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After the reaction, Wang Lan hurried to the cafeteria to eat, and after the meal, went straight to the dormitory.

Wang Lan needs to do an experiment to see if his guess is correct. Turn on the computer and order Xiao Ai to search for some shorter recipes. Soon, a home cooking recipe software was selected.

The recipe of 100 home-cooked dishes is included in the home cooking. Wang Lan quickly scrolled the mouse and spent 100 minutes browsing the 1 home-cooked dishes. Sink into the system, but not at all jump out of the prompt.

“Is my guess wrong?”

But in a flash, the speculation was rejected, and the speed of browsing was too fast. Even Wang Lan didn’t have any impression after reading it. While the basic skills were triggered during the class, they really looked in, and met the experimental conditions, and only jumped out of skill learning during the experiment.

Wang Lan once again carefully studied from beginning to end. Every dish, ingredients, cooking steps, and precautions are carefully reviewed.

“Wang Lan? What are you doing?” Ming Guodong returned to the dormitory and saw that Wang Lan neither reviewed the morning classes, did not do star force exercises, nor played games.

Even staring at the computer to see the recipe?

This is difficult for you to understand.

Even if it is, you have the idea of ​​making a Gourmet, but also not in the dorm? Is there any cooking space in the dormitory?

“I’m doing an experiment.” Wang stared at the recipe without looking back.

“Experiment? Making cakes hungry? Huh? Wang Lan, you are creative in this experiment. Can you achieve To Dao and become Immortal? Looking at the recipe, aren’t you hungry?”

“What do you want? I’ve eaten already.”

“By Wang Lan, I just saw it in the cafeteria … I saw a Senior 3 Senior who seems to be tangling Jiang Xinyu …”

Wang Lan’s movements were slightly paused, don’t look at Ming Guodong coldly, “What then?”

The strong murderous aura’s unintentional overflow made Ming Guodong feel a bit of ice cold. In an instant, Ming Guodong fell like an ice cellar.

“Wang Lan, take it, I know you are not simple, take it …”

Wang Lan put away the imposing manner, and Ming Guodong’s face became a little more beautiful.

“Later, of course, Princess 2 scared the guy away with a direct look. They all said that Duan Muyi is an influential figure of Demon Capital Star Martial collage, and his power is huge. But the real supreme existence of Demon Capital Star Martial collage is still 2 Her. Highness the Princess. With the warning of 2 Her Highness the Princess, I think he should not dare to come over again. You can rest assured! “

“En!” Wang Lan once again looked over towards the recipe. It took nearly an hour for the recipe to finally be read. Close your eyes and think about the cooking method of these dishes. In my mind, I hold the pot in one hand and the shovel in another …

“Discover if you can learn basic skills, whether it takes a little skill points to learn.”


With a little addition, a new skill icon instantly appeared on the basic page, “Basic cooking!”

“Ou! It seems that my guess is correct.” Wang Lan lifts the head, his eyes flashing.

“Uh … Wang Lan, what experiment are you doing, it feels very mysterious.” Ming Guodong sat curiously asked barefoot on the bed.

“Well … there is no at worst experiment, that is, when I was in class today, I found that I was a genius. The courses in the university not only can be heard, but also can be reversed. 3. I thought, am I The kind of learning in the legend is the kind that can be learned in one time. So use the recipe to try … “

“Then? What about the experimental results?”

“My guess is completely correct.”

“Go!” Ming Guodong directly raised a big barren finger.

“You do not believe?”

“I believe! You are a legendary study god. Every exam is a monster in the 1st place. People like you should not exist. They should be sent directly to the crematorium.”

Wang Lan did not continue to talk to Ming Guodong, picked up the phone and dialed the phone.

“Hey, how are you?”

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.”

The conversation with Jiang Xinyu has been so tacit that there is no need to say anything, and each can think of a piece of heart.

“this is the last time!”

“I can handle it, you can rest assured! Xingwu Equipment Company of Duanmu Clan and my dad’s company have always had a competitive relationship. However, they mainly produce heavy machinery and cutting-edge products, and the conflict with my family is not too great.

I know Duan Muyi’s thoughts, it’s actually for the Jiang Group. “

“I’m not worried about this.”

“Then don’t worry about it! This is Demon Capital Star Martial collage, and I’m Yu Ruoyan’s roommate. He didn’t dare to mess up. After being warned by Yu Ruoyan today, he wouldn’t dare to appear again within 3 meters of me. . “

“Be careful with yourself.”

“Know, hang up.”

Listening to Wang Lan’s conversation, Ming Guodong suddenly became interested, “Are you going to take a look at Duan Muyi?”

“A Duanmuyi is not the focus of trouble.” Wang Lan facial expression grave said.

This is the magic capital, and Duanmu Clan is also a family of Jade Country Peak. Its strength and influence are both deep and unmeasurable. But even if Duanmu Clan is huge, it is not the reason for Wang Lan submit to humiliation.

“Then don’t worry about it, who are you? Flame Emperor’s son. How is he able to handle the Aristocratic Family? How can he beat the Flame Emperor? Don’t be afraid, if you want to fight him, you will die. He Is n’t Duan Muyi afraid of a ball in the 5 Emperors line? “

Wang Lan looked at Ming Guodong with surprise, “How do I feel like you are fanning the flames?”

