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Sure enough, in the Command Hall Conference Hall, Wang Lan saw the serious look of Kane and Prince Kaiser.

“My dear Jade Country friend, I’m so sorry, General Stephen, the former National Security Council, is the spy we’ve been looking for for so long, lurking at the top of Bing Xue’s country.”

Next, Kane played the video interrogating Stephen last night, of course, after editing. In the video, Stephen collaborated with Bird of Paradise in order to make Bing Xue’s country struggle on whilst at death’s door until he got on the thief ship and was forced to join in with it.

All the events including the attack on the Volunteer Group by missiles, the terrorist attack in Space 2 and the two nuclear bombs robbed by Birds of Paradise in the country of Bing Xue can be perfectly connected in series.

Bird of Paradise needs the state of Bing Xue to maintain the status quo, of course, I don’t want Jade Country to help. The bird of paradise is going to make a fortune by relying on the massive Space Stone in Space 5. He certainly has to destroy Jade Country’s aid plan.

The misunderstanding is lifted. Bing Xue’s sincere apology will compensate for some losses. This matter can be private.


Wang Lan’s brows were inadvertently frowned, and there was no reminder in his mind to complete the task? Is it because the nuclear bomb was not recovered? The terrorist who failed to find the bird of paradise?

Possibly, after all, the discovery of the high-level spies in the country of Bing Xue is of little merit to Wang Lan. Only finding the black hand behind the scene and finding the nuclear bomb is the real dust.

On the 2nd day, a large number of mercenaries came from the world, and a large part of this large number of mercenaries were wearing yellow skin and black hair. The students of Xingwu Academy walked up curiously and found out that these people came from Jade Country.

“I said, what do you think? Do you not know that Bing Xue’s country is dangerous? The country is so stable, and it’s not like you can’t live. Why do you come out to take risks?”

“That’s right, do you know what the rate of the rebirth of the previous batch of mercenaries? 50%, three thousand in, and one in sixteen seven.”

“Ah? Such a cruel?” Suddenly, a group of fellows from Jade Country exclaimed and gathered around.

“I just heard them say that the country of Bing Xue is strongly supported by Jade Country. I thought, since it’s Jade Country, isn’t it just to pick up money? Soldiers from other countries are 80,000 a day. We are hired by Jade Country. 120,000 a day.”

“Yeah, since the country of Bing Xue is the younger brother of Jade Country, what are we afraid of? What fierce beasts are our opponents of Jade Country? By the way, you arrived earlier than us, tell us, this What level of strange animals does the country of Bing Xue have?”

“The level… is not very high, basically 60% of the Star Radiance Realm and 30% of the Nebula environment.”

“Four to six?” Suddenly, hundreds of Jade Country mercenaries were sucked in a cold breath.

Alien space of any difficulty, low-level aliens are definitely the majority, and the worst kind of alien space is Stars Realm. Star Radiance Realm The heterosexual space that the beast bases is considered to be more difficult in the heterosexual space.

Of course, it is normal for the beast of the country of Bing Xue to be difficult to deal with. It’s not difficult to make a Bing Xue country almost finished? But how difficult it is to determine the proportion of the beast.

One to nine is a simple mode, 90% are Star Radiance Realm, it is still affordable for a Nebula team. But if it’s four to six, only the Star River team can fight in front of it.

If you can come to the country of Bing Xue for 120,000 ten thousand li a day, your strength is certainly not high. Most of them are in a Nebula realm with a few Star Radiance Realm. The larger team is a group of four or five Nebula realms with a group of Stars. Radiance Realm.

“Little Brother, didn’t you lie to us? Really 4-6? Only 4% to 6% of the reincarnation rate? I don’t believe that 80,000 yuan can be recruited to the Star River. Experts. It’s not enough for this strength. Fill it in?”

“Yeah, aren’t you watching us hire high fees and fooling us?”

As soon as I heard this, a few senior seniors suddenly felt the opportunity to pretend to be forced.

“What does your high employment cost have to do with us? We are not hired.”

“You are…”

“Ah…” Senior’s Senior slightly lifts the head and looks into the distance. “It was arranged by the school to assist the country of Bing Xue. We are senior students of Demon Capital Star Martial collage.”

“Fuck me! The Big Four?”

“Dad, smoke! Daddy, you have to cover us when you get in…”

“Both compatriots, can we rely on the big brother if we go back alive…”

Suddenly, the sound of flattery in a lap made several senior seniors fly up.

“Student Wang Lan, Director Long invites you to visit.” At this time, a girl found Wang Lan and whispered in Wang Lan’s ear. Wang Lan nodded complied, turned around and walked out.

“120,000 a day?” Wang Lan couldn’t help thinking.

It stands to reason that Stephen’s batch of Space Stone not at all was successfully traded, and the country of Bing Xue did not receive a large sum of money. Where did they recruit mercenaries at such high prices?

Yel Princess also said that the treasury was out of money and asked Longya to overcome the difficulties. After discussion, Longya and others have made plans to close the alien space. Fortunately, there are only two remaining heterosexual spaces, and the difficulty of these two heterosexual spaces cannot add up to that of a second space. Yesterday Heavenly Dragon and Jin Wenbing were discussing what to expect if casualties were penetrated with small shares.

