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“What do you want? Do n’t mess up!” Understand that the complexion changed suddenly, “Even if you have the upper hand now, we must act in accordance with national laws. The law is the upper limit for everyone!”

“Uncle Ming, where do you want to go? I am a law-abiding citizen. Is Duan Muyi’s routine so skillful, do you think he will commit the crime for the first time?”

“Do you want to dig something else from Duanmuyi’s mouth? Don’t even think about it, we can’t even sentence him. Otherwise, he will be given an excuse to bail for medical treatment.”

“No need to sentence, I just learned fine Divine Seal, the level is okay, just dig from his head. “

” Do n’t come! Forcibly fine Divine Seal, he will become an idiot. Originally, you do n’t have a little responsibility, but you want I ’ll be an idiot if I do n’t know if I ’m going to be raked. ”

“ I ’m more confident about my fine Divine Seal. Even Professor Zheng of the school said yes. But … I need an Illusion Technique Master help. “Wang Lan took out his phone and dialed a number.

“Martial City, have you gotten up?”

“I rely on, Wang Lan, you are awesome, even the Duanmu Family Ma honeycomb dare to barrel? Take it, I am completely taken Not only do you dare to bucket the Duanmu Family, but you can also take the Imperial Family to blow the bucket and tell me, how did you do it? “

” Do n’t talk about these first, I want to ask you for a favor

“What ’s busy?”

“I applied an Illusion Technique to Duan Muyi for me, allowing me to invade his brain smoothly. Can it be done?”

“Small meaning! I’m waiting for you at the school gate, and you will send someone to pick me up.”

“So readily agreed? It seems that you are not afraid of Duanmu Family.”

“Hehe … Duanmu Family is awesome, but my Mingyue Family is not necessarily afraid of him. Besides, it’s just a help, Duanmu Family is not going to anger me. With you and Yu Family on top, I’m afraid of The ball. “

Putting down the phone, Wang Lan smiled and said to Mingye,” I have a classmate named Mingyue Wucheng from the Suzhou City Mingyue Family. You send someone to pick him up at the school gate.

Understand that Wang Lan deeply glanced at night, silently nodded, “Okay!”

Although there was no other expression on his face, he was amazed at the bottom of his heart .

Understand that Ye originally thought that Wang Lan ’s network had not yet started to build, after all, his identity was only announced for two months. Because of this, he found a way to arrange his son in a dormitory with Wang Lan, hoping that his son could become Wang Lan’s right arm.

But he suddenly found himself ignoring a little bit, the real gold would not be unable to shine because it was hidden in the gravel. Even without the identity of the son of Flame Emperor, Wang Lan is still the golden light of golden light. It ’s just a little smaller.

Since it is shiny gold, how can it not be discovered? How can it not be noticed by others, and how can it gather a group of outstanding people around it?

Jiang Xinyu, Xu Xiangwen and other first-class Mingyue Family will be different if they still rely on the reputation of growing up together. Suzhou City Mingyue Family, Jade Country first-class Star martial family, based on Illusion Technique, overawes the world.

Mingyue Wucheng and Wang Lan had a good relationship, probably because of this relationship of classmates. But is it really just that? Wang Lan so many students, Mingyue Wucheng so many students, why are they friends?

Understand that only two words can be thought of at night-investment!

Without waiting Wang Lan for so long, in less than an hour, Mingyue Wucheng was received by the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Heavenly Sword Bureau is mysterious and powerful. In general, star martial artist entering Heavenly Sword Bureau will always have some restrictions. But Mingyue Wucheng did not, and his body and expression were extremely natural.

In the interrogation room, Duanmuyi looked at the two people who asked for confession in front of her eyes, “Do n’t waste your time, I wo n’t say a word before my lawyer comes.”

“Are you a superintendent here? Return a lawyer? You can still suffer a little bit of frustration, and you will spend a lot of time. Are you tired?”

“I know the process of Heavenly Sword Bureau. I ca n’t come in, but the family spokesperson can come in. I do n’t say a word when I do n’t see Duanmu Family people appear. ”

“ Emotion, you are farting now. ”Wang Lan ’s voice When it sounded, the door was opened, and Wang Lan and Mingyue Wucheng one after the other entered the interrogation room.

When he saw Wang Lan, Duan Muyi’s eyes showed fear of fear. In contrast to last night’s arrogant and despotic.

It ’s all here, and the family has n’t been able to pick themselves up for one night and it ’s very clear. Coupled with what Duanmu Fanghua said last night, Duanmuyi began to re-examine Wang Lan.

He was never as simple as his initial investigation. Otherwise, an ordinary person with little background, who has a little money, dare to challenge Duanmu Clan?

Even if he has the identity of Heavenly Sword Bureau.

“Martial City, let ’s get started!”

In an instant, Mingyue Wucheng looked towards Duan Muyi.


A violent heartbeat sounded, and Duanmuyi ’s eyes suddenly became dull. Obviously Illusion Technique has been successfully performed.

The night that came with me was a complexion changed, and my heart was stupefied.

It is worthy of being the elite disciple of the Mingyue Family, and there is no aura to launch the Illusion Technique. Even … there is no trace of star force fluctuations. He was in the Nebula realm, and made himself unaware of a Star Sea realm.

Great, not ordinary!

Wang Lan came to Duan Muyi and extended the hand over Duan Muyi ’s head. Spiritual Power surged, the spirit instantly invaded Duan Muyi’s mind.

At the moment, Duan Muyi has fallen into endless fear. The Illusion Technique exhibited by Mingyue Wucheng is called Death Gaze, and the person hit by this Illusion Technique will be killed by the innocent soul killed by him.

