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On the 2nd day in the morning, 5,000 troops set off on the journey on the way of the people of Bing Xue ’s country. Wang Lan was sitting in the car, looking at the thin yellow-skinned faces outside the window.

They did n’t cheer, they did n’t send farewell, and the smoky road was so quiet on both sides. Everyone’s expressions stared at the troops walking along the road as if to keep their faces in their hearts.

“What kind of encounter caused their emotions to be so heavy?” Wu Shaohua in the car gently sighed.

“Betting on the National Games, betting on hope, betting on everything. This is the last international assistance, which is better than the years and quiet. In the future, it is sunny and loses. The entire country is signed to eternal damnation.” El Princess Said low in tears.

Space 2 is located on the east side of the country of Bing Xue, and to the east is the maritime economic lifeline of the country of Bing Xue. If the No. 2 space is eradicated, it not only solves the most direct danger of the country of Bing Xue, but also opens up the circulation of the country of Bing Xue with the outside world, and continuously supplies can enter the country of Bing Xue from the ice sea.

Do n’t get close to the second space, the dense gunshots sound.

“We don’t have the strength to block the monsters in the space, so we can only arrange defense lines outside the space. As long as the monsters dare to rush out of the space, our firepower will tear them into pieces.”

But when Wang Lan and the others came out of the second space, they could not believe that El Princess’s so-called defense line had only three trifling lines. Three lines of defense, no indestructible fortifications, no decent fortresses, just a great wall of flesh and blood composed of a group of soldiers wearing gas masks.

Occasionally, a strange animal protrudes its head from the space of different degrees. Before the strange animal can see the mysterious world outside, a bullet enters from its eye socket, lifting its top of the head.

But most of the time, the monsters do n’t come out like this, but a swarm of bees rushing out dozens of hundreds, and the speed is as fast as a wind. A round of shooting can only block the pace of the monster. In particular, some exotic beasts have the ability to dig earth and disappear into the ground in a blink of an eye.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers of Bing Xue ’s country innovated and invented countless ways to deal with various beasts, and some were even breathtaking.

For example, everyone is tied with explosives. If the beast rushes in front of him, when it is too late to counterattack or dodge, the explosive and the beast are directly perished together.

This army of five thousand people in the calm space was given the name of God’s Blessing. When the army forward reached the second-dimensional space, he acted instantaneously, first blocking the beast in the different-dimensional space.

Medical vehicles build temporary front-line hospitals on positions outside of space two. After all, the era hospital lacking the medicine category star martial artist is the backbone of the wounded.

The medical team led by Wang Lan immediately began to analyze the peripheral Xingwu toxins, immediately matched to the vaccine, and then injected each Soldiers in the pre-war hospital. One injection, life-long immunity, this is the strength of the vaccine.

There is no general meeting of oaths, no exciting battle song.

After all the vaccines were injected, Soldiers led the Academy Volunteer and rushed into the heterogeneous space.

If the environment of the No. 2 heterogeneous space is described by an era, it is the Permian lava hell. The whole ground seems to be irrigated by lava, the clouds in the sky are black clouds, the lakes and rivers on the ground are steaming water, and the rocky ground is cracked from time to time and a hot lava is sprayed from it.

In such an environment, human survival time is definitely measured in seconds. But the beasts here seem to be very happy with this environment, jumping among the rocks and bathing in the lake.

The emergence of the human army immediately attracted the attention of the monster. The monster roared toward the human army, and hundreds of monsters roared, sending out a roaring roar of the eardrums that shocked the eardrum.

According to past practice, humans will be dizzy and dizzy soon after they enter their territory. When they rush into the crowd, it must be a one-sided slaughter.

Occasionally, there are a few people with good strength, and at most, they insist on more than ten or twenty minutes, and they become soft feet. This situation is more common for strange animals at the entrance and is used to it.

Yo? There are quite a lot of people coming this time, but it does n’t matter. It ’s all a group of soft-footed shrimps. We do n’t need ten minutes to solve the battle. Finally, you can eat the tender meat again, and the meat in the space is harder than the other.

In the face of the surging beasts, the mercenaries behind were a little upset. But in the rear wing, the volunteer group headed in front, this is just a small battle pediatrics.

El Princess feels the state of the body. Sure enough, there is no feeling of discomfort. The vaccine is really immune to Xingwu toxin. very good, perfect.

“Bing Xue, Nightfall Solitary Frost—” El Princess took the lead in attacking, star force surged, El Princess took a deep breath, and his chest swelled instantly.

A sip of frozen air spewed out suddenly, and the ground in front instantly became wrapped in silver and white. The first dozens of strange animals were frozen into ice sculptures.

boom ~ boom ~ ——

The rear beast ran into one head, and dozens of ice sculptures didn’t even understand the whole thing, so they turned into a residue.

“Yellow Springs Slough!” A teacher who led the team snorted and slapped the palm towards the ground. There was a dark slough 100 meters away. Twenty odd beasts didn’t have time to brake and were planted in the mud.

