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Five hundred thousand skill points were reserved for unexpected needs, and Wang Lan was contented to quit the system and opened his eyes. I took a plane for more than ten hours, and slept directly for ten more hours without eating. At this moment, Wang Lan’s stomach finally roared with resistance.

Looking at the time, Wang Lan went to the cafeteria to eat. Because I went early, all the most popular dishes were freshly baked. If you go late, all these dishes are snatched up and you can only drink soup.

After eating, the sun has set on the horizon. It’s January, and it’s almost dark before five o’clock.

Wang Lan rang, Wang Lan took it out and it turned out to be Jiang Xinyu. Connect the phone quickly.

“Hey Xinyu, have you come out of the space of different degrees?”

“Well, I heard that you just went abroad to practice once just after you came out? Are you abroad or at school?”

“I just came back to school this morning. I’m a little girl. I just walked out for a lap and came back. How about you? How are you over there?”

“Walk around? Can you stop talking so hard? Ruoyun told me all. Your experience in the country of Bing Xue is ten times more dangerous than mine. But since you have all returned home safely, neither do I. Nagging, lest you say I’m verbose.”

“How come… If you don’t call me immediately, you call Ruoyun? What do you mean?”

“I just asked you what you were doing during this time, did you carry me on my back and so on…”

Wang Lan suddenly became angry. How did you open and aboveboard put it on the surface? Shouldn’t you secretly ask in secret? Secretly tell some girlfriends to monitor at any time?

“What’s wrong? Don’t speak anymore?”

“No, nothing! How about you? Is it dangerous?”

“Soul bead grenades have only been used five times so far, and large medical Soul beads have never been used once, that is, small Soul beads are more expensive, but most of them are not used by me but for students.”

“It seems that the risk is not high…”

“I am strong! I have good news for you. I broke through the Star River before half a month.”

“Congratulations, me too!”


“What’s the matter? Why don’t you talk anymore?” Wang Lan asked as he walked.

“Nothing! How can I remember that you seem to have broken through Nebula soon?”

“Well, but I am progressing fast. When will you come back?”

“I shouldn’t be able to come back years ago, and the instructor who leads the team speculates that the fastest time will be March and April next year.”

“Well, it seems that you can’t go home for the New Year this year, so I won’t go back.”

“This is up to you. I’m going to eat here. I won’t talk to you first. Don’t fight so hard when you encounter something in the future. Not every time you can be so lucky.”

“Luck has always been carried by strength, Xinyu, you can’t believe people’s luck with others’ good luck. This time I’m in Bing Xue’s country and his party is not luck.”

“Look what you can, hang up!”

Although I only talked about trifling for a few minutes, being able to call Jiang Xinyu made Wang Lan’s mood suddenly fly. Put away the phone and walk towards the dormitory at a brisk pace.

I haven’t seen those two products in a long time. I don’t know if they still play games all day…

“Is the call finished?” A loud voice rang in Wang Lan’s ear. Frightened, Wang Lan slightly trembled and instantly stopped. Expressionless turned around and saw Elder Di sighing lightly.

“Elder Di…Yu Ruoyan likes appear and disappear unpredictably, did you learn from you?”

“Just finished eating?”


“Me too, go and accompany old fogey to digest and eat.”

It was still by the lake where Azure Emperor walked before, still walking on the winding path paved by cobblestones, Elder Di walked in front, and Wang Lan followed silently in the back. Elder Di seemed to fall into the memory, and kept talking about the interesting things with Wang Ling.

“Do you know that your mother is the student that I have brought the most headaches to me, the talent is not bad, but it can also cause trouble. And the thinking is amazing… In your youngster’s terms, it is a big nerve.

Fortunately, they are often confused about small things, but never confused about major events. I remember 20 years ago or two years ago…I forgot.

I didn’t know what happened that time. I chased Yuqing for two hundred kilometers. From Yanyun Street to Nanyumen, I almost didn’t kill Yuqing. Later, I pulled my old face and personally ran to Yu Family to apologize to Old Wang. Yu Family’s spit stars didn’t drown me.

I was afraid that your mother would be retaliated against by the Yu Family. I arranged for him to go to the International Security Committee as an international agent. Almost a year later, he was persuaded back by the International Security Committee.

Although I have brought back more than a dozen medals and various honor certificates, I have also brought back a list of tens of millions of medical compensation for reimbursement. Within a year, she beat all those that could be beaten by the International Security Council.

Several old bones of the committee are afraid that your mother will beat them next, and quickly send her back. he he he ……Phoenix at that time, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, no matter what happened, he could not be unhurried, and then opened Phoenix Form to fight. “

“Well…my mother’s temper…doesn’t have that kind of adjustment. I still remember his pope driving. The queen taught me to drive when she learned, when I was only six years old, she taught me how to drift.


