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Wang Lan, who possesses Earth Element light and heavy replacement surgery, will also derive geomagnetic induction as a microscopic means. So for Wang Lan, he is a humanoid Compass.

The orientation of the magnetic poles cannot be wrong, so Wang Lan’s sense of direction cannot be wrong. But because the country of Bing Xue is in the Arctic Ocean, the sun setting and sunset here will cause a deviation, causing the sun here to rise from the southeast and set from Northwest.

While people living in the country of Bing Xue are still highly consistent with the natural laws of world standards, the sun rises in the east and the west sets. It turns out that when everyone is wrong, you are right when you are right.

After being updated by El Princess, Wang Lan really found the right direction. And Yu Ruoyan quietly told Wang Lan that just now they had passed the same intersection three times.

Find the safe house on the 31st and tell Wang Lan. Wang Lan opened it with the key. This is a dark warehouse. Following the message before the 31st, Wang Lan took out the floor tiles in the center of the warehouse and found an iron from the floor tiles. box.

After entering the correct password, the box is opened.

After opening, it stores some Soul bead, some CDs, some recording equipment. See these Wang Lan slightly sighed in relief. Worthy of being the old special service, the preparation is really full.

The three of them left with the information, and shortly after they left, a group of people also quietly came near the safe house. When they sneaked into the warehouse, they just started rummaging, and suddenly there was a loud noise.

A violent explosion sounded, deafening like a thunder in the middle of the night in the still dark ice city. The entire safe house is located, and the radius of several dozen meters was destroyed by a violent explosion.

Wang Lan, at the moment, has returned to the Wang Ting. The camp quarters do not have corresponding equipment, but El Princess’s dorm has. Once, the country of Bing Xue was extremely wealthy. As the palm wise of the country of Bing Xue, naturally there should be everything there should be.

Wang Lan is enough for Soul bead playback. The content of the disc is also printed from Soul bead, including the dialogue recorded by the recording device. There are only images in the memory, and there can be text but no sound. Now the text, sound, and video are available.

The picture is a mysterious white man with a somewhat pointed bill. The two met in a hidden place, and the content of the conversation was to sell Space Stone for twelve tons at a time.

I was shocked to hear this number 31. It’s scary to sell a few hundred kilograms. Smuggling more than one ton of Space Stone is a lot of smuggling. Twelve tons at a time is worthy of you, the largest Space Stone production base in the world.

And the other party’s meaning also revealed that this is the last transaction, Jade Country Volunteer Group like a hot knife through butter, they can get a lot of Space Stone’s heterogeneous space was closed, after finishing this trip, since then cold Jiang Guying passers-by.

However, although the other party’s tone is as smooth as possible, Wang Lan still hears the eagerness, giving Wang Lan the feeling that the other party is short of money. These twelve tons of Space Stone hope to trade as soon as possible, and the value is 2 billion jade coin. In the country of Bing Xue, shipping and delivery parties are all covered.

Money is in place. No. 31 boarded the ship and went to sea. Leaving the Arctic Ocean has nothing to do with the country of Bing Xue. In the future, they will delete each other’s numbers and never see each other again. These processes were all recorded on the 31st. It can be speculated that this secret mastermind has great rights, and can walk unhindered in the country of Bing Xue and lie down.

“Have you found anything?” Wang Lan asked after finishing the data.

“I seem to be a bit impressed by the people on the street.” El Princess asked solemnly, “I have seen it in the National Defense Agency, so I will check it.”

El Princess has the highest authority in the country of Bing Xue, and soon found out, “This man is Bailey, a senior agent of the National Defense Agency, Nebula Peak, but died three years ago. In a battle of alien beasts defending.”

“Obviously, he is not dead.” Yu Ruoyan lightly saying.

“Since he was scheduled to die three years ago, it will not be easy to find him. Maybe he has been silenced at this time.”

Wang Lan slightly paused, suddenly and quickly turned over the information left in the iron box. As usual, since No. 31 has locked the thread, it will definitely continue to investigate the identity of the thread. There is no reason not to find out where this person is.

Sure enough, after rummaging through a few pieces of information, I saw an address written in Chinese characters on a piece of paper, and there was a date below the address.

Wang Lan played back the video again, and it turned out that the date was exactly the same as the text in the video.

This date is not to record a certain time, but to match with the person corresponding to the address. This is a secret word recorded in the Heavenly Sword Bureau Secret Service Regulations Manual, as long as it is known by Heavenly Sword Bureau agents.

“In this place, go!”

El Princess quickly took the tin box away, and Yu Ruoyan took the tin box and put it in his folding space bracelet. This act of moving clouds and flowing water seems to have gone through thousands of hammers, hundred refinements.