When they came to the headquarters, Longya and Jin Wenbing were waiting by the car outside the headquarters, and they saw Wang Lan beckoning.

“Director Long, are we going out?”

“King Kane just called to say that the terrorist made a deal.”

“Oh? What deal?”

“Kane did not say that he would understood when he went to the court.”

While speaking, Yu Ruoyan also came. The four of them got into the car, the off-road vehicle started, and left the camp in a burst of rumbling sound to go to the royal court.

Kane’s servants have been waiting at the entrance of Wang Ting. He saw Wang Lan and the others coming to meet him quickly, and led Wang Lan and the others into His Majesty’s study. In the study, El Princess and Prince Cather also sat on both sides.

“You guys are here!” Kane quickly stood up and greeted him, “This morning, a self-proclaimed bird of paradise came to the door, you must help Bing Xue’s country.”

As I said, I turned on the TV on the back of the study, and a non-mainstream youth with multi-colored hair appeared on the TV.

“Our people have buried two nuclear bombs in the Aiweier concentration area, and the population density is used to estimate that as long as the nuclear bomb detonates, I guarantee that each nuclear bomb will kill at least a thousand thousand people.

If the time is right, we promise to kill at least 500,000 people. Don’t ask me where I am, and don’t expect more information from me. Since the leader dare to let me come to send the message, I certainly can’t get the information. “

“What is your purpose?”

“Space Time Gems! Exchange space time gems for two nuclear bombs, only giving you two days to consider. After more than 48 hours, you will hear two explosions and see two magnificent mushroom clouds.”

The video goes off, and three pairs of eyes stare at the four Longya.

“Swap space-time gems for nuclear bombs? Thanks to what they came up with,” Jin Wenbing said with a sneer.

“The space-time gem is related to opening the gate of the Demon Realm. Once they get the space-time gem to open the gate of the Demon Realm, the war is ignited. When the time comes, not a few thousand people died, but astronomy in billions. Numbers,” Longya said coldly, looking directly at the three people’s begging eyes.

Spacetime gems, there is no room for loss, this is their bottom line.

“Can you explore his memory?” Wang Lan asked suddenly.

“No, his brain is engraved with surgical methods. As long as Spiritual Power invades, his head will explode immediately. And as soon as he dies, it is regarded as a deal breakdown, and they will directly detonate the nuclear bomb.”

“This is impossible. The gems of time and space must not be handed over to the bird of paradise, and there is no possibility of trading.” Jin Wenbing said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, Kane and Cather’s faces suddenly turned pale.

“General Jin, the head of the dragon… There is no space energy in the space-time gems…” El Princess said quickly.

“How do you know they have no way to recharge after getting the Space Time Gems?”

“This…” El Princess looked across.

“But, that’s the life of the people of the nations of hundreds of thousands of Bing Xue!” King Kane stood up tremblingly, so helpless?

“Don’t blame us? You bought the nuclear bomb in violation of the nuclear underwriting treaty, and the information on the nuclear bomb transaction was leaked by you. I can’t take the life of the whole world to pay for your mistakes.”

“This… this… is there really no way?” Kane’s eyes gradually became desperate.

“This matter is not negotiable. Time and space gems cannot be lost.”

“Wait!” Wang Lan said suddenly, “Director Long, Chief Kim, can you take a step to speak?”

The two looked at Wang Lan in confusion, silently nodded. The three of them left the Conference Hall together and came to the corner.

“Wang Lan, I know that you have a great relationship with El Princess, but you are also a mature man and you should understand the importance. The time and space gems, even if there is no energy now, they must not fall on the bird of paradise. In hand.”

“Director Dragon, I understand.” Then, Wang Lan’s body suddenly burst with star force, opening Phoenix Form. Seeing Wang Lan look like this, the two had just raised their doubts and hadn’t had time to react. Wang Lan suddenly body flashed and came to the two of them.


The two just felt the field of vision flicker in front of them, as if the screen was switched instantly in the entire project. When the vision was frozen again, the two found out that they appeared in a room.

“Wang Lan, what are you doing? Where is this place?” Longya was shouted angrily.

“No, it is not Illusion Technique, is this true?” Longya suddenly cry out in surprise.

“This is my dormitory.” Wang Lan still maintains Phoenix Form lightly saying, “The last time I absorbed the energy of the space-time gemstone, I never said what I got from the energy of the space-time gemstone.

That’s it, Phoenix Form, space Phoenix Form. In this form, I have the ability to move in space instantly. As long as I set the coordinates in a certain place in advance, I can make instantaneous movements at great distances regardless of the distance.

If the space-time gem is in my hand, once there is a change, I can teleportation to the place where the coordinates were previously set. This is the transmission of Space Domain, as long as it is in the same space, distance and time have no meaning to me. ”


Dragon teeth suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

This ability is a bit brutal.

“I think I can try with time-space gems, and if possible, grab two nuclear bombs, after all, it is the lives of hundred of thousands of people.”

Longya and Jin Wenbing glanced at each other. The two of them were not born iron and stone hearts, but the importance of space-time gems forced their hearts to be like steel.

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