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If the star martial skill’s confrontation still has merits, then the close combat of these two people is really out of level. Although it should be considered excellent in the third year of high school, it is far from the overall level of Provincial grade martial gathering.

Maybe it’s because Zhang Hao and Qiu Tianci are both legal systems.

Suddenly, Wang Lan, who had originally watched the game quietly, stood up sharply with a look of horror on his face. At almost the same time, Xie Sisi and other experts suddenly rounded their eyes and felt a scalp tingling.

Zhang Hao stabbed Qiu Tianci’s chest with a knife and hit the heart. Qiu Tianci cut Zhang Hao’s throat with a knife and cut it. The life-threatening lore, there was no hesitation, the two people seemed to be ridiculous in the battle but they were determined to kill each other.

This scene freezes, as if transformed into eternity.

“Doodle-“-referee sounded his whistle frantically, rushing towards the battlefield. But this time, it was too late.

The 2 people’s perish together is too fast, it doesn’t seem to be the case that there is no effort to stop. It can be said that if you change any player, you will not hit this situation with the surplus.

All the audience in the stands stood up suddenly, and the countless audience through the live broadcast were also directly forced.

I have long heard that star martial artist World is cruel, and the battle of star martial artist is Life and Death Battle. I didn’t believe it before, I always thought it was an exaggeration in order to give gold to star martial artist.

Great rivers and mountains, a stable and prosperous society, where is there any Life and Death Battle? Where is there to go abroad for the country without regrets? There are even some stupid remarks on the Internet from time to time. The so-called scouting space does not exist. It was created by the state in order to beautify the star martial artist. If it exists, where is it? Why can’t I find it?

The scouting space is a heterogeneous space, and the ordinary person of course cannot see or enter. Where are the great rivers and mountains, prosperous and prosperous times, it is nothing more than star martial artists who are carrying that’s all under the weight.

And the tragic moment at this moment even made many keyboard men forget to spray. It’s really fatal, and it’s in full view.

The stretcher quickly lifted the two people down and hit the key, without Wang Lan’s self-healing ability, even Divine Immortal couldn’t save it. Fang Cai Qiu Tianciyi did not return to accept Zhang Hao’s chest penetrating, Wang Lan thought he had any self-healing cards. The result … is it so?

“Star martial artist is Soldiers, Provincial grade martial gathering is not a single sports competition. In the world of star martial artist, there is never any safety first.

The game is a drill, and the match is actual combat. Even if there are casualties, it is still allowed. Every year there are casualties in Provincial grade martial gathering, which is inevitable … “

When the keyboard man hadn’t had time to exert force, the organizer of Provincial grade martial gathering quickly announced the necessity of actual combat and the reasonableness of casualties. Casualties are allowed in the exercise, and of course the Xingwu competition is allowed.

After an hour of intermission, let everyone digest the changes of First Stage.

“Zhang Hao, the aorta in the neck is split and has no vital features.”

“Qiu Tianci, the heart was pierced and no longer has life characteristics.”

“Is there anything suspicious?”

“This requires further autopsy.”

When everyone was surprised that Zhang Hao and Qiu Tianci had such a sudden perish together, the director instructed him with a solemn but excited number.

“Mu Shaoyun, where are you? The station? You come back quickly, what? The car … You still have to take care of the car to die? You have to take the third place, and you will stand on the podium later? Just understood, champion? Not yet, but the matchup will begin immediately. “

Waiting for the director to hang up, Wang Lan glanced back.

“Are Mu Shaoyun ready to leave?”

“Well, I’m already at the station. I plan to go to Hubei Province. Fortunately, I made a timely call. It was just a trouble when I got on the train.”

“The second game of the semi-finals is about to begin. Classmate Wang Lan and Classmate Zi Zi are in place.”

Wang Lan was about to ask, a reminder that the game was about to start soon. Wang Lan had no choice but to curb his curiosity and stood up and walked to the restored site.

The shock of just perish together, although it also shocked Wang Lan, but Wang Lan always feels that their perish together has some hidden meaning. Coupled with Wang Mingling’s Provincial grade martial gathering glare like a tiger watching his prey, Wang Lan is particularly sensitive.

In his thoughts, Wang Lan came to the battlefield.

The opposite face of Xiao Zi still has a smile of sunshine, and looks towards Wang Lan’s eyes are also full of goodwill.

“Wang Lan, are we playing this game?” Xiao Zi greeted him suddenly scratching his head.

“Of course, we are not enemies.”

“Then there is no need to die? After a while, if you can’t bear to admit defeat directly, the semi-finals will be played directly into the final. I don’t want to even have the final.

“You’re the same, don’t force it if you can’t hold 10000000.”

“Are the two players ready?”



“So, Wang Lan classmates against Xiaozi classmates, now!”

But the moment the referee’s words fell to the ground, the star force around Xiao Zi was surging wildly. Wang Lan’s instant incarnation arc rushed towards Xiaozi. Just halfway through, the endless waves screamed.

The tsunami technique of a normal person is as if the levee of the river was poured down. Even if the technique of tsunami performed by expert is only larger, the water volume is more sufficient.

But Xiao Zi’s tsunami is just 4 ways and 8 ways. Let Wang Lan personally experience what a big water force is. The crazy amount of water is like ten thousand horses galloping, which engulfed Wang Lan with a bang.