After finishing all this, Wang Lan and three people quietly left the palace again and walked out to the target address. This time, they didn’t get lost, but on the way to the destination, they saw the police car roaring, and the police back and forth martial law.

Wang Lan didn’t care about guessing what the police were doing, and led three people across the void, and came to a remote suburb in less than half an hour. It is close to Snow Mountain, and only Orion is here.

Under the ground is frozen soil that cannot be reclaimed for planting food. The cold climate can’t resist for seven days in the absence of food. The opening of alien space not only caused a devastating blow to humans, but also a decisive disaster for the animals of the country of Bing Xue.

But even so, there will still be some lucky animals that survived. Hunters who have mastered hunting skills will sometimes appear here. If good luck can catch some frozen animals back to cook a bowl of soup.

deserted, vast.

Wang Lan and the three of them fell carefully from the sky and came to a wood house hidden in the forest. The wood house was quiet, and the snow at the door turned into ice.

Wang Lan came to the door quietly, ignoring the closed door so easily through the wooden door into the house.

The room is messy, with a strong smell. It seems that no one has lived for a long time. Wang Lan glanced at everything around him suddenly, suddenly smiled.

This person is a bit horizontal, disguising the wood house as no longer inhabited, but the real place of residence is in the passage under the bed. If Wang Lan could not sense the star force distributed by the other party, it was really concealed by this method.

Wang Lan went quietly from the secret thought on the bed, about three meters deep, Wang Lan came to a space that looks like a cellar, the furnishings inside are very simple, a bed, a quilt, a big Water tank and a rice tank.

The moment Wang Lan arrived, the other party suddenly sat up in awake. When I saw a silhouette faintly in the dark night, I suddenly picked up the grenade next to the pillow and exploded.

Suddenly, it freezes in place as if time stopped. Wang Lan slowly came to the other party and took the grenade from his hand. Carefully looked at the other person’s face, confirmed the eyes, you are the person I am looking for.

Star Palace sealed the opponent, body flashed and disappeared into the cellar with the man.

“How is it?”

“I found it.” Wang Lan smiled and shook the person in front of him, “Go, go back. Prepare a Soul bead for me, I want to engrave with spirit.”

“By the way, there was a violent explosion in the security house we just went to, which killed several agents of the National Security Intelligence Agency. Now the police across the city are dispatched to find the murderer.”

“This is the means of arrangement No. 31, as long as it is not a lock opened with a key, it will touch the Self-destruction device inside. It seems that the secret mastermind is in the National Security Intelligence Agency, otherwise how can it be found so quickly. House?”

The three of them flew back to El Princess’s bedroom, and Wang Lan immediately engraved the man in spirit. When the result of the spiritual imprint came out, El Princess’s eyes suddenly turned red.

“How is it possible…how could he be?”

“I heard that General Stephen is a very tough general and has a very high reputation in the military department. Moreover, he is the actual controller of the national army, and the Minister of National Defense cannot compare with it.” .

“It is true that General Stephen was upright all his life and grew up with my grandfather. He was extremely loyal to the country of Bing Xue. When the country of Bing Xue was most difficult, all powerful people chose to flee Only he did not, and sent the daughter-in-law who tried to escape to prison.

I really didn’t think it would be him who colluded with the terrorist organization behind the scenes. ”

“The world is impermanent and no one can predict. The next thing is your own business.” Yu Ruoyan gently pats El Princess’s shoulders, “I don’t care what you do with him, but we have a bottom line , Can’t give him a chance to stab us again.”

“I understand, I will send you back.”

“No, let’s go by yourself, you should deal with this matter quickly.” Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan quietly left El Princess’s bedroom while refusing.

It’s late at night, and the King’s Court of Bing Xue suddenly brightly lit up.

All court personnel, whether on duty or rest, are all concentrated in their respective positions.

On top of the great hall of the court, His Majesty Kane held the scepter symbolizing the king’s power, his head gloomy and his head bowed silently. Prince Cather is also dressed in a costume, silently watching the stars outside the window.

After a long time, the door of the great hall was opened, and General Steven in a uniform was walking steadily.

“Old Minister Stephen has seen His Majesty and Prince.”

“General Stephen!” Kane silently lifts the head, facing Stephen lightly saying. Prince Cather still turned his back to the two, looking at the long sighed stars in the sky.

He didn’t dare to look back at Stephen, he was afraid to take a look, and his heart didn’t raise.

“El just brought me something to show, about you. I want you to take a look at it and tell me that these are not true, is it okay?” Kane said with a hint of begging Two brothers, Stephen, looked up at him. In their hearts, Stephen is Uncle, an elder, a great man who has worked hard for the whole country for Bing Xue.

They couldn’t bear it, and they didn’t want to believe that Stephen would treason.

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