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Wang Lan arrived in time, the audience was standing up, and many of the eliminated players cheered with excitement.

In the fourth round, more than half of the 4 cities have been shaved. Since there is no competitive relationship, they naturally watch the game as a normal audience. Wang Lan’s strength has already convinced them. Would it be a pity if he missed a game because he was late?

But the Tong City team did not think so.

“I protest—” loudly shouted sounded, “I protest against the organizer, not to allow a murderer to participate in the competition, which is unfair to the 10000 head–“

“Xing Teacher, this is a certificate of innocence jointly issued by Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau and Suzhou City Superintendent. There is also a public announcement on the superintendent’s official website. If you have any questions, you can ask the Superintendent and Heavenly Sword Bureau for verification. But if You accuse me of murderers again, and I can sue you for slander. “

The Tong City team stands in the stands, Xing Teacher complexion is gloomy looking at Wang Lan, and finally there is no recurrence, but quickly called Tong City Heavenly Sword Bureau.

The opposite Zhang Yu looked at Wang Lan laughed, “I’m not in a hurry to take a break.”

“Thank you!”

“Speaking of which, I was also surprised to hear that you killed someone yesterday. Although the Tong City team has been clamoring, I think it is impossible. Even if you want to kill someone, you should kill me. One has been eliminated. Guys, it ’s not worth it. ”

“I am a law-abiding student.”

“Have you killed anyone?” Suddenly, Zhang Yu asked with a smile. This question made Wang Lan’s eyes slightly cold, and did not know what Zhang Yu wanted to say.

“I killed.” Zhang Yu said suddenly, “In the trial field, some people will think that I am a student, and a person who hunts a strange animal thinks there is an opportunity. But it is them, help me Complete Illusion Phantom steps. “

“Then congratulations.”

“Have you rested?”

“Okay, Suzhou City Wang Lan, please enlighten me.”

“Jin City Zhang Yu, please advise.”

The moment the voice hit the ground, Zhang Yu’s figure rushed towards Wang Lan, and Illusion Phantom steps had a distance limitation, just like the range of the legal system. Wang Lan, who studied Illusion Phantom steps, knows that this distance is 20 meters.

Wang Lan’s figure was immediately wrapped by lightning, and when Zhang Yu was greeted, 7 lightning afterimages suddenly exploded. The real body is hidden in the afterimage of lightning, and no one knows which one is Wang Lan’s real body except himself.

Zhang Yu’s body disappeared, and he instantly appeared in a lightning afterimage, which cut off the lightning afterimage. But is the lighting afterimage of Wang Lan a general illusory shadow. When the silhouette was cut off by Zhang Yu, the sorrowful arc lighted up instantly.


The explosion sounded and spread to all around 4. The endless arc spread engulfed Zhang Yu’s figure. In the stands, everyone held their breath and exclaimed. at first, without temptation, without you coming and going, the outbreak of birth and death will directly erupt?

Zhang Yu ’s star martial skill is somewhat confusing for students in the current Nebula environment, not to mention Wang Lan, the Star Radiance Realm. Faced with such a difficult martial skill, should n’t you try it first, find the weak spot and then exercise restraint?

At the Tong City stand, Xing Teacher put down his phone, but his face was gloomy and uncertain.

“Teacher, how are you?”

“The death of 10000 Que may really have nothing to do with Wang Lan, and Tong City Heavenly Sword Bureau also approved the judgment of Suzhou City.”

“How did the 10000 leader die?”

“This is confidential, not what we should ask. Look at the game carefully, even if you can come to participate in the game, and you are easily opponent of Zhang Yu. Illusion Phantom steps, even in the A-Rank star martial skill It is recognized as one of the strongest star martial skills. It is called A-Rank star martial skill with S-Rank formidable power. “

The arc dissipated, and Zhang Yu was no longer in space. Wang Lan doesn’t think his clone bomb can blow Zhang Yu’s skeleton doesn’t exist. The lightning illusory shadow keeps interlacing, and Wang Lan’s real body keeps changing positions in the lightning illusory shadow.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis struck from behind, Wang Lan’s heartstrings instantly tightened, and body flashed appeared in another illusory shadow. Almost at this moment, Zhang Yu’s knife cut across the waist of illusory shadow.

In the moment that illusory shadow hadn’t had time to detonate, Zhang Yu’s figure finished flashing, the second, the third, the fourth. Zhang Yu instantly completed 2 flashes, and Zhang Yu, which flashed 3 times, cut off Wang Lan’s 4 lighting avatars.

Even though Wang Lan can hide again, it does not at all play any role in front of the normal speed chopper. Zhang Yu ’s figure was once again disappeared, and the remaining two illusory shadows could not escape the two high-speed clashes.


Almost instantly, Zhang Yu came to the door. If Illusion Phantom steps are only moving fast, just flashing, the threat to Wang Lan is not that great. But Zhang Yu’s Illusion Phantom steps are by no means so simple. It’s Zhang Yu’s ultra-fast reflex nerve.

Just like some people skip rope, one minute skips 60 times, 80 skips, 100 skips, but you have to try 200 skips, 300 skips? That’s not what normal people can do. Zhang Yu’s reflex nerve, in ancient terms, is skeleton surprise, extraordinary natural talent.

To learn quick hand tricks, it takes another one or two years to practice hand speed, and he can skip it directly. If you want to go to the robbery, it is absolutely nothing.

