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“Xinyu, you should accept the reality. The 7th floor is extinguished. If he is alive, he should have come out the day before yesterday. Every year someone stays in Nine-Storey Pagoda forever … you are a star martial artist, don’t use emotions. “

鈥淚 鈥檓 not emotional, and although I 鈥檓 scared and unwilling to believe, my instinct tells me that he must be alive. My instinct has never been missed, especially about him. I do n鈥檛 believe that he is dead! Teacher , Is there any way for me to enter Nine-Storey Pagoda? I want to find him. “

“You are dead! With your strength, you can’t even walk up to the 3rd floor. Forget it, you need time to calm down. Wang Lan is my student and I don’t want him to have an accident. What’s more, he is right People who have made great contributions. But … Teacher really hopes you can cheer up as soon as possible and Teacher will come to see you tomorrow. “

Sun Li sighed, hook the head opened the door and left, the silent corridor echoed the sound of Sun Li’s footsteps on high heels.

In the Conference Hall No.1 of Academy, the atmosphere is more dead and more depressed than the dormitory of Jiang Xinyu.

The impact of the deaths of Yu Ruoyan and Wang Lan is so serious that Xingwu Academy students cannot imagine.

Yu Ruoyan is not just as simple as the princess of Jade Country Imperial Family. She has an accident, which means that 70 years have been suppressed, and the restoration forces of the dynasty have fuse.

Once, they were aristocrats and nobles of aloof and remote. Even at the end of the dynasty, during the several decades established by the Republic, they had always occupied the largest share of Jade Country.

A century of wars that broke mountains and rivers. It also shattered their dominance of aristocrats and nobles. When the country regained its old mountains and rivers, they suddenly realized that the people who had once been under their rule climbed quietly to the top of their heads.

It is no longer possible to think of standing in a high position and relying on normal processes. Even in order to prevent the old nobles from dictating national politics, the country has been suppressing their aristocrats and nobles.

But … a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse. Even if the strength has been weakened to the limit, their strength can still compete with the National Machine Chamber.

But the premise of the confrontation must be grasping the national justice. Otherwise, the security and stability of a turbulent country, or the rebellion of the crime, will not only face criticism, but even those who depend on them will also leave their vests.

This great meaning, they waited 70 years as soon as they waited.

Most of the forces of aristocrats and nobles are attached to the Azure Emperor forces, or the so-called Azure Emperor forces are the forces of aristocrats and nobles. Because, the strongest side of these strengths is the Imperial Family.

The Emperor Rende announced his abdication that year, ending the rule of the Great Jade Empire. But not everyone supports it. Even, the opponents account for the overwhelming majority.

All the other four emperor forces are revolving around the four emperors, except Azure Emperor, who is just a banner of the Imperial Family forces.

Now, the Imperial Family’s second princess is dead, and it is likely not an accident. It’s not an accident, it was naturally intentional. It doesn’t matter who the secret mastermind is, who it may be, or who it can be.

Elder Di is one hundred and two years old this year. He is famous as a teenager, middle-aged, and 50 years old. Fangcheng has become a firmament. It is only when he is nearly ninety years old that he has developed a discipline Wang Ling that can inherit Legacy.

This is a respected and virtuous old man. Even if the people present wanted to get angry and make trouble, but as long as Elder Di was there, no one spoke or dared to speak.

“What happened, everyone understood?”

On the left hand side of Elder Di, a middle-aged man with a temperament of nearly fifty years old, wearing a black suit, exudes noble breath.

“The course of things is only a rough understanding, and the specific reason is not yet known. Elder Di, you are Mount Tai Big Dipper, you said, what happened to Her Highness the Princess?

Why did you go to the 7th floor? Nine-Storey Pagoda has always been under the control of Demon Capital Star Martial collage. “

“What does Ning Wang mean?” Nangong Meng coldly snorted. “Ning Wang suspects that Yu Ruoyan’s accident has something to do with Academy? Do you think the school will harm your students?”

“Where are ordinary students worthy of Academy pitfalls? It is worthwhile to punish them.

The pattern of 5 Elders 5 Emperors has been going on for 20 years. The world of star martial artist is about to be controlled. I am afraid that some people are unwilling to want to get the star martial artist out of their hands.

Good calculation, good means.

A second princess is not enough, even the son of Flame Emperor who just came out of the mountain is also counted together. No wonder I said, Flame Emperor had to hide the child so tightly, or not, because he might not be able to wait for him to awaken the innate talent, and one day he was killed by a runaway car. “

“Yu Huailong, please clean your mouth.” Zuo Ming complexion is gloomy shouted sitting opposite Yu Huailong.

“General Zuo, don’t you think so? I just said what you didn’t dare to say. Why did the two princesses and Wang Lan have an accident? Why didn’t have an accident early but late did not have an accident What happened at Academy? “

“Are you saying enough?” Elder Di spit out a cigarette silently, shouted coldly.

In the face of Elder Di, he still dare not impudent.

“Yuqing, what do you think?” Elder Di turned to look towards Azure Emperor Yuqing asked.

“Things, must find out, but the must must stabilize as soon as possible. Jade Country can not be messed up, especially this time.”

“Azure Emperor, your niece was killed!” Yu Huailong said before, coldly said.