“Be confident, remove these two words of feeling. Anyway, I don’t need to charge my head, and it’s not a big deal to see the fun!”

Wang Lan gave Ming Guodong a blind eye and continued to open the computer and search for medical books.

On the other side, Zheng Gong returned to the office and found Wang Lan’s information. I don’t know if I was taken aback. Although Wang Lan is already famous, it has not reached the point of being a household name.

Especially for an old professor like Zheng Gong, who is normally busy and has no time to care about the news in the corners? Can really open Wang Lan’s resume, a brilliant to almost bright eyes appeared in Zheng Gong’s eyes.

It took 16 years old to awaken the star martial innate talent, and before 16 years old, it had surpassed all study gods in the city to reach the top of study god. In other cities, the academic performance may be 1nd and 2rd in 3st place.

But in Suzhou City, there is the first gear, the second gear, the third gear, and in the first gear, there is only Wang Lan. With his own strength, the city’s Xueba has no temper. Such talents, such efforts, Zheng Gong has not seen for several decades.

After awakening the star martial artist, the start was so late, but the advancement speed was so fast. Just like Zheng Gong’s conjecture, this is a person who is extremely pious in learning and has a gift for talent.

Although his innate talent is so comprehensive, as long as he shows such a strong interest in spiritual imprinting, he certainly needs to cultivate it well. There are still too few Peak talents engraved together.

Thinking of this, the more Zheng Gong looked at Wang Lan’s materials, the more he liked it. He hummed a few happily.

In Ming Guodong’s eyes, Wang Lan’s behavior is increasingly difficult to understand. If the study of recipes reveals the essence of Wang Lan as a standard foodie, it can be explained.

But Wang Lan is gnawing at medical books today? Yes, you are a medicine category star martial artist, reading medical books is fine! You are a star martial artist, okay, you have to look at books such as the medical star martial skill, which is completely reasonable, but you are reading medical books of ordinary person.

Do you still want to go to the hospital to be an outpatient doctor? Copy a scalpel to cut an appendix? If the food is hobby, you can’t be operated on, you are also interested in cutting on human organs, right?

“Do you know the process of the attack of the highly toxic poison in the body of a person? Do you know where to get a knife, which can cause serious injuries but not death? Do you know how to stab a person with a 7-8 knife, but the knife will avoid the key … “

These few questions, asked Ming Guodong was directly forced. Is this how Wang Lan thinks? He Jing, I want to live with you! So scary! Wang Lan is a bit of cultivation deviation. I’m afraid he will do an experiment on me in the middle of the night …

After 5 days of research, Wang Lan finally figured out how to trigger the basic skills. First, basic skills can only be triggered by applied disciplines. The theoretical type cannot be triggered.

It’s like you are designing a complex building, but you can only trigger drawing skills but not design skills. But if you learn how to build a house, then you can trigger building skills. For example, building walls, for example, carpentry.

In the same medical field, research can’t be triggered, but for example, medical diagnosis, treatment, and books have ready-made cases, so Wang Lan can learn. For example, musical instruments, singing, etc. can trigger skills.

In other words, it belongs to a technology that has inheritance and does not require the very rare ability of innate talent, and can be triggered into skills after Wang Lan has a deep understanding.

In this way, Wang Lan’s basic skill layout has 5 or 5 more skills in the past 6 days. And each one can … Well, the actual effect may not be, except for pretending to be waste.

But I don’t plan to waste skill points to upgrade. Anyway, there are many free skill icons on the basic skill page. And like medical emergency, wound dressing is a bit redundant for Wang Lan who has Hymn of Life martial skill.

But Wang Lan also thought of an advanced application, that is, if he upgrades these skills to a higher level, and then passes it to others through the fine Divine Seal? Is it possible to create an expert-level talent in the medical field in minutes?

The more I think, the more I feel that there is drama.

Wang Lan remembers seeing a piece of news only the year before last. A scientist with advanced cancer asked Divine Seal to engrave Master before his deathbed. He engraved all his lifelong learning in his grandson’s mind in order to continue to study his unfinished subject.

After discovering that he could learn medical skills, Wang Lan focused his eyes on the Xingwu toxin research piece. But once he touched this field, Wang Lan found that he was thinking too simple. Xingwu toxin research discipline is a vast theoretical system. The only useful martial skill is 10000 decomposing star martial skill.

Without this star martial skill, many professional instruments are needed to analyze Xingwu toxin and then subdivide the composition of Xingwu toxin. However, this star martial skill can decompose all matter in the world without the aid of instruments, and decompose it into the most primitive unit.

Very powerful, right? This is really powerful! Plus the difficulty of this skill is S-Rank. But seeing a premise, this skill instantly became tasteless.

Must be in contact with substances!

Do you think that learning this skill can break down the enemy? Awesome skills? But if you can reach the enemy, you still need to decompose? Isn’t it a pleasure to stab in directly?

Because this skill is difficult and restrictive, it is now used to analyze the composition of substances. And because the learning conditions of this star martial skill are extremely demanding, only three of them have mastered this star martial skill. One of them … is actually in Demon Capital Star Martial collage.

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