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“Secretory Wang!” Wang Lan came to Wang Qianfeng, who looked ugly.

“Well, you are doing very well! Unfortunately, we are not useful …”

“Secretory Wang, I think we can bring 10000 Gu Hao to the Bureau to cooperate.”

“10000 Gu Hao? Who?”

“The chairman of psychic jewelry? The people who have been attacked one after another in the last 2 days?”

“It’s him and these two foreigners who shot consecutively. In fact, I have always been unable to figure out a problem. There are 2 rich people wanted in Suzhou City. But there are only 100 rich people who are actually killed. One is Mu Liancheng, the other is 2 Gu Hao who was almost killed.

And these two people, hell fire expert personally shot. You said it is possible, will Suzhou City offer a reward for these 2 rich people? “

“Wang Lan, don’t you mean that this is to disrupt the public order in Suzhou City and make Suzhou City miss the Provincial grade martial gathering?”

“If this is just one of the purposes? The reward order of 3,000,000,000 was only received by Hellfire? Didn’t the other Killer Organization even take orders? Moreover, Mu Liancheng was killed before the reward order was issued.

Even if Hellfire killed people for a reward, why did he choose 100 Gu Hao out of 10000 people? And I deduce that this reward is probably the hell flame hair cloth. Obviously there is a feeling of self-talk and self-direction. “

“There is indeed suspicious, Old Li, you let Li Ge bring him.”

“it is good!”

After returning to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Li Ge and 10000 Gu Hao also came to the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

“Isn’t that confession? I think your posture is wrong. How do you feel that you are interrogating me?” 10000 Gu Hao frowns suddenly asked while looking at the two clerks in front of him.

“Response is not dull, just noticed in the third sentence. Do you know Mu Liancheng?”

“Southern Ship King Mu Liancheng, there are a few people in Suzhou City who don’t know? Why?”

“What is your relationship with Mu Liancheng?”

“What relationship? Which relationship do you want to ask?”

“Any relationship.”

“Privately, we have eaten a few meals and played several times. In business, I have cooperation with Mu Boss in the transportation business.” 10000 Gu Hao coldly asked indifferently.

“Why did Hellfire kill you, and in order to kill you, don’t hesitate to come up with 3,000,000,000 and mix beads with 100 wealthy life fish eyes?”

“I do not know what you’re talking about?”

“This reward assassination is the hell flame hair cloth. Before the release, they had assassinated Mu Liancheng. The second target is you.

In fact, you were already vigilant at the time. I have investigated that after Mu Liancheng was assassinated, you have obviously improved your security level by several levels. You recruited a dozen star martial artists as bodyguards, but even if you still have no sense of security, you will not hesitate to post tasks to Heavenly Sword Bureau, hoping Heavenly Sword Bureau will protect you. “

“Should Mu Liancheng be killed, shouldn’t I be vigilant? Mu Liancheng, with assets of 70 million, worked hard for 100000000 years to save such a big net worth, but in the end, he was killed by the killer, aspiring The unpaid person dies first. The story is very tragic. The person is dead. The money is not spent.

My life has just begun, and Mu Liancheng’s lessons are ahead, shouldn’t I be responsible for my life? “

“But your alertness is a bit too fast, others are still in shock, and while you are still talking, you have started to improve your security level. This makes us look like you seem to know what will happen, their next The goal is you. “

“Whether my response is quick or sharp, can I create psychic jewelry?”

“No! Your explanation is too far-fetched. Moreover, this time I questioned you not because we beg you to cooperate, but if you want to live, you must cooperate with us. Cooperate with us, it is not just your own life. . And the life of your family. “

“Isn’t the killer of Hellfire already caught by you to catch everything in one net?” Gu Hao asked in surprise.

“Huh? This is all understood? Is your information well informed?”

“Not all news has been broadcast.”

“Just eliminate Nick and Flander, and only eliminate Wang Mingling. Hellfire is eliminated. What do you think?”

“Wang Mingling has come to Suzhou City?” Wang Guhao suddenly stood up in shock, and suddenly, as if he realized something, his face changed suddenly.

“It seems that you know Wang Mingling, do you still need to quibble? Well, since you have already betrayed Wang Mingling, why keep secrets for him?”

10000 Gu Hao’s face instantly changed somberly.

“What are you still hesitating? Do you have room for choice? Either you cooperate with us or wait for Wang Mingling to kill you.”

“Mulian and I are members of Hellfire.” Suddenly, 10000 Gu Hao spoke.

“I have joined Hellfire for 20 years. Mulian Cheng is 3 years earlier than me. Mulian Chengdu and I were the first members of Hellfire. We initially trusted each other and guarded each other. In less than 3 years, we were in the Middle East Earn a lot of money.

Wang Mingling has a strong personality charm, he knows how to grasp people’s hearts. Many people willingly sold their lives for him, some of us in Jade Country and some in White Eagle nation, many in Mao Xiong … many many … Whether it is a star martial artist or not, Wang Mingling treats them equally.

Later, Wang Mingling told us that we are selling lives, but we cannot let others sell our lives. Our lives can only be sold by ourselves. So hellfire was established.