“I am also deeply saddened by Ruoyun’s death, so no matter who is behind the scenes, I will definitely put him down. However, the situation should be based on the overall situation.”

“hmph, isn’t it a kiss …” A disdainful sneer sounded.

Azure Emperor’s complexion suddenly became unnatural.

“Okay, those who have heads and faces, do n鈥檛 talk big. I now announce that if Ruoyun and Wang Lan have an accident at Nine-Storey Pagoda, I will take full responsibility.”

Elder Di’s voice is very soft, but he thumps. When Elder Di’s voice fell for a long time, there was still silence in the Conference Hall.

“What? How can this be?” Yu Huailong jumped up suddenly. “Elder Di, you are my Mount Tai Big Dipper in Jade Country. It is a spiritual symbol. How can you take full responsibility?

And this matter must be irrelevant to you. How can you stand in the dark behind the scenes? Are you hiding the secret mastermind? “

鈥淭he secret mastermind must be investigated strictly, but I will bear this responsibility before I find out the whole sequence of events. Because of my negligent management, Nine-Storey Pagoda has an accident and Ruoyun and Wang Lan are sent to He died in the seven-level treasure tower.

From now on, I resigned as Dean of Demon Capital Star Martial collage and banished Nine-Storey Pagoda for life imprisonment. “

“Elder Di, don’t …” Zuo Ming also stood up excitedly and persuaded.

Elder Di extend the hand stopped Zuo Ming 鈥檚 words, 鈥淚f you really want to be worthy of me, check things as soon as possible and give them a fair way.

One is my great-granddaughter and the other is a teenager who has made outstanding contributions to Human Race. They should not be the victims of the game, nor can they be framed by hostile forces. “

Elder Di 鈥檚 words are beyond doubt.

The atmosphere of Conference Hall is suppressed like a pressure cooker.

Elder Di has done this for a lifetime of reputation! Throughout Elder Di’s life, he is worthy of Heaven and Earth, worthy of the nation, and worthy of the world.

When he was young, he defended the territory for the country. When he was young, he participated in the most powerful battle of the war between man and demon.

Jade Country is one of the only surviving veterans, and only one Legendary has participated in the century war.

Elder Di stood up silently and left the Conference Hall.

When the silhouette of Elder Di disappeared, the expressions of everyone in the Conference Hall became complicated. The fierce debate rang, whether it was Danxin Zhaoqing’s young people, or do not have the heart to mind, the abacus at this moment had to stop.

Elder Di bet on a lifetime of betrayal to depress this ignited fuse, making everyone unexpected.

Nine-Storey Pagoda, the Valley of Death.

The sky suddenly split a crack, and two silhouettes fell from the crack.

Just popped out from the crevice, trying to reoccupy Death Valley 鈥檚 ghost eyes. When they saw the sky, the two of them instantly shrank back into the crevice.

Good guy, in order to block me, you have kept me for two days and two nights? Can’t afford to offend, I will cat it for another 10-15 days.

Wang Lan suddenly felt that his body could be controlled, and quickly mobilized the star force to stabilize his figure. Then it landed steadily on the ground.

Looking at the familiar environment, Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan’s faces showed ecstasy.

“Death Valley? Are we back?”

“hahaha … I do n鈥檛 want to die, escape to heaven, and go and meet with the big troops. I have never been so desperate to see my dear classmates, my beloved Teacher … vomit!”

Wang Lan 鈥檚 nasty words did not disgust Yu Ruoyan, but disgusted himself first.

“pu 鈥斺€?#8221;

“Don’t laugh, let’s go!”

But … when the two came out of the Death Valley area and could n鈥檛 see a silhouette of a senior. On the contrary, the strange beast that had been beaten up by the senior student for no reason seemed extraordinarily irritable.

Unable to find human outburst, he felt a pain at the monsters of other tribes.

“How long have we been to another level? Are you sure that it will be less than three days?” Wang Lan asked doubtfully.

“It should be less than three days, even if there is no time to follow, in a short time, it will not make my sense of time deviate so much. Within three days, up to four days.”

Yu Ruoyan is also frowns, “Aren’t the trials ended early? By the way, I remember.”


“We were transferred to the upper level before, there must be a display outside, so the school ended the trial ahead of time.”

“Then we are on the 4th floor now, can we feel it outside?”

“If someone is on duty at mountainside, the 4th floor plaque will light up. You should know.”

It shouldn’t be, it must be.

Not to mention on duty, since something went wrong, the Nine-Storey Pagoda in mountainside disappeared and was guarded on the twenty-fourth, and many more people wanted to stare at the 7th floor, hoping that a miracle would happen and the 7th floor would light up again.

After all, there are more people who wish Yu Ruoyan to be safe and sound, and countless people who want Wang Lan to be safe and sound. The real conspirators are only a few.

However, the plaque on the 7th floor is not illuminated, but the plaque on the 4th floor is illuminated.

The students on the 4th floor have already gone out, and the plaques that were lit before have long been dimmed. Besides, why is the plaque that would go out without Life Aura coming out suddenly?

After a brief surprise, a tactical Teacher suddenly turned and ran wildly.

“President, light up, light up 鈥?#8221;

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