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“Wang Mingling … Of course I remember.” Elder Di’s expression was a little complicated, and he was relieved after a moment of tangle. Sigh gently and slowly raise your hand to roll up the sleeve.

“Since you are here to assassinate the old man, come on.”

Wang Lan stood in front of Elder Di, “Xia Zi, you protect Elder Di’s retreat, Wang Mingling, your conspiracy has been seen. With so many Teachers present, you have no chance.”

“There are still chances. I am only 5 meters away from Elder Di, which is enough for me to make a move before they come. Boy, do you really think you can stop me by winning a game before? Without attracting the attention of Heavenly Sword Bureau, I will kill you in just a moment. “

The words fell, and Wang Mingling’s figure disappeared instantly.

“Phoenix Form, open!”

In an instant, a bright red phoenix coat of arms appeared in Wang Lan’s eyebrows, and Wang Lan’s body suddenly lit a fire. The flames were like fog, and the terrifying imposing manner flourished.

With a fierce punch, fiercely slammed into the ground.


The earth instantly cracked and flipped, the gravel emptied, and the ten meters below the feet suddenly collapsed.


In less than 2 meters in front of Wang Lan, a silhouette rushed out of the ground like a ghost.

At the moment when the silhouette burst out of the ground, Wang Lan’s fist went with 10000 thunderbolt strikes.

boom ~ boom ~ ——

Thousands of Thunder Snake hit the shadow, and the electro-optic roared. Amidst the endless smoke that exploded, a silhouette instantly pulled back away.

This moment’s battle is all completed within one second. Among the people present, no one but a few Star Sea Academy Teachers in the Star Sea realm saw clearly what happened.

The crackle on Wang Mingling’s body dropped layers of carapace fragments like metal. The sudden confrontation gave Wang Mingling a feeling of palpitations. Wang Lan in front of him was no longer the Wang Lan he had played with before.

“Whiz whiz whiz ——”

Several Star Sea powerhouses led by Ni Yushu successfully rushed around Elder Di, protecting Elder Di in the middle.

“Elder Di, are you okay?”

“With Wang Lan’s classmates present, what can I do? He he he …… It seems that Little Old Man has been underestimated. I thought that I was also fighting in the battlefield to stain the mountains and rivers …”

“Jian Teacher, you escort Elder Di to evacuate first, here we are.” Ni Yushu said to a male teacher next to him.

“Okay, be careful.”

“Don’t!” Elder Di said suddenly. “Let’s step back a little. Leave this battle to Wang Lan classmates. Perform well and show the strongest strength for the old man to see.”

Wang Lan’s mouth twitched slightly, feeling the old man’s brain behind him was not normal.

If you can fight in groups, why do you want to go heads-up? And, let me go heads-up? Shouldn’t the situation be a joint wave to send Wang Mingling away now?

But he is Elder Di, he is the boss. Elder Di’s words Wang Lan had to listen even if he didn’t want to. What’s more, Elder Di said so, the expert teachers behind him would only give themselves away and never shot.

One-on-one, one-on-one, anyway, even if they lost to the Teachers, they would n’t watch Wang Mingling escape?

The Teacher behind escorted Elder Di back to the side, but the distance was not very far. The distance of 20 meters was enough for them to help when it was critical. The students in the stands left in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Teacher. Only the aerial drone and the cameras scattered around the corners stared at Wang Lan and Wang Mingling.

“Elder Di, Wang Lan’s status is … Phoenix Form?” Ni Yushu asked hesitantly.

“Yes, Phoenix Form. In just one year, the first form of Phoenix Form was cultivated to the 2nd Stage. This child might really inherit Legacy of Phoenix …”

Although Ni Yushu heard the name Phoenix for the first time, it did not prevent her from guessing that Phoenix was the identity of Southern Flame Emperor.

“But … Wang Lan is just an ordinary student in Suzhou City. How did he learn to exceed the S-Rank forbidden technique Phoenix Form? Moreover, as far as I know, the cultivation conditions of Phoenix Form are extremely harsh, and it requires pure Fire Element, and the minimum The learning conditions are in the Star River environment.

Even if these two conditions are met, the person who can cultivate Phoenix Form is in ten-thousand does not have one. Wang Lan He … He obviously has 2 kinds of attributes of Fire Thunder, even the basic conditions of cultivation Phoenix Form can not be reached. How did he learn? Where is his chance … “

Ni Yushu asked excitedly, which also represented the first reaction of most people after learning that Wang Lan had studied Phoenix Form. Not at all … not just common sense.

“Wang Lan’s performance has proved himself that he shouldn’t hide anymore.” Elder Di’s face rarely showed a serious look. “He is the son of Phoenix, and it’s time to stand up.

As for how he learned Phoenix Form … Little Phoenix used part of his soul to nurture Phoenix Form in his within the body until the star force of Phoenix Form was stabilized before he engraved part of his soul with Phoenix Form on Soul bead Among.

His Phoenix Form was specially created for him by Little Phoenix. But even with such conditions, it should normally be performed in the Star River environment. But he … Phoenix Form is the first star martial skill for successful learning. “

In Elder Di ’s words, the surrounding Star Sea complex has greatly changed. looked towards Wang Lan’s expression became even hotter.

what is this? Rising star gradually raised? The kind that will surely take off.

