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“Central Plaza is a commercial and entertainment center, where the population is the most dense.” A little elder sister in the headquarters who was very curious about the Wang Lan four-person team explained.

“What about this?” Wang Lan pointed to the three areas. “These three central plazas have been completely dilapidated, and the flow of people has been robbed of the nearby Jiade Commercial Plaza. And Senlan Real Estate has obviously The three central squares have been abandoned and have not been rectified in the past three years. If it is only due to the flow of people, they should open the different space in the Jiade Commercial Plaza.”

“This may be an order from the hell monarch to unify, to unify the central square. Only three places are ruined and do not affect the overall action.” The little elder sister looked a little unhappy, and seemed to think that Wang Lan was entangled with this problem. ? Is it good?

“Wang Lan, I found a problem.” Jiang Xinyu said suddenly, “I found that none of the surveillance cameras in the central square were taking pictures of the central fountain. The footage of these central fountains were all provided by anti-theft cameras in the shops in the central square. Of.”

“It seems that what I guessed may be true.” Wang Lan was not surprised when he heard that, but said solemnly, “As a military operation, how can the designated target location be ordered because of fear of trouble. It must be A certain team is aimed at a certain area.

From the black clothed persons captured by the surveillance cameras, it can be seen that these black clothed persons arrived at the target location at almost the same time. I think the reason why they are all unified in the central square is a reason that cannot be changed. “

“Can’t change? What do you mean?” Dyson asked.

“Things that cannot be moved! And I have repeatedly watched the scenes that appear in Alien Space. It should be the fluctuations in the scenes opened with Space Stone.”

“Space Stone? Impossible!” Dyson hurriedly shook the head, “Monitoring has not been interrupted. No one came to Space Stone before the opening of Alien Space. Moreover, the number of Space Stones needed to open Alien Space is not Less.

There are that many people in the central square, and a few others are taking pictures by the fountain. If there is a Space Stone, how can they not be found? “

“General Dyson, why do you think Space Stone must have been shipped recently? Or how do you know that Space Stone is stacked outside? Space Stone has been here for a long time, even more than ten years ago .”

Wang Lan’s words make everyone confused. Most people can’t understand them.

Wang Lan points to the frozen flower bed in the picture, “What if this is the Space Stone?”

“This is a flower bed, why is it a Space Stone? General Wang Lan didn’t let you open your eyes and talk nonsense.” The beautiful little elder sister said with a smile while covering her mouth.

But Dyson couldn’t laugh. “You mean… the entire fountain is built with space?”

As soon as these words came out, the little elder sister’s smile instantly freezes, and the expression on her face becomes exceptionally wonderful. And everyone around him suddenly showed an expression of awakening.

It was originally a layer of window paper, as long as it is broken, it is not difficult to think. But no one is thinking about it.

The entire fountain pool is built with Space Stone, which is a far-reaching layout. But now looking at the fountain pool in the central square, the edge of the pool around the pool is obviously too wide, and there was originally a sculpture in the middle, and the sculptures were all cast with concrete.

“If this is the case, then Senlan Real Estate, which made the central plaza…” Lieutenant General Dyson stood up abruptly and walked to the phone.

“General Dyson!” Wang Lan suddenly stopped Dyson, “Don’t beat the grass to scare the snake until the crisis is eliminated.”

Dyson was taken aback for a moment, and his face suddenly turned pale. According to the assumption just now, he really intends to report to the headquarters and then arrest Senlan Real Estate. Wang Lan鈥檚 reminder made him realize that Space Stone was buried in more than two dozen central plazas in St. Texas. Isn鈥檛 it buried elsewhere?

Moreover, the commercial plaza business of Sunland Real Estate spreads all over the world, and they are all in the most prosperous areas. If the other party either the fish dies or the net splits starts Space Stone, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Dyson did not think of this, but Wang Lan did. Dyson was convinced once again by Wang Lan… No, this time he was convinced.

They were still confused all over the world looking for the secret mastermind, but it took Wang Lan just a few minutes to Time Lock the final black hand.

Dyson picked up the phone and spoke to the crackle end of the phone.

After a long time, Dyson put down the phone.

“General Wang Lan, come with me.”

Follow Dyson to the Conference Hall next door, and soon the screen in the Conference Hall lights up again.

One of the black men raised his watch in a very coquettish posture, “I looked at the time. It hasn’t been more than ten minutes, my god, Mr. Dyson, you actually called us twice in ten minutes.

Although I am not the President of the White Eagle nation, do I have less work than the President? “

“Dear Ambassador Leo, you may not think so when you hear what I am going to report. I would like to introduce you to you, this is General Wang Lan of Jade Country.”

“Oh boy, I know you, your name is no worse than the superhero of White Eagle nation, and I heard that you have saved the world several times. You are a new generation of Legendary.”

