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El Princess did n’t stay in Wang Lan ’s dormitory for a long time. Although she wanted to, she looked at Wang Lan ’s official business and refused to let her go.

The dormitory was quiet again, and Wang Lan returned to the bed and sat cross-legged. Promoted to the Star River, and finally caught up with the same period.

Wang Lan has extremely demanding requirements on himself, which can be seen from the study god position. Although in order to open the system, it is only a reason to open the system.

If you change someone else, even if you are given a reason, can you have this self-discipline? It is possible for most people to stick to one month, but it is difficult to stick to five years.

In terms of strength, he caught up with peers six months ago and even exceeded the so-called genius. But Wang Lan needs to catch up in all aspects, at least not weaker than Jiang Xinyu.

My regular strength has reached the Star River level.

You are in Nebula.

I have Phoenix Form and the battle strength is fully open to fight against Xinghai Realm.

You are in Nebula.

The Nebula state is the Nebula state, and the battle strength is still low on the High Rank.

But now, the first half of the freshman year has not passed, and breaking through the Star River is a small group of people at the top of the pyramid among freshmen. To the best of Wang Lan’s knowledge, there are only seven freshmen in the same class.

The upgrade brings not only the change of star force quality, but also the skyrocketing of star force reserves. In terms of quality, the star force consumed by the same star martial skill is about half of the Nebula period. It is not that the star force required by the star martial skill becomes less, but the quality of the star force becomes higher.

On the basis of the original reserves, it has skyrocketed by about three times. Counting the ten-fold star force that had skyrocketed because of the bloodline of the vortex family, Wang Lan’s current star force can allow him to play the star martial skill without any care.

Even if these star martial skills are all S-Rank configured star martial skills.

Floating lava alone, they fired fifty times in one breath. What if after fifty times? How to do? hehe … just ask anyone who can withstand fifty times and say it again.

The skyrocketing star force made Wang Lan feel an unprecedented sense of fulfillment. But now, Wang Lan needs to complete another transformation. After breaking through the Star River, the transformation on the star force can only be said to be half completed, and the other half is the transformation on the star martial skill.

Close your eyes, sink your mind into the system, and immediately open the star martial skill page to focus your attention on your talent skill Hymn of Life.

Hymn of Life is not easy to upgrade from Gold One to Gold Nine. The ordinary Gold-level star martial skill only needs 10,000 to upgrade, while Hymn of Life requires a total of 55,000 EXP.

Especially now, Hymn of Life, Gold LV9 (010000)

A full of 10,000 skill points, Wang Lan did not add points to him for a long time. The skill points accumulated in five days were 30,000, plus the previous accumulated 50,000, a total of 80,000.

80,000 skill points seem to be many, but in fact … not many.

After upgrading Hymn of Life to Platinum Gold, it is not enough to upgrade him to Platinum Gold 9. Even more how, and that many skills are waiting for you to upgrade. This skill point is good for upgrading your main skills to Platinum Gold level.

Slightly hesitant, Wang Lan immediately began adding points to Hymn of Life.

After the upgrade of Hymn of Life, not at all derived other forms of abilities, but Wang Lan has always felt what Hymn of Life is gestating. This kind of feeling is difficult to tell with words, just like a pregnant woman cannot describe what it feels like to have a child.

It’s a pity that until I upgraded to Gold Nine, the gestation of that kind of life was still not completed. But Wang Lan has a strong feeling, almost coming. As long as you upgrade to Platinum Gold, talent skills will usher in a new transformation.

Ten thousand skill points filled in talent skills, instantly, a dazzling white light appeared in Wang Lan’s field of vision. The white light was gorgeous and dazzled Wang Lan’s eyes.

Gradually, the rays of light dissipated, and Wang Lan ’s first Platinum Gold skill appeared in front of him.

The metallic feel of white flashes golden rays of light, like a gemstone, set on the skill page.

“The light of life, the star martial skill advanced from Hymn of Life, skill one, self-healing, passive skill. When the practitioner encounters critical life damage, it will automatically trigger the star martial skill, fast Repair the fatal injury of the body.

Spiritual awakening, passive ability. The host automatically activates after being fatally injured, is in an absolutely sober state, is immune to all Spirit Attack, immune to its own protective coma, paralysis, and doubles the speed of thinking.

Life delivery, active ability, launch ten life chains to connect to the target, and transport life force through the chain to heal the target’s physical damage. Ability characteristics cannot be interrupted or distorted. Ability to use range, 30 meters.

Rebirth of the avatar, active skills, the birth of the original life bead in the heart with life force, when the moment of death blow, you can take the life bead away from the fleshy body.

When the life bead is separated from the fleshy body, it will immediately start Life Power to promote development, and a new body can be re-grown within 30 seconds. Note: Reincarnation is similar to shedding body, exchanging bones. Once this skill is used, it will consume 90% of the star force. It is recommended that the host hide the life bead in a hidden place when launching to avoid being subjected to a second blow.

Hynn of Life directly derived so many abilities after upgrading to Platinum Gold. Wang Lan was shocked and his heart disappointing jumped quickly.

