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The warm winds of May swayed the green willows, and the white clouds in the sky like one after another. A beautiful cotton ball was dotted with blue cloth. Yang Tian, ​​dressed in a pale-gold windbreaker, greeted Wang Lan step by step.

Her hair was full and she was lifted by the breeze, as if she were floating in the water.

Wang Lan stood quietly outside ten meters across from the sun and star force surged all around him.

“Student Wang Lan, classmate Yang Tianyi, are you ready?”

“Ready, Teacher.” Wang Lan said lightly.

“En!” Yang Tian whispered un’ed.

“Okay, then … the game begins!”


The moment the whistle pierced the sky, Wang Lan’s figure moved instantly. The whole body exploded suddenly, and a dozen silhouettes were like the Clone Technique exhibited by Mu Shaoyun. This scene was seen in the eyes of the audience in the stands, and many players outside Suzhou City suddenly showed an incredible expression.

“It’s Clone Technique again? Do Suzhou City students have refined Clone Technique?”

“Separate dozen shadow Shadow Clone in an instant, which is even better than Mu Shaoyun? He is Star Radiance Realm!”

As soon as this remark came out, all the star teacher Academy frowned who was in charge of the observation around suddenly stopped coldly from looking at the classmate who looked towards speaking. At first glance, it is already an excused player.

“Shut up, don’t be embarrassed. Don’t you even see Clone Technique? Even if you don’t see it, you should also read the profile information of Suzhou City players? Where is this Clone Technique? This is simply Wang Lan Nebula dance. It ’s just that the afterimage stays longer. “

Although the performance form is very similar to Clone Technique, the essence is completely different. At least, Clone Technique has independent ability to move, but Nebula Dance does not. Just confuse each other and hide from the real body.

The corner of Yang Tian’s mouth slightly lifted up, and the star force surging around him instantly, a moment, a star force array condensed out in front of him. Put a fist in front of your mouth.

“The Great Fireball Technique.”


A flame erupted from Yang Tianyi’s mouth and instantly turned into a huge Fireball with a diameter exceeding ten meters. Fireball rolled, as a heavy truck rolled towards Wang Lan. This great Fireball technique is a star martial skill between single output and range damage.

Even with the exquisite Nebula dance, Wang Lan dodges as fast as possible, but if the entire range is under the attack of the other party, Wang Lan can only retreat. At the moment of retreating, a Purple Flame Bullet instantly blasted from Wang Lan’s wrist.


The Fireball exploded and the flame spread towards all around. It’s like the ground covered with alcohol, suddenly lit by flames. As soon as the opening started, such a star martial skill was displayed so that all the players in the stands could not keep up with the rhythm.

Wang Lan has retreated to the edge of the playing field, analyzing the opponent’s tactical psychology in his mind. First of all, the opponent must be underestimating the enemy, otherwise impossible consumes the star force so carelessly. The Great Fireball Technique sounds like a name, but this is genuine A-Rank star martial skill, and A-Rank star martial skill with both range and lethality.

I studied it when Wang Lan chose the star martial skill. The actual effect of this star martial skill is excellent, but it consumes a lot of star force. Star Radiance Realm’s Wang Lan can only be cast once when full of star force.

And this star martial skill is not suitable for face-to-face combat. The star martial skill has a fast launch speed and star force fluctuations are hidden. It is only suitable for battlefield and sneak attack. If the opponent is not particularly inflated, this star martial skill will never be launched in this situation.

Maybe, Star Martial grade of Star Radiance Realm gave him confidence.

The corner of Wang Lan’s mouth slightly lifted, and his figure flashed instantly. Once again, Wang Lan’s whole body flashed a fine current. The arc flashed, getting brighter and brighter, and it seemed that Wang Lan was wearing an arc coat in the blink of an eye.

“Is this … Thunder Attribute Wrestling?”

“What is this star martial skill? Does anyone know?”

Although Wang Lan has not yet displayed formidable power in this state, the light and shadow effects in this state are very handsome. It’s like the rays of light flashing around after turning into a Saiyan. But the difference is that Wang Lan flashing around is lightning.

Not only the students present did not know what kind of star martial skill this was, but even the Teachers of the Xingwu Academy on the field could not see it. They have never seen such a star martial skill, like a thunderbolt armor, but they do not have the distinct structure of thunderbolt armor.

The uncontrollable thunderbolt seems to turn into a water flow that generally wraps Wang Lan’s body and wraps the short sword in Wang Lan’s hands.

“This is …” In the office of Heavenly Sword Bureau, Wang Qianfeng, He Mingxue thought frowns tightly.

Others don’t know what star martial skill Wang Lan is performing and what he can say in the past, but the senior executives of the Heavenly Sword Bureau don’t know, even if there is no impression, it’s wrong.

“Old Wang, was it given to him by Vermilion Bird? Do you know?”

“You don’t even know how I might know? Look at this star martial skill’s performance form understood.”

In the live broadcast picture, Wang Lan blasted out in an instant, and the speed was several times higher than before. After mastering the activity of thunder attribute, this is the first time Wang Lan has demonstrated the formidable power of this move.

“Is the thunder attribute active?” The opposite Yang Tian immediately took away the contempt. I thought it was only a guy who hit the top 65 after hitting his luck. But now it seems that there are indeed 2 brushes. Being able to master thunder attribute activity at Star Radiance Realm is already worth his serious attention.

