“Interesting star martial skill.”

“寧 ——” Suddenly, a cold glow appeared like lightning, and the mulberry instantly cut the sword.


Wang Lan ’s shape appeared strangely on Mulberry ’s lower back. When the sword was unsheathed, he cut it into Mulberry ’s waist.

“It’s interesting to start now.”

Wang Lan who is in the Gold Technique Foundation Blade Technique Foundation Swordsmanship, who was afraid of during the white-blade battle?

“Good knife, good Blade Technique!” Sang Guo’s eyes shined and looked towards Wang Lan’s eyes.


The two shot at the same time, and instantly, the blade light exploded in front of the two.

“boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Suddenly, three groups of red smoke columns exploded on the ground of the cave, and it seemed that Yu Ruoyan and three would be swallowed up. The sudden attack made people unresponsive.

At the crucial moment, Yu Ruoyan responded the fastest, rolling Wu Shaohua and Al Princess with a wind dance whip, and a trick of transplanting seedlings returned to the expert of the bird of paradise.

Countless piles of dropping from the sky, inserted into the ground like arrows and rain, piles inserted into the soil, and roots grow instantly. In a blink of an eye, the range of 100 meters below the ground is covered by densely packed roots.

The three people falling from the sky stood on a huge wooden pile and watched the surroundings alertly.

“Wu Teacher, Al Princess, Earth Element star martial skill was scrapped by me, neither enemy nor us can use Earth Element.”

“Beautifully done!” Wu Shaohua immediately praised.

“It’s the Heaven’s Chosen Princess of Jade Country. I can’t underestimate it … I can’t bear to kill you anymore.” With the sound, three star martial artists in red capes slowly fell from the sky.

On the other side, Wang Lan and Mulberry quickly joined hands. Originally Wang Lan has always been based on Blade Technique Foundation Swordsmanship to reach the Gold level has been ahead of most Xinghaijing expert.

But Wang still underestimated the heroes of the world.

At least the guy in front of him is better at Blade Technique than himself. Both hands hold the same Tai Dao, but the Blade Technique used is very different. Wang Lan has no gorgeous moves, only Blade Technique cultivation to Return to the Natural State. But in addition to the solid basic skills, the endless strange tricks made Wang Lan a bit confused.

“Shuanglong Flash-”

The mulberry in front of him suddenly divided into two and turned into two people, and everyone ’s feeling for Wang Lan is the real mulberry. They used different moves to kill two key points of Wang Lan.


Wang Lan instantly held the knife in his backhand, blocking two lore. His body hurried back and pulled away from the opponent. The trick of Fang Cai is definitely not a star martial skill, but a pure Blade Technique.

Pure Blade Technique can achieve the effect of Avatar afterimage? Feelings I used to practice Blade Technique are all fake?

No! When did I practice? Isn’t it all by adding points?

“Strange, you haven’t learned any Blade Technique of Sect, but you can have such superb and perfect basic knife skills, how did you brat do it?” Sanguo danced a beautiful knife with a low shouted .

The fighting in the distance is getting farther and farther, and the three of Yu Ruoyan are led by the bird of paradise expert. Damn, if something happens, you don’t have time to rescue.

“Don’t you dare to distract you against me? Courting death!” Sang Guo was angry, and I gave you a respect as a warrior. Why dare you take a chance in front of me?

In an instant, his figure disappeared again, and this time turned into a six-person dominance to cut off Wang Lan’s head.

“Holy Shield–” Wang Lan suddenly recovered and cast the holy shield in anxiety. With one hand propped up a round bright moon disc against his head, six attacks hit the holy shield instantly.

The mulberry was bounced off, flipped in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

“You actually use the star martial skill? No samurai at all!”

“Yes, Laozi is a star martial artist!” Wang Lan, who was almost biased by Mulberry, almost forgot that his biggest hole card was not Gold-level melee strength.

Wang Lan’s subconscious mind has always told himself that you are fully aware of the basic Gold-level skills. In the basic melee, you are not weaker than anyone.

Because of this idea, when encountering the mulberry that is also on the top of the Melee Blade technique, Wang Lan subconsciously wants to compete with the other party in Blade Technique. Coupled with the fast-paced attack of Mulberry, Wang Lan did not have the Time Change awareness, and continued to cut for several minutes.

But is Wang Lan true strength in Blade Technique? Laozi is a man with a slasher.

Thinking of this, Wang Lan gave a smile of evil charm to Mulberry, “Let’s liberate, the sword of light!”

In an instant, the blade of the Soul Crusher shattered and turned into a star in the sky. When the star condensed, it instantly turned into a sword of light. The left hand light shield, right hand light sword.

This style, how do you feel that the sword of light and the holy shield are the supporting martial skills?

Wang Lan is not the only one who has this idea, the black raven mulberry on the opposite side thinks the same way.

“sacred sword?”

The initial solution of the sword of light is completed, a sword is cut out instantly, and the light blade comes to Sanguo in an instant across the time and space. But the mulberry did not shy away, gently raised his hand, and the sword light shattered.

“Xingwu sword skills? I will too!”

In an instant, Mulberry raised his hand, Tai Dao instantly became hazy, and the invisible sword energy came to Wang Lan across time and space. Although Wang Lan can’t see it, he can feel the danger coming.

Being too late to think about it, Wang Lan quickly put the Holy Shield Offering in front of him.

boom ~ boom ~ ——

Powerful strikes are uploaded on the Aegis. The terrible strength flies up Wang Lan. The Aegis also quickly disintegrates under the opponent ’s Invisible Sword.

Flying ten meters away in a row, Wang Lan rolled to the ground.

At this moment, Wang Lan clearly realized how huge the gap between him and Mulberry was.

Before chopping with Mulberry for five minutes, Wang Lan was overwhelmed by Mulberry, but he was able to resist a few times. I thought that the so-called titled powerhouse is just like that.

As long as you use the Holy Shield Light Sword, you should be able to regain your disadvantage. It turned out that Mulberry has been playing with himself?

The Holy Shield, known as the strongest defense, shattered under his blow. Although Wang Lan has never believed in the strongest defense, the defensive power of the Holy Shield is still recognized.

Even if S-Rank attacks the star martial skill with a single point, the Aegis can stop it, and now it seems … still too inflated.

“Isn’t this alright? I haven’t met anyone interested in me for a long time. I thought I could be a fair duel like a warrior. Unfortunately, I’m wrong about you, you are not a warrior at all. Only this strength … Then I had to send you directly to the road. “

Wang Lan turned over to stand up, slightly bowed and watched Mulberry alertly. His sword energy was invisible, faster, more concealed and stronger than his own sword of light. If you want to win him with the sword of light, unless swastika. But … it’s still a long way from swastika.

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s star force surged around him, and the Star Palace door opened.

When seeing the door of the Star Palace opened by Wang Lan, the mulberry that was about to attack suddenly stopped.

“Star River realm? Are you still just Star River realm?” Mulberry’s expression became extremely unnatural.

A Star River realm can actually fight with itself as an expert in the titled powerhouse for so long? Have you taken medicine in the current Star River?

In the Star Palace, Phoenix suddenly rushed out of the Star Palace. Phoenix disintegrated in the air, and Phoenix holy cloth instantly wore Wang Lan’s body.

“Phoenix Form, open —”

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