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Suddenly, a loud noise rang, interrupting Yu Ruoyan and Wang Lan’s quiet walk and chatting. Looking at the sound, at the position of several hundred meters in the distance, a burst of star force swept across.

Almost subconsciously, the two figures flashed instantly and appeared outside the explosion door in a blink of an eye.

This is the Space Checkpoint Bureau, a bayonet for entering and exiting scouting space. All people leaving the scouting space need to get the pass certificate from the checkpoint bureau in order to leave.

“A small space level board has the courage to buckle our Lu Family Fleet. Who gave you the face? Who gave you the courage?” Just came to the level board and stepped through the broken door. Without seeing the situation inside, an arrogant voice came from inside.

“No matter what family or identity you are, you must check all the goods before leaving the scouting space.”

“We go in and out of the space two or three times a year, and we always let it go directly. Did you just do the time-space clearance?” The youth glanced arrogantly at the badge in front of him, “It’s really just taking office, I heard The new officer took office for three fires, but you have to see what you can burn and what you can’t burn.

Dare you burn the fire on Lu Family’s head, you have a big background? Talk about which family you came from. See if your background can touch the ground on Lu Family. “

“Mr. Lu Ao, please pay attention to your remarks. I am acting according to the rules and regulations. I don’t mean to anyone. Also, my background is not big, but it is not small. Behind me is Jade Country!”

“Oh… are you really afraid of death? Believing or not I will let you step down today.”

“I believe or not I broke your leg today and let you crawl out?” A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

“Which one does not have long eyes…” Lu Ao suddenly turned his body around, and was about to spit Fenfang suddenly but he paused. When he saw the expression of Yu Ruoyan complexion ashen, Lu Ao’s face suddenly turned pale.

“Luo Ao, do you really give Lu Family a long face…Dare to put words on the time and space customs?” Say don’t look too far at the person in charge of the space and time customs, “You follow the rules, I think Lu Family dare to make trouble , What’s the matter with the door?”

“He smashed it.” The person in charge of time and space customs pointed at Lu Ao lightly saying.

“How come there is no room for the adjudicator?”

“We have already reported the case, we should come soon…”

Yu Ruoyan’s eyes flew over Lu Ao, and he immediately saw the disdainful expression on his face. He would not dare to smash the door if the person who decided to come was coming. Take a double hook fish clan emblem from her arms and reach it in front of the other party.

“Go again.”

At this time, Lu Ao’s face suddenly changed.

“Ruoyun, what are you doing? I am your cousin…”

“Why didn’t expect you when you were disgraced? Are you my cousin? Are you justified in blatantly provoking laws and regulations?”

Wait for less than half an hour, the arbitrator of the arbitration hurriedly arrived, each and everyone gasping for breath brow beaded with sweat. I don’t know if I was scared or tired.

“Jade Princess, sorry, we are dereliction of duty, it is our dereliction of duty, the people at the front desk are courageous and dare to hide and not report, we don’t even know.”

“Take him back and dispose of it according to law.” Yu Ruoyan is much lazy and nonsense, lightly saying.

“The curator!” When Liao Ao was taken away by the verdict, a time-space customs officer in a suit came in a hurry. “The curator found a hundred kg Space Stone.”

The curator heard and looked coldly towards Lu Ao, “What else do you have to say? One hundred kg, the card is quite accurate, just stuck on the death penalty line.”

“Only one hundred kg of Space Stone, one hundred kg can not open the space of different degrees, what’s wrong? Lu Family has a scientific research company, and also has a project to study Space Stone. Is there any problem to transport one hundred kg of Space Stone?”

“Of course it is not a problem once, but it is a problem a few more times. Do you still need to install garlic in front of me when you smuggle Space Stone?” Yu Ruoyan coldly snorted said, “It’s your group of worms, corrupted The reputation of the Star martial family damages the interests of the country.”

“Ruoyun, don’t just scold me, is it the Lu Family who secretly transported Space Stone? Chu Family, Zhang Family, Zhao Family, Nangong, Situ, Sima…Which of the famous and surnamed families is not?”

“You still have reason?” Yu Ruoyan burst out of an instant star force, “In this case, it seems that it’s time to rectify. Is the lesson of a Duanmu Clan enough? What do you and everyone want? What are you doing?”

Luo Ao shut up, his slightly panicked eyes dodged, and the bean-sized cold sweat dripped.

I just spoke quickly, and it was cool. But he suddenly realized that because of his own sentence, let the country rectify the space level and clean the Great Family. Is he still alive?

Don’t talk about other families, even the Lu Family who wants him to die will line up to kill him?

Lv Ao was taken away by the ruling, stolen and captured and Yu Ruoyan personally caught him. Lv Ao should not be able to escape the sanctions of the law.

Yu Ruoyan’s complexion is still not very good. Wang Lan was stupid and didn’t know how to comfort Yu Ruoyan. He had to follow Yu Ruoyan silently until he reached the door of a community.

