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While Wang Lan had made a guarantee before, the three of them saw the blast of the moon entering the poison mist area and still raised their hearts to the mouth.

Wang Lan was worried that the moon gust would suddenly float, and stayed in the poison mist for a few seconds before coming out. Seeing Wang Lan’s worried expression, Bai Ji’s heart snapped. Even looked towards Wang Lan’s expressions all with a scrutiny.

“White Senior Sister … I feel a little uncomfortable when you look at it like this.”

“Are you guilty? Isn’t it dangerous for the wind to enter?”

“The wind is out!”

At the moment Yu Ruoyan’s voice spoke out, a silhouette burst out of the dense fog like a streamer, and he even pulled a ghost’s eye in his hand. But along the way, the ghost eyes in Yuepianfeng’s hands were like scattered fire beacon. The thick black mist rose and dissipated quickly.

When the blast of the moon came in front of the three people, the ghost eyes in his hands were already disappeared. In my palm, there is only one Soul bead.

Yue Fengfeng’s complexion is now blue, and he collapses into weakness. Wang Lan hurriedly held it up, the white light flashed around him, connecting with the body of Yuefeng.

Star force is frantically consumed, a layer of azure’s strange shimmer also appears on the face of Yuefeng. As the color of shimmer gradually turned to white, Yuefeng recovered his strength and slowly sat up.

“Blast, how are you?” Bai Ji asked with concern.

“It’s okay, except for some muscle pain, there is no feeling of poisoning.” Then, he took out a container from the backpack, “Only got this. It was originally intended to catch a ghost eye .

didn’t expect The ghost eyes die as soon as they leave the Death Valley, and they have no corpses, they dissipate directly. These ghost eyes are like ghosts, and their bodies are gaseous.


Physical attacks are ineffective, but attribute attacks have amazing effects. Their weakness is in the one eye of the ghost face, Soul bead is in the middle of the eye. If it ’s not poison mist, it ’s Star Radiance Realm star martial artist. Kill easily. “

Pick up the Soul bead that I just got,” The quality of Soul bead is not worse than that of Golden Wing Scorpion … With such a good Soul bead, how can it be so bad? “

“The strength of ghost eyes is not bad. Without Wang Lan, you are now dead.” Yu Ruoyan lightly saying, “This is the characteristic of poisonous monsters, they put all attributes on it. It’s poisonous. The defense is not very strong. “

“Wang Lan, is it enough? If not enough, I will go and see again?”

“Enough is enough.”

Wang Lan spreads his hands, and the decomposition of all things is launched , The utensil shattered instantly. Poison mist didn’t overflow, and gathered in Wang Lan’s palm. Less than one minute, the toxicity code of Ghost Eye Toxin appeared in Wang Lan’s mind. In an instant, Wang Lan’s mind edited the corresponding restraint star toxin.

“I go to the forest to find materials that can make an antidote. You just do n’t come in outside the forest. The forest is full of poison, and accidentally you will die.”

Wang Lan warned After finishing speaking, turned to Ling Zhongxing.

In heterogeneous space, mountains and dense mountains are not scarce. But the existence of heterogeneous space cannot be inferred by common sense. Although the plants inside are somewhat different from the outside world, they are very similar.

The geomorphology here is a bit like a tropical rain forest. The land is humid, the temperature is extremely high, the trees cover the sky, the poisonous weeds can be seen everywhere.

Fortunately, there is no malaria in the jungle, otherwise Wang Lan ’s star force will not be able to withstand ten minutes.

After walking for about ten minutes, I came to a cluster of multicolored flowers. Wang Lan put a palm on his head to initiate the decomposition of everything. Along with the decomposition, the flowers seem to be disappeared as if by Bing Xue. In the blink of an eye, Wang Lan’s palm decomposed into the original code.

“Only five sets of code substances exist? Not at 0.1%.” Wang Lan sighed, extracted the five sets of code substances, took the utensils from the wrist space backpack and put them in.

Continue to search deeply, Wang Lan will not let go of anything that looks poisonous.

This decomposition of everything is really good. To change the stripping substance by means of scientific and technological instruments, at least dozens or even hundreds of processes have to be completed, and it may not necessarily succeed. But the decomposition of everything is as easy as the creation god.

Unconsciously an hour later, Wang Lan decomposed at least fifteen poisons. There are 20 groups of substances that are better, and three groups of code substances that are almost the same.

And the assimilation degree of poison is very high. As Wang Lan collects more and more restrained code substances, the remaining part becomes more and more difficult to find.

Wang Lan does not hesitate to expand its scope, not only staring at poisonous things, those seemingly harmless and non-toxic plants have also become the targets of Wang Lan’s decomposition.

Wang Lan accidentally really got it right.

Since they can grow with these highly toxic plants, how could they not have two brushes themselves?

After about three hours, Wang Lan successfully collected 90% of the code substances.

“Wang Lan-how are you? How long will it take?” Yu Ruoyan’s voice suddenly sounded in his ear. This is Yu Ruoyan’s Wind Element sound transmission capability, which is convenient for long-distance transmission without a mobile phone and no communication equipment.

“Almost a bit, almost ready!”

Suddenly, the warning signs rose, and Wang Lan ’s voice had not landed, and his figure had jumped away like a ghost.

