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When I woke up, it was already 3 AM. Although the day in May is very long and the day is early, the night before dawn is still at 5 a.m.

Wang Lan picked up the phone, Heavenly Sword Bureau did not have summon, and Jiang Xinyu only left a free SMS message when he was free. At this point, it’s okay to report to Ping An.

Lazily rumbling, the fingertip touched a hard thing. He quickly turned up, and the box and medals of the champion’s reward were discarded on the bed at will. When I got home, I fell down directly and didn’t have time to see it.

Earlier, the champion rewarded 1500 skill points, and after defeating Wang Mingling, it was 3000 skill points. Saved 2000 skill points in Phoenix Form, plus the remaining skills of the previous system is almost 3000.

3000 seems to be a lot, but at this moment. After the skill is upgraded to the Gold level, you can randomly upgrade Rank 1 to 1000 skill points. And not all of them are the same, the upgrade of Illusion Phantom steps is not!

After upgrading to Gold, Illusion Phantom steps found that it required 1 skill points per Rank 1500. 3000 skill points can only go up to Gold 2 even when added to Illusion Phantom steps.

From this point of view, after the skill reaches the Gold level, it begins to show different. After Wang Lan’s analysis, he suddenly realized that this difference is reasonable.

Gold-level star martial skill is classified as S-Rank star martial skill by the formidable power of Xingwu World. The S-Rank star martial skill is not weak, and its cultivation difficulty is also desperate.

Blazing blade, Nebula sword dance, crescent arrow, including Thunder Snake are all normal star martial skills, and the upgrade after Gold is also the normal 1000 skill points. But Illusion Phantom steps are flashing in a flash and belong to the category of space star martial skill.

But why is Illusion Phantom steps classified as No Attribute martial skill? The reason should be that Space Node is within a node unit. As a result, this star martial skill can cultivate success even without space talent.

This is a neglected star martial skill, which seems to be just a flashing body law, but it is connected to mysterious powerful space system. Therefore, the upgrade of this star martial skill is easier to understand than other star martial skills.

If it is so inferred, will there be other different upgrade methods for the subsequent Gold-level martial skill?

Wang Lan looked towards the star martial skill at the bottom of the page, the only star martial skill flashing silver white radiance. It is also the star martial skill in Wang Lan’s true sense. With the growth of Wang Lan, the Bloodline innate talent star martial skill that has been transformed step by step, healed.

Before, I felt that Silver 9’s healing ability was enough, so there was no impatient to upgrade it to Gold level. Keep some skill points in case of unexpected needs.

What other skills did not at all change after I rose to Gold. It is formidable power, all aspects of the function have been strengthened.

The crescent moon arrows shoot faster and farther, and the formidable power is greater. Thunder Snake is faster and more. Blazing blade has an additional ability to control off-hand. Nebula sword dance will increase the number of afterimages, the formidable power of sword energy, and it can move in the air from the air.

But every upgrade of healing can give Wang Lan a feeling of shedding body, exchanging bones. Black iron only passively heals himself, Bronze adds active abilities to passive skills, and Silver has more to heal others. What about the upgraded Gold? Wang Lan expressed some expectations.

Instantly after spending 100 skill points, the icon of the healing skill suddenly changed color. And not only the color has changed, but even the shape of the icon has changed. Mutated into a blooming flower, bathed in golden rays of light.

Wang Lan sinks his mind over the skill icon, his face slightly rigid.

“Hymn of Life, give treatment to designated injured targets around to restore their injuries.”

Of course, understanding the literal meaning is not enough to make Wang Lan understand what has changed in the skill. But after the skill upgrade, the use of skills seems to be imprinted in Wang Lan’s mind.

Wang Lan can now complete the treatment without touching the target, which means that the treatment is isolated. The separation distance is within 5 meters, and the current target can only choose one. But Wang Lan feels that one of the treatments is not the limit. As the skill level increases, the number of treatments will also increase.

Moreover, there is no conflict with any star martial skill during treatment. This is awesome, Wang Lan can heal the target while fighting. The support rate on the battlefield is many times higher than before.

However, after seeing the upgrade conditions of Hymn of Life, Wang Lan’s face suddenly changed.

Hymn of Life, Gold LV1 (02000)

Upgrading from LV1 to LV2 requires 2000 skill points. If it is a stable skill point, it is still there. Upgrading to Platinum Gold level is 20000 skill points. But as with the experience value, as the level increases, then to Platinum Gold will require 50000 5 skill points. More than doubled directly.

Although dissatisfied with the difficulty of upgrading conditions, Wang Lan is still very satisfied with the improvement of skill formidable power. After sorting out his own strength, Wang Lan found that his strength growth was still in the initial stage after rising to the Gold level.

It is not difficult to understand that Gold 1 is only the introductory stage of the gold-level star martial skill. Only when it reaches Gold 9 can the Gold-level skills be exerted to the strongest formable power.

It seems that the future will have to work hard to earn skill points.