On the battlefield, Wang Lan’s strength poured into Wang Mingling unreservedly. After Wang Mingling revealed his true body, his strength was completely released. The star force level of the Star River level Peak, plus the major marion skill of the Major Perfection, the strength is far beyond the average Star River level Peak.

After launching Phoenix Form, Wang Lan’s strength is also close to Star River Peak, and the use of star martial skill is not under Wang Mingling. The only difference is probably the experience of fighting.

There are some things to make up for in combat experience, but some instincts cannot make a short cut to make up. This intuition is critical. For example, when facing a crisis or about to face a crisis, subconsciously responding to it can avoid the crisis.

This is the instinctive instinct of awakening in countless times of life and death, and it is this intuition that allows Wang Mingling to avoid Wang Lan’s horrible tricks time and time again.

But even so, Wang Mingling’s mentality step by step toward the edge of collapse, more and more lost self-control, and more and more abnormal.

why? Why can Wang Lan go so smoothly? why? Can a high 3 student match evenly with himself? Why, you are a genius but are sought after by 10000 people, and me, who is also a genius, has been betrayed by relatives?

innate talent Is strange my fault? Am I trying to awaken this suspicious ability to manipulate others? Am I thinking of Devouring Soul? I do n’t want to … I do n’t want to be regarded as a monster, and I want to be like you. I do n’t want to be alien.

I study forbidden technique, is it to harm society? No, I never thought about it that way. I just want to change myself through learning, I just want to be a normal person ——

Why are you more and more repelling me, more and more hostile to me, even … I want to kill me regardless of Bloodline’s affection. You are my dear ones, uncle Uncle who is connected to my Bloodline–

what can I do? I can only start by being strong.

Betrayed the motherland, betrayed human nature, and only fighting made me feel that I was alive. Time and time again wandering between life and death, this only reached Peak Martial Artist’s Peak in 30 years.

But in the legendary field, it stopped me for seventeen years.

To get a glimpse of that field, I devoted myself to the infamous organization Bird of Paradise. What did i do wrong? All of this is forced by you, I’m right, I am now because of you.

Are you a genius? Kill you, kill you! I want to make you all person regret—

Wang Mingling’s expression gradually twisted, gradually not like a person, but like a wild beast with a hideous face when he saw his prey.

The battle between the two hits from the ground to the air, and from the air to the underground. When they reach this level, the weightiness of earth and the thinness of the sky are no longer the shackles that limit their play.

The Earth Element star martial skill that Wang Mingling is best at is perfectly restrained by the Thunder Element under Wang Lan Phoenix Form. The Black Emperor Form obtained by body possession Mu Shaoyun cannot absorb the star force under Phoenix Form.

This is a completely evenly matched battle.

Above the stand, it was empty, and it remained at least the Teacher of Peak in Nebula. Both the students and the leadership of Suzhou City have been transferred, but the surrounding equipment is still running despite the danger.

In front of 1000 televisions with 10000 households, each and everyone stared at the battle in front of them with dumbfounded eyes. Although the process of fighting did not go through editing, the picture was shaking from time to time.

But the splendor of this scene still made countless people bloody.

In the past, it was indeed possible to search for expert battle videos on the Internet. Either the video was fuzzy or fake. It was artificially produced. But what is happening right now is real.

“I’m dripping … this is a star martial artist fight? It’s not too much to say that Divine Immortal fight?”

“Do you think it will be an impromptu show organized by the Jiangxi organizers? Will it be fake?”

“Fake you a ghost! Do you think it’s a variety show? What do you think is a Provincial grade martial gathering? This is a serious activity equivalent to the college entrance exam! And, it’s a college entrance exam specially prepared for top students. Even exercises are impossible here Come on occasion. “

“The correct solution is upstairs. This is definitely a real terrorist attack that is happening. But it seems that this terrorist attack was seen in advance, and the terrorist is already a turtle in the urn.”

“I was thinking, can Wang Lan win? What if I can’t win?”

“What should I do, cold mix, isn’t there a large group of experts after Wang Lan loses? A kick can kick him into a fool. Stranded Beast’s Struggle.”


With a loud noise, the terrifying waves swept away.

Wang Lan struck Wang Mingling’s chest with the Threefold Strength in a wound-for-injury manner. But Wang Mingling cut off Wang Lan’s shoulder with a sword, and cut it into his chest with a knife.

This move was actively exchanged by Wang Lan, and occurred as fast as lightning. The teachers behind are too late to rescue.

When a group of Teachers reflected, Wang Lan had been almost cut in half.


At almost the same time, cry out in surprise was issued among the population who saw this scene. Even Elder Di’s brow furrowed.

How many internal organs have been destroyed all the way through a shoulder cut into the chest? No matter who changed it, he will certainly die after receiving this blade.

“Cough cough cough ——” Wang Mingling retreated suddenly, black blood spewed out of his mouth, and the blood was mixed with meat.

He won. Although the final outcome was still dead, he still won. Kill a genius you expect, do you regret it? despair……

Proud just appeared on Wang Mingling’s face, and the next moment, Wang Mingling’s eyes were rounded.

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