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In the two-day game, the first round Provincial grade martial gathering was over. After Gong Feiyu, there was another one who successfully scored second round 2. Six people in Suzhou City successfully entered, the results are not too good, but also reached the pass line.

At the end of the first round is the match extraction of the second round. On the big screen, 2 rows of heads flash quickly. Because there is still 2 hours of free time after the first round, the draw is drawn one-to-one. The left and right sides are shown as avatars.

After waiting patiently for ten minutes, the first player from the Suzhou City team appeared, and Gong Feiyu played against a fat player from Xu City. Seeing this match, the director’s face smiled.

“Feiyu and Sun Xin are Earth Element star martial artists just like you. His star force is a bit thicker than the average person. He is also commendable in mastering the star martial skill, but do n’t worry, his weakness is also obvious. His melee strength Normal. It shouldn’t be difficult for him to play against him as long as he is close to winning. “

“Understood.” Gong Feiyu responded faintly.

Soon, Xu Xiangwen’s opponents also appeared, a player in Jin City. Seeing Xu Xiangwen’s opponents, the tutor’s face suddenly became a bit bad.

Although Jin City ’s opponents are neither Captain nor Seeded Contestant, the players of Jin City ’s representative team have no weak hands. Any kind of powerful existence that can pull Jiang Xinyu off the horse.

“Xiangwen, against him, you do n’t want to win, but to show yourself as much as possible. Those Xingwu Academy Teachers in the stands are not just concerned about the winners. Even if they are losers, they will focus on scoring as long as they perform well. .

Show the side of you are the most outstanding, of course, if you can win it is the best. “

“Understood!” As the extraction continued, the director’s face became more and more ugly.

The average strength of those who can enter the second round is naturally much higher than that of the first round. In addition to the four major strong cities, the other cities that can stay until the second round are Captain or Seeded Contestant.

Picking up leaks is impossible. The fight is about the solidity of the basic skills or the control of the fighting rhythm. In this regard, several players in Suzhou City are very good in the eyes of the instructor. The outcome, in his opinion, 5 5 open.

“In Game 22, Mu Shaoyun played against Gong Qilin.”

Seeing this, the director immediately lost self-control, and a whizzing sound popped from the chair.

“How could it be? How did you meet this person …” The Director of Instructor looked at the match table incredulously, and then looked towards Mu Shaoyun’s heartache.

“The director’s eyes … I’m very unhappy to see it.” Mu Shaoyun lightly wiped his own tactical short blade.

“Tong City Captain Gong Qilin, and also the descendant of the Yang Fire family, bloodline innate talent of Yangfa, Nebula realm Middle-Stage strength, is the champion of this Provincial grade martial gathering Seeded Contestant. Shaoyun, although your strength is very strong, You are also very good, but compared to the excellent children of the Xingwu family, the gap is still very obvious.

You, like Xiangwen, try to express yourself as much as possible. “

Mu Shaoyun’s complexion was calm, but he responded faintly. Soon, a portrait of a man appeared on the battle screen, a boy with long waist hair and unusually masculine appearance.

On his chest, he has gorgeous golden tattoos and his naked upper body is covered with smooth muscle lines. This is a handsome man enough to make most girls scream. But for some reason, this person is not good for Wang Lan’s First Seal.

Wang Lan dared to swear at his handsome face, definitely not because the other party was more handsome than himself. But this guy’s expression is extremely arrogant, and the look that shines through the screen is full of provocation. It’s almost a word card nearby.

“I’m not targeting anyone, I mean, it’s all garbage.”

Suddenly, the portrait on the right also lights up, and Wang Lan’s sweet smile like Mu Chunfeng appears on the right.

Seeing his smile, Wang Lan was nodded satisfied, this is the right way for the handsome guy to open …

“Wang Lan, are you going to play against this guy?” Cry out in surprise sounded from the ear, waking Wang Lan who was sinking into narcissism. Don’t look too far, Wang Lan looked at Xu Xiangwen’s incredible expression with some doubts.

“Fuck, Little Lan, your opponent turned out to be Yang Tianyi.”

“Yang Tianyi? The name is a bit familiar …” Wang Lan asked in a low voice, “Oh, I remember, is he the guy with Star Palace Magical Artifact?”

“That’s the reason.” Xu Xiangwen’s pitiful pats Wang Lan’s shoulders. “You went to the toilet during the last fight, so I didn’t see it. His opponent was called miserable.”

The strength of Middle-Stage in Nebula realm, and Wind Attribute restrained Yang Tianyi ’s Thunder Attribute, but … Yang Tian did n’t even move his fingers, released Star Palace Magical Artifact, and burned to him for only ten seconds. Zhong confessed.

30% of the body was burned. If it weren’t for the 3 medical star martial artists, he would be useless. Tomorrow, when fighting against each other, I can’t resist admitting defeat as soon as possible. His Supreme-Yang True Fire is not just for fun. “

“I can use purple flames. Are you afraid of his golden flames?”

“That’s not the same. His golden sun wheel has a lock function, which contains the spiritual imprint left by the star soul expert. Under the golden sun wheel, it is difficult to escape from the Star River.” The instructor’s face was sighed with injury.