“Boom —”

A loud bang, an open bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl fiercely strikes at Wang Lan ’s position. bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl lifts the head, two pairs of tentacles trembling slightly in the air, pointing Wang Lan to stand on the branch.

Wang Lan’s eyes raised doubts, is this a cannibal vine? But why was such a huge vine not found before? Is it from the underground? impossible, if it is drilled from the ground, there must be movements in the underground.

When he attacked, he did n’t listen to anything.

Where is at first where the vines are?

Wang Lan thought of this, face instantly changes. Too late to hesitate, the figure instantly turned into a streamer and went straight to the sky. As Wang Lan escaped using Illusion Phantom steps, countless trees at his feet suddenly turned into vines.

Vine is made by seemingly harmless trees. Being so careless, he ran into the cannibal vine forest.

The cannibal vine is very huge, and the attack distance is also over 100 meters. But their weaknesses are also very obvious. There are only physical attacks, and there are distance limits.

Although the cannibal vines are like tentacles, they are below the demon group chaotic dance, but they ca n’t reach Wang Lan, and naturally they ca n’t pose any threat to Wang Lan.

In the void, Wang Lan doubled his fingers, and on his wrists, the wings of flame flashing with thunder flew open instantly.

“Whoosh —”

A flame that thundered through the sky shot from the sky. Thunderbolt caught a high-temperature flame and instantly shot a dancing vine off. After shooting, the vine was also engulfed by the blue flame. In a blink of an eye, the vine fell down and quickly shrivelled in the flame, melting.

“whiz whiz whiz ——”

Looking at the effect of one hit, Wang Lan instantly counted his arrows, and in the blink of an eye four or five vines melted to ashes in the flames.

“Meteor Fire Rain-”

Suddenly, shout out loudly, Yu Ruoyan did not know when to appear beside Wang Lan. The flames fell, like a meteor sky, hundreds of meteor showers fell to the ground, smashing a large vine forest underground.

The dust is gone, World is back to clean again.

“Why are you here?”

“Look at you not coming out, come and worry about it. Are you okay?”

“It ’s okay, Very good! “Wang laughed, slowly falling from the sky.

The surrounding flame is still burning in the crackle, with a hint of purple in the thick smoke. Seeing Yu Ruoyan also coming down, Wang Lan quickly stopped.

“Be careful, the smoke is poisonous.”

Wang Lan came to the smoke and extended the hand to decompose everything. After a while, Wang Lan’s face showed a surprise expression.

“Great, the last 10% were found.”

“Is the material for the antidote found?”

Avoid poisonous smoke, Yu Ruoyan came to Wang Lan’s side.

“Yes! We are next to collect more materials, I am sure to edit the vaccine. But there are not enough materials to make the antidote, but it is not acceptable.”

Wang Lan Come to the poison smoke and take out the container to collect 10% of the ingredients contained in the poison smoke. And Yu Ruoyan is alerting Wang Lan around.

“Ruoyun, be careful of this kind of speckled tree, they are actually the kind of cannibal vines we attack, as long as someone approaches them, they will transform. Although the attack is not strong, but definitely It is highly toxic. “

About an hour later, Wang Lan and the two collected enough antidote to return to the vines again. Just after the utensils were collected, suddenly Yu Ruoyan found something striding towards the roots of a burnt vine.

“Wang Lan, you see, what is this?”

Wang Lan rushed to hear the news, and the corner of a metal box was exposed in the burnt black soil. Yu Ruoyan used the Earth Element star martial skill to turn the soil, and a square box was slowly turned out.

“Folding space box? How can there be a folding space box?”

Folding space box is definitely a black technology product. Although the principle has been understood by everyone so far, it does not hinder the space. The folding box is made. It seems that no one can explain the existence of electromagnetic force, but it does exist and does not prevent people from using it.

“Now the space boxes are made into a backpack shape. This square space box has been eliminated for a long time. I am afraid that it will stay here longer than our age?”

Yu Ruoyan cautiously opened the space box, and in an instant, the space box spewed out bright and shiny stones like a fountain. It’s as gorgeous as a diamond.

“Space Stone!” Yu Ruoyan’s face suddenly looked ugly.

“Space Stone? Is there a Space Stone in the Nine-Storey Pagoda?”

“Space Stone is not rare in heterosexual space. Although not all heterosexual spaces have Space Stones, large heterosexual spaces generally have Space Stone mines. After all, Space Stone and heterosexual space seem to be symbiotic Relationship.

Nine-Storey Pagoda is special, but the essence is still heterogeneous space. It is not surprising that there is Space Stone. The production date of this space box is … May 2004. Fifteen years ago Something.

Five years ago, someone collected Space Stone in Nine-Storey Pagoda, but later came here and the space box was killed here by the cannibal vines? “

“Is it a student in Academy?” Wang Lan asked.

“It should be right, not the students in the Academy should not be able to enter the Nine-Storey Pagoda …” Suddenly Yu Ruoyan remembered the three people who assassinated the white beard before and took the head, “It may not be necessary, outsiders It ’s also possible to mix into the Nine-Storey Pagoda. Did n’t I meet three today? It ’s just that I do n’t know where the Space Stone of Nine-Storey Pagoda is … I have n’t heard of Nine-Storey Pagoda ’s Space Stone. I know? “

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