Even if it does not kill people, it will be entangled in the bad things that have been done. Feeling the burning pain of the soul in confession.

This attack is at the soul level, so the body will definitely not have any injuries.

When Duan Muyi is in a phantom, Spiritual Power is controlled by Mingyue Wucheng, and Wang Lan can successfully connect with the other party ’s Spiritual Power. Once the connection is completed, intrusion into the brain becomes a matter of course.

“Duanmuyi … I won’t let you go when I’m a ghost … You give me my life …”

“Not me … It was you who committed suicide … Don’t look for me … There are so many men in the world … Why do you recognize me? “

” Duan Muyi, I died so bad … “

” You … … This is what you asked for… Who made you stay unwilling? Your elder sister committed suicide, suicide! It’s my offense? You still have to appeal? Why do you want to appeal? It’s not good to hold 2,000,000? I have to live with me … “

” Duan Muyi, come with me, be my son-in-law … ”

“I ’m afraid you will not be reluctant … I just want to trouble will completely vanish! Do n’t come, I wo n’t go, I wo n’t go …”

“Duanmuyi, what about me? ? “

” You … you know that I have too many things … Is n’t that your girlfriend? I ’m a Muggle, who is not playing, you turned my face? You know me Many things, if you do n’t die, how can I fall asleep? “

each and everyone is surrounded by Duanmuyi.

Wang Lan on the other side has successfully extracted the memory of Duan Muyi, holding a Soul bead in his hand. For a while, the star force of azure fluctuated, and the memory mirrored into a cloud of smoke slowly drifting into the Soul bead.

It lasted ten minutes and the memory marking was completed.

“Okay, let ’s get rid of Illusion Technique.”

Mingyue Wucheng gently snapped a snap finger, and in an instant, Duan Muyi of brow beaded with sweat seemed to wake up from a dream Stand up. But because his wrist was handcuffed, he once again fell on the chair.

“What happened … you, what have you done to me?” Duan Muyi looked at brow beaded with sweat in horror, Mingyue Wucheng who was constantly wiping sweat.

There is a feeling in Ming Ming, a very ominous feeling.

“You can’t remember what you did, so I want to recall it for you.” Mingyue Wucheng’s smile is so warm and sunny, but in Duanmuyi’s eyes, it is really as scary as a demon.

Wang Lan ’s eyes opened slowly, with a smile on his face, “This is the mark of Duan Muyi ’s memory of laying down his sins before. Hum, what he did was enough for him to die seven or eight times.”

“You…you…you have imprinted my memories? impossible … why do n’t I know? Fake, fake … “

” Ma Chuchu died because of you , In order to trouble will completely vanish, you actually designed to kill her younger brother who was still in freshman year, and also borrowed a car accident to kill his family.

What ’s even more abominable is that you have used drugs and video for so many years The method violated dozens of girls, eight of them were underage? “

Wang Lan said to turn around and said to Jingye,” There is a dark box behind the oil painting in his villa room, which has been hidden for these years The video he shot. “

” Okay, I will send someone to get it. “

” Now that there is decisive evidence, what should I do next? “

“Of course it is an internal processing meeting.”

“Internal processing meeting?” Wang Lan asked doubtfully.

“It is a major case that cannot be handed over to the court for judgment, and a case where Heavenly Sword Bureau cannot be sanctioned independently will be handed over to the provincial Heavenly Sword Bureau, which is then initiated by the provincial Heavenly Sword Bureau and the provincial standing committee Will negotiate to pass the judgment.

Exactly. Modu is a municipality and can directly negotiate the judgment. “

” Will not Duanmu Clan take advantage of it? “

“What do you think? The Municipal Standing Committee has not been able to control Duanmu Clan.”

In the outside news, the media bombed repeatedly, and the entire incident quickly hit the headlines.

Duanmu Family is busy fighting fire, but where is the speed of fire fighting? You just saved one place and immediately burned another ten.

Half a day has passed, let alone Duanmu Clan was pushed to the cusp of the storm, even Modu was pushed to the cusp of the storm.

“Secretary Cheng, this is Cai Xin. What happened to that matter? Hasn’t the result resolved yet? Chief No. 1 personally called me and asked what happened. I was still In the drum. “

” Which basket did the Duanmu Family stab in the end? There are so many people helping? From the civil, military, official, and even scouting space, there are reactions? “

“What? Need to negotiate a decision? Is n’t it successful? The woman has n’t been dealt with? Is n’t it private?”

“Okay, let me inform the Standing Committee! This afternoon A little bit to negotiate a decision! “

This fire is burning so much! With the bombing in turns and the efforts of the major pushers, the whole country knows that the devil has a Duanmu Family, and Duanmu Family has a dull arrogant and despotic act wilfully.

But no one noticed that no one except the protagonist Duan Muyi appeared. Even the victim’s name never appeared.

At 1 pm, the negotiation ruling was held in the Conference Hall of the city office, and all five members of the Standing Committee of the Magic Capital were present.

Cai Xin lightly coughed after seeing the people coming, “Chairman Cheng, please come and talk about things.”

“Comrades! The cause of the incident is Duanmuyi Xiangda A classmate Jiang Mou Xingwu toxin, wanted to use the poison to control Jiang Mou to infringe it. But the matter did not reach a conspiracy, Duan Muyi was arrested by Heavenly Sword Bureau.

After investigation by Heavenly Sword Bureau, Duan Muyi was not the first to commit a crime. Before that, he committed a total of 17 crimes in the same way. How many victims were forced to humiliation by Duan Muyi ’s family power and threatened by Duan Muyi … “

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