“Don’t you ask me what I think along the way?”

“I knew one thing when I was very young, don’t guess the woman’s mind.”

“Am I the kind of girl whose thinking angle is amazing? Or is it that Jiang Xinyu’s mind makes you unpredictable?”

“I didn’t say that, don’t make rumors.”

“In fact, this phenomenon of the Star martial family has been around for a long time, especially those of the old Star Martial family. Since the dynasty, this phenomenon has been forbidden and endless. In the heart of the old school Star Martial family, Soul bead It is wealth, which is the fundamental dependence of the family.

Don’t you know that Soul bead will soon be replaced? Soul bead is scarce, it is actually a diamond lie. Jade Country has five scouting spaces, and every scouting space has a large amount of Soul bead hoarded every year.

Controlling Soul bead is one of the means used by the state to control star martial artists, but soon, after the spread of Xianyun Xuan Qinglu, the country will introduce a star martial artist military service law to restrict star martial artists. What are they doing holding Soul bead still? Is there a funeral? “

“Existing industry reliance is not so easy to transform, and even if some people understand it, but how can he get off the boat when the person is on the boat and has not docked?”

“In recent years, the behavior of the Star martial family has increasingly run counter to the interests of the country. I am afraid that when the time comes will cause incalculable consequences.”

“The innovation of all things is accompanied by pain. The invention of the lock has made many guards hate, and even made dogs, creatures that have evolved with humans, lose their value.

If human society wants to progress and the country wants to develop, then those who pull the back of the country must die. I don’t want to adapt myself to the future, but I want to stop the world’s footsteps. Such people are destined to perish. “

“What if there is a civil war?” Yu Ruoyan asked in a pause.

“Before there is no absolute certainty, I think the country It shouldn’t be hands-on? Since the country has started, their resistance must be mantis trying to stop a chariot. Civil war will not happen.”

There are many idle houses in the community. Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan each took a temporary dormitory and slept for one night. On the 2nd day, the two flew directly to the front line headquarters.

When I arrived at the headquarters, I felt that the atmosphere of the headquarters seemed a little dignified. After learning that Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan were coming, Motel quickly invited the two to the frontline staff.

The qualifications of Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan are definitely not enough to participate in this kind of decision-making that affects the fate of the country, but the strength of the two is completely enough.

Two rising stars have killed three giant beasts with a power of at least the titled powerhouse realm. Jade Country can independently kill a giant beast with no more than a hundred people.

“You guys are here, that’s right, find a place to sit.”

Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan came to the corner and sat down together, surrounded by Longya, the director of the Academy’s tactical department.

“Director Long, what’s the situation?”

“Passing the news you got back, Vermilion Bird hurried back to the end of the task early. Just this morning, Vermilion Bird sent out the scout team to go deep to investigate the intelligence. Now it is time to hold a combat meeting.”

Soon, the door of the Conference Hall opened again, and General Zuo Ming, who had several ties with Wang Lan, brought several youths filled with solemn killing aura into the Conference Hall. Zuo Ming’s eyes swept across the venue and stayed on Wang Lan for a second before moving away.

“Lao Zuo, you have worked hard.”

“Mr. Mo is polite, it’s our business.” Zuo Ming sat down and brought the three people to sit beside him.

“They just came back and lost two brothers, so their emotions are a bit fluctuating.” Zuo Ming laughed apologetically, “The three of you, relax a little, Vermilion Bird is just eating this supper to do this job, especially not yet. What about habits?”


“Tell everyone, what is the situation?”

“We traveled all the way to the east, through the fog, and reached 500 kilometers. We were shocked by a battle and turned to look over. It is an area with a complex terrain and a wide range. There are no small beasts in the area, only about Fifty giant beasts.

The largest volume of alien beast should be within 2000 metres, and the smallest one should be within 300 metres. Different shapes and similar strengths. But strangely, there seems to be a duel between these strange beasts.

All the small aliens in the Foreign Domain in the duel zone are to live together in harmony to wait and see their changes. Among them, there are many head-type aliens in Peak Sea.

We have monitored their duel rules and they have very obvious organizational discipline. The IQ of the beast is not high, but the existence of a beast with a high IQ is not excluded. At least that group of giant beasts has a very clear thinking response.

If our observations are correct, this group of beasts is choosing the boss through competition. The failed monsters do not at all retreat and leave, it is likely that these monsters are planning to unite.

Scouting space has monsters beyond the strength of Xinghai Realm. Everyone knows that, but those monsters are hidden deep in the scouting space. As we advance, those monsters will actively avoid. Unless you reach the point of no return.

But these giant monsters are obviously different, they are very aggressive. In the past, we speculated that it was because the newly emerged powerful beasts invaded the territory of other beasts that caused many beast tides, but from the time of forgetting the valley, it can be clearly seen that this group of beasts deliberately ordered the underlying beasts to attack us. Line of defense. “

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