“Originally, I thought you could go forward for a few more rounds. Didn’t expect the second round to meet this hurdle. Listen to Xu Xiangwen, don’t be forced to play tomorrow. To ensure the strength, if the players behind are injured, they still have to It’s up to you to treat it. “

Wang Lan deflated his mouth, and the value of feeling himself in the eyes of the instructor was to provide medical treatment to the friendly army.

Although I have known Provincial grade martial gathering, crouching tiger hidden dragon. Although I have long known that Suzhou City will face a desperate headwind sooner or later. But no one thought that this headwind came so hard.

6 people entered the second round, but after the start of the second round, they were frustrated.

First, Gong Feiyu, originally thought that the battle of 5 5 opened, but didn’t expect the opponent until now are hiding their strength. When the power broke out, Gong Feiyu was almost out of the field with a crushing advantage.

The fat-looking fatty actually has a star force far more than normal, so under the scope star martial skill strikes, Gong Feiyu’s broken-point star martial skill is simply not enough to see. Not even thinking about things, people are out.

Afterwards, Suzhou City suffered another defeat. Xu Xiangwen came on stage and played a Danger Land turnaround with Pure Yang Law Diagram. Seeing the victory was in sight but lost due to star power exhaustion. In this scene, it seemed that the director instructed to beat the chest, this is the closest scene in Suzhou City to victory.

“Xinyu, it’s up to you …” Before Jiang Xinyu came on stage, the director’s expression almost cried.

The 6 children went on the show, and the drama of the return of one child was actually staged in the Suzhou City team. All the three people who hoped for it would be able to defeat Shensha. If Jiang Xinyu was the only one to advance into the third round, Suzhou City would really become a joke.

This session is the best in Suzhou City in ten years. 10000 won the worst in ten years … I dare not think about it.

And at this moment, it was also a blast on the Internet.

“Is it so exciting? Isn’t this session worse than the previous one? Isn’t it good to say that the Suzhou City team is the strongest in history?”

“Who wouldn’t be boasting, the strongest in history? Only the bare pole was cut before entering the third round.”

“That ’s not the case. Obviously this session is stronger than the previous ones. The Suzhou City team has 5 Nebula realms. In the past, if there were 2 of them, they would become Gemini, and if they had 3, they would dare to think. The champion. “

“Yes, of the five Nebula realms, one hasn’t even passed the first round. I wonder if that Nebula realm is mixed in?”

“Sensible view of the subject, objective analysis of the problem. This session of Suzhou City is indeed very strong. If this year’s Suzhou City team participates in the Provincial grade martial gathering last year, I am afraid I can really think of the provincial champion.

It’s just that this year’s luck is not good, the Suzhou City team has strengthened, and the other cities have also strengthened. And to strengthen the level is not as big as others, it naturally looks weak. “

“Look, the Captain of the Suzhou City team is on the court.”

“Let’s lose again in this game, then it’s really over.”

In anticipation of 10000, the game began. Jiang Xinyu’s tactics still perfectly implement her usual style. That’s mang! ice attribute, Wind Element, Water Element star martial skill take turns on. Restricting the opponent’s movements include ice skating, breaking the wind and cutting, shocking the opponent’s water impact, and controlling the field and damage output ice attribute skills.

The other party is a thunder-fire dual-line small Nebula realm, which was directly forced by Jiang Xinyu’s strikes. Less than one minute, raise the flag and surrender.

Jiang Xinyu walked back with firm determination. Although this was a beautiful victory, the haze that haunted the Suzhou City team did not dissipate. Because in the next 2 games, the Suzhou City team is almost an unbeatable opponent.

Jiang Xinyu came to the stands and the director instructed him quickly and enthusiastically.

Although it’s ugly to be cut into a bachelor, at least there is a single seedling. To be shaved, it is really shameful.

“How is it? The wound on the arm?” Wang Lan came to Jiang Xinyu to sit down and asked in a low voice.

“It doesn’t bother you.” Wang Lan let his arms grip, and after a while, there was a warm current on his arms, and the burning pain quickly disappeared.

This game looks like Jiang Xinyu is crushing the opponent, but the opponent is not easy. The opponent’s counterattack when defeated still abolished Jiang Xinyu’s arm. But for the Suzhou City team with Wang Lan, a medical star, this injury does not hinder.

“In the next game, Mu Shaoyun will play Gong Qilin.”

Mu Shaoyun slowly stood up and walked calmly towards the battlefield.

“Game start–“

At the moment when the voice fell to the ground, Gong Qilin suddenly opened his arms, pointed finger towards Mu Shaoyun across the face. In an instant, the white light in the palm lit up and a beam of light blazed instantly.

This distance, this launch speed, surprised Wang Lan unable to bear’s face. The distance between Mu Shaoyun and Gong Qilin is at least more than 50 meters, and Gong Qilin’s star martial skill launch speed is less than 5 seconds. When the light is emitted, it has actually hit Mu Shaoyun.

It is like firing a sniper rifle across 50 meters, and when the sniper pulls the trigger, he has already hit his opponent. This star martial skill is unsolvable no matter from the speed of its display and the speed of attack. At least, Wang Lan could not guarantee that his Nebula sword dance would have time to dodge.

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