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With a loud noise, the boy who first opened the window only felt that the world in front of him turned into a world of water curtains, as if the waterfall were hanging upside down, and the water in the crescent-shaped artificial lake rose into the sky.

Next, a shocking scene happened to him. With the water flowing straight into the sky, the endless flames as if boiling lava poured out from the bottom of the lake, instantly filling the area including the artificial lake.

The flame tumbled, three stories high, and the hot flame instantly burned everything it could touch. Even the water in the Half Moon Lake instantly turned into clouds and rose into the sky.

Zheng Gong stood blankly in front of the window, his mouth wide open with a gruesome expression.

“My God… what is this star martial skill?”

“Is this the Soul bead imprinted by Wang Lan Junior Brother? What level of star martial skill are you planning to imprint. Half Moon Lake, a full seven hundred meters of Half Moon Lake, you get a star martial skill and get rid of it? “

This movement not only scared everyone in the Soul Bead Institute, but also activated the entire Academy’s defense system. Such a strong movement, such a violent attack, you said it was not an enemy attack? No one believes this, right?

“What happened?” Elder Di’s voice sounded, exuding golden rays of light all over his body, suspending his hands in the sky. With a wave of hands, thousands of golden lights spilled onto the ground, and the surging flames in the ground quickly extinguished in the golden light, melting quickly.

“President, that… that… was an accident.” Wang Lan shrunk his neck and returned with some fear.

The golden light flashes around, and a silhouette of Elder Di appears in front of everyone.

“There is a riot in the Soul bead marking? No one is injured?”


Something inadvertently marking the Soul bead will trigger Spirit Power and the star martial skill to be uncoordinated, thus triggering the release of the star martial skill. This often happens during the production of Soul bead grenades.

Fortunately, Soul bead grenades are much safer than real grenades. Even if a Soul bead grenade explodes due to an accident, other completed Soul bead grenades will live together in harmony.

“President, I originally wanted to make a more powerful Soul bead grenade as a strategic grenade, but unfortunately, the load of the middle grade Soul bead is limited, which makes it impossible for me to engrave it enough to block Spiritual Power and cause the star martial skill to be released. Came out.”

Knowing the wrong and admitting the wrong, the attitude must be correct, so Wang Lan explained to Elder Di with a grudge.

“What is the name of the star martial skill you just printed? How have I never seen it?”

“Yan Fa-Earth Fire Roar! It is my improvement of the scene of the mimic volcanic eruption lava spew on the basis of the Gushing Earth Flame Sea, and the nature of the extreme heat rays is added to it.

The formidable power of the star martial skill is greatly strengthened while the attack range is also greatly increased. “

“Are you slightly improved?” Elder Di twitched asked coldly, “You are upgrading Gushing Earth Flame Sea directly. The formidable power of Gushing Earth Flame Sea is only five points of your move One, your move is already a super S-Rank star martial skill.”

Good eyesight! Wang Lan silently gave Elder Di a compliment.

“Middle middle grade Soul bead imprints super S-Rank star martial skill? You dare to think, why not use advanced Soul bead?”

“I just want the middle grade Soul bead to be able to carry, then there is no need to waste the high-grade Soul bead, after all, the high-grade Soul bead is so precious.”

“Bullshit, precious can be eaten as a meal? Zheng Gong, Gaopin Soul bead all take it out to Wang Lan, and I go to ask people to collect Gaopin Soul bead, this super S-Rank Soul bead grenade, You do it for me, do more, the more the better.”

After that, Elder Di slowly rose into the sky to appease the students and cancel the alarm.

“Yes, the dean is good, good…”

Watching Elder Di rush into the sky, Wang Lan waved enthusiastically. Fortunately, I didn’t propose anything to accompany me. Although Wang Lan’s financial resources are not a problem to compensate for the artificial lake, it is a shame. Since you don’t want Wang Lan to compensate, it means that Wang Lan is not to blame, and has nothing to do with Wang Lan.

“Wang Lan, thank you.” Zheng Gong said gratefully to Wang Lan. If Wang Lan told the truth just now, he could not escape the blame. Don’t look at Zheng Gong’s current name is very loud, one of the initiators of Soul bead grenade, inventor mentor.

But in front of Elder Di, he is still the younger brother of the younger brother. Besides, Jade Country has a lot of imprinted Masters on top of Zheng Gong. Many eyes are on you.

“This should be the case, but you are my Teacher.”

The episode, for Wang Lan, is just an episode, but for many people it is a shock that cannot be calmed down for a long time.

Wang Lan, is it a freshman? Is it really Nebula?

I just mark a star martial skill is super S-Rank, now you say you are a titled powerhouse I believe it.

Wang Lan broke through the Star River realm in the country of Bing Xue, so his Star Martial grade is really only Nebula. However, even in the Star River environment, you are really exaggerating.

Elder Di returned to the office, and many concerned directors and deputy deans all rushed over.

“How is the dean? What was the situation just now?”

“It’s okay, it’s not a big problem.” Elder Di quickly reassured, Demon Capital Star Martial collage Cheng Ping has been too long. Before Wang Lan was recruited, Demon Capital Star Martial collage was stable for decades.