But she is not as exaggerated as you said? Usually my mother is very kind and reasonable to people…”

“Well, since I had you, her character has changed a lot. When I knew she was going to raise you personally, I persuaded her to hire a babysitter and let her watch on the side. Unexpectedly, She takes good care of you…”

“hehe ……” Wang Lan was a little complied, and what it was like to look at Mother when I was a baby…Forget it, don’t say, if there is a mother of Jiang Xinyu, you may have been disabled. .

“You are fine!” Suddenly, Elder Di turned to look at Wang Lan and said lightly.


“If your mother knows your current achievements, you must be very happy. You have inherited your mother’s talents perfectly, but without her nerves. Maybe that is not a shortcoming. At least your mother has never committed a major event Confused?

Your mother has just emerged at your age. Her ten years old strength is only in the late Nebula period, but he was Star River Peak when he was 19 years old. 20 years old, your mother broke through the Xinghai Realm. The following year, she got her own title. That year, she was a junior.

22 years old, she surpassed me and embarked on the field where I chased all my life. In that year, 5 Emperors of Jade Country resounded in the sky! Your mother is the youngest one. That year, Azure Emperor Yuqing was 31 years old. ”

“I think I can reach that level at that age too?”

“Of course, for now, even I can’t see your potential limit. It’s a matter of time before you exceed your mother. How old is your Phoenix Form?”

“This…I am not quite clear, it seems that Phoenix mimic changes can be made. It is only in the record that Phoenix mimic changes will be changed to Phoenix Divine Beast, but I am not at all, still humanoid.”

“Human form is the most ideal state. We are born as human beings. Of course, the most familiar is the human body. Fighting with Phoenix Form is really helpless. If you can perform Phoenix simulation in human form, it means you are better than your mother. More talented.

What is your mimicry? “

“The first is the Dragon Emperor Form successfully formed after the Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness formed with Yu Ruoyan Dragon Emperor Form. In this form, I have the power of the Dragon Emperor, Wrestling’s strength has been comprehensively improved, and the star force is huge. second The form is a space Phoenix Form that has been successfully simulated after absorbing the space-time gems, and can be moved in space through the preset space coordinates.”

“Do not pre-set spatial coordinates?”

“Then it cannot be moved, so this skill is used to escape.”

“Space and time are one of the two mysterious strengths, and the most powerful and difficult to master. You can get Space Power. That’s your character, but you want to control Space Power. It’s not easy. You How long does it take to get Space Power? It’s hard to get space to move.

These two mimicry abilities are not as small as Phoenix. She must know that they will be bothering you. “

“She wants to be here, what about me and her? Just be filial to her, but… where is she?” This time, Wang Lan looked directly at Elder Di’s eyes.

Before, it was because I was weak, I had no strength, no merit, and no qualification to know what task mother was performing, whether it was life or death. But now, am I still weak?

In terms of credit, Wang Lan has won Medal of Brilliance twice, and is also a person with a certain status in the world. He once resolved the Demon Race invasion. In terms of strength, he can now break the wrist with the titled powerhouse. Although he is not guaranteed to win, he should not die.

Is this merit, this strength not worthy?

Elder Di has been ups and downs in his life, and there are countless people reading. How can he not see Wang Lan’s ideas. Elder Di faintly smiled, silently hook the head, “Will tell you after you get the title.”

“Why? Am I not qualified yet?”

“Is your strength still far from the title?” Elder Di chuckled, “Still, you are not sure of the title?”

Not far away!

This answer Wang Lan is very sure.

Even if he can, he will now go to the titled powerhouse assessment. Unfortunately, the titled powerhouse is not evaluated. The so-called title is that the strength of a star martial artist is recognized in a wide range, and then a title is given by the state official for distinction.

Wang Lan’s strength may not be far away from that level, but recognition… seems to be still some distance away.

“Elder Di… I have been talking about 5 Emperors level since I was a child, what level of 5 Emperors is that? The Star martial grade I know is highest in Xinghai Realm, is there a higher level in Xinghai Realm?”

“Of course, before the first Xinghai Realm appeared, did Xinghai Realm no longer exist? The strength never ends, and realm will not stop at a certain stage.

It’s just that we don’t know, so we can’t name it. The so-called 5 Emperors, the level of the so-called 5 Emperors has indeed been out of the Xinghai Realm. Want to feel strength beyond the level of Xinghai Realm? “Suddenly, Elder Di showed a playful smile.



Elder Di’s words fell to the ground, and the star force suddenly boiled around him. With the star force boiling, the door of the Star Palace above the head gradually appeared and gradually solidified.

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