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“Actually, many people in the school know that it ’s just because I take care of my face. Few people talk about it everywhere. I am Duanmu Qingcang ’s illegitimate child, which is not recognized by Duanmu Clan.

Do you think this kind of incident will be let go? Since he came to the Demon Capital Star Martial collage, he has been advocating everywhere.

20 years ago, my mother was deceived by Duan Muqing’s hypocritical appearance, and thought she really found a man who can be entrusted for life. But Duanmu Qingcang not at all fulfilled his promise, in order to inherit Position of Patriarch, abandoned my mother and married the woman of Lu Family.

My mother made a clear line with Duan Muqing and moved here alone. I have lived here for fifteen years. My mother does not allow me to have any involvement with Duanmu Clan. The name of my ID card follows my mother ’s surname, and my real name is Mu Fanghua. “

As soon as these words came out, Wang Lan almost thought that Duanmu Fanghua would also have to answer the question? The real names are out.

“Then why do you care about Duan Muyi’s business? It seems that you have not listened to your mother.”

“If I do n’t rely on Duanmu Clan, can I now have a Star River cultivation base? Can I be admitted to Demon Capital Star Martial collage? Can I worship Nangong Teacher as a teacher? Wang Lan, the fate of us bottom people, you These people who grew up in the Soul bead heap are incomprehensible. “

“Uh … why do everyone think I am the kind of person born with a golden key? Half a year ago, I was still an unknown passerby, okay.

Although Soul bead is important, but also not cannot be obtained by my own ability. Anyway, all of my Soul bead is played by myself. “

“Okay, I might say nothing but you. My house is here, take the elevator to the tenth floor.

However, I still have to ask you, don’t show it later. “


“Mom, I’m back.”

“Well, hey? Are you friends?”

“Aunt is good, I am Mu Senior’s classmate and I will be a freshman this year.”

“Your child, why don’t some guests call me in advance, I have nothing to prepare.” Duan Mufanghua’s mother said Duanmu Fanghua angrily.

“No need for Aunt, Fanghua and I met in the community, so we came to recognize the door, and I will sit down after a while.”

Duan Mu Fanghua ’s mother is a very intellectual woman with legs on her back, sitting in a wheelchair. Keeping her cool short hair, and wearing a pair of literary glasses.

From her proficiency in manipulating wheelchairs, she has lived in wheelchairs for a long time.

“You sit down for a while, I will pour you water.”

“No need, no trouble.” Wang Lan quickly stood up and said.

“Mom, that’s my classmate, you don’t have to be so polite. Don’t move, I’ll get it.”

These two ladies made Wang Lan a little sorry.

The house does n’t look big, it should be seventy-eighty flat. It would be okay if the two of them lived together, but they might look crowded after starting a family with Mu Fanghua.

The decoration of the house is still very retro, it should be installed for a long time. There is no suspended ceiling, just a plaster line on the top of the head. The house is not big, but it is very neat and tidy.

It seems that Duanmu Fanghua did not lie to him. He does live in Jinghua Mingfu Community.

“Senior, Aunt, really don’t need any trouble. Anyway, I already know the door, and I will find Senior to play later.”

“This child, why do you have to go before you sit down? Or do you want to go after dinner?”

“No way, I have an appointment with my classmates to play games? That … Senior, Aunt, I’ll leave first?”

“Then … I won’t keep you anymore, Fanghua, give you classmates.”

“I am looking at the pot …”

“I watch, you go.”

“No need …”

Duanmu Fanghua sent Wang Lan to the door very enthusiastically. Duanmu Fanghua laughed, “Do n’t be surprised, my mother ’s legs and feet are not convenient. I am usually lonely at home, so it ’s rare to be personal, so I am more enthusiastic.”

“Although your mother ’s legs do n’t seem to be very good, you still have at least one mother. I remember a song written a few years ago. Listen to my mother and do n’t hurt her.”

Leaving such a sentence, the silhouette of Wang Lan disappeared in the elevator.

The smile on Duan Mufang ’s face was disappeared when Wang Lan ’s elevator was completely closed. Coldly snorted, turned to open the door and walked into the house.

At this moment, Ms. Mu turned her back to Duan Mu Fanghua, looking calmly out of the window.

“Are you involved with Duanmu Family again?”

“No … No?” Maybe I was used to lying. Duan Mufang’s lie spontaneously came out, and there was no slight guilty conscience in his face.

“Not yet? Your student is not an ordinary student. He first looked at me when he was near the house, then looked at the decoration of my house, and finally stood up and left after seeming to confirm something.”

“Mom, have you been alone at home for a long time and like to think about it? What are you talking about and what? My classmates came to my house and it ’s normal to observe you?

When I go to other people ’s homes, it also depends on the host ’s face, whether it is welcome and so on. Also, he thinks the decoration of my house is also normal. My house is so retro, it must be rare. “

“I think too much?”

“You must think too much.”

“Really? You never brought your classmates home, and this time you suddenly brought people home. Neither of your two good friends in the student union have ever been brought back. And this Wang Lan, I never listened After his name, you brought him back? This is not your character. “

“Mom, because I want to stutter him. Do n’t think about it, I really draw a line with Duanmu Family.”

