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“The difficulty of compound star martial skill is just the multi-tasking control of star force and the understanding of the principle of star martial skill. The so-called non-Star River environment can not be mastered is just an excuse for the group of aptitude mediocrity to decorate themselves. Some people are born. You can skip this process, right? “

Now that the martial skill of compound stars has been exhibited, Mu Shaoyun is no longer equipped.

In an instant, his body squatted violently, his palms pressed against the ground, and the ground under his feet suddenly choppy on the side of the sea.

Wang Lan’s feet instantly turned into mud. The surrounding quagmire suddenly came alive, and extended countless tentacles to pierce Wang Lan.

The arc flashed around Wang Lan, and the pulling force under his feet also dissipated under the ravages of the arc. Wang Lan has a thunder sword in his hands, and the surrounding mud tentacles have been cut off by Wang Lan’s thunder sword.

But the tentacles seem to be endless. If this continues forever, Wang Lan will be dragged to death sooner or later. Suddenly, Wang Lan’s figure flickered, densely packed as if endless afterimages appeared around Wang Lan.

All the viewers who saw this scene were unable to bear mouth opened wide.


Wang Lan’s avatars are not so powerful or unacceptable, but they are too ridiculous to let them talk. Each layer of afterimages seems to have an attack. The afterimage disappeared, and the tentacles around the mud of Wang Lan were cleared.

In an instant, Wang Lan jumped up and raised his finger to Mu Shaoyun in the distance.


Wang Lan’s fingertips instantly shot one after another thunderbolt arrows. Arrows turned into Thunder Snake in the sky, and suddenly, Thunder Snake burst out. Ten Thunder Snake turns into 100 thunderbolt birds that incite their wings.

Go from all directions to Mu Shaoyun strikes like a snare.

Mu Shaoyun was about to control the slough to attack again, but facing Wang Lan’s this move he had to stop and raise a slough wall in front of him.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The arc exploded and the mud was shot by the mud of Infobird strikes. Mu Shaoyun’s eyes were suddenly cold.

Wang Lan’s strength exceeded his expectations too much, just from Star Radiance Realm Peak breakthrough to Nebula Early-Stage. Why did Mu Shaoyun feel so difficult from Nebula Peak breakthrough to Star River?

The formidable power of the skill is powerful, and the star force is generally the same as the bottomless pit.

A wave of strikes finally dissipated, and Mu Shaoyun split the ink crystal barrier in front of him into an observation hole. With just a glance, Mu Shaoyun’s eyes suddenly became wide-eyed.

The arrow in Wang Lan’s hand gathered 2 attributes of Fire Thunder, which turned into a diving Phoenix and attacked himself. When Mu Shaoyun saw it, Phoenix had come to the door, and even swallowed Mu Shaoyun’s vision.


The indestructible ink crystal barrier shattered instantly. Flame, engulfed Mu Shaoyun’s World. The formidable power of this arrow is already the strength of formidable power in the Star River environment. If this is not possible, is Mu Shaoyun still a human being?

Wang Lan understands that he must not fight Mu Shaoyun. Mu Shaoyun’s fighting wisdom is too high, but you are easily caught by him and the weak spot is caught in the trap. Wang Lan’s advantage is the output of firepower, which is determined by the absolute output of firepower.


The imaginary explosion not at all came, and suddenly there was a twist in the sea of ​​fire, and then, a hole appeared in the flame as if the black hole was torn.

The hole is getting bigger and bigger, engulfing all the flames, and in the middle of the hole, a silhouette slowly walks out.

Mu Shaoyun came out unscathed after suffering a terrifying blow from Wang Lan.

Suddenly, Mu Shaoyun’s body turned into glazed amber, like a human-shaped container filled with five bright colors. The human body suddenly ignited a gorgeous flame, and the arc jumped with the flame.

Wang Lan suddenly backed away a safe distance. In a flash, a Phoenix of thunder-fire arrows spewed out of Mu Shaoyun’s body, and it would appear in front of Wang Lan in a flash.

“How is it possible!” Wang Lan complexion greatly changed, body flashed, dangerously escaped this strikes.


The formation of the stadium’s protection instantaneously rippled with intense waves. Under the sway of the wave, the Formation on the verge of collapse is somewhat unstable.

This scene shocked everyone. After launching the Fire Phoenix, Mu Shaoyun returned to his original appearance and stood silently.

“Student Mu Shaoyun, please give an explanation. How did you do it just now?” The loudspeaker of the venue suddenly sounded.

Mu Shaoyun’s ability to perform is incomprehensible. In order to eliminate the possibility of cheating, the principle of fairness and justice, the Provincial grade martial gathering organizers have the right to ask the players to explain their abilities.

“Leaders, Teacher, the ability that I just used is my Bloodline innate talent, Black Emperor Form! Teacher can go and see the beginning of my awakening star martial artist innate talent. I accidentally let 7 classmates get out of coma.

My Black Emperor Form can devour all star martial skills, star force, and then release it to attack the opponent. And it can absorb the energy of others to supplement their energy consumption and relieve fatigue.

I have never mastered this ability, so I have never shown it to the outside world. The leaders and the Teacher do not know that my ability is normal. “

“You mean, is this your Bloodline innate talent? Instead of using any props?”

“It’s my Bloodline innate talent.”

“Okay, no problem, the game continues.”

