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Lan Qi’s eyes drew inadvertently, looking towards the two men who seemed to be a golden boy and jade maidens, and there was a trace of jealousy in the eyes.

Why are they so good and so happy? 2 people are so rich, innate talent is good, and the identity background can be so enviable. Even World-renowned scientists are their relatives?

But in an instant, Lan Qi was shocked. How can I have such an idea? How can you be jealous of others so easily? But … really annoying, why don’t I have such a good family background?

Jealousy is the original sin and the inherent nature of man. Seeing others good will produce envy emotions, and when this envy is not available to oneself, it becomes jealous.

After finishing a meal, the 3 people strolled around the mall and then returned to school.

Wang Lan 3 people eat, drink, and enjoy the body and mind, but the beautiful teacher Sun Li, who is far away from Academy Medical Xingwu researcher, is not in a good mood.

There are 600 new students this year. Compared with previous years, there are more students electing battlefield medicine than before, and there are more than 70 students. Just after class, Sun Li came to the office with enthusiasm to pick a brand and choose her favorite freshmen.

But as she read through the information, Sun Li’s complexion became more and more gloomy and ugly. After turning to the last one, Sun Li’s face only left a sneer.

“I’m really taking the old lady’s words to the ears? The old lady recruits you, but dare not to choose my class?”

Just walked into the school, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu respectively. Walking on the school’s main road full of dreams, the warm wind blew his comfortable and pleasant hair. This afternoon, you should take a nap.

It’s just that there is only half an hour left for class, and I can’t sleep in the afternoon.

Suddenly, Wang Lan paused, and he felt a thrilling feeling in his heart. what happened? Is Duan Muyi shot?

“Student Wang Lan … Student Wang Lan, are you a classmate Wang Lan?” In the distance, a girl with the appearance of Senior Sister ran forward and came to Wang Lan and looked up and down.

“Yes, you are …”

“Hello, I am a senior 4 assistant department. This is the case. Director Sun, the director of the medical department, wants you to go now.”

“Director Sun? Who is it? What are you looking for?”

“Sun … Director Sun, you should have seen it? The one who recruited you into school …”

“Oh! I remembered it.” Wang Lan’s mind suddenly showed a woman Teacher wearing a sexy tight dress, and her beautiful big wavy hair was particularly memorable.

“Do you know what to do with me?”

“It’s not clear, you should go quickly. Director Sun’s temper is not very good, if you go late, you must suffer.”

Following the beauty Senior Sister, Wang Lan came to the medical office. The students here are all wearing white coats, just like the doctors in the hospital. Seniors who have passed by Wang Lan are all heads down for academic exchanges. Even when they see Wang Lan, Wang Lan is regarded as a transparent person.

It was then taken to the third floor, which is composed of countless laboratories. The students inside were either observing the test tube reagents or recording the data displayed on the instrument. The strong scientific atmosphere made Wang Lan almost think that he had gone to a medical research institute.

“Director Sun, classmate Wang Lan brought it here.”

“Come in!” There was a cold voice inside.

Senior Sister gave Wang Lan a glance after asking for happiness, and pushed Wang Lan in.

The entire office is very large, and the three walls are shelves, and the shelves are densely packed with unconscious bottles and cans.

“Student Wang Lan, meet again …” Sun Li propped up her pointed chin and looked at Wang Lan with a provocative face, protruding her sexy tongue and licking the corner of her mouth. “I remember me and You said, I hope you can report to the medical course in the battlefield … you have eaten your words. “

“Teacher Sun is good … I don’t remember agreeing?”

“You didn’t refuse, I thought you agreed.” Sun Li slowly stood up and came to Wang Lan’s eyes to examine Wang Lan’s eyes.

“You awakened the medical star martial innate talent but did not report to the field medical discipline … give me a reason.”

“I think, my medical star martial skill has been applied to the battlefield. My star star martial skill is fast enough to recover from injuries, even organ reorganization, and limbs are connected. To say arrogantly, as long as there is no death on the spot, My star martial skill can completely cure them. “

Wang Lan’s body was straight, and his eyes looked steadily forward. This Teacher gives him a very dangerous feeling. Originally, Wang Lan wanted to express it euphemistically, but under the direct view of Sun Li’s eyes, Wang Lan even subconsciously expressed the truest thoughts in his heart.

“Really …” Sun Li gently helped Wang Lan to sort out the collar, “What about now?”

At the moment when Sun Li’s words fell to the ground, Wang Lan’s face changed instantly. Hymn of Life starts automatically in an instant, and Wang Lan’s body raises a hazy rays of light. In the blink of an eye, a green rays of light impurity appears in the white light of Wang Lan’s body.

After about ten seconds, the white light around the body became milk-white again. Wang Lan’s body also recovered.

“Teacher Sun, what do you mean? Poisoning students, is it something you should do as a teacher?”

“Good! Your Bloodline innate talent is really good. The detoxification time is only ten seconds.”