Elder Di lowered his eyebrows, but he kept thinking about the fire sea that he had just seen. Is this improved by Gushing Earth Flame Sea? The more I think the more I am wrong, the improvement can correct this effect? Would you like to help me improve my big day photos?

“Xiao Zhang.”


“Let the students who come back from the country of Bing Xue conduct an internship evaluation tomorrow, you will inform them.”


With the strong support of Elder Di, Wang Lan naturally wants Soul bead as much as he wants. Although the retirement rate of senior Soul bead increased from 30% to 50%, Zheng Gong felt very distressed.

But looking at the strategic super-S-Rank star martial skill in front of him, he smiled and thought that blood was earned.

Yan Fa-Skyfire destroys the world.

Yan Fa-Earthfire Roar.

Wooden Law-Mandala Flower.

Lei Fa-Lei Scale is born.

Listen to the names of these star martial skills, how domineering? Just throw one into the crowd, as many as one of the beasts will die, including the beast of Xinghai Realm, as long as all within the range can not escape a dead word.

One day, Wang Lan made six super-S-Rank Soul bead grenades. Zheng Gong was unable to bear holding Soul bead grenade and kissed him, as if he had found his lost wife for many years.

Wang Lan, this child… It’s a good child, just too lazy, he won’t make Soul bead grenade obediently. No, did the six grenades come out in one day?

Want Wang Lan to know that Zheng Gong had this idea, he must immediately pack up the paving bucket and run away to live outside the school. Otherwise, who knows whether Zheng Gong will hold the leather whip appear and disappear unpredictably to squeeze the poor labor force?

Back to the dormitory, He Jing and Ming Guodong stopped playing games and were studying.

“Yo, is the prodigal looking back?”

“Come back… No way, I can’t afford to lose that person. There is no old fogey in charge this semester, it does fly, but I can’t take the course? I thought the freshman course was not difficult. A month of self-study can always pass.

Who knows that it is so perverted, I have chosen the courses with the least difficulty. “

“Wang Lan, are we brothers?”

“Why? I won’t do cheating.”

“Are we the kind of person? Even if you fail the exam, it’s life, cheating is nothing, you are a study god, tutor for us, reading books is too hard, the head is blown up.”


Wang Lan is also very happy to see that two roommates are no longer playing heartless games. In the past, Wang Lan could have urged them, but Wang Lan did not. Occasionally mention two sentences and see that they don’t talk much when they don’t listen.

The road was chosen by yourself, but you are more annoying than talking. There are too many people like He Jing. Since it’s already comfortable to lie down, why should I stand still? The family has the right to have power and background, even if the score is slag, the starting point is ahead of the overwhelming majority.

However, the premise is that war has not come.

War is something that breaks all rules. Under the reshuffle, talents stand out, and those who give up themselves become stepping stones. Wang Lan is very pleased to see them angry now.

“Fuck, for such a simple thing, you can make it clear in two or three sentences. The guy who edited the textbook has a pit in his brain. Should he go around and say seven or eight chapters?”

“I fucking, what does that mean? Understand, Wang Lan continue, don’t stop—”

When two animals were studying, they also had a passion for playing games? This makes Wang Lan very surprised. But if you know what Ye Ye said to Ming Guodong, you won’t be surprised.

The exam is passed, it is sunny, the exam is hanging, you can hang a summer vacation on the beam.

On the 2nd day early, Wang Lan received the school’s notice. Internship evaluation? what? Exam?

“Not an exam!” Yu Ruoyan explained, “The internship assessment is how the test progresses during the internship, and rewards are given based on the performance during the internship.

The result of the evaluation is a point reward. Once a Perfection’s successful overseas assistance, you can get 50 to 100 points if you are outstanding, which is why the students prefer overseas assistance.

Overseas aid must be a danger that other countries have encountered threats that need to be resolved as soon as possible. The scouting space internship is basically stationed or scouting. If you don’t encounter major events, you won’t earn many points. “

“Well, is it a score for us?”

“After showing the progress, it is a score. The score is based on two, the improvement of strength and the evaluation of the leader Teacher.”

“Then… how many points do you say we can get?” Wang Lan asked immediately, points are not just points, that is the star martial skill, S-Rank star martial skill.

“Not good said, should there be thousands of points? You must be higher than me.”

“Look at it and talk about it.”

Senior year is really a year of strength eruption. From the comparison of previous seniors’ evaluation, it can be seen that the strength has increased by an average of 70%. The test method is also very simple, using the strongest attack to attack the energy detection opposite to the Formation. Formation will reflect the specific amount based on the attack undertaken.

“Avril Lavigne, 100% growth rate, good performance, make persistent efforts, next one, Wang Lan!”

After hearing the newspaper’s own name, Wang Lan also stopped and whispered with Yu Ruoyan to stand up and come to the test platform.

“Teacher, have you recorded my full attack data before? How can I test?” Wang Lan asked doubtfully.

“You are a freshman, the last data is based on the test when you entered the school.”

“Are you… sure?”

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