And Mu Liancheng and I returned to Jade Country with a large sum of money from Hellfire. Ten years ago, Jade Country was really full of opportunities and business opportunities. Under the background of economic take-off, it is so difficult to enter Jade Country not at all.

Relying on the resources of the international market, and with the help of Hellfire’s funds, we soon started to make money. After more than ten years, hellfire can also survive through the dividends of our two companies. In this state, we are very satisfied.

We are all Jade Country people, as long as we do n’t come to Jade Country to do anything, we can do whatever we want in the war-ridden Middle East. However, Mu Liancheng and I didn’t expect Wang Mingling to take over that business. Assassinate Elder Di! “


Listen to 10000 Gu Hao said here, Wang Qianfeng indifferently said in the monitoring room. The sound of Lu Zhao’s finger tapping on the table on one side suddenly stopped.

“Elder Di is one of the Jade Country 5 Elders. It is deep and unmeasurable. It has huge power. Assassination of Elder Di does not ask whether it can succeed. Even if it succeeds, hellfire will definitely suffer a devastating blow. As long as Wang Mingling is not crazy, He would not take the job.

However, Wang Mingling took over this task, so he was crazy.

We can follow a good leader from birth to death, but we cannot follow a madman from birth to death. Later, Mu Liancheng suddenly contacted me and told me a secret he heard. Wang Mingling has joined the bird of paradise. “

“Bird of paradise!” Lu Zhao’s expression suddenly changed, his eyes showing a distant color of recollection.

“Mu Liancheng and I decided to cut off the connection with Hellfire, and we are not helping him enter Jade Country. During that time, we almost dumped all our overseas assets. But we didn’t want to, Wang Mingling managed to sneak into Jade Country, And come to the door. “

“Do you have a way to find Wang Mingling’s whereabouts?”

10000 Gu Hao shook, “No! When we got rid of Hellfire, we were actually separated from Wang Mingling. Even in Hellfire, there were not many people who knew me and Mu Liancheng. Similarly, neither did we Know all the news of Hellfire. In the last few years, our dealings have been only money. “

“Your money exchanges are quite hidden, and we can’t even find them.”

“Even the World Security Committee can’t find our financial transactions, let alone the Heavenly Sword Bureau.” 10000 Gu Hao laughed, “Wang Mingling returned to Jade Country, it’s not as simple as just removing our 2 traitors, he must be to assassinate Elder Here comes Di. “

“Xiaojuan, ask about Wang Mingling’s strength.” Wang Qianfeng said to Mai.

“Mr. 10000, what is Wang Mingling’s strength?”

“20 years ago, he was already an expert in the Star Sea realm. And the first-hand Soul Secret Technique is weird, full of world, and the active Star Sea realm is all S-Rank dangerous characters. And Wang Mingling is the top of these dangerous characters. Ten dangerous characters.

Up to now, no one knows to what extent Wang Mingling’s true strength is strong. If he has transcended Star Sea, I believe it. “

Hearing this, Wang Qianfeng and the others’ faces became gloomy again.

“Wang Mingling has perfected Soul Secret Technique. He can connect his consciousness to the puppet of manipulation. That is, the soul directly enters the target’s body and occupies the target’s body control.

This is no longer to control the corpse, but to truly achieve infinite avatars. The person possessed by Wang Mingling still possesses all his abilities, including Bloodline innate talent and can own the master’s Bloodline innate talent. This ability allows Wang Mingling to have more strange and changeable abilities.

And such avatars have no regions or geographical restrictions. Even if Wang Mingling’s real body is in Antarctica, he can control his avatar in the North Pole. It’s possible that Wang Ming’s spirit root didn’t sneak into Jade Country, it was only his avatar in Jade Country. “

“It’s really a headache-making ability. As long as his body is hidden in the corner, it can be invincible by capturing prey and making avatars. No, the strength of the avatar is definitely not as good as that of the body. What is the difference in strength? “

“Mr. 10000, what is the difference between Wang Mingling’s dominance and ontology strength?”

“How big is the gap? I don’t know. It seems that there is less than a realm gap. But even if there is a realm gap, Wang Mingling’s body strength is already in Star Sea Realm Peak. The avatar has at least Star River Realm Peak or more cultivation base.

The question is, who is Wang Mingling’s avatar? No one knows that apart from the fact that Xingwu realm will be reduced, his abilities including Innate Ability can be inherited by avatars. Although I really hope to help you catch him, it is best to be able to grasp the body. Unfortunately, I really can’t help. “

After the trial of 10000 Gu Hao was over, Lu Zhao and the others called Wang Qianfeng and other directors, and Wang Lan, who was involved in the work from start to finish.

Wang Lan has successfully removed the title of mascot in Lu Zhao’s heart, and has become a proper expert in doing things. If it were n’t for Wang Lan ’s idleness to care about the assassination of a gangster, he would not find that there was Wang Mingling behind him.

As he stripped off the cocoon, a huge, horrifying conspiracy gradually appeared in front of Lu Zhao.

If Wang Mingling is only the Wang Mingling of Wang Family in Xiangxi 30 years ago, Lu Zhao is not worried, even if he is the head of the international terrorist organization Hellfire, Lu Zhao is not afraid. But really didn’t expect, Wang Mingling actually joined the bird of paradise.


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