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At 5:1, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu found an authentic Jiangcai restaurant and Jiangnan kitchen based on the information sent by Ming Guodong. He and He Jing went to set a table to order food, and Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu went there.

“Xinyu, these are my 2 roommates, He Jing, Young Master of the True Martial group, and this is Ming Guodong. This is Jiang Xinyu.” Wang Lan introduced to the box.

“Ice and Snow Queen in Suzhou City, long admired the big name.” Ming Guodong quickly stood up and said with a smile.

“Jiang Xinyu, my dad and I talked about you. At that time, you took the Wang Lan squad and found a Mozu base they hadn’t found in 3 years, and killed a Mozu spy in front. Great!” He Jing stood up and said complimentedly.

“Hey, didn’t you tell me that before? If you change a person, what you say can change completely?”

“Can you be the same as Jiang Xinyu? Jiang Xinyu came with her sister today. By the way, what about your roommate?”

“My two roommates are Senior Sisters in Big 2, and they might just come back after a while.”

“The Senior Sister of Big 2?” He Jing suddenly became interested in lacking, “It seems a bit disadvantageous …”

The dishes started a little bit, and the four people said eloquently that the atmosphere was quite harmonious. Faster Jiang Xinyu’s cell phone rang, then stood up and said that my roommate was here.

He Jing hurriedly opened the box door, not far from the door, and the two girls revealing the young girl’s authentic style came. One is tall, wearing a white shirt and a pair of high-waisted jeans. On the other hand, each and everyone is shorter than half of her head, wearing a blue sleeveless dress with a bag on her hand.

The appearance is not very outstanding, but the temperament is outstanding. Bright eyes scanned the box number on both sides. When he saw He Jing open the door, he immediately recognized the box and strode forward.

But He Jing, who opened the door, shook his head sharply, staring at Jiang Xinyu with a straight face. “You live in a dorm with Princess 2?”

“Princess 2? Who?” Jiang Xinyu obviously didn’t know who Princess 2 was.

“Yu Ruoyan!” Wang Lan whispered the name of 2 Princess.

“Well, the one who sleeps with me is called Yu Ruoyan, but I don’t know what she is. 2 Princess. This reaction of classmate He Jing … what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay! It’s okay!” He Jing stood at the door with a smile on his face, and even Ming Guodong stood up.

“2 Good Princess!”

“2 Princess.”

Wang Lan was thinking about whether to stand up and call Princess 2, Yu Ruoyan said.

“Do n’t call me princess 2. There is no more princess prince now, and all of them have come together for 200 years. Where are the princesses? If you are close, you can call me Ruoyun. If you are polite, call me Yu Ruoyan.”

With that, the money came to Wang Lan’s side and took out a chair to sit down, “Hello, classmate Wang Lan, Great Grandfather, after returning from Suzhou City, praised you a lot, and I thought about being with you for a while. I It ’s Yu Ruoyan, a big 2 legal system. “

“You Great Grandfather? Elder Di?” Wang Lan asked speculatively.

“En!” Yu Ruoyan responded, “My mother is Elder Di’s granddaughter.”

This is the true roots!

Wang Lan sighed, but what did she mean? Does it mean temptation or something else? If you do not exist, Yu Ruoyan is undoubtedly the one that New Generation carries the flag.

Elder Di’s direct Bloodline is also the Imperial Family princess status, whether it is impeccable in terms of innate talent or strength? But as for him, I am a student. It is enough to manage myself.

“You are the Jiang provincial champion who made the most of the Provincial grade martial gathering?” The girl on the opposite side asked in surprise. “No wonder Ruoyun will promise to come to dinner today. In the past, she has never agreed to this kind of entertainment. Hello, my name is Lanqi, please take care of me. “

As soon as these words came out, Wang Lan 3’s brows couldn’t help but slightly frowned.

Is this woman really unspeakable or intentional? What is Yu Ruoyan who never promised such entertainment? Is this entertainment? If you have something to ask for it, why? The problem is, it ’s not yourself to raise your status! Black powder?

“Student Yu Ruoyan, are our Xingwu Academy also divided? I think it’s the same as senior high school.”

“This can be the same, everyone ’s innate talents are different, and their positioning on the battlefield is different. The school is roughly divided into 4 departments, the melee department, the law department, the auxiliary department, and the investigation department, but the students are not Each department is dead. In addition to the required courses of each department, students can also choose a variety of courses.

There are 80 optional courses in our school, each of which is a skill. After the formal start of class, students such as Wang Lan can take several practical courses. Personally recommend advanced star force, human genetics, and law analysis. “

“Uh …” He never heard the names of these subjects. He can understand star force, but what does higher star force mean?

“Student Wang Lan, advanced star force is to trace the essence of star force, to study how star force uses the star martial skill, what is the principle of the star martial skill. Learning this will help you to understand the star force in the future, you can Help you develop star martial skill.

