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“Really a group of dead men, let ’s go and catch a living mouth. Will you seal it?”

“Seal is a must-have skill for independent teams.”

Wang Lan controlled the vines of Senro Vientiane to loosen, revealing his eyes rolled inside, as if he had experienced a dozen middle-aged gaunt men devastated by rich women. Yang Yang and Zhang Xiao shot in an instant, and they flashed the Yin and Yang star force, almost simultaneously photographed on the middle-aged man’s forehead.

After three seconds, the two let go, and a middle-aged man’s eyebrow has a Yin-Yang Fish mark on it.


“Take away!”

A group of five people got into the car, and Wang Lan always felt a pair of eyes constantly looking at himself.

Do n’t look away, Wang Lan smiles at Baixu, “Whitexu elder sister, you ’re staring at me all the way, hold on?”

“Captain, are you from Yu Family?”

“What do you think? My surnamed Wang, how could it be Yu Family?”

“Almost, if you add a little bit, will it be jade?”


“Is it not a default to say nothing? Captain rest assured that we are an elite squad, and we understand the confidentiality rules and guarantee that they will not be disclosed.”

“You can pull it down! If you say that, Wang Yu will be indistinguishable in the future. My identity is so innocent, is your brain too big.”

“But you can get Wood Element star martial skill. Wood Element star martial skill is very rare, the most famous one is Yu Family.”

“Wood Element can be less than medicine category even if it is rare? Actually, Wood Element star martial artist is not small, but the famous experts are only Yu Family and Duanmu Family. In addition to the strong rise of Azure Emperor, many Wood Element star martial artists are all thinking of being attached to Azure Emperor lineage, and they call themselves Yu Family. They misunderstand the melon-eating people who do not understand the complete truth. “

“Oh … wait, Captain ’s unspoken implication means that I am a melon-eating crowd not understanding the complete truth?”

“Please remove unspoken implication, you can understand what unspoken implication is?”

“hahaha …”

Wang Lan and the others left, and Superintendent Wu wu wu came again.

The Superintendent was a little stubborn today, and was running behind the butt of Heavenly Sword Bureau all day, either aftermath or sweeping.

Four people came to the office of Ming Ye to report and understand that when Ye heard Wang Lan reported the result of the case, the expression stopped for five seconds.

Then I swallowed the tea and asked calmly, “It’s only been a day and a half? Is the case broken?”

“Yes, it’s broken, this case is actually not difficult.” Wang Lan said modestly.

Liu Yifeng’s mouth twitched slightly behind him, isn’t it difficult? Isn’t it hard for you to be a ghost? I did n’t even want to understand how the case was solved. How did you find Jinghua’s famous palace?

I found nothing before going to bed last night. Wake up this morning and you have a big clue to me? I always feel there is a history of fragments.

“Who is the murderer? Why kill?”

“The murderer is Wei Zheng, who was Xiao Qing ’s teammate at the time, and was responsible for those who survived the accident and survived. Star Sea Really Early-Stage strength, combat style is close combat, quick combat, there are hidden self and star Innate Ability of force, the sword level is extremely high. “

“Wei Zheng? I’m a little bit impressed, it seems to be Bai Xiaoyun’s Captain. If it is him, then he should also be the person of hellfire. Why kill people? Revenge society?”

“After Xiao Qing was suppressed, secret mastermind still tried to kill to the last one. So he would send a killer to assassinate Bai Ji. And although Xiao Qing did not confess to secret mastermind, he did not at all.

If the secret mastermind wants to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, Xiao Qing will take out his back either the fish dies or the net splits. And this backhand is in Wei Zheng’s hands. The reason why Wei Zheng killed was nothing more than venting. In his words, he hated the betrayal most. That’s all. “

“Wait, you said that you have information on Xiao Qing’s secret mastermind? Is it Duanmu Clan?” Realizing that the night was calm, he hurriedly stood up and asked.

“It should be Duanmu Clan, but I have no evidence. However, some fine Divine Seal engraved Soul bead was found from Wei Zheng’s family. There should be evidence retained by Xiao Qing to lock secret mastermind.”

“Let ’s go, report to the director, and count the evidence together.”

“By the Secretary, can you help me investigate a person?”


“Duanmu Fanghua, also known as Mu Fanghua, anyway as detailed as possible, including his family, relatives, friends, network, etc …”

“Why investigate him?”

“I always feel that he is like a poisonous snake that makes me uneasy, and he was also there when Jing Zheng arrested Wei Zheng in Jinghua Mingfu, although his family lives in Jinghua Mingfu. But we were immediately killed on the way back Interceptor’s attack.

How are our whereabouts exposed? I don’t believe Duanmu Clan can know my every move so quickly. If they could be so powerful, they would have put the devil in their hands. “

“Do you suspect that … Duan Mufanghua reported the news?”

“Well, I suspect that Duan Mufanghua also happened to find Wei Zheng. Because when I saw him, he was walking under Wei Zheng’s real estate. And his family lived near Beimenkou, even if they bought food, it was not necessary Abandon the closer North Gate and enter through the South Gate. But I just doubt, there is no evidence. “

“Okay! I will arrange people to check as soon as possible.”

One hour later, Cheng Sword Dragon came to the Conference Hall with a middle age person.

“This is Yu Ruozhen ’s Special Commissioner of the General Staff. This is the Director of the Operations Division of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, our magic capital. He understands that this night is Wang Wang, the Major of the Operations Division.”

“Good chief!”

“Student Wang Lan, please look forward to your name for a long time! In the future, please take care of Her Highness the Princess.” The other party shook hands with Wang Lan very politely, but it was obviously cold.