“Hell is burning.”

The slough suddenly and violently rotates. With the rotation, the flame rises, and the mud is instantly dried. When the mud is still, more than twenty different beasts that fell into the mud are fuse together.

Teacher beckoned gently, and more than 20 Soul beads spewed out of the mud and fell into their hands.

The monster strength in Space 2 is indeed good, much stronger than Jade Country ’s advanced proving ground. But … it depends on who you compare with.

If there are no 30 Academy Stars and a large number of Star River Realm seniors, this heterogeneous space is a tough battle for the Black Tiger Army. For those mercenaries, it is definitely meat grinder, hell.

But with this group of Demon Capital Star Martial collage, this group of monsters is as good as a rabbit, not only not fierce, but also cute. Four or five Xinghaijing experts shot, and the first few hundred beasts all rushed to receive the lunch.

“Let ’s push one more kilometer outward, here as a rear base.”


In this battle, there is almost no chance for the Black Tiger Army to make a shot, let alone a group of mercenaries who are hired with high salaries, making them feel like they are coming for the number.

“After all, it is one of the four major Star Academy … This strength is comparable to our military area.”

“Now that you know the gap between Pheasant University and the Big Four? The strength of a student can go to your school to be a Principal. Tactical Teacher, all the stars. Tsk tsk tsk … No wonder, Four major Academy, one destroyed one country. “

In less than half a day, a large rear of about one kilometer was sorted out of Space 2 to carry emergency supplies and everything into the space.

The next step is a big search to find the spatiotemporal nodes in different degrees of space. This heterogeneous space has the size of one third of the country of Bing Xue. The harsh environment is all over the beasts, and no one knows where the Space Node is.

Without detection equipment, you can only find a needle in a haystack. The later tactics are that the 30 teams and the Black Tiger Army team lead a group of cannon fodder to all around to find the space-time node.

This is a long and dangerous job, and no one can guarantee that a beast that sprouts out of sight will kill you. For this, mercenaries who come for money are very clear. It is called danger lurks within the riches and honour, as long as they can go back alive, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

The main task of the Wang Lan Squad is to guard the rear, ensure the safety of the transportation of materials, and find the corresponding vaccines for them after the unknown Xingwu toxins are found on the front line. If there is not even the corresponding vaccine, Wang Lan can only make an antidote temporarily.

The Xingwu Toxin Synthesizer is still lying in Wang Lan’s space equipment.

After repairing for an hour, the troops once again spread to the depths of the alien space. Three hours later, the rear also started to get busy.

Some wounded people have been sent back, and new Xingwu toxins have appeared. Although Wang Lan has developed more than 80 kinds of Xingwu toxin vaccines, Space 2 may not have all the Xingwu toxins in five spaces. There must be no Xingwu toxins found.

With the deepening of the battle, the development of the situation is much better than Wang Lan expected. Although there were casualties on the front line, there were not many casualties. As for Xingwu Academy and Black Tiger Army, there are medical star martial artists themselves.

In addition to pairing Xingwu toxins, Wang Lan also often receives some Xingwu treatments to make extra money.

Treat ten Soul beads at once! Too expensive? You have no money for three days in the hospital, and how much Soul bead can you earn in three days? Pay with one hand, deliver with one hand, good …

Now the biggest obstacle to Wang Lan’s strength improvement is not EXP, but skill points. In this year, which time is not the skill to the ceiling, just wait for the task level to upgrade before you advance?

Where like now, after upgrading to the Star River environment, most star martial skills in the system layout are still in the Gold stage? And there is Gold to a degree.

As if you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, even if you do n’t upgrade your basic skills to Platinum Gold, if the star martial skill pages are all Platinum Gold, how tidy and beautiful?

Ten Soul beads are only ten skill points, but the mosquito legs are also meat.

In succession, more and more mercenaries are being sent back, and Wang Lan can still earn thousands of Soul beads this day. I saw Yu Ruoyan, who had just escorted a batch of vaccines from outside, looking full.

I’m tired of running errands outside. You’re doing business to get rich in the back? Ten people can be connected at a time, and a hundred Soul beads can be said less at a time. Just a few seconds before and after, a hundred Soul bead is ready?

One or two hours of treatment is taken from day to night, and thousands of Soul bead are credited. Not to mention that the mercenaries are just lemons, but Yu Ruoyan’s heart is also sour.

After three days, the number of people killed in the sky soared. After five days, most areas of No. 2 Xenospace were searched, but no time and space nodes were found. However, fierce beasts in the heterogeneous space emerged one after another, and there was an explosive increase in casualties.

Academy volunteers killed two Star River students, Black Tigers killed twenty star martial artists in Nebula, and the number of mercenary soldiers was a little bit larger, and almost five thousand killed after five days people.

This is still the premise of Wang Lan’s intensive treatment in the rear, otherwise the number of deaths will have to rise by several hundred.

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