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“Student Wang Lan, Chen Xiaoping suddenly left the dormitory.”

Wang Lan was sent to the door of the school at about five o’clock, and when he was going to the dormitory, small and medium-sized love sent a reminder .

After receiving the Wang Lan red envelope from Chen Xiaoping, an avatar of Xiao Ai entered Chen Xiaoping ’s mobile phone. Although, even if there is nothing clean in this phone. But as long as Chen Xiaoping carries a mobile phone, he will be located.

Wang Lan turns left and enters a coffee shop. It didn’t take long for Chen Xiaoping to approach the school door with some expression. The school is closed at about 5:30. After this time, no entry or exit is allowed unless privileges are opened. Only Saturday is Sunday until ten o’clock in the evening.

Looking at Chen Xiaoping ’s appearance, he seems to be leaving the school before 5:30.

Looking at Chen Xiaoping ’s disappearing back, Wang Lan not at all is anxious to follow. Chen Xiaoping is a perceptual star martial artist who perceives extraordinary things. Heavenly Sword Bureau sent so many tracking experts to be thrown away by him.

Out of school, Chen Xiaoping hurriedly hired a taxi, “Go, go to the station.”

Wang Lan was stirring coffee, staring at the red cursor on the mobile phone map, looking at He walked up the elevated road slowly, then walked west, walked off the elevated road after ten kilometers, and then stopped at the big turntable in the middle of the elevated road.

Wang Lan stood up and walked to the school gate.

“uncle, let me go in, it will be five minutes, I will be five minutes late!” Outside the school gate, the two girls pleaded with their faces and begged the guard.

“You can go out to dinner for an hour and a half, you can all be late? No, the school has the rules of the school. Call your class supervisor and let him lead someone.”

Then, the two girls watched Wang Lan walk out of the school like a transparent person.

“What about him? You do n’t act according to the rules?”

“He has permission to enter and exit, or do you also ask the teaching office to open an access permission! Okay, Don’t grind, call now, the temperature has dropped, aren’t you cold? “

Under the big turntable, Chen Xiaoping sitting in the car looked pale and shivered unconsciously.

Stiff lifts the head, looking at the back of the driver in front of him.

“Chen Xiaoping, Brother Qing wants to see you.”

“I really didn’t expect … Brother Qing will invite an ordinary person to come and invite me … he he he … … Brother, are you afraid of dying? ”

” My life was given by Brother Qing, and I will give it back to him now … “

” Stab — “

Suddenly, the driver’s body shuddered violently. Stiffly lowered his head, chest, and an azure wind drill came out of his chest, and blood spewed, splashing a red blood in the carriage.

Chen Xiaoping cut the car with a wind blade, and the doors were opened. Just about to leave, his face changed suddenly. This time, no longer is anger, no longer panic, but despair.

In his perception, a dozen experts are coming from all directions. So many experts, he can’t beat any one.

In a moment, ten mysterious persons wearing uniform overalls and silver masks appeared around Chen Xiaoping and surrounded him in the lieutenant general.

“Brother Qing invites you to visit it.”

The Bund of Modu is the most prosperous and most concentrated area of ​​the rich. There are oil tankers on the Bund, beaches, and natural swimming pools. In the vicinity of the Bund, there are Baile Palace, the Grand Theatre and other entertainment venues that have been inherited for nearly 100 years, and all the luxury goods stores that can be seen everywhere.

Being able to own a villa on the Bund is the ultimate dream of many young dreamers. Because of this goal, it is harder than heaven.

On a mountainside on the Bund near Jianghai, a brightly lit villa with sea view.

A whispering sound sounded, and a flying bird flew across the sky, then landed steadily on the roof of the villa. The blue bird opened its mouth, a spider fell from the blue bird’s mouth, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

“Brother Qing, it really doesn’t matter to me, brother Qing, you believe me, I didn’t betray you, I really didn’t …” Chen Xiaoping knelt in the living room and looked at the photonic man in front of him Xiao Qing’s excitement came.

“Then … why is my warehouse being pounded by the Heavenly Sword Bureau?” Xiao Qing asked sullenly, playing with the ring without lifting his head.

“I do n’t know, Brother Qing, you think, if it is really related to me, Heavenly Sword Bureau is not just destroying the warehouse, but grabbing you brother Qing. And, I also I do n’t know where the warehouse is … Qingge!

Brother Qing, me and you are on a boat. If the boat is overturned, we are all done! “

” The warehouse Where, no one knows except me and Big Boss. But … Heavenly Sword Bureau is able to hit and hit with a hit. This only shows that they are understood warehouse.

And I just sent you The Soul bead was put back into the warehouse, and the warehouse was destroyed. It seems that the Soul bead you sent has a problem. “

” Soul bead? Soul bead can have … what can be the problem? “Chen Xiaoping suddenly recalled that last night, Jun Shao sent himself a hundred thousand red envelopes. At that time, there was an ominous premonition. But because I didn’t realize where the ominous came from, I didn’t care.

Is it … Jun Shao?