It is not that Wang Lan does not want to escape, but there is nowhere to escape.

Massive water spread throughout the stadium. If it was not for the formation around the stadium, Wang Lan wondered whether Xiao Zi could flood the stadium.

The water is still hiding the sky and covering the earth. At the location where Wang Lan was engulfed, a sword light flashed across and cut the raging flood. Wang Lan’s basic sword skills have also reached the Gold level. Although the word energy is still not 3 feet away, there is no problem in cutting the giant waves.

After resisting the impact of the violent waves, Wang Lan burst out instantly, standing like a purple on the water. At the time of this meeting, the entire stadium has become a water cube.

Xiaozi’s water output was several times that of when he played Xu Xu.

“Is he still human on my day?” Many players exclaimed in the stands.

If Xiao Zi ’s star force was still deep and unmeasurable, this moment has risen to an incredible level. Everyone is in the Nebula environment, but the comparison of the star force level makes many people ask themselves that they may be a fake Nebula environment.

The entire playing field is about half the size of a football field. But Xiao Zi even flooded the entire site without water, and raised a few meters high water level. Even the experts in Star Sea are afraid to play like this?

This move almost abolished Wang Lan’s Fire Element star martial skill.

What is field control? This is the real control.

Wang Lan, who was standing on the water, instantly raised his hand, the flames lingered above his hands, and the Blazing blade of purple jumped like a ghost.

Suddenly, Wang Lan gently threw away, and a purple flame flying knife instantly blasted towards Xiaozi. Xiao Zi raised her hand gently, and suddenly a koi made of water jumped on the water.

It collided with the flame flying knife and exploded with a bang, bursting out a mass of water vapor.

Sure enough, in the Water Cube World, Xiao Zi is the absolute master.

Xiao Zi gently waved her hand, and the water surface was suddenly choppy. When Xiao Zi gently pushed, the water needle blasted Wang Lan like a dense arrow rain.

Wang Lan danced with both hands in an instant, and countless flame flying knives were like bats facing the water needle. After successive explosions, dense water vapor rose. In a blink of an eye, turn the Water Cube World into a hot spring bathhouse.

Wang Lan brows tightly frowns, the current situation is even more passive than Mu Shaoyun when facing Black Emperor Form. Wang Lan took advantage of the unavailable rule to win Mu Shaoyun, and now Xiao Zi also uses the same Rule suppression to Wang Lan.

Within the venue, all are under the control of Xiaozi, and there is no retreat except for meeting difficulties.

The water vapor filled Wang Lan’s vision, preventing Wang Lan from capturing the movement of Xiao Zi.

“Dynamic vision, open!”

After the Crescent Arrow is upgraded to the Gold level, not only the Crescent Arrow has become Shooting Sun Arrow, but also the dynamic vision has been upgraded. In addition to the enhanced locking function, the thermal sensing capability is added. Although the water vapor in front of you is diffuse, the water vapor is not the water vapor formed by heating. It is similar to the misty water vapor.

Under Wang Lan’s dynamic vision, the night-violet humanoid image appears in Wang Lan’s field of vision. At this moment, Xiao Zi’s palms were dancing slightly, and the surrounding water was rough again. Countless water dragons raised their heads on the water, and then like a group of dragons hunting food like Wang Lan opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

“Sting–” Wang Lan’s body arc flashed, his figure instantly turned into a streamer, and rushed towards Xiaozi with a snake-shaped track.

Compared to the star martial skill, Wang Lan has no chance of winning. The only advantage is the close combat. Xiao Zi is a pure mage, weak in melee. However, if the field control ability reaches the level of Xiao Zi, the so-called melee weakness is no longer a weakness.

In the moment when the dragon head blew, Wang Lan threw away the attack from Xiaozi thrillingly. But in the process of rushing to Xiaozi, Xiaozi could accurately locate Wang Lan.

After evading the strikes of the five water dragons one after another, Wang Lan’s charge eventually had to stop. Even if it is thunder attribute activity, it can’t make Wang Lan achieve continuous and continuous dodge action.

At the moment when Wang Lan’s body paused, Wang Lan protruded with one hand, and his whole body turned into densely packed Thunder Snake coming out of strikes in Wang Lan’s palm. Dozens of Thunder Snake blew thunderously toward Xiaozi.

Xiao Zi remained unmoved, and countless water snakes suddenly appeared on the water. It is not easy for a water snake to intercept a Thunder Snake, but it is very simple for ten water snakes to intercept one.

Star force unlimited is so capricious. In the case of Wang Lan, none of these star martial skills can be displayed, but for Xiao Zi it seems like no effort at all.

Another attack was declared a failure, and Xiao Zi remained in an invincible position with 4 levels and 8 levels.

The state of Xiao Zi now restrains Wang Lan’s conceivable means.

The water exhibited with the star martial skill is pure water, and pure water is non-conductive. Wang Lan’s Thunder Element star martial skill is useless in Xiaozi’s massive water cube.

The Fire Element is naturally restrained.

Water can not only restrain Wang Lan’s star martial skill, but also provide induction to Xiaozi. Even if Wang Lan wants to perform the Nebula sword dance, Xiao Zi can determine the real location of Wang Lan by the induction of water and water vapor.

The star martial skill that can stand a battle is only the crescent moon arrows and Illusion Phantom steps.

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