“many thanks praise.”

“But did you know that many people who die of this poison will die within 30 seconds. If there are 30 Soldiers who have this poison in front of you, how do you plan to guarantee your battlefield medical treatment?”

Wang Lan’s face changed slightly.

“Your innate talent is indeed very effective for restoring physical injuries, but what about viruses? I said that the virus is not a whole, it is a disease and a virus. Do you think medical star martial artist is to treat teammates’ injuries?

The treatment of that kind of bruise is called Langhu Langzhong, not a medical star martial artist. In addition to physical damage in the world, there is a formidable power that is greater, and the wider range of damage is Xingwu toxin.

The Xingwu toxin has never been a single kill. Once the Xingwu toxin appears, it has always swept a large area. Is your Innate Ability enough? “

“This … is this a rare case?”

“There are currently 170,000 species of recorded monsters in the entire World, of which 20000 species are poisonous beasts. And these poisonous creatures produce 120,000 astral toxins. There are 120,000 species of 50000 astral toxins that can make star martial artist dies within 30 seconds.

Of course, the stronger star martial artist of the individual can resist for a longer time. But this powerful individual is above the Star River level. Jade Country has nearly 3,000,000 star martial artists, 90% of which are below Nebula.

I will now give you a battlefield simulation. In front of it is a highly toxic dense fog. Behind it is the city we want to protect. Countless star martial artists rush to poison in the face of life and death to resist the footsteps of poisonous monsters. For them, the fighting time is only 30 seconds.

Looking at the comrades who fell on the battlefield, you as a medicine category star martial artist can only choose to save one of ten people. Excuse me, how did you feel at that time? “

“I … Then can I avoid this kind of thing by studying with you?”

“You should see a lot of laboratories on your way, do you see them doing research?”


“For the 120,000 Xingwu toxins recorded by humans, we only have the antidote for 20000 Xingwu toxins. However, if we encounter this Xingwu toxin that has been developed as an antidote, our Soldiers will never again Without worries, we will fight with the beast and protect our home. This is the benefit of learning medical treatment on the battlefield.

Even if we encounter a brand new Xingwu toxin on the battlefield, we can also analyze Xingwu toxin to match the similar antidote. Even if you can’t cure it, you can at least hang your life.

Many people who do not have medical innate talent are going to succeed in battlefield medical treatment, and you as a medical star martial artist, why not choose my course?

What do you think you chose? Advanced star force, biological genetic engineering? Cosmic energetics? Very old-fashioned! All are a group of well-educated subjects squatting in the laboratory or squatting in the study. Why, ready to retire before starting work? “

As Sun Li Yitong said, he has no temper at all. Wang Lan just doesn’t know that this battlefield has toxins besides injuries. You know, even if you do n’t want to be a dad on the battlefield, you have to elect to improve the survivability of the battlefield.

“Teacher, I was wrong … what do you say.”

“I said that you didn’t even know what to do with this one?” Sun Li looked towards her desk, elective application form.

“But, I have filled out 4 elective courses …”

“There are at least 4 electives, and there is no saying that there are only 4. How about one more battlefield medical treatment? The main course is usually in the morning and the elective course is in the afternoon. Our teaching progress is 2 days. The electives are staggered. Both days are taught exactly the same thing. “


After filling out the application form, Sun Li touched Wang Lan’s cheek with a straight face, “Isn’t it just behaved? It’s better to force me to get angry, because angry is the biggest natural enemy of aging women, don’t you know?”

Does this blame me?

“Remember to come to class 2 tomorrow afternoon.” Sun Li was instructed before Wang Lan left.

In the afternoon, there will be an opening ceremony and classes will be held. Tomorrow will not start the class according to the schedule.

On the way to the class, the phone in his arms suddenly rang. Pulled out the phone, it turned out that Heavenly Sword Bureau granted A-Rank permission to himself. With this permission, Wang Lan can freely view the data within the permission range of Heavenly Sword Bureau.

In a hurry, Wang Lan entered the internal Wang Lan of Heavenly Sword Bureau, and easily entered the authority’s authority treatment library through identity verification, and then found the archive file of the big 17 Ma Chuchu committed suicide in the dormitory in early 3 years.

The archived records are similar to what Ye Ye said, which is a typical stick mandarin duck, forced to break up, and then can not stand suicide due to broken love. But the man’s name alone made Wang Lan feel that things might not be that simple.

Ma Chuchu’s girlfriend turned out to be Duan Muyi!

After Ma Chuchu committed suicide, the school quickly suppressed the incident, and the Heavenly Sword Bureau soon finalized. It took only 3 days from the occurrence of the incident to the processing result. As if … someone has arranged everything clearly.

With Duanmu Clan’s strength, it is not difficult to press down on the death of a student who was born in an ordinary family. In particular, this Ma Chuchu really committed suicide.

But there are many kinds of suicides, aren’t they persecuted? If it were not for 10000 people, who would die?

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