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The dense fog gradually spread out, and gradually became thinner, and suddenly, a huge horn soared out of the dense fog. Based on the distance visually observed by Wang Lan, the single horn in the distance is several dozen meters long. It is inferred that the giant beast in the dense fog is as large as two hundred meters.

What is this special animal?

Even when I saw it at Nine-Storey Pagoda, the huge golden eagle I saw was absolutely this? This is no longer a strange animal, this is rare beast.


A roar of the beast seems to come from the ancient times. Everyone who hears the roar of the beast feels a trembling from in the depth of one’s soul.

“What happened, what happened…” Wu Shaohua’s body flashed appeared beside Wang Lan and the others. When he saw the giant beast in the distance, Wu Shaohua shivered violently, “My God…”

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of rare beast in the thick fog. More than one head, there are three heads.

A huge beast like a rhinoceros. The huge horn that Wang Lan saw before is the horn of this rhinoceros beast. Behind the rhinoceros, a huge beast with four snake heads is tyrannical. Beast roar. And not far from the four-headed giant beast, there has been a huge centipede-type beast like a dragon-like faintly discernible in the dust.

“Quick…Quick withdrawal—” Wu Shaohua suddenly reacted and yelled. A group of scared and stupid 97 groups of star martial artist suddenly each and everyone shivered came back to his senses.

This is still a fart, as for this size, even if they use the star martial skill to hit them at the same time, it is just tickling. But where did this terrifying beast come from?

“Withdraw!” The head of Asuka sounded with a broken roar.

And at the moment when the three giant beasts roared, normal nearby beasts suddenly raged. At the end of the field of vision, a torrent of black pressure rushed into the Forgotten Valley like a tide.

“Everyone withdraws quickly, Xinyu, after we break!” Wang Lan hurriedly drank.


“What a fart…” Wu Shaohua’s words haven’t reached the ground, but the silhouettes of Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan have been lost. Looking at the two people who appeared in the sky, Wu Shaohua stomped violently, knowing that this would happen, and knew…

Are you two a Death God pupil? Where does the arrangement take place? I originally thought that the 97 regiment that had been arranged in a safe and sound state could always avoid accidents? hehe…how can you arrange foolproof arrangements that can withstand fate?

The howling of foreign beasts in the distance is rushing, and wherever the field of vision is densely packed, endless, single visual inspection, no less than 50,000 wild beasts crazily. What concept is fifty thousand? The number of more than 10,000 is already densely packed covering the mountains and plains. The visual impact of 50,000 beasts is endless.

“The Flame Law, the sky fire destroys the world!” Wang Lan took the lead in launching an attack, a moment when the star force surged, a golden array suddenly appeared on the sky.

Countless dark golden flames like lava spit out from the array, one after another lava group strikes as big as wheels like strange beasts, each lava fire and rain can cause the square five meters to be emptied.

A star martial skill, killing one or two thousand beasts almost instantly.

“Wind Curtain -” Yu Ruoyan not to be outdone, his chest bulged violently, a hurricane hurled out of his mouth, and the hurricane instantly turned into a densely packed wind blade, such as Myriad Sword Returning to Origin strikes away.

The wind blade washed over the different herd, visible to the naked eye, and a large blank appears in the fan-shaped herd. At least two thousand monsters were killed by Yu Ruoyan’s star martial skill.

This scene was shocking and joyful in the eyes of a group of 97 regiments. Although it has long been known that Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan are powerful. Yu Ruoyan is known as the first Heaven’s Chosen in a thousand years. But what is their strength? In the heart of the 97 regiment, isn’t Star River?

The Star River realm is as strong as they have ever seen, stronger than them, but it has not reached the point where it is as wide as the abyss. But Wang Lan’s martial skill of the star gives them a feeling that heaven punishment is coming.

This is the star martial skill released by star martial artist in Star River? Why don’t we study a little but also not? We have seen the last time that Jin City’s Star River level Teacher showed the star martial skill.

Formidable power is not as good as 10% but it is as tired as cow asthma.

The two star martial skills of Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan directly give them the shock of the end of the world.

However, killing 2,000-3,000 monsters is nothing but a drizzle for the charge of tens of thousands of monsters. even more how In the distance there are more monsters rushing crazy.

“Old Wu, they have entered the fortification.” Wang Lan quickly shouted.


The fortifications of the world in the painting actually can’t withstand the assault of so many different beasts. At the moment when the beasts rush into the fortifications, the fortifications quickly melt as if the sugar melted in boiling water.

“Lava blast–” Wu Shaohua loudly shouted, the surrounding ground cracked instantly, countless lavas were used from the ground like fountains, and Wu Shaohua’s arms also turned into bright red lava.

punched out, the lava turns into flood and rushes into the fortification, the mountains and valleys in the fortification turn into lava-impacted river channels, and the squeezed monsters unavoidably avoid the lava impact.

Countless beasts were engulfed by lava in the scream, and the beasts behind stepped on the corpses of the beasts in front to charge again.

“I can’t rely on it!” Wu Shaohua’s eyes burst open, urging the star martial skill to explode, but the monster in front of him is still approaching fierce and unafraid of death, and the distance is reached in the blink of an eye. Wu Shaohua is less than 100 meters away.

