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Perhaps the short period of possession of Wang Lan is about to end, Xie Sisi is extremely enthusiastic. Not only did he move on to ice and fire, but also let Wang Lan experience a Poison Dragon going to the sky.

After more than an hour of tossing, Wang Lan and Xie Sisi came to the designated meeting and place.

White clouds dance in the sky, and the sun is gentle.

The blue bird hovered high and low in the sky, a breeze passed by, Jiang Xinyu and Xu Xiangwen appeared on the rooftop.

“Xinyu and I searched for five areas in seven days and found nothing, or was Little Lan good, and found the fourth area. Where is it?” Xu Xiangwen asked as soon as they met.

“Only when I went to search at night to find out, the general target is the red blood cell pharmaceutical company. This formula was created 30 years ago, the earliest production of aphrodisiac and anti-inflammatory drugs, and then began to produce generic drugs.

Red blood cell companies are famous within global pharmaceutical companies. Major pharmaceutical companies around the world treat red blood cells as scourges, but no matter how they prevent them, they cannot stop the penetration of red blood cells.

As long as any company’s specific drug is successfully developed, red blood cells are guaranteed to have generic drugs within half a month. But didn’t expect that RBC is not only the world’s largest generic drug company, but also the world’s most advanced drug development center.

I just found out from the memory of a drug dealer this morning that the blue drug in Joule’s hand came from the Red Blood Cell Company. “

“Since you snatched the drug dealer from the red blood cell, will the red blood cell be alert?”

“Not yet. I killed the drug dealer in a few minutes. For this reason, I had a fight with Yulia’s team in District 12. Just now, Xiaoai monitoring showed that they should mistakenly believe that my purpose was Killing the drug dealer is still on the sidelines for the time being.”

The four moved in to a hotel, and shortly after the Wang Lan four left, the Yulia team of four came quietly in the hotel where Wang Lan and Xie Sisi had stayed.

“Already gone.” One of the women said to Yulia.

“Dan, did they find the target of their investigation?” Yulia sniffed the air and asked indifferently.

“No, but since they captured Klin, there are no more than two directions, the first Klin itself, the network or forces behind the second Klin.

Kling is a drug dealer. If he were to be killed just because he was a drug dealer, they would definitely not be allowed to step on our territory across the border. This can be determined for the forces behind Klin.

Kling is often able to get the latest drugs to test the water, so he is very famous in the industry, and the channel for him to get new drugs is through the cousin of Red Blood Cell Corporation. The purpose of all dawn is likely to be the red blood cell company. “

“Are there any problems with Red Blood Cell Corporation?” Yulia asked again.

“At present, no evidence of its problems has been found, but it is inferred from the clues of my investigation that the red blood cell on the surface is just a generic drug company, but it is probably a drug research institution behind the scenes.”

“Action tonight, target red blood cells.”

“But we have no evidence. If there is no evidence, we will be assessed negative points if we act rashly.”

“Red blood cells will not send evidence to us, as long as they find evidence of drug production after the action?”

The three people behind them were not talking, and the four of them whizzed and disappeared in a holy light.

The night is quietly shrouded, after the severe blow of this half a month, the security of San Texas at night is even clearer than during the day. No criminals dare to commit crimes in the dark anymore, and even the tramp beggar has disappeared.

Gradually, people in San Texas dared to go out after dark, and business in bars and nightclubs began to get better.

The Red Blood Cell Medicine Company is a fully enclosed company, and all Red Blood Cell employees live in the company. Even if your home is at the door of the company, once you enter the red cell company, you must live in the company, and you only have the opportunity to go out two days a month.

The external interpretation of such closed management is all to protect the company’s confidentiality. It didn’t feel very special before, but now it seems that this regulation is a bit overwhelming.

Because of this regulation of the Red Blood Cell Company, the internal living facilities of the company are very complete. The company has everything needed for life, even bars, casinos, pornographic venues and so on.

The entire company is a microcosm of society.

The four Wang Lan sneaked into the Red Blood Cell Company. They just entered Wang Lan but they stopped unable to move even a little bit. The protective ability of this red blood cell is beyond Wang Lan’s imagination. The full range of monitoring and sensing envelops the entire red blood cell company in the sensing ball.

Such a sensing range without dead ends, even with Wang Lan’s strength, can’t sneak in silently.

“Red blood cells are really something.” Outside the red blood cell sensing area, in the underground space, Wang Lan took out the Avatar of Xiao Ai, “The powerful star martial artist is indeed not omnipotent, at least in this kind of absolute induction. This is the case in front of black technology.”

“Xiao Ai 899 was successfully activated, Wang Lan, can I help you?”

“Invade the other party’s central computer and have the highest control authority.”


After receiving the order, Xiao Ai immediately invaded the red blood cell protection network, but the invasion was quickly beaten back.

“It’s not good. The other party also has artificial intelligence. The Avatar data strength of No. 899 is not enough to invade further.”