Impossible, Jun Shao is just a dude, and he has n’t shown any thoughts about trying to get close to himself from beginning to end. On the contrary, he repulsed himself a thousand times, and saw his expressions all filled with contempt …


Suddenly, Chen Xiaoping realized the problem.

A person who looks down on him in his heart will give himself a red envelope at night? Even if 100,000 yuan is not worth mentioning for Jun Shao, but … with Jun Shao ’s attitude towards himself, even if he feeds the dog, will he not give it to himself?

Suddenly, cold sweat dripped along Chen Xiaoping’s forehead.

However, it must not be admitted. Although it is very likely that the problem is really here, once admitted, he will die without a burial site. Even mother, younger brother younger sister has to die without a burial site.

“Qing brother …” Chen Xiaoping exclaimed angrily, “Qing brother, what can Soul bead have? What else can Soul bead have? Can Soul bead also be fake?

Even if Soul bead can falsify. But every Soul bead has been professionally tested! How could there be a problem? “

Xiao Qing looked coldly at Chen Xiaoping, he also had this problem Thought about it. Every Soul bead has been tested and there is definitely no problem. However, Xiao Qing’s intuition told him that the problem must be among these Soul beads.

His instincts have always been accurate, so Chen Xiaoping must be his own gas bucket.

“You might say well, but … who told you too much about me? At this moment, I have to be careful and careful. So, do n’t complain about me.

I have retracted all the feet I put out. You are not the first nor the last. Going down, you are not alone. ”

“Qing Ge … Qing Ge … Don’t … Don’t …”

Xiao Qing’s palms pressed against Chen Xiaoping’s head. Suddenly, a flame of purple rose from the top of Chen Xiaoping’s head, swallowing Chen Xiaoping almost instantly.


A short but quick scream, Chen Xiaoping fell to the ground and died.

The purple flame burned violently, quickly melting Chen Xiaoping ’s flesh. After a while, the flame went out, leaving behind a pool of white ashes.

“Clean up!” Xiao Qing coldly shouted and turned to the stairs to go upstairs.

Several cloak men with silver white masks quickly took the broom and cleaned the pool of ashes. In this scene, all the spiders that had entered through the cracks of the door were watching. Now that the ability of star martial artist is strange and changeable, the infiltration of high-tech products is sometimes more effective than the infiltration of star martial artist.

With this video, even Xiao Qing ’s crime has iron evidence. But Wang Lan feels that it is not enough, and Xiao Qing may not be the black hand behind the scenes. Otherwise, his impossible in such a big situation in Modu has never been known by Heavenly Sword Bureau.

Wait patiently until the middle of the night, Wang Lan ordered the spider cautiously to go upstairs and quietly sneak into Xiao Qing ’s bedroom. Although the bedroom was turned off, Xiao Qing did not sleep at all. Instead, he stood in the window and smoked silently.

One after another, there is no intention of stopping.

The spider looked around the room, because Xiao Qing did n’t sleep, so it was impossible to search for it. Then turn away from the bedroom and walk to the other room. It took half an hour for the spider to touch Xiao Qing’s study.

This study is very simple, with only a laptop and a few bookshelves. The spider jumped onto the computer desk, originally intended to look into the desk drawer. But he stopped when passing by the computer.

The laptop is still on, but the network connection shown on the computer is disconnected. The spider came carefully to the computer and checked the network connection records to find that this notebook had never been connected to the network.

This is abnormal. What is the reason why this computer has never been connected to the Internet?

Suddenly, a few spider silks are protruding from the abdomen of the spider. What appears to be spider silk is actually the line of the data street. Peel the kind of packaging socket. The spider silk came to the USB interface of the computer and inserted the spider silk. In an instant, the USB connection was successful.

Xiao Ai’s doppelganger entered the computer along the port. When breaking through layers of defense and entering a confidential folder, Wang Lan, who was hiding under a street lamp in the distance, smiled.

Although I do n’t have time to see what ’s in the folder, but with so many passwords set up, it must be important to use such complicated encryption methods.

Originally, Wang Lan thought Xiao Qing was only the middle link of the Soul bead trading network behind the scenes. But didn’t expect him to be the secret mastermind who controls Soul bead’s black market trading market. This can be seen from what he said today.

Although the real secret mastermind are those Boss who provided him with Soul bead. But finding this step is enough.

The spider was immediately ordered to copy the confidential files, and the full three G files were copied for nearly half an hour.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded outside the door. The spider immediately left the desk and hid in the belly of the desk. Xiao Qing came to the study in his pajamas.

Quickly come to the computer desk to operate, delete all the materials that Wang Lan copied before, and smash the folder. Then formatted a dozen times before and after a long sigh of relief.

Stand up, turn around and leave.

The spider cautiously left the study and fell out of the villa along the corner of the gap. After the spider completely left the villa, Wang Lan also dialed the number that understands the night.

“Uncle Ming? Are you still busy?”

“This time, more than 100,000 Soul beads have been confiscated. Although no secret mastermind was found, the black market must be severely hit and cannot recover in a short time. We are all busy categorizing these Soul beads.

You have made great achievements this time. Maybe your rank will move up. ”

” Really? That’s great. By the way, Uncle Ming, I found secret mastermind. ”

The other party was suddenly silent.

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