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The fireball in the sky is really raining, covering the scorched land. The lava at the foot seems to be connected to hell. It spewed out from the cracks of the rock.

The giant golden wings fire scorpion in front of you is bigger than all the golden wings fire scorpions seen by the Wang Lan team.

The strength of the late Star Sea realm swept the eight wastelands in a crushing posture.

Facing such a powerful existence, not to mention Wang Lan, a powerful melee mage with the title of medicine category, even Baiji, the Earth Element that is only responsible for terrain control, must also be put into battle.

“I said I should n’t provoke this guy … you do n’t believe it, now it ’s okay, we all have to explain it here.”

“Shut up!” Yu Ruoyan instantly took out an iron-wood barrier in front of him to resist the lava attack and shouted sharply.

“Blast, it ’s not really what we provoke. It is clearly showing revenge for the disciples. He is the king of scorpions!”

“Wang Lan, fast milk

Yue Fengfeng was body flashed, and he cut off a Scorpion King ’s foot knife with a knife, but his abdomen was also hit by the light rays of the small golden wings fire scorpion below. Three penetrating wounds appeared in the chest of Moonwind.


Wang Lan spurted a water-cutting knife and was swept across the water-cutting knife upgraded to the Gold level. Two golden wings fire scorpions were cut off Break. The figure flew, and instantly came to Yue Fengfeng to connect him to Hymn of Life.

The fire and rain in the sky are still falling crazy, and the entire Heaven and Earth has been engulfed by red light.

“Here–” In the distance, two teams of four came in a hurry.

“Fuck, this is what we can intervene?”

“However, the second princess is in it, and you have to support it anyway, go to-”

But the two teams have just set foot on this land like hell, and the fire and rain lava in the sky are covered without difference. After barely evading a few, all of a sudden, the horrible Fireball rushed into rolling wheels.

“Ah —”

A burst of mournful scream, Fireball rolled over, and two seniors flying ash annihilation in Fireball.

“Damn it!” Yu Ruoyan saw the two teams behind him suddenly screaming in rage.

The colorful star force fluctuates and the four attributes suddenly merge.

“Blizzard —”

The sky suddenly turned into silver and white, in the sky ’s huge array, one after another icicle fell like an innumerable javelin from the sky to the Scorpion King. Here.

However, the armor of the Scorpion King is too thick. Even if the terror attacks of the four attributes are combined, the movement of the Scorpion King cannot be limited.

“Wang Lan, okay!” Yue Fengfeng suddenly roared, body flashed, and rushed to the front door of Scorpion King, “Feng Hua Xue Yue——”

A sword light lights up in front of the moon blast, and the sword of the moon blast turns into a bright moon in the sky. Under the rays of light of the bright moon, snowflakes flew like falling stars.

The word energy in the sky is like the water of the galaxy pouring down, pouring directly into the head of the Scorpion King from above. The crunchiness of ding ding dong dong was endless, and the naked eye of the carapace above the head of Scorpion melted away.

“Yan Thunder Arrow —” ​​

In an instant, Wang Lan used Illusion Phantom steps, body flashed, to appear on top of Scorpion ’s head, seizing this passing opportunity, A arrow like heaven punishment dropping from the sky straight into the head of Scorpion King.


A scream of stern and hurriedness sounded. Scorpion’s actions suddenly stopped abruptly. In the sky, Yu Ruoyan, who had been riddled with scars, reached out and reached out a cane to wrap the moon blast, and pulled the moon blast back to Wang Lan.

“Finally … not right!” Wang Lan suddenly shouted, “Scorpion looks so strange, how did it become a glaze?”

“Not good!” Yu Ruoyan Suddenly look pale, “He wants to be self-destructed ——”

Too late to hesitate, Yu Ruoyan ’s star force is surging wildly, “The sky of life!”

Yu Ruoyan ’s whole body Innumerable rattan sticks stretched out instantly, and the rattan sticks woven into a huge net in front of it like a copy, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge insect cocoon that was expanding and wrapped everyone behind.

Wang Lan understood Yu Ruoyan ’s plan in an instant, the star force was surging, and numerous rattans were spread all over his body, “Senro Vientiane!”

Yu Ruoyan ’s life sky master In the defense, the derived rattan is hard iron wood, which can not only resist the attack, but also absorb the star force. Wang Lan ’s sensationalism is mainly about attacking and absorbing star force, but Wang Lan does n’t care much even if he does n’t.

“Bai Ji, defense —”

Bai Ji in the distance is still running towards them, when he heard Wang Lan’s shout out loudly, he paused.

“Boom —”

What a terrible formidable power a Self-destruction of the Scorpion King of Peak Sea Realm Peak?

Not to mention the strength of the formidable power, it is this terrifying coverage area that is enough to make people cold all over.

Within a radius of two kilometers, it was instantly covered by the high temperature of red. The earth was instantly baked into crystals, and the complex terrain originally created by Bai Ji was also completely destroyed by the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry.

The air waves rolled over and over, and the aftermath lasted tens of seconds before stopping. The sky was dark, the ground was black, and a huge pothole appeared in the station of the golden wings fire scorpion.

Who would have thought that, not long ago, there was also a terrifying beast tribe, a golden wings fire scorpion with tens of thousands of powerful beasts, which turned into scorched earth at the moment.

“skipping grades to kill, rewarding experience value of 100,000, skill points of 50,000-”

In my mind, the sound of the slashing prompt sounded, and the sore Wang Lan recovered perception. After waking up, he found that he seemed to be buried deep in the ground. In addition to feeling the pressure of terror, he also had an unbearable suffocation.

After the aftermath cleared up, a bulge suddenly bulged on the ground, and a snow-white hand protruded from the mud. Bai Ji was covered in blood and stumbled out of the pit. When looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Ji forgot the pain and rounded his eyes to show his despair.

It ’s such a powerful explosion, and the three Wang Lan are still in the center of the explosion …

They are so far away, and the Earth Element defense has been so violently impacted. Yu Ruoyan, moon blasts … How can they return to life?

That ’s right, it ’s not surprising that you have n’t seen us before. So many seniors, no one can guarantee that they have seen it. And we are not the kind who loves to take classes.

The three of them walked while talking.

“Then thank you. “Wang Lan said with a smile on his face.

” Help among classmates, it should be … “

” 哧 —— “

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s hand was shot with an arrow. Because of Wang Lan’s words, the vigilance of the three people has been put down. Who can think of Wang Lan with a smile on his face, raising his hand is an attack.

Current One was simply unprepared, and Wang Lan pierced his chest with a single arrow. The other two hurriedly dragged their injured companions back. The figure suddenly retreated and looked at Wang Lan nervously.

“You … what are you doing? We kindly come to help you, you actually requite kindness with enmity. “

” hmph, kind? His attack just came out beforehand. If I didn’t push Bai Ji up in advance, it wasn’t Golden Wing Scorpion but Bai Ji that was killed.

I thought you were planning to pick up cheap students, but Bai Ji didn’t even know you. And if they are senior seniors, they would not be so uninterestingly close to such a short distance. The tone of your speech and the way you behave simply are not those of Demon Capital Star Martial collage.

Also, pretending to be a troublesome younger student, and uncle in his thirties, are you blind me? “

The last sentence is especially fatal.

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