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“Then you have reached the 7th floor?” Nangong Meng impatient asked.

“That’s the 7th floor?” Yu Ruoyan and Wang Lan also cried in surprise. Because Yu Ruoyan’s previous calculation was Sixth Layer, it was calculated based on the strength of the beast to the higher place. But if it is the 7th floor, it is a miracle that they can survive.

“Yes, the time is right. The plaque on the 7th floor lights up when you are sucked into the cracks in time and space.”

“It turned out to be the 7th floor, no wonder the monster inside is so strong.”

“How did you guys survive on the 7th floor?” A General questioned this, which was curious to most people present.

Although overwhelming majority people hope that Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan can survive safely, no one really believes that they can really live after they stray into the 7th floor.

“We woke up and found that in a valley, the monsters inside were extremely powerful. Both Yuefeng Feng and Bai Ji died at the mouth of powerful monsters. The bell rang suddenly when we were desperate.”

“Bells? Anyone on the 7th floor?”

“After listening to what I said, everyone will understand. When we immediately annihilated the whole army, a bell rang suddenly. This bell sounded like a deterrent to the beast. The beast left, Wang Lan and I Go to the place where the bell rings.

There, we found an Ancient Sect, Xian Cloud Sect. “

Speaking of this, Yu Ruoyan’s words paused, and everyone who was doing clearly showed an expression of interest. Especially Nangong Meng, his eyes rounded and his breath became heavy.

Ancient Immortal door? It was a mysterious and powerful ancient cultivation civilization. He is also a member of the researcher of ancient civilizations, and he has lamented countless times, how good it would be if the ancient civilization could be preserved to this day, the powerful ancient civilization plus the cardinal number of the human star martial artist, plus the technology of human beings Let the demon dare not commit it.

“How many people are in the fairy cloud Sect?” Elder Di asked, still suffocating.

“No! Immortal Cloud Sect was destroyed before the endless years. Only one great hall was preserved, and the rest collapsed and destroyed.

We came to the Xian Cloud Sect site, and the beast not at all chased us. Wang Lan speculates that the entire fairy Cloud Sect should be in an invisible big clock. We were locked up in the big clock to protect it, so the beast didn’t realize that we didn’t find the Xian Cloud Sect ruins. “

“This is no wonder.” Elder Di sighed, “This explains why the plaque on the 7th floor suddenly went out again, we all thought you were dead. If there is an invisible Divine Item that isolates you Life Aura, Nine-Storey Pagoda will naturally think you are dead. “

“Then we took a break in the great hall, Wang Lan found another doubt, we searched the Xian Cloud Sect but did not find the big clock, and all the buildings of the Xian Cloud Sect collapsed, only the great hall kept Intact.

Wang Lan suspected that great hall was intentionally left by Immortal Cloud Sect.

After that, we cleaned the great hall and found eight high-grade Soul beads. Each Soul bead has an engraving technique of Cloud Sect imprinted on it. “

When I heard this, everyone’s expression couldn’t help. Especially the people of the Imperial Family, each and everyone looked at Yu Ruoyan fiercely.

“What cultivation technique? What level?”

“I have learned a cultivation technique called” Sophisticated Water “, which is Water Attribute super S-Rank star martial skill. Currently I cannot cultivate. This cultivation art is not the same as the cultivation technique we used to recognize, this cultivation art seems to be It’s just a general outline, a kind of ability, how to use and how to fight needs to be developed by the cultivator. “

Super S-Rank …

The star martial skill of this level allows everyone’s eyes to shoot out brilliant rays of light.

There are no ten super S-Rank star martial skills in the entire Jade Country. You found eight Soul beads all at once, all of them super S-Rank? What is that concept? If there is a suitable cultivator, it means that a new 5 Emperors can be launched quickly.

If there is a wide range of applicability, do n’t say 5 Emperors, it ’s not a dream to be the Imperial Capital.

“The other star martial skills are … super S-Rank?”

“It should be, I also learned a star martial skill, five pole fire skills.”

“Why do you cultivate super S-Rank star martial skill?” Suddenly, an out-of-time voice sounded, “Even if the princess learns, you are also worthy? Super S-Rank star martial skill is the national strategic wealth Eight are wasted by you. “

“Nan County King! Are you provoking us?”

The words of Nanjun Wang made Zuo Ming blow up instantly. If Elder Di was not there before, Zuo Ming wouldn’t have to face them. And now, how dare you scold Wang Lan in front of us? Is this bullying our Flame Emperor?

“Zuo Ming, who provoked you? That’s super S-Rank star martial skill, can anyone waste it?”

“In a strict sense, these star martial skills belong to the spoils of war of Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan, and they are all learning, and you have nothing to say. Besides, you two princesses can learn, Wang Lan learns No?

Is n’t that super S-Rank star martial skill? Wang Lan is not unlearned. Sir Azure Emperor, you are here today, and I will give you face with patience. But this time he pointed at the monk and scolded the bald ass. We can’t bear it. Sir Azure Emperor or give us an explanation, we will not be friends in the future. “

“General Zuo breathed his anger, he did not know that Wang Lan was the son of Flame Emperor.”