Platinum Gold level skill, divided by the level of Xingwu Realm is super S-Rank star martial skill. Of course, the division after super S-Rank is very vague, and all that are stronger than S-Rank are called super S-Rank. But this light of life definitely has a place in the super S-Rank.

Two more abilities are added, one is immune to all Illusion Technique attacks. Illusion Technique has always been Wang Lan’s shortcomings. At least at the beginning, Mingyue Wucheng was almost stared at by a look in his eyes, which made Wang Lan still worried.

Although you have mastered the methods of restraining the Illusion Technique, many brilliant Illusion Techniques can make you illusory without realizing it. You can’t perceive that nature doesn’t want to lift the illusion, but how to die is not understood.

The only uncomfortable thing is that this is a passive skill, and it has to encounter life threatening damage.

And the last one is awesome, basically belongs to the simplified version of Rebirth from a drop of Blood.

Wang Lan ’s self-healing star martial skill is indeed very hanging, able to fight and resist, even if the heart is smashed, it can grow back in a few seconds, and even serious injuries can be quickly repaired.

But what Wang Lan has been most worried about before, what should I do if my head is cut?

What should I do if he is killed in an instant, even if he is too late to heal?

Come now!

With the avatar reborn, it ’s okay to have your head cut off. If the head is cut, it can launch the life bead and grow a brand new self in thirty seconds.

There is such a saying, you killed me, there are thousands of me …

It is indeed Innate Ability of labor and management. Give me whatever you need.

Withholding the urge to spend another 20,000 yuan to enhance the light of life, Wang Lan turned his attention to other star martial skills. At the top, the gray Phoenix Form that was to be activated made Wang Lan’s face flicker with a little pain.

Once upgraded to Star River, Phoenix Form can be converted into regular skills. heaven knows how many skill points this dog skill devoured Wang Lan this year and a half. These skill points have long pushed Phoenix Form to Platinum Gold, diamonds.

But because of the integration with Dragon Emperor Form, Phoenix Form is directly upgraded to the second form, so it has to wait for Xinghai Realm to transform. Xinghai Realm … It’s almost a long time.

Swept a group of gold-level martial skills, and finally looked at Xianyun Xuanqinglu. The other star martial skills are to increase the damage output. This Xianyun Xuanqinglu is related to your upgrade speed.

Upgrading from Star River to Nebula requires more than 50 million EXP, which is extremely scary data. Adding up all the EXP Wang Wang earned before is just a fraction of it.

I can earn by doing missions alone. I am afraid that only by doing missions to save the galaxy can we earn so much EXP? The level of Xianyun Xuanqinglu is now Gold 2. It requires 8,000 skill points to upgrade.

Although it hurts, let ’s rise.

Every liter of Rank 1 in Xianyun Xuanqinglu feels a piece of meat cut on Wang Lan. Soon, 8,000 skill points were filled in.

It was another flash of white light, and the second Platinum Gold skill was lit like a star lit by the sky.

“Refining Qi article of Xianyun Xuan Qinglu, Platinum Gold LV1 (020000) Perfection Realm, one minute increases by one hundred EXP.”

One minute has one hundred? This is beyond Wang Lan’s estimate. If one minute is one hundred, then there can be six thousand in one hour. Wang Lan has mastered the conscious control and can run Xianyun Xuanqinglu at any time. Except when fighting and sleeping, others such as walking, eating, studying, and working hours can all be operated.

It takes 2,000,000 to upgrade from Star River One to Star River Two. If you run for eight hours a day, you can upgrade in less than three months. Even if you upgrade from Star River to Xinghai Realm, it is estimated that it will not take three years.

That is to say, Wang Lan, even relying on Xianyun Xuanqinglu, is likely to break into Xinghai Realm before his senior year. But this has not counted Wang Lan’s other EXP income. If the development of Xingwu toxin vaccine is added, the EXP increase will double.

Unfortunately, Xianyun Xuanqinglu only adds EXP, otherwise Wang Lan still has to take on the task, how good is it to go out to the Xinghai realm after graduation from the university?

Xianyun Xuan Qinglu solved the biggest problem in Wang Lan’s explosive growth stage. The strength of all star martial artists grew from 18 years old to 30 years old.

If other classmates have risen sharply one by one at this stage, and he has risen so sharply before and then becomes slower and slower in the back, it will not look good. It is inevitable that Jiang Lang will be labeled.

With the Platinum Gold-level fairy cloud Xuan Qinglu, it ’s not too slow to go from Early-Stage in Star River to Xinghai in three years. The 21-year-old Xinghai Realm is worthy of the name of a genius, and it can still impact 9 Emperors for nine years. “

I upgraded two Platinum Gold skills and spent nearly 20,000 skill points. What should I do to upgrade the remaining skill points? I thought about it, Illusion Phantom steps must, this is the first skill of sneak attack fugitives.

It took 10,000 skill points to upgrade Illusion Phantom steps to Platinum Gold level. When the white light dropped, the name of Illusion Phantom steps also changed.

“Dance of the Nether Butterfly?”

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