“Bai Ye, what are your major discoveries?”

“Secretary, Special Commissioner. Yesterday morning, I called Wang Lan to assign him to the most recently bizarre serial murder case. Wang Lan really lived up to expectations and found the murderer in just one and a half days.

The murderer is Wei Zheng and is Xiao Qing ’s associate. The purpose of the murder is to avenge Xiao Qing. We collected a large amount of middle grade Soul bead in Wei Zheng’s house. Most importantly, we collected the fine Divine Seal engraved Soul bead left by Xiao Qing.

These are all things that Xiao Qing would not like to explain to his death.

After classifying with the Evidence Office, I confirmed that Xiao Qing ’s behind-the-scenes supporter was Duanmu Clan ’s patriarch Duanmu Qingcang, and Xiao Qing had left images of seeing Duanmu Qingcang many times, and obeyed Duanmu Qingcang . “

“Duanmu Clan? Huh, I should have thought about it.” Yu Ruozhen’s shouted face is irresistible. “Now the Star martial family is becoming more and more ridiculous. Peace and security are only 70 years old in the world, many Star martial The family is almost rotten.

Space Stone smuggling, Space Stone smuggling, Soul bead smuggling, Soul bead smuggling, etc … This Duanmu Clan is also the top Star martial family of Jade Country anyway, Duanmu Qing is also a patriarch anyway, even without a skin. “

“It’s this matter?” Sword Dragon is relatively calm, indifferently said after listening.

The purpose of combating Xiao Qing is to stabilize the Soul bead market, not to hit it in the end. As for who is behind Xiao Qing’s support … it’s not particularly important. If it can be cleaned up, then it will be cleaned up. If it can’t be cleaned up, let it go first.

“Secretary, but one of the videos is very unusual. Wang Lan!”


Wang Lan said, picked up a Soul bead to read it, and then spread out his left hand, star force surging, Wang Lan ’s left hand raised a star force surging azure screen, the image appeared on the screen.

This is a dark room, with Duan Muqing Cang sitting above the throne, and Xiao Qing standing in front of Duan Muqing Cang with his head bowed to show a respectful look.

“Xiao Qing, I have received 100,000 Soul beads here, and you will dispose of them as soon as possible.”

“As soon as possible? How much time?”

“One month!”

“Time is too short? The recent demand for Soul bead is not great.”

“I do n’t want to hear what you say is difficult. As long as you give me the result, I need a lot of money now, and customers need a lot of Space Stone.”

“One hundred thousand Soul bead brains put into the market will have an impact on Soul bead prices and the revenue will shrink a lot.”

“I need 5,000,000,000.”

“One hundred thousand Soul bead will be sold at a normal price of 5,000,000,000, and we can only sell part of the profit in a one-time sale so much, and we must sell it within a month. It is difficult to reach 5,000,000,000, at most … Up to 3,000,000,000. “

“Xiao Qing, do n’t think that I ’ll leave everything to you and I really do n’t know what small actions you did. I can hold you up, and I can hold him up for another person.

There are 10,000 middle grade Soul beads out of 100,000 Soul beads. Can you tell me that you ca n’t get 5,000,000,000? “

“Yes, I will try my best.”

“Nothing else, you can go down. One hundred thousand Soul bead will be delivered to you tonight.”

“BOSS, can I have the courage to ask? The source of these 100,000 Soul beads?”

“You can remember Liu Xiao’s name.”

“Yes, then I will resign.”

The picture freezes here, but the information contained in this video makes the faces of the people present become dignified.

“Xingwu Academy’s 100,000 Soul beads were not sold by Liu Xiao … but Duan Muqing Cang. What an old guy! What a brave act.” Yu Ruo really resented shouted.

“This is not the most important thing. Before that, Heavenly Sword Bureau has been checking Xingwu Academy ’s 100,000 Soul Bead who helped Liu Xiao sell it. Liu Xiao has been silenced, and then Xingwu Academy gave The clue is the vice president Qi Changling.

Heavenly Sword Bureau then hurried to Western Mountain Province, but Qi Changling had disappeared. We also thought that the mastermind of the Soul bead was Qi Changling, who had fled in conviction.

But there are still many doubts. Qi Changling is not like someone who can do this. But because there was no clue, the investigation had to be terminated. Since these 100,000 Soul beads came from Duanmu Qingcang, he must know who stolen Soul bead. “Understand the result of the discussion between Wang Jiang and Wang Lan.

“This is probably not the most important thing.” Yu Ruozhen suddenly shouted.

“Did the big mouse hidden in Xingwu Academy only be a small act of selling Soul bead?”

“Special agent means …”

“Secretary Cheng, do n’t forget, there is a major event in Xingwu Academy. Some people dare to design and frame two Her Highness the Princess. It can be successfully mixed into Nine-Storey Pagoda. The rat of Xingwu Academy is not low. /p>

Since your Heavenly Sword Bureau has investigated clearly, Duanmu Family once sent the dead to Nine-Storey Pagoda to assassinate Bai Ji, is he the one who set the trap in Death Valley? “

Wang Lan ’s eyes flashed, “It ’s possible, even if he ’s not alone, there must be collusion.”

“What are you waiting for? Arrest Duanmu Qingcang.” Understand that the night hurriedly shouted.

“Duanmu Clan … a Duanmu Clan, a dog that has been raised for hundreds of years, has even started to bite the owner. Cheng Cheng, this time arrest, Heavenly Sword Bureau and Yu Family together.”

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