At this distance, even if Wu Shaohua is a star martial artist in Xinghai, there is no time to evacuate.

“I think my generation of handsome man Wu Shaohua was actually planted in the hands of your group of Star Radiance Realm beasts. Madan and Laozi talked about a girlfriend…”

“Old Wu, what do you want?” A silhouette appeared beside Wu Shaohua, and Wang Lan pressed the palm of his hand, and the star force surged in an instant, “Fire, roaring fire!”

boom~ boom~ ——

one after another lava fire column spewed out from the ground, just like the evenly distributed mines exploded in different beasts at the same time. The gushing lava instantly swallowed thousands of monsters, and even more monsters were pushed into the gushing lava by the pig teammate behind.

“Old Wu, don’t you withdraw yet?”

“Non-sense, Laozi is the leader of the teacher, how can you lead the teacher to evacuate and let the students break? You have to withdraw first.”

“Old Wu, are you stupid? You can’t fly with our team?”

Wu Shaohua suddenly felt an arrow in his heart.

You won’t be able to fly in the squad…you’re a laggard. Although unwilling to admit Wang Lan’s unspoken implication, the reality is so real and ruthless.

Wu Shaohua’s face squeezed a tear-free expression, and he was no longer hypocritical, “I withdraw, you also withdraw quickly, the head of Asuka has already reported to the headquarters, we retreat to the tiger defense.”

Wu Shaohua withdrew backward, and Wang Lan suddenly pulled out a high grade Soul bead and threw it into the gathering area of ​​distant beasts.

“Yan Fa, Heaven and Earth lore.”

The horrible star force erupted. The array in the sky and the array on the ground seemed to be turned into grinding discs, which generally grinded the different herds shrouded by the array into powder, frustrating.

The sky is blazing, and the lava on the ground devours everything. This spare Soul bead grenade gave Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan a breathing chance. The two were body flashed and stood on top of the cliffs on both sides of the Forget Valley.

“Wang Lan, I have an idea.”

“You said!”

“Why should we give up forgetting the valley and go to the tiger?”

“Tiger prisoners can receive continuous support…Yes, we hold here, support is still continuously. Tiger prison is 30 kilometers away, the head of Asuka will report to you, and the maximum time is one hour. .”

“Is it difficult to keep Forgotten Valley for an hour?”

“If those three monsters don’t come, it’s not difficult, if they come…”

“Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness if you come. Even the titled powerhouse mulberry has been killed by us. Are you afraid that the three-headed animal will fail?”

“Quick, the beast has assembled again.”

Yu Ruoyan suddenly took a palm shot on the forgotten valley under his feet, “Xian Fa, inorganic conversion!”

boom~ boom~ ——

After a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, Yu Ruoyan suddenly erected seven mirrors outside the Forgotten Valley. Each mirror was several hundred meters high and one more than a hundred meters wide.

What is this star martial skill?

The idea just rose, but the mirror suddenly shattered. After the mirror broke, Wang Lan looked at the broken mirror in shock. The mirror was broken, but the things illuminated by the mirror remained in place.

That is to say, there was only one place in the Forget Valley, which was copied by Yu Ruoyan, a star martial skill? Is there such a martial skill in the world? Why don’t you copy 70% of us both?

“Wang Lan, fasten the position!” Yu Ruoyan shouted.

No time to think about Yu Ruoyan, this magical star martial skill, shoot it on the ground, star force spouts out, “Yellow Springs Bone Token ——”

boom~ boom~, dozens of Yellow Springs gates rise from the ground, using seven Forgotten Valleys as nodes, splicing into a Great Wall with a face of 5 kilometers.

When the two operations were completed, the strange beast army behind him also killed the city wall. In this strange beast army, it is obvious that the three-nation coalition camp, three different beasts cooperate with each other, as if they have been trained and generally have a good understanding.

Most of them are the strength of Star Radiance Realm, but the proportions of Nebula and Star River are very high. They attacked the Yellow Springs Bone Token, but found that the Yellow Springs Bone Token was extremely strong and then launched an elemental attack on the Yellow Springs Bone Token.

The deafening attacks continued one after another, making the 97 regiment evacuating quickly behind him stand still, looking at the far-reaching dusty position in horror.

“Is this a strange animal’s shock to forget the valley? Listening to this movement, there must be a thousand thousand strange creatures?”

“It is worthy of Jade Princess, worthy of Wang Lan, and worthy of being a student of Demon Capital Star Martial collage. In the past, I always thought that the four major Xingwu Academy was only a line higher than other first-class Xingwu Academy. Now it is clear, Where is this higher than the first line, almost an order of magnitude higher.”

“Wu Teacher, what’s wrong with you?” Asuka suddenly stopped and looked at Wu Shaohua and asked.

“No, I have to go back.” Wu Shaohua suddenly reacted and hurriedly drank, “These two guys are going to mess up, rely on!”

“Wu Teacher, both of them are flying star martial artists. It is easy to retreat. Will it affect their evacuation if you go back?”

“These two ancestors did not want to evacuate at all, and I believed their evil. You immediately reported back after you returned and asked for strong support, otherwise we will collect the corpse for us.” Ran away.

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