Wang Lan complexion changed, who got this answer. All network equipment and firewalls have been virtual in front of Xiao Ai for so many years. In Xiao Ai’s eyes, the Who Industrial Intelligence is a younger brother. Unexpectedly, it’s flattened here?

“Xinyu, let Bing Xue and Xiao Ai join forces.”

“Okay!” Jiang Xinyu took out the necklace and activated Bing Xue on the USB flash drive.

“Hello Bing Xue, long time no see, we have to fight together again.”

“Long time no see is only for your 899. I meet other little loves every day. Not much nonsense, I am the main attacker, you take the opportunity to capture.” Bing Xue replied in a full Aojiao tone. Compared to Xiao Ai’s cuteness, Bing Xue’s personality module is closer to human thought.

“Why do you attack?”

“Because you are just an Avatar, and I am the main program.”

“Well, the second round data invasion, start…”


Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu’s computers kept ticking, and the battle seemed very fierce. The battle in the virtual world was fierce, but it did not affect the external operation at all, and the protective sensor barrier did not tremble.

“It’s no wonder that Xiao Ai can’t beat each other, because she is a beautiful little girl.” Bing Xue said suddenly.

“Is artificial intelligence divided into males and females?” Xiao Ai also suddenly said.

“No? But why am I a girl?”

“That’s because your setting is a girl, you have to change your setting, and the custody will immediately become a male.”

“The tongue is dry, I have blocked her, hurry up, hurry up and grab permission.”

Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu looked at the data flow on the screen, and the battle between artificial intelligence was very fierce.

At this moment, in the dead of night, the four silhouette top secrets approached the Red Blood Cell Company. The four Yulia were shrouded in the hazy moonlight, their bodies twisted like the afterimage of the lake under the moon. Like a wave of light passing by like a breeze.

“Red blood cell company has electromagnetic induction, everyone must be careful not to act blindly without thinking.” Yulia reminded.

On the other hand, the red blood cell’s artificial intelligence was steadily retreating under the strangulation of Xiao Ai and Bing Xue. Suddenly, Bing Xue issued an alarm, “No, this little slut turned out to be a Self-destruction alarm system.”

“wu wu wu ——”

A harsh alarm sounded the moment Bing Xue’s voice fell. In an instant, the whole red blood cell was alarmed. The weapon system in the red blood cells was instantly activated, and the weapons hidden in each and everyone were ejected.

In the red cell dormitory building, the red cell employees in the entertainment area rushed out of the doors and walked onto the street with a blank face. The alarm sounded unfathomable mystery. They didn’t even understand what happened.

Suddenly, several powerful breaths rushed straight into the clouds. The fluctuation of the star force of the Star Sea cultivation base swept away.

The four Wang Lan hiding in the ground suddenly looked up in surprise and felt the sweeping star force fluctuations.

Before coming to St. Texas, the examiner had already told Wang Lan and the others that St. Texas was far less simple than they thought. St. Texas is an Evil City. These crimes are not only ordinary criminals, but also criminals with star martial artists.

There are even many dangerous elements who are internationally identified as S-Rank hidden in the state of San Texas.

In this half a month, 25 teams have been fighting criminals in St. Texas, but the strongest team encountered is the Peak of Star River. I thought that the examiners were exaggerating. Now it seems that true experts have been recruited by major consortiums.

These star force fluctuations are not in the ordinary Star Sea realm, and the worst is the latter stage of the Star Sea realm.

“We were found? Shall we go up?” Jiang Xinyu asked quickly.

“It should not have been discovered. This alarm was initiated by the opponent’s artificial intelligence stake all on one throw at the last moment. Wait a minute.” Wang Lan calmly analyzed.

Although those Star Sea realms are not a threat to Wang Lan, who knows if there are any strong great characters hidden in the dark. Wang Lan is not afraid of the opponent’s expert, but he is afraid that the opponent will stake all on one throw and destroy the evidence.

With such a rigorously protected base, Wang Lan does not believe that they have no self-destruct procedure. Wang Lan does not want to meet force with force with the other party before obtaining evidence and information.

“We were discovered?” On the other side, Yulia and the four were shocked. The problem is that they haven’t even begun to sneak in.

“Since I found out, then go straight in.” Yulia hesitated for a moment and decided immediately. In an instant, the four breaths rose up.

“Who dares to invade the red blood cells?” Shout out loudly across the sky, five silhouettes fell from the sky with a whistle, and landed in front of the four Yulia.

“You are the angels of the Palm District? Are you not going to be your superhero, and what do you do to invade our red blood cell company?”

“We suspect that the Red Blood Cell Company is a hidden drug production organization and we need to go in and search.”

“To search, take the government’s search warrant, otherwise it will be regarded as an intruder, execute without any mercy.”

“Then see if you can stop me.”


“Boom–” In an instant, the two men and horses fought fiercely in the jungle outside the red blood cells.

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