After the leader’s words landed, Mu Shaoyun looked at Wang Lan playfully, “Is there any need to continue? Your attacks are invalid for me.”

Wang Lan frowned, remembering the Thunder Fire Phoenix attack that Mu Shaoyun sent back before, does not seem to be instant? Immediately raising his hand, a crescent arrow shot from Wang Lan’s fingertips.

Mu Shaoyun smiled and faced the arrow remaining unmoved. When the arrow arrived at Mu Shaoyun’s door, it seemed to have been disappeared into the space of different degrees.

But at the moment when the arrow blasting out is about to disappear, Wang Lan’s body arc flashes, and 6 Thunder Snake blasts out instantly. Thunder Snake wandered in the air in a serpentine shape, and came to Mu Shaoyun’s gate at the moment Mu Shaoyun devoured the crescent arrows.


Suddenly, the crescent arrow shot from Mu Shaoyun’s fingertips, and at the moment Thunder Snake converged, an arrow shot. The air exploded in an instant, and the arc and flame rushed to the sky.

This scene broke Wang Lan’s illusion, and Xiao Zi sitting in the stands was sighed with a gloomy face.

“It seems that the champion has missed me …”

“Xia Zi don’t be discouraged, you have 20 times their star force.”

“Star force is more useful in front of Mu Shaoyun? No matter how many bullets are filled, they are filled in the barrel of the other party. How can there be such a perverted Bloodline innate talent in the world …”

“According to what you said … Wang Lan lost?”

“Lost, any star martial skill is restrained, either using Bloodline innate talent or pure body technique. Pure body technique is also not possible, Mu Shaoyun’s pure body skill is not under Wang Lan, and his Bloodline innate Talent can absorb vitality. Wang Lan can only be dragged to death.

The Black Emperor Form performed by Mu Shaoyun is faster than Wang Lan’s imagination, and any attack can be instantly absorbed and excited.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Lan’s figure burst out. Under the activity of thunder attribute, it seems to become lightning. Mu Shaoyun’s mouth twitched slightly, showing a smug smile.

Open your arms, the invisible ripples rippling towards all around. When Wang Lan stepped on the gravity field, his figure suddenly slowed down. After being slowed down, Wang Lan suddenly raised his arm, and a crescent arrow shot from Wang Lan’s fingertips.

“Useless! As long as the star martial skill is invalid for me.” Mu Shaoyun announced lightly that the crescent arrow was disappeared when it hit Mu Shaoyun’s front door.

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s lightning flashed around him, and the flame jumped violently in the lightning. An arrow accompanied by two attribute attacks rushed out of Wang Lan’s fingertips and turned into a purple arrow rushing towards Mu Shaoyun.

Mu Shaoyun has absorbed a crescent moon arrow, which will be released in the next second. But can ordinary crescent arrows resist Wang Lan’s strongest arrow attack? Obviously impossible.

Ordinary crescent arrows will melt under Wang Lan this arrow, and the remaining formidable power will still hit Mu Shaoyun. This is the latest tactic that Wang Lan thought of. This tactic shows that all the teachers who are still thinking about how to restrain Mu Shaoyun such a BUG ability are all in sight.

Wang Lan’s tactical intelligence is even more advanced than all the teachers present.

“Mu Shaoyun’s Bloodline innate talent is broken!”

But in the next moment, all Teachers were stunned. Mu Shaoyun didn’t release the crescent arrow, but swallowed the 2nd attack blasted by Wang Lan.

Mu Shaoyun’s Bloodline innate talent didn’t even absorb one release, he could always absorb it?

At the moment, Wang Lan felt the danger came. Having just made an evasion, Mu Shaoyun’s body turned into a glazed state again. 2 attacks, one after the other blasted Wang Lan.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Around Wang Lan, an afterimage was swayed, and in the explosion, the afterimage was engulfed.

Taking advantage of Mu Shaoyun’s display of Bloodline innate talent, Wang Lan had already deceived Mu Shaoyun to the nearest 3 meters. Being approached by Wang Lan, Mu Shaoyun’s smile appeared on his face.

“Want to fight Wrestling? You still have no advantage in front of me.” Then, he pulled out the war knife and planned to face Wang Lan again.

But Wang Lan suddenly stopped and punched in the waist, igniting a blue flame around him.

“Cang Lan–“

Punched out, a blue rays of light was thrown from Wang Lan’s fist, and after breaking away from the fist, it turned into a blue grim wolf head.

Mu Shaoyun didn’t expect Wang Lan even at this time to challenge himself with star martial skill? In my heart, the evaluation of Wang Lan turned sharply.

“I thought you wouldn’t be stupid. Didn’t expect at this time. It turned out to be a mess. I seem to overestimate you. Knowing that star martial skill does not work for me, you still use star martial skill.”

Mu Shaoyun sneered head-on to face Wang Lan’s attack. With a bang, the wolf head fiercely hit Mu Shaoyun’s chest. At this moment, Mu Shaoyun’s face changed.

The star martial skill that should have been devoured by Black Emperor Form has not been devoured, and the powerful strength slammed into the heart of the lungs, raging Mu Shaoyun’s body like an electric current.


A mouthful of blood spurted, Mu Shaoyun’s body flew high.

Where did Wang Lan miss this extremely rare opportunity, suddenly rushed in front of Mu Shaoyun, and punched out with a punch, Mu Shaoyun’s body burst into a wave of air, and flew back and forth, and flew out of the game .

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