Wang Lan looked weirdly at this black man who talked like a machine gun. Is this guy sure to be the top five members of the International Security Council? Are you sure he is reliable?

“Wang Lan, ignore this guy, he’s like that. I haven’t returned to China for these years, otherwise I will definitely come and see you. My name is Hua sword edge.”

“Hello General Hua.”

“After knowing that you took action, I don’t know why I am inexplicably at ease. You must be able to solve this crisis perfectly. Is there any new discovery that we suddenly called again this time?”

“It may be more than just a new discovery.” Dyson stepped forward and said, “It took only a few minutes for General Wang Lan to lock the secret mastermind that opened the alien space. If nothing else, secret Mastermind should be Senlan Real Estate.”

“Senlan Real Estate? You mean that my existence is the glorious city of Sunlan Real Estate? My God, this is the top 30 companies in the world.”

“Yes! Wang Lan speculated that these alien spaces were all activated by Space Stone. However, our video surveillance not at all found the traces of Space Stone. When we were unable to start, Wang Lan instantly The secret is solved.

The fountain pool in the central plaza should be built with Space Stone. If this is the case, the blue real estate that built the central plaza is the secret mastermind for all this.

Now Wang Lan suspects that Sunland Real Estate has a bigger and more terrifying plan. Now I want to know how many properties Sunland Real Estate has in the whole world? “

“There are a total of one hundred seventy two seats.” Hua sword edge said directly, “This data has just been sent to me. In addition to the 25 in St. Texas, there are one hundred and 67 seats, of which 67 are in the new There are 100 blue countries scattered all over the world.”

“Then we need to excavate and eradicate the industries of Senlan Real Estate at the same time. No one can guarantee that Space Stone will be buried in these industries.”

“This is the demolition of hundreds of billions of green coins.” Leo said with a pained expression.

“Compared to a different space opened at any time, are hundreds of billions of green coins count? Even if you only find one, it is worth it.”

“Well, I will secretly send instructions to countries, and the plan will be unified in five hours.”

“Five hours? Does it take that long?”

“General Dyson, you must know that we must first find a suitable excuse to evacuate the crowd. Five hours has been very hasty.”

“Don’t notify the Xinlan government.” Wang Lan suddenly lifts the head.

“Why? Xinlan State 67 does it.”

“But no one can guarantee that there are spies from Senlan Real Estate in Xinlan Country. What if Senlan Real Estate detects that our actions are triggered in advance?”

“It makes sense. As a new blue country business card company, Senlan Real Estate is a hidden terrorist organization, and it may even be the property of the hell monarch. This is what New Blue Country should bear.”

After interrupting the video conference, Lieutenant General Dyson secretly issued an assembly order to the eleven teams. Many teams have just walked less than a hundred kilometers but are suddenly called back.

Although there were doubts in his mind, there was no delay, but he turned his head and rushed back to the headquarters.

Half an hour later, the eleven teams assembled again. In order to eliminate the time bomb without fail, no one but Wang Lan team knew the details of the mission.

After the leader had a brief meeting, the teams left silently.

At this moment, it is close to dusk, and the action time is around 8 o’clock in the evening. For White Eagle nation, it was late at night, but for Jade Country it was day. Jade Country has five central squares, White Eagle nation has seven, and other central squares are located in 56 countries around the world.

On the way to the new blue country, Wang Lan’s thoughts were always very serious. Jiang Xinyu approached Wang Lan and asked with concern, “What are you thinking?”

“Ah? It’s nothing, I’m thinking about the plans of the hell lord. I guess…100 commercial squares in other countries may not be at all Space Stone.”


“Do you think, what information did we get when we attacked red blood cells? The plan of red blood cells is to create biochemical soldiers for a coup. If the United Nations does not recognize it, it will launch a biochemical virus to initiate a natural disaster.

In fact, Red Blood Cell Corporation and Sunland Real Estate may be a joint project. First of all, let’s make a speculation. Although the lord of hell may have stolen hundreds of thousands of children with star martial artist innate talent in the past 30 years, aren’t these people attrition?

Converted to our Jade Country, how many star martial artists have been born in 30 years? And how many star martial artists can survive these 30 years? I have seen the memories of those dead men whose training is a hundred times more cruel than we thought. I even wonder if there are three hundred thousand children who will survive in the end.

The lord of hell intends to establish a country in a coup d鈥櫭﹖at. It is impossible without sufficient troops, so his red blood cell company secretly studied zombie soldiers. This is the plan on the red blood cell side, and to ensure that the plan goes smoothly, while improving your own battle strength, you also need to weaken the opponent’s battle strength.

So it is the plan of Senlan Real Estate to plant a time bomb. It is reluctant to deploy the new blue country with the strength of the hell monarch. What ability does he have to deploy globally? “

“That’s it? But I don’t think your face seems right…” Jiang Xinyu asked worriedly.

“The other problem I am worried about, that many Space Stone…Where did they come from?”

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