But I think, except for super genius like Ruoyun, learning is not very useful. There are so many star martial skills, you can’t learn them out of the box. Human genetics has a similar effect. The mystery of the human body, especially the mystery of the star martial artist, has only solved the tip of the iceberg so far. The law analysis … is even more esoteric. “

Lan Qi said a lot, but he said nothing important. But Wang Lan felt it was not that she did not want to speak, but that she did not know at all.

“These three subjects are indeed the most esoteric subjects in the electives. Needless to say, genetics, so many Peak scientists throughout the world are also exhausting their lives to study. I mean, although we are star martial artists, Can’t you be a shy man who knows nothing but fighting?

The human gene is a treasure, especially the genome sealed by God has infinite strength. “

“That part of the genome … Could it be that part of our star martial artist awakening?” He Jing curiously asked, “But haven’t we already awakened?”

“Awakening star martial artist just proves that the genome is activated, not developed. It is like a person who can eat, drink, sleep can only prove that he is alive. But what can this person do? What can be done is development.

Legend has it that God’s strength is hidden in this gene, and anyone who can develop this gene can get a god-like strength. Of course, this is just a guess. Who knows whether it is a utopia or not?

As for the analysis of laws, it is actually the rules of 10000 things, the rules of the universe. After all, in our Star Palace, the universe will begin to be derived after the Star River. The birth of Nebula, the prototype of Star River, and the accumulation of Star Sea are all for breaking the level above the Star Sea environment.

At that level, it is necessary to evolve the Universe Principle in the Star Palace. 5 Emperors Realm is a rule that has evolved in the Star Palace and can use the strength of the rule. In front of this strength, even the Star Sea realm is flying ash annihilation within a few fingers. No more people can make up for the gap. “

“It seems that I heard something unconscious …” Ming Guodong looked at He Jing hesitantly. “Did you understand?”

“This may be the topic of discussion among geniuses.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you can feel it when you are in the late stage of Star River, or after breaking through the Star Sea environment. If you prepare early, when the time comes, you don’t need to learn it again. Don’t talk about it, let’s eat, My stomach is almost hungry. “

All the people at the table stood up, “Well, to meet today, cheers–“

After returning from dinner, Wang Lan took a bath early and lay in bed. Now that the admission procedures have been completed, it is time to return to the state after two months of relaxation.

Wang Lan is now Nebula Early-Stage, and all star martial skills have reached the Gold level. Gold level star martial skill upgrade to Peak requires 10000 skill points. The skill points of Gushing Earth Flame Sea and Hymn of Life are progressive, requiring 5 times the others, that is, Illusion Phantom steps require 10000 5 skill points.

Thinking of the need for a total of dozens of 10000 skill points, Wang Lan felt very desperate. This doesn’t count. Upgrading from Nebula to Star River requires more than 500 and 10000 experience points, and it always feels bumpy.

It’s not quite satisfying. After such a calculation, my future is simply an abyss.


“Just started school, you just sighed like that?” Ming Guodong asked, leaning against the bedside, liftings the head.

“I really envy you, you can upgrade so smoothly.” Wang Lan sighed with emotion. Although the system plugin saves Wang Lan the time to learn star martial skills. It also allows Wang Lan to upgrade quickly in the early stage, but it can also fail the system.

At the later stage, this upgrade is simply a gluttonous giant beast. They can rely on Soul bead and their own insight into the shackles of breakthrough, but Wang Lan can’t. He can only rely on experience and skill points breakthrough.

“Do you envy us?” Ming Guodong put down his phone and looked at Wang Lan with a shocked face. “Do you want to make a point?” I don’t know, can I still fight the star force after the battle is out Those who can break through, through history, up and down 5000 years, I will know you one. Do you envy us to upgrade normally? Are you afraid of being beaten when you spread this word? “

“I …” Wang Lan questioned this, but was speechless.

“By the way, when will we have the opportunity to hunt alien beasts? I am missing Soul bead now.”

“It ’s as if we do n’t lack Soul bead. But do n’t think about it until the second year. Freshman is mainly studying theory. You should n’t take it seriously. The theory that senior high school learns is superficial. Basic theories. Really advanced and practical theories are all learned at university. These theories are not well learned and will have an impact on future improvement. We only know that cultivation star martial skill will become stronger, and absorption of Soul bead will become stronger.

But after reaching the Star River, it is useless to rely on those alone. There are so many good martial skills, but the theory is not solid and the science will not. breakthrough Shackles cannot rely on Soul bead alone, but also on comprehension. Don’t you aiming too high to damage the Dao Foundation. The foundation is important. “

“Uh?” Wang Lan looked at Ming Guodong curiously, “You have had this consciousness for a long time? You are not youthful at all.”

“This is the gap between the background and the bottom. How can most people know this? Not just sucking and sucking, learning to learn, and then only focusing on improving strength, I hope that every day is getting stronger. But the road will become narrower and narrower. Frankly , The step in front of you is too big, there will be hidden dangers.

You think about you, awakening to a little more than a year now, it is already in Nebula. I tell you, the Nebula realm is the accumulation of Realm. 80% of people can’t break through the Star River environment in their lifetime because of insufficient foundation and it’s too late to make up. When the class starts, I do n’t need to say that Teacher will also tell us. “

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