is weird, Dr. Zhang certainly knows some. Anyway, whether it is controlling elements or controlling corpses, she is also a superpower, but she can quickly accept the reality.


“I saw you have called the police just now, and wait for the guard to come and see what the guard said. But before that, I want to ask you something about Xiaoli …”

“I’m going to change the patient’s medicine now … wait a moment.” Dr. Zhang panicly turned and ran away, about ten minutes later. After the guard came, Dr. Zhang re-pushed a medicine truck.

“Hu Ge–“

“As soon as I heard that it was the Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University, I guessed that something happened to you, doctor, these 2 are really Heavenly Sword Bureau, this is Captain Wang, this is Captain Li. So you can rest assured of them. “

“Dr. Zhang, we need to understand the basic situation of Dr. Xiaoli.”

“Okay, Director Wang, please take this comrade Captain to understand Xiaoli’s situation.”

“I’m going too.” Hu Qing said quickly.

The 2 people followed a middle-aged doctor wearing glasses and walked on the crowded aisle of the hospital. Wang Lan was also vigilant about all the wind and grass around him. Suddenly, a silhouette was skipped from the corner of Wang Lan’s eyes, almost subconsciously instinctive reaction, Wang Lan’s body flickered and suddenly disappeared.


The glass around him exploded, and Wang Lan directly broke the glass and rushed out of the hospital door.

At the entrance of the hospital, a silhouette suddenly turned into a ghost and flashed away. Wang Lan landed, but he had lost that silhouette in front of him.


The screams around, and the sudden change really scared a large group of people.

Wang Lan’s eyes glanced around, watching the wind and grass around the corner. Suddenly, Wang Lan felt a sight shot from behind.

Suddenly turned his head and turned on hyperopia.

On the top of a high-rise building in the northwest corner of the hospital, the silhouette that I saw in the hospital appeared on the rooftop. A foreigner with a shoulder-length golden hair is staring at Wang Lan.

Although there is a distance of at least 300 metres, both people are sure that the other party can see themselves. The foreigner wore a trench coat with a tight gray tight T-shirt inside, which tightly wrapped his well-developed muscles.

The foreigner slightly lifts the head, making a gesture of provocation against his neck. Body flashed, strangely disappeared style.


“Wang Lan, how did you find it?”

“A foreigner has just appeared in the hospital, but his body law is so weird that I ca n’t even capture it. In such a short time, it has been 300 meters away. The strength is at least in Nebula Peak, maybe even Star River Really-Stage. “

“Foreigner, is he planning to assassinate himself? Then you found it, so retreat?”

“No, he was already retreating when I saw him … that means … he has completed the assassination in person …” Suddenly, Wang Lan’s eyes flashed.

“I see … The ability to control a corpse is not an ultra-remote control that ignores distance. It is limited in distance. The corpse moves, and his controller must be within a certain range!”

“So … damn it!” Hu Qing suddenly showed annoyed colors, “At the Arirang barbecue stall, the controller is also in the crowd.”

“Yes, it makes no sense to be annoyed. Let’s go!”

Following the director Wang again, 2 people came to the archive room and searched Xiaoli’s information through the computer.

“Zhang Xiaoli, female, 22 years old, graduated from college of health school, single. Now living in Lianyunxin Village. Here is her watch, Xiaoli has always been very optimistic, cheerful, and strong little girl.

She loves career and work because her busy work year-round neglects her boyfriend, which eventually leads to her breaking up without complaint. But I didn’t think … such a thing happened. “

“Dididi-” Hu Qing’s mobile phone rang.

“Okay, send it over!”

“Drips -“

“What is it?” Wang Lan asked casually.

“It’s the information of the takeaway little brother, as well as the autopsy report. The death time of the takeout little brother was actually at 2:2 noon yesterday, so he didn’t take orders after 1:1 pm yesterday, and he started taking orders again this morning. “

“Wait!” Wang Lan suddenly stopped.

“You said, how did secret mastermind capture the people he controlled?”

“Two way, either take the initiative to go out, pick the target secretly, then track down to no one and suddenly show fangs to kill the other party. The other is to wait for the rabbit, arrange traps, and wait for the prey to come.

“Which one do you think?” Wang Lan asked again.

“Our 2 days of cameras throughout the city and monitoring equipment were looking for two foreigners in 20 4 hours, but they were stunned that no clues were found. The possibility of taking the initiative to attack is unlikely.

“If you wait for the rabbit … how do you stay?”

Hu Qing ’s eyes immediately turned on, he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a phone call, “Xiaolin, you immediately investigate the takeaway little brother who delivered those takeaways before his death yesterday. Also, investigate the Xiaoqin, at the correct time of death. How many guests have been to those places before arriving. “

There are only so many things that Hu Qing can investigate. The remaining silk girls are still the sexy women who were used as thugs by Li Dongliu.

Takeaway little brother’s order-recording records are all available on the network, as long as they ask the other company, they can immediately pull out the list. As for Xiaoqin’s list, they all passed Hongjie. Since Sister Hong can become the leader of 5000 Sister Feng in the ancient city area, it is absolutely impossible without a complete set of management methods.

So I didn’t let Hu Qing wait for so long, two messages came over instantly.

Clear bills appeared in front of Hu Qing and Wang Lan. Wang Lan’s eyes swept quickly, and suddenly his finger was pointing at a spot.

“Look here, Lianyun Xincun, 35 buildings, 5 units. The time is 30:1. After that, he took another ten orders, and then he didn’t take orders that day.”

“The area of ​​the back list is a bit large, far from the previous concentration. The murderer is the old cloth. It is a pity that the cloth is not a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure.”

“Also, Sister Qin also received a door-to-door service before she died correctly. It happened to be in Lianyun Xincun. Coupled with Zhang Xiaoli, these two foreigners’ strongholds should be in Lianyun Xincun.”

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