After sorting out his strength, Wang Lan looked towards the iron box on the bed. Provincial grade martial gathering championship rewards, the boxes are all golden light shining. Of course, this is definitely not pure gold.

Wang Lan gently opened the box, inside which lay a jewelry box and a certificate of honor. Needless to say, the certificate of honor does not open Wang Lan and you know what is written in it. Wang Lan directly picked up the jewelry box and opened it.

Suddenly, a fiery-red goose egg-like Soul bead was introduced into Wang Lan’s eyes.

This Soul bead is slightly smaller than Wang Lan’s fist, but a big circle larger than the intermediate Soul bead. It is fiery-red, it must be Fire Element Soul bead. Wang Lan is so old that he hasn’t seen a senior Soul bead, so whether this Soul bead is a senior or a large intermediate Wang Lan cannot be determined.

There is a piece of paper in the jewelry box, and Wang Lan will extract it immediately.

“Star martial skill, Gushing Earth Flame Sea. Attribute, Fire Element! Level, S-Rank. Attack range, diameter 30 meters. Battlefield practicality, 4 stars, attack power, 4 stars and a half, star force consumption, 4 stars and a half … … “

The following is an introduction to the practical application of star martial skill. On this piece of paper, the S-Rank star martial skill is introduced in great detail, advantages, disadvantages, applicable environment and so on.

This is a big gift, a real gift.

The honor of any provincial champion is nothing in front of this prize. To let Mingyue Wucheng know that the provincial champion will reward an S-Rank star martial skill, they may not be so calm as to say that there is no benefit in winning, and they lose to the family. This is no good?

Wang Lan picked up the Soul bead and swallowed it. In an instant, the hot Fire Element star force entered the body from his hand, the star force rushed into the Star Palace, and the information contained in the Soul bead ran into Wang Lan ’s Divine Consciousness. Sea.

“Is it possible to learn a star martial skill, does it cost 1000 skills to learn?”

Isn’t this nonsense? Quickly place 1000 skill points on the spot, and instantly, on the skill icon page, a brand new golden star martial skill appears on the page. And only after learning this star martial skill Wang Lan can you realize the special features of this star martial skill.

The attack range is 30 meters in diameter, not the attack distance, but … specifically covering a distance of 30 meters in diameter. This is the scope star martial skill!

Within a range of 30 metres in diameter, blazing flames will erupt on the ground. As long as the life within the range, all bear indifferent attacks. Very strong, but … it also consumes star force.

To the extent of Wang Lan’s current star force, it will only be used once, and it may last only a few seconds at a time. Okay, the organizers may have misunderstood my star force sturdiness, the consumption of star force has exceeded the labor limit.

Shouldn’t this star martial skill be given to Xiao Zi? or is, this was originally prepared for Xiao Zi, but didn’t expect Wang Lan to win the championship. Then, at a glance, um, Wang Lan is also a Fire Element, and it is directly given to Wang Lan. I haven’t considered whether Wang Lan can be used or not?

Although there are many slots, it is S-Rank star martial skill after all, what’s not satisfactory?

When Wang Lan saw the upgrade conditions of the star martial skill, it was suddenly uncomfortable. Like Hymn of Life, it takes 2000 skill points to reach Gold 1.

Originally, skill points were anxious, and a gluttonous one came again. The hard work in the future is already foreseeable.

2 hours have passed unconsciously at this moment. At 5 o’clock in the morning, the sun had risen high.

Wang Lan got up and brushed his teeth, washed his clothes, and replaced the torn clothes on his body. Thinking about how I came back yesterday? It seems that a Teacher sent himself back …

At that time, the mental state was very poor, and some memories could not remember.

After washing, I changed my clothes and was a handsome man who was fascinated by all beings.

“Alarms, sirens, unidentified people suddenly gathered around the building, did you launch a self-defense counterattack?

Wang Lan, who had just finished brushing his teeth, looked dumbfounded, “Turn on the camera, let me see who.”

Since the last time the new hostal building was invaded by crows, Heavenly Sword Bureau has allowed Wang Lan to add a defense system to the Tianyu Building. In fact, every Heavenly Sword Bureau’s home is a small arsenal. At least ten guns.

Wang Lan was modified and linked with the functional robot, and then handed over to Xiaoai Commander. However, Wang Lan also imposed restrictions on Xiao Ai. Only after receiving his explicit order could Xiao Ai use weapons to counterattack.

The TV screen opens, and a group of news media reporters holding cameras and cameras surround the new hostal building. There are more independent media people, anchors, etc. coming from all directions.

After a night of fermentation, Wang Lan, the champion of the Provincial grade martial gathering, became the target of their pursuit.

Since it is a news reporter, it will be fine!

Wang Lan took the mobile phone to the sofa and opened a group of 5 people.

“The sun is rising, it’s another day full of spirit! Olly!”

After the delivery is complete, Wang Lan puts down his mobile phone, and the robot brings a cup of mellow coffee. Suddenly, the ringtone of the mobile phone exploded and it was an invitation for video connection.

“Xiaoai, connect the TV monitor and connect the video.”

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