“It ’s better to be like this, I heard that Duan Muyi is dead. Do n’t think your chance is here even if he is dead. Even if Duanmu Family wants to take you to Duanmu Family, it must wait for me to die. I warn you, If you step into the Duanmu Family door with your front foot, I’ll show you the back foot. ”

“Mom, no. Wang Lan’s thighs are much thicker than Duanmu Clan, so I wouldn’t be stupid on Duanmu Clan’s sinking boat.”

“You just know, just look at the pot and be careful not to get confused.”

Returning from Duan Mufang ’s home, the four members of the squad were already waiting downstairs, and the superintendent also came to pull up the isolation belt to maintain the order.

“Captain, let’s go.”


The off-road vehicle starts, drives out of the community and goes to the elevated. It was at noon at this moment. Although there were not many cars during the evening rush hour, because it was a weekend, the vehicles traveling on the elevated road were already next to each other.

“The case is broken?” Suddenly, Liu Yifeng beside Wang Lan asked like a corpse.

“Are you still sleepwalking? Broken. The murderers were all put on the spot by Captain.”

“But … how do I feel like I haven’t done anything? Just broken? It’s only been a day and a half.”

“What else do you want? You have to go through the suffer untold hardships, only to catch the murderer from the south to the north is the case solved?” Zhang Xiao of the first officer said with a sneer.

“This is too fast. For such a difficult case, it has been almost a month since the bureau has made no progress. It took us a day and a half to get it done? This thing is enough for me to pretend for a year. “

“Is that what you broke? The case was broken by Captain.”

“Captain, something is wrong.” Yang Yang driving said suddenly. Yang Yang’s tone of speech became more respectful. It must be said that Yang Yang’s tone of Wang Lan was only to fulfill the position rank, but now, after Wang Lan independently killed a Star Sea expert, Yang Yang has sufficient recognition of Wang Lan’s strength. .

In terms of military rank, Yang Yang is a rank 1 higher than Wang Lan.

“Four cars behind are frequently overtaking and approaching quickly. I suspect they are coming at us.”

“Can you throw it away?”

“Ca n’t get rid of it, there are so many cars on the overhead, if I learn them, it will cause a large car accident.”

“Go down the ramp ahead. Go to a place with fewer people.”


Yang Yang hurriedly turned into the ramp, and the four cars behind followed the ramp.

Maybe the other party does n’t want to do things in a crowded place. After Wang Lan got off the elevated track, he did n’t chase after him as much as he did before, but followed him from a distance. I have been walking to a remote place for more than ten minutes.

Wang Lan ’s car stopped and the four cars stopped 100 meters apart. Soon, another seven or eight vehicles came from all directions to surround Wang Lan’s off-road vehicles in the middle.

The door of the other party opened, and five people got off in each car, so it is estimated that more than fifty people appeared.

“Friends, we don’t want to make things big. Just give us the person you caught from Jinghua Famous House and what you got, and we will be safe.

Also, everyone can get a thank you, and the gratitude is enough to make you worry-free for the rest of your life. Otherwise, we can only ask you to die. ”

In a car, a deep voice sounded.

“Huh?” Yang Yang chuckled, “Dare to surround the Heavenly Sword Bureau’s car? I haven’t encountered it in the Heavenly Sword Bureau for so many years. Captain, what should I do?”

“Don’t say I haven’t seen it, I haven’t heard of it, what can I do? Yifeng, Baixu, Zhang Xiao, stay in the car to protect the physical evidence. Yang Yang, you are east to the west, do it quickly.” /p>


Yang Yang pushed the door slowly. When the door opened, the body had liquefied as if it were a silver liquid robot. And when Wang Lan’s figure fell, he pointed at the sky.

The star force surged instantly, and an array appeared instantly on the sky.

“Fall out!” One of the team screamed.

“Meteor Fire Rain.”

His reminder was still too late. At the moment when the man screamed loudly, the meteor rain in the sky had already smashed down.

boom ~ boom ~ ——

The explosions continued to sound, and the crowd surrounding Wang Lan was forced on the spot.

Do you want to be so scary? Do you want to open it directly? Even if you are a star martial artist in the Star Sea environment, you can’t be a normal Star Sea environment?

S-Rank star martial skill as soon as you come up? Is this a human thing?

A burst of meteor rain, let alone seven or eight killed, and those who escaped by chance did not fall well. The explosion of the car, the fire and rain in the sky, the smoky smoke.

This style of painting is not a group of people blocking one at all, but a group of people being abused by one person.

But it ’s not over yet. Wang Lan shot the ground fiercely after the meteor fire shower. The compound S-Rank star martial skill was launched before the other party had time to recover slowly.

“Underground lava.”

The hot, bright red lava gushing from the ground instantly engulfed the top 50 meters of Wang Lan noodles. As long as it is under the cover of the underground lava, unless there is a defensive star martial skill, otherwise each one is completely engulfed by the hot lava.

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