
You can search “I have countless skill points” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After eating, two people snuggled up on the sofa to watch TV. The city news also broadcast a sudden occurance of the Demon Zoo, but because there were two star martial artists who shot in time, there were no casualties.

Seeing this, Wang Lan suddenly remembered something and immediately sat up and said, “Yes, I almost forgot that I have something to give you.”


“Several star martial skills and a cultivation technique that can absorb the star force of the world, which I obtained by accident.” Saying that, before Xie Sisi reacted, Wang Lan’s two fingers pointed Xie Sisi’s eyebrows.

Spirit engraving is instantly imported into Xie Sisi鈥檚 Divine Consciousness Sea, and Xie Sisi鈥檚 eyes suddenly become hazy. Maybe after a while, maybe after a long time, Wang Lan removed his finger and Xie Sisi regained consciousness.

“That vortex waterjet…is it super S-Rank star martial skill?” Xie Sisi asked with a shuddering voice.

“It should still be in the category of S-Rank star martial skill, and it has not reached the super S-Rank. But it should be much stronger than the general S-Rank, but I think you should focus on the water demon first. Xianyun Xuan Qinglu must learn.

Oh, how is your spiritual engraving? What level have you reached? “

“It鈥檚 already passed level 6, and my man is really an amazing person. He invented the Soul bead grenade at the same time that he invented the Xingwu toxin vaccine. Do you know how my spirit stamp Teacher praises you? , You will be a great man of this era, your greatness surpasses the level of 5 Emperors. I am so happy to hear everyone praise you so much…”

“It’s all bragging, we have to be low-key and can’t take it seriously. Since your spiritual imprint is okay, this Xianyun Xuan Qinglu can be passed to Xiangwen. It’s a pity that there is no chance to meet Feiyu, otherwise he will pass a copy to him.”


After playing for five days, Wang Lan and Xie Sisi both lived as otakus and nieces again. They helped Xie Sisi learn Xianyun Xuan Qinglu and the water demon during the day, and helped Xie Sisi in the evening to help Xie Sisi move from the inside out Get relaxed and moisturized.

The days went by so fast, ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xie Sisi has also successfully mastered Xianyun Xuanqinglu and Water Demon. It is good to master Xianyun Xuanqinglu, but it is not very familiar with Shuiyun. The skill launch time is too slow, sometimes it will fail to launch. In this case, Wang Lan can’t help Xie Sisi, but can only rely on Xie Sisi to practice.

After the tenth day of the Chinese New Year, Xie Sisi’s phone call disrupted the two’s plans. On that day, Xie Sisi was indignant after answering the phone, and then told Wang Lan to return to Suzhou City.

“What happened? Would you like to help?”

“No, I can handle these things. Besides, Xiangwen and Feiyu are in Suzhou City. I will help them find them.”

“How about that? Then, I will send you back.”

“No!” Xie Sisi quickly shook his head, “No one knows that I come to the devil to find you. If you send me back, you will be all dressed up? I will go back by car, it’s okay.”

“Then… Need help calling me directly, I have someone in Heavenly Sword Bureau, I have someone in the superintendent, and I have someone in financial resources.”

“I know, I know, my man can tremble in Suzhou City when he stomps in Suzhou City. Some trivial things are shameful. The main reason is that my parents still used to have no idea what their daughter was like. Height. Just go back and make it clear to them this time.”

Send Xie Sisi to the station, and after kissing goodbye, watch Xie Sisi get in the car. Modu is only an hour and a half drive to Suzhou City, which is very close.

Wang Lan returned home, and the smell of Xie Sisi remained in the air. Wang Lan was lying on the bed a little lost, and the temperature of the beauty was still felt in the bed.

“It seems that I am not as open as I expected…” Wang Lan muttered to himself.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Xie Sisi arrived home and made a phone call with Wang Lan in the evening. The matter was resolved easily. It was still the head of the scouting team leader. The scouting team leader was the boss of Uncle Xie Sisi. It was learned that Xie Sisi was a student of Jin City University who had the idea of 鈥嬧€媠oliciting.

By sending money to Xie Sisi’s family to build a human debt, when the time comes to find a way to establish a relationship with Xie Sisi. According to the original script, it is not difficult to get a return on his investment. After Xie Sisi graduated, he went in two directions, either joining the army or entering the scouting space.

Girls have some restrictions on joining the army, as long as they do Scouting Legion at home as as it should be by rights. Just go to scouting, afraid of not being able to establish a relationship with Xie Sisi?

It’s a pity that Xie Sisi’s vision and achievements exceed all of them. When Xie Sisi made it clear that she wouldn’t join Scouting Legion to join the scouting group, the other party would have trouble Xie Family.

The star martial artist made trouble for the ordinary person’s family. Xie Sisi’s parents had been terrified like a shiver coldly, and a phone call called Xie Sisi back. When Xie Sisi came home, Shiver Coldly became the other party.

Have you seen the senior agents of Heavenly Sword Bureau come to the town of others? Whether Li Ge or Xu Shiyun, or the Zhang Family sisters, which one can afford a trifling scouting group leader?

Especially Zhang Family sisters and Li Ge, the proper Star River environment expert. Xu Shiyun was almost at Nebula Peak. Xie Sisi has this background. Where can a small temple of a scouting group accommodate?