“Drink? Azure Emperor This explanation is hard to accept. The fact that Wang Lan is the son of Flame Emperor has long spread.”

“Nanjun Wang was in the Kingdom of Yi last year, and it was reasonable to know that the news of returning to China last month was blocked.”

“He is the son of Flame Emperor? Then I take back what I said before. I thought he was just a student who went with the second princess to practice.”

“Is it right that I am the son of Flame Emperor and whether these spoils of war belong to me or not?” Wang Lan coldly complied and took off his backpack and took out the six Soul beads inside.

When Soul bead, the size of six goose eggs, was placed on the table, everyone’s eyes were straight, and their breathing became rapid.

“Student Jade, it seems that our original intention to hand Soul bead to the country may not be able to get what we want. In this case, we will divide Soul bead now. You are half, I am half. . “

Wang Lan’s words suddenly surprised everyone.

You share the accounts in front of so many people? Is this alright?

Wang Lan ’s change of mind was indeed stimulated by the situation in front of him. He didn’t expect the situation completely differently to this point.

Originally handed over to the country, it is handed over to the Academy, which will then hand over to the national government. But looking at such a group of people glare like a tiger watching his prey, these Soul bead really handed over when the time comes in whose hands it is really unclear.

“Student Wang Lan, don’t be fooling, where are you supposed to be here?”

“President Nangong, I ’m not fooling around. According to the rules, these things should be the spoils of war of my classmate Yu Ruoyan.”

“But this is a super S-Rank star martial skill.”

“Is there an essential difference?”

“Our rules are set by the people and passed by the congress. To change the rules, you have to pass the congress. Academy is this a spoils of war to grab students?” Solidarity.

“Yu Ruoyan, do you choose?”

“I …” Yu Ruoyan looked at Wang Lan doubtfully, but Wang Lan’s expression didn’t mean to joke at all. Based on her knowledge of Wang Lan, Wang Lan is not the kind of person who wants to take things seriously.

“You choose.”

“That’s good!” Wang Lan took the three Soul beads in his hand and stood up. “Is the head of the Ministry of Defense there?”

One of the crowd suddenly chuckled, “Interesting, I am Yi Zuguo, a member of the Military Committee of the Ministry of Defense.”

Wang Lan glanced at Zuo Ming secretly, Zuo Ming secretly nodded. Wang Lan strode to Yi Zuoguo’s side and stood upright, “Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau, Lieutenant Special Agent Wang Lan, turned over the three S-Rank star martial skills seized at Nine-Storey Pagoda.”

As he said, he brought the three Soul beads in his hand to Yi Zuoguo.

“hahaha … good boy, this is super S-Rank star martial skill Oh, even if you put it all together, others ca n’t tell half a gossip, are you willing to?”

“There are not many star martial skills, let alone I ca n’t learn as much. It ’s better to give them to the chief to make these things more valuable.”

“Okay! Then I accepted it on behalf of the Ministry of Defense.” Yi Zuoguo did not shirk, and immediately took Soul bead.

In this scene, the director of Nangong felt heartbroken.

“Wang Lan, this was seized from Nine-Storey Pagoda, even if you turn it in, you should …”

“Nangong!” Elder Di suddenly interrupted Nangong Meng ’s words, “Nine-Storey Pagoda is national, and Academy is also national.”


Yu Ruoyan saw this, and picked up three Soul beads to come to the Yi motherland. “I also turned in the Ministry of Defense.”

“Ruoyun!” Now, Yu Huailong couldn’t sit still, “What are you doing?”

“Huailong Uncle, Ruoyun is also a part of Jade Country, and seized it is not wrong at all.”

At this moment, Yu Huailong has many words that he wants to blurt out, but with so many eyes and ears present, how can those words in private be spoken?

“Yuqing, don’t you talk about it?” Helplessly, Yu Huailong could only suppress Azure Emperor shouted with his voice.

“There is nothing wrong with Ruoyun doing this.”

Yi Zuoguo laughed and took three Ruul Beads from Yu Ruoyan. Now, in front of everyone, the six seized proceeds went to the Ministry of Defense.

“It seems that this time there is no white, and there is unexpected harvest.” Yi Zuguo said sarcastically, facing Yu Ruoyan and Wang Lan nodded, “You sit back and continue to talk. I think things are not at all so simple. “


The two returned to their seats.

“Then we got the rune inheritance of fairy Cloud Sect in the great hall, but unfortunately, nine of the ten runes have been damaged, and only one is kept intact. This rune records the Refining of Xianyun Xuan Qinglu Qi articles.

Wang Lan has learned Refining Qi and confirmed that this ancient Refining Qi method allows us to use the Breathing Technique and run the star force method to incorporate the star force of Between Heaven and Earth into the Star Palace.

In this way, star martial artists do not need to rely on absorbing Soul bead to get a stable source of star force. “


The words fell, Nangong Meng, Yu Huailong, and Zuo Ming all influenced a dozen people to stand up.

The news exploded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, making everyone feel dreamlike.

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