The star force around Yang Tian’s body surged again, and the solidified flame burned around him, his hands overlapped, and his body bent slightly.

Seeing this scene, all Teacher’s eyes suddenly light up. Looking forward to the next performance of Yang Tianyi.

“100 Birds towards Phoenix–“


All the Teacher’s eyes were brightened again, and they actually mastered 100 birds. 100 The bird-martial star martial skill is an A-Rank star martial skill, but the formidable power may not be a weaker S-Rank star martial skill.

By waving your hands, a densely packed flaming bird is fired, and the flaming bird passes through the border to kill the opponent.

Similarly, the greater the martial skill of the formidable power, the higher the difficulty of cultivation. Judging from the performance of Yang Tian one after another, many Teachers have some contempt. Just relying on the help of the Sun Golden Wheel, it would be useless without the Sun Golden Wheel.

But now, the strength shown by Yang Tianyi has been recognized by most Teachers. Mastered 2 kinds of A-Rank star martial skill, Star martial grade has also arrived in Nebula, how to say it can be worthy of the name of a genius. Coupled with the background of Star martial family, the plug-in of the Sun Golden Wheel. The bad impression before was instantly reversed.

Flame birds are extremely dense and fast as lightning. With the active body law of thunder attribute, Wang Lan is dancing lightly and gracefully like a butterfly dancing in a mess of flowers.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. The 100 Birds Phoenix is ​​very stunning and gorgeous, but compared to Wang Lan ’s dancing lightly and gracefully Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light in the 100 Birds Phoenix, the verdict is high.

“Thunder Element star martial skill, Thunder God Armor flow body law … how can he achieve such perfect control?”

“This student may have super long innate talent in star force control. Even the most uncontrollable Thunder Element star martial skill can be controlled to this point … It is … incredible …”

“This student, we need Jin City Xingwu Academy!”

“We also want the Southeast Star Academy. Why should I say that?”

Many observed Xingwu Academy Teachers quietly filled out the excellent on Wang Lan’s evaluation form, and even wrote a very excellent evaluation.

And Wang Qianfeng and He Mingxue of Heavenly Sword Bureau have fallen into autism at the moment. Staring blankly at Wang Lan ’s one after another thunderbolt illusory shadow, it looks like a flashy figure in slow motion, and the two are speechless for a long time.

Others don’t know what is going on with Wang Lan’s star martial skill, how can they not know?

Is this a star martial skill combining Thunder Snake and Nebula sword dance? It is not a combination of two simultaneous releases, but a composite star martial skill that perfectly blends two star martial skills.

I’m miles away.

He Mingxue vaguely remembered that Wang Lan mastered thunder attribute activity in his front of one’s eyes, and it seemed to be just yesterday. How long has it been before, so how can you already display the martial skill of compound stars? And it is a perfect combined martial skill.

“Old Wang, how do I feel a little guilty?”

“What did you do to sorry me?”

“Get out of here! I mean Wang Lan, and the Blazing blade of Wang Lan was taught by me, and the cultivation of the thunder attribute star martial skill is also my guidance. But I am afraid that no one will believe it? I am also worthy of pointing Wang Lan? You Say if you will wait, some people think we were taught by Wang Lan? “

“You have a face to say this? Don’t you? Where did your Blazing blade fluid technique come from? Don’t think I don’t know, who secretly cultivated the vertical Blazing blade at home, who is Extreme Yang Origin Wheel?”

“I …” He Mingxue hehe sneered, “What about you? See, no, how strong are the Thunder Attribute and Nebula sword dance martial skills, do you want to learn?”

“I don’t have Thunder Attribute.”

“But you have Wind Attribute–“

“Look, look, Wang Lan is close.”

In an instant, at the moment of speaking, Wang Lan’s figure had approached to Yang Tianyi’s side less than 3 meters. This distance was the time when Thunder Snake’s formidable power was greatest.

Wang Lan’s body instantly turned into 7 lightning illusory shadows, and the fiercely fiercely sword of Thor in his hand was cut away.

Yang Tianyi’s face instantly changes was pale, and for the first time he felt such a strong and real killing intent.

Also in this brief moment, some of the brilliant teachers in the stands stood up one after another, and they only realized that Wang Lan this move was not a simple star martial skill, but a compound star martial skill.

If Wang Lan had performed Nebula sword dance before, otherwise they would not really be sure.

At this moment, Wang Lan, wrapped in lightning, once again exhibited the same shadow shadow shadow, which is definitely not a coincidence.

“Using a Thunder Attribute star martial skill and Nebula sword dance combination, the advantages of the two star martial skills are perfectly retained … This child can no longer be evaluated by genius.”

“At the time of Star Radiance Realm, I mastered the composite star martial skill that can only be mastered by the Star River environment … and the combination is so perfect that we almost can’t see it.”

“I now finally understand why Wang Lan is the Star Radiance Realm. Innate talent is so terrifying. It must have spent a lot of time on the improvement of combat skills.”

Suddenly, many teachers took Wang Lan’s evaluation form, painted the above excellent, very excellent and other evaluations, and re-written it as fast as You Long.

The terrible innate talent shown by Wang Lan deserves the perfect word. This is no less than the terrible innate talent of 2 Emperors.

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