So things resolved very smoothly. After Xie Sisi returned the 5,000,000, everyone cleared. And 5,000,000, for Wang Lan, is only half-year interest for depositing bank money.

Wang Lan was relieved to learn that the matter was resolved, but Xie Sisi could not come to the magic capital again. The next time he went out, it was when he went to Jin City.

When I was together, I felt that my waist was a bit sore. Why was it that the day was separated, and Wang Lan felt that there was a lack of exercise in the waist to send a signal of begin to stir?

Fuck, slut!

About a week before the start of the school, Wang Lan appeared in the Heavenly Sword Bureau after disappearing for twenty days.

“Uncle Ming, why are you looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with my face?”

“No, would you like to ask you how was your holiday?”

“cough cough cough… okay.”

“Are you all busy?”

“Not busy, not busy…”

Although I understand that Ye It shouldn’t be too busy to send someone to secretly track and even investigate myself, I always feel that Ye seems to have something to say.

“If I鈥檓 not busy, I have a case here. The person from the Superintendent asked us to assist in the investigation. I took a vacation under my hand and went home. And the only one who can get the investigation case is you, Should you go?”

“Uncle Ming, I will start school in seven days.”

“You have seven days to check the case?” Ye Ye looked at Wang Lan with contempt, “Three days is enough for you.”

“Uncle Ming, I’m curious to ask, what gives you the illusion that I can get a case done in three days? I’m not Divine Immortal, surely it’s not simple to be able to stumble a police officer’s case?”

“Isn’t it enough for you to clear Xiao Qing’s perfectly clear within three days? Don’t talk nonsense, I’ll drive you to the superintendent later and rub a meal.”

Following the understanding that the night came to the Superintendent, Modu Superintendent’s Headquarters was even larger than the Heavenly Sword Bureau, divided into three areas. Under the leadership of the pretty little elder sister, they understood that Ye and Wang Lan had passed through layers of access and reached the internal Conference Hall.

“Wang Lan, this is Supervisor Li, this is higher than Inspector.” Xing Ye was introduced to Wang Lan.

“Good supervision, good supervision.” Wang Lan saluted the two respectfully.

“This Little Brother, I am Surnamed Gao!” Inspector Gao Lan glanced faintly at Wang Lan and then bowed enthusiastically at the night, “Mr. Ming is coming, excuse me for not going out to meet you.”

“You have asked Heavenly Sword Bureau to send a professional tracing expert. I brought it with you, Lieutenant Colonel Wang Lan.”

“He? This Little Brother is too young, right?” asked the Inspector with some incredible smile, and suddenly the complexion changed, “Wait, Lieutenant Colonel?”

“Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Wang Lan, Demon Capital Star Martial collage is a talented student. Don鈥檛 look at him as a freshman, but he joined the Heavenly Sword Bureau the year before and was promoted to Lieutenant in the same year, and was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel last year. Have cracked three large-scale Demon Race spy cases and more than three large-scale operations of Bird of Paradise.

In the case of the Soul Bead transaction in the black market of Magic City last year, Wang Lan arranged Xiao Qing in only three days. If Wang Lan is not an expert in this respect, then no one in the entire Heavenly Sword Bureau would dare to say that it is an expert. “

“I won the prize in the bright place, and I am good luck.”

“Luck is also a part of strength, higher than the inspector, you can give Wang Lan a specific case.”

“Okay.” Gao inspector turned on the projection instrument. “The case happened last week. I have a criminal investigation department under my staff. A team leader was assassinated a week ago.

Shen Weimin, 32 years old this year, Early-Stage in Nebula State served in the Northeast Military Region. He was forced to retire due to injury on the battlefield. He joined our Superintendent five years ago.

Although his strength has declined due to injury, in his words his strength has not decreased much. So the assassin’s strength is at least above Nebula Middle-Stage.

As we were preparing to investigate the incident, the four superintendents of Shen Weimin were assassinated one after another. The murderer started to attack quickly and ruthlessly, and left no clues.

It’s been a week now. Shen Weimin and his four agents, including their families, were killed by murderers. As a senior superintendent, even our brothers and their families can’t take good care of them.

Although this matter was suppressed by us and not disclosed, it has had a great influence on the emotions of the brethren. Everyone is doing guards to do justice to protect people鈥檚 lives and property, but if we can鈥檛 even protect ourselves… how can we protect the people? “

“Why failed to protect immediately?” Wang frowned asked.

While Wang Lan is young, his qualifications have already surpassed many people. With the rank of lieutenant colonel and the strength of the Star River, it is easy to deter the higher than the inspector.

I was so sipped by Wang Lan, not to mention higher than the inspector, that even Li Jian was shocked by Wang Lan.

“This… the murderer’s start was too fast, and he waited until we responded that he had succeeded and left.”

“No wonder some people ridicule. The guards in the movie are waiting for Grand Finale. The movie is deliberately arranged to make the protagonist become a hero. It is too wrong to live into reality.

Leader Shen Weimin was killed a week ago, when he should make measures to protect his relatives. Moreover, Shen Weimin, who can kill Nebula, must be a star martial artist. Why didn鈥檛 he let Heavenly Sword Bureau investigate? “

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