When Zhang Yu appeared in front of you, his knife had been stabbed before you responded. Born to carry physical activity attributes, it is simply a bug. Even if Wang Lan is under thunder attribute activity, it barely keeps up with Zhang Yu’s speed.


a light sound, Wang Lan’s figure suddenly retreated. In a blink of an eye, it exited 20 meters away. Can Zhang Yu’s knife resist Wang Lan Blazing blade? What is this knife Divine Weapon?

Blazing blade, the high temperature of nearly 10000 plus the attribute addition of the property change, even a ten-centimeter-thick steel plate can be cut off instantly. But a knife was cut on the other’s knife, and the other’s knife was intact.

The tactic of breaking the opponent’s knife also declared ruthless defeat.

Although there are 1000 heads and 10000 threads flowing in the bottom of my heart, Wang Lan’s movements did not stop at all. When he jumped out of 20 meters, raising his hand to Zhang Yu was a crescent arrow. Arrows are mixed with thunderbolt, which is more than 3 times faster. Zhang Yu’s body is flashed, people have been disappeared. The crescent moon arrow flew into the empty space, and after the range was disappeared.

Zhang Yu not at all appeared again approaching Wang Lan’s side, Illusion Phantom steps only 20 meters of activity space. So Wang Lan has enough time to reappear the lightening afterimage.

Sting-7 afterimages appear again.

Frankly, it’s disgusting. Although Illusion Phantom steps are powerful, the consumption of star force is also quite scary. Similarly, Wang Lan’s star force consumption is also terrifying. If Wang Lan did not learn the Yang Seal and upgraded to Silver to store 2 times the star force, the star force was exhausted when Wang Lan first performed the lightning clone.

What a weird and stupid decision to fight a Star Radiance Realm and a Nebula.

But Wang Lan’s tactics were just that stupid decision. Even if Illusion Phantom steps are high-cost star martial skills, the total amount of star force in Nebula is there.

Stinging –

Zhang Yu’s body flashed through 4 afterimages and flashed 4 times. At the moment when the explosion of lightning afterimage hadn’t time to rise, people had left. If you want to consume, then I will consume.

Heavenly Sword Bureau. After the meeting, a group of gangsters sat quietly in the Conference Hall to watch the live broadcast. Elder Di stared at the screen accompanied by Lu Zhao. Suddenly, Lu Zhao didn’t look over Wang Qianfeng in doubt.

“Is Wang Lan’s star force too thick? You haven’t told me before that Wang Lan has a very long advantage in star force.”

The office is full of people, no one needs to pretend.

“Wang Lan’s star force level is normal after testing, not at all super long. Isn’t … what happened to his body recently?”

“Variation?” Elder Di frowned, “Have Wang Lan’s body mutated?”

“No … no …” Wang Qianfeng said smoothly for a while, and he quickly changed his mind after realizing that he was wrong.

“It’s Wang Lan, he can always have something impossible happening to him. For example, he can’t learn Phoenix Form without Star River, and he can learn? Also, he obviously doesn’t have Thunder Attribute innate talent, but he can learn Thunder Attribute star martial skill.

Then, after learning the Thunder Attribute star martial skill and then detecting that there is Thunder Attribute innate talent. We joke that he is not a mutation? “

“Oh … there is this matter. But Wang Lan’s star force is not thick, but he learned the technique of Yang Attribute seal.” Elder Di smiled suddenly, but his heart was lightly sigh, “It is worth half of Spirit Realm Bloodline. “

Zhang Yu once again shattered the void, slashing the remaining 2 residual images of Wang Lan. At this time, Wang Lan has been forced to the edge of the arena. Entering Zhang Yu’s cutting edge blocks the way, and exiting has limited venues. At this moment, Wang Lan has no choice but to let go.

The moment Zhang Yu’s soldiers passed Wang Lan’s throat, Wang Lan suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, Zhang Yu’s face changed. Wang Lan does not perform Illusion Phantom steps, Zhang Yu only thinks that Wang Lan will not, but the moment Wang Lan performs Illusion Phantom steps, Zhang Yu has sensed it.

Devil’s weep thorn shatter void, coming to Zhang Yu’s waist. At this juncture, Zhang Yu had no time to think, and body flashed disappeared.

At the moment Zhang Yu disappeared, Wang Lan also disappeared.

This scene, many people can’t understand it, countless people’s faces leaked amazed, incredible expression. However, Teacher Ni Yushu, the leader of the Jin City team, suddenly stood up and looked at the flashing scene in amazement.

He learned, he only spent one night? No, he was caught in a murderous storm this evening, and he didn’t spend a night at all.

How can it be?

Illusion Phantom steps When is the star martial skill that you can learn casually? One night? joke? Is it difficult to read the cultivation method all night?

Zhang Yu still has one chance to blink, and Wang Lan has 2 more. This is Wang Lan’s plan.

When Zhang Yu appeared again, Wang Lan Shadow Chase. Faced with Wang Lan’s sword, Zhang Yu avoided unavoidably, gritted his teeth, and stood in front of him with a knife. But Wang Lan’s cut was just an afterimage. In other words, it is just the illusion left by Zhang Yu.

In the next moment, Wang Lan’s Devil’s Cry fell on Zhang Yu’s shoulder, and Wang Lan was behind Zhang Yu’s body, only less than 5 cm.

“you lose……”

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