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“Uncle, what did you tell him? Scared him like this?” Yu Ruoyan came to Yuqing and asked softly.

“Did I scare him?”

“No? Otherwise, why did he run in a hurry?”

“Are you comprehended Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness?” Yu Qing asked suddenly.

“en!” Yu Ruoyan whispered in his heart, but … Is it okay to explain? Absorbed the Phoenix Form star force of Wang Lan, and got the opportunity to cultivate the complete Dragon Emperor Form.

“Ruoyun, Uncle experienced hundreds of fierce battles in his life, and only nearly died three times. The first time was when I was a teenager and was ambushed by hundreds of people. p>

The second time was 20 years ago, I heard that Wang Ling had learned Phoenix Form and was running happily to complete Dragon Emperor Form. Wang Ling chased me for two hundred kilometers and almost killed me.

I hope Wang Lan can communicate with you, but this bastard thing has gotten cheaper. Want to renege on a debt? If it weren’t for my self-cultivation in the last ten years, I just slapped him to death. “

“Uncle!” Yu Ruoyan pretty face blushed, but the tone is calm and indifferent, “He doesn’t know about this matter, don’t talk about it in the future.”

“en? Are you going to get him drunk?”

“It was on the 7th floor at that time, even if I wanted to have wine. It was he who exhausted himself in a coma. Well, not to mention these, I am destined not to have emotions, you should not scare him.” /p>

“Uncle can ignore your business, I will stay in Modu in a short time, please follow my cultivation.”


Wang Lan sighed with relief after running away.

As for? As for my refusal, do you have to start?

Wang Lan did not run because of Azure Emperor ’s proposal, but after his second rejection, Azure Emperor flashed a killing intent in a flash. As if driving an Azure Emperor knife around his neck, and was asked with a smile, was not moved? Think about it again.

Although there is only a trace, it is also very scary. That is Azure Emperor, one of the most powerful star martial artists in Jade Country. Wang Lan did not dare to test Azure Emperor’s cultivation with his own life. Besides, someone who can say something like a few girlfriends has a fart conservative.

Meet Jiang Xinyu Yu Ruoyan in the evening for a meal. At the dinner table, the two women had a great conversation, and even Yu Ruoyan proposed to let Jiang Xinyu follow her to cultivation this month, personally guided by Azure Emperor.

For Jiang Xinyu, this kind of opportunity is undoubtedly a beggar suddenly falling by millions of windfalls. It is less than a month before Jiang Xinyu goes abroad with the team. It is also good to improve a little.

Wang Lan returned to the dormitory, pushed open the door, and turned black on the spot.

The room has been carefully furnished, but it ’s the same as Spirit Hall. A tablet computer was placed on the computer table, and an incense burner was placed in front of it, and three cigarettes were inserted.


While Wang Lan was angry, thinking about how to clean up the two bastards, a slight movement suddenly came from outside the door.

“Be quiet, before Wang Lan does not come back, quickly withdraw the things. He is about to see them, and he will be booming.”

“Who made you skip the class to go out to play? It’s dark for us to get the news.”

“It ’s like you did n’t skip class. What is it? Open the door?”

“Tap lightly, in case Wang Lan has returned to the dormitory.”

“Impossible, just now he was having dinner with his girlfriend, Princess Jade. After dinner, he had to go shopping, sing a song and so on …”

The door of the dormitory was slowly pushed open, and a head came in carefully.

“It seems to be away.”

“Hurry up and get your stuff.” The two energetic and bustling rushed into Wang Lan’s room and opened the door. A dark shadow stood in front of the computer desktop and meditated.

“Uh? You walked into the wrong room and disturbed you.” He Jing simply turned around and ran away after pulling her leg.

“Stop!” shout out loudly sounded, Wang Lan’s figure was already standing at the door, “Two people, what a special brother I am, Spirit Hall has prepared it for me. But I should not use it Going on, but it ’s not good to waste it, you two, what do you think? “

“Little Lan, it ’s okay, without spending a few dollars, it ’s a waste.”

“I will help you clean it up.”

“The great leader warned us to put an end to waste, just for the two, I will fight-”

From the beginning of the school to the present, He Jing, who insisted on playing the game for 70 days at the beginning of the school, successfully broke down.

Lying on the sofa, making pig-like hums from time to time.

“Wang Lan, it’s a bit ruthless …”

“Is it ruthless? Okay, I didn’t kill you, that’s good.”

“Wang Lan, what the hell is going on with you, how can you be put on the death list by the school? We ca n’t find out, just ask my father and my father not to tell me.”

“The director of your dad is my head boss, and he doesn’t even tell you, do you think I will tell you? Forget it, it’s all confidential, don’t inquire.”


“Ten days tired, do n’t play games tonight, let me sleep well.”

“Do you think I can still play games? It hurts all over my body. Hey-Wang Lan, this is not your real purpose? You are too insidious.”

“Want to massage again?”

“Do n’t, Guodong skin is rough, flesh is thick, please ravage as much as possible. I ca n’t.”

Close the door and Wang Lan quietly crossed his knees on the bed. Over the past ten days, too much has happened, and there are too many things to sort out.

Deep into the Divine Consciousness Sea, click on the system. At the moment, there are 20,000 skill points left. There were more than 50,000 skill points before, but I learned an S-Rank star martial skill meteor fire rain, and then connected the meteor fire rain and Gushing Earth Flame Sea in series, resulting in 50,000 skill points directly. It shrank to 20,000 points.

The meteor fire rain is not a pure Fire Attribute star martial skill, he is a mixed fire and earth star martial skill. Earth Element made meteors, and the flame wound meteor fiercely and hit the ground fiercely. With the acceleration of falling from a height, a basketball meteor can cause a kill radius of three meters.

This is a ranged killing star martial skill, which is unfavorable on large battlefields. Wang Lan has seen Yu Ruoyan show more than once, and the formidable power is very strong. After connecting with Gushing Earth Flame Sea. Gushing Earth Flame Sea’s original S-Rank star martial skill was directly upgraded to S +.

Gushing Earth Flame Sea is no longer flame but lava. Although Wang Lan estimates that the star force required to perform this move is very horrible, and it may be out of force once, but waiting for the breakthrough Star Sea in the future, this will be his own big trick.

Thinking of the breakthrough Star Sea environment, Wang Lan immediately remembered that he had just learned successfully, and only one Bronze-level skill among all the star martial skills of Wang Lan, Refining Qi from Xianyun Xuan Qinglu.

Wang Lan tried it, Bronze level Xianyun Xuanqing recorded, one minute increased a little experience value. This speed, counting on his breakthrough Star Sea environment may be a lifetime series again.

Without any hesitation, a hundred points were added to upgrade Xianyun Xuanqinglu to Silver level. With Wang Lan’s vomiting, the speed of absorbing and transforming natural star forces has become significantly faster.

The speed of one minute plus five on the system page is still very slow, but it is much faster than one minute. Anyway, the skill points are enough, Wang Lan adds another point, the home of a thousand skill points is on Xianyun Xuan Qinglu.

Upgraded to Gold level Xianyun Xuan Qinglu, one minute increased experience value to 20. The speed of one minute 20 points actually makes Wang Lan feel a little faster.

Clearly feel the natural energy of Heaven and Earth swarming into Wang Lan ’s nose and mouth, and then absorbed and converted.

one minute Twenty, one hour can get 12 thousand experience points. Twenty-four hours, you can have 28,000 experience points. Wang Lan is now Nebula VII. Upgrading to Nebula VIII. If you need 800,000 experience points, it only takes thirty days.

Rank 1 can be promoted in more than a month. There are two months left in this semester. It is not difficult to break through the Star River environment before the sophomore year.

Although you can upgrade Rank 1 to Star River and start 2,000,000, can you upgrade to Star River Realm Xuanyun Xuan Qinglu? When the time comes even one minute fifty, it is not impossible to break into the Star Sea environment before the senior internship.

Wang Lan has experimented, as long as the star martial skill is not used, the automatic operation of Xianyun Xuanqinglu will not be interrupted. Where is the opportunity to use the star martial skill in the school, plus there are so many Xingwu toxins waiting to be brushed by the medical department.

The speed of promotion to the Star Sea environment should be much faster than expected.

Mei Mei took a nap, and 2nd day was another day full of energy.

Waking up early in the morning, I first received a text message from Jiang Xinyu. Azure Emperor promised to instruct Jiang Xinyu cultivated, and she would turn off her mobile phone and concentrate on the cultivation for these twenty days.

This kind of good deed, Wang Lan will support it if he doesn’t want to.

Regaining his mood, Wang Lan is once again engaged in work. Not studying, but working.

If you study, Wang Lan, a semester subject, earns eight credits from the teacher for a month of hard work. Don’t look, Wang Lan was awarded eight hundred credits by Academy when he came out of Nine-Storey Pagoda. But be aware that the highest credit for a course is only 10 points, and 10 points means impeccable full marks.

Wang Lan spent a lot of time developing the Xingwu toxin vaccine and the Soul bead grenade. It was not easy to get an excellent eight points.

Sun Li Teacher ’s suicide was an unacceptable and a heavy blow to the medical department. Nearly, the medical department fell apart. Later, the Ministry of Education directly airborne an Old Dean from the Ministry of National Defense to Demon Capital Star Martial collage, which stabilized the medical department.

This Old Dean is not good at Xingwu toxin, but the research on medical star martial skill is unique in the world. Compared with the former Sun Li, the prestige status of Deputy President Han is superior.

Because of the arrival of Vice-President Han, the Ministry of Medicine soon got back on track, and many students even suggested that they should be transferred, hoping to elect martial arts.

But Wang Lan ’s interest in these things is not great. Wang Lan is more interested in the more than 30,000 Xingwu toxin vaccines in stock.

After entering work again, Wang Lan’s life became extremely regular. Edit Xingwu toxin vaccine in the morning and develop Soul bead grenades in the afternoon.

Nanong Dean saw Wang Lan actually turned back, and offered to make Soul bead grenade to express his old heart. Xingwu Toxin is not urgent, Soul bead grenade is the top priority.

Wang Lan is nodded again and again, yes, you are right, Jiang Xinyu will go abroad next month, no more effort, I ca n’t get enough wool.

Unconsciously, more than ten days passed quietly.

Also in unconsciously, Wang Lan successfully broke through Nebula eight, and his strength truly entered the late stage of Nebula.

“dīng líng líng ——”

Wang Lan ’s ringtone in his arms interrupted Wang Lan ’s thoughts. Wang Lan took out his mobile phone, but understood the call from night.

“Uncle Ming! What? Well, I’ll come over immediately.”

Understand that the night asked Wang Lan to immediately report to Heavenly Sword Bureau and also asked for formal attire. Without delay, he got up and rode on the electric stove to return to the Wubaiping home in Phoenix Square, changed his military uniform, put on his military rank, and then rushed to Heavenly Sword Bureau.

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