
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Director Dyson, come here.” Wang Lan picked up the phone and said.

Where did Dyson dare to delay, came to Wang Lan’s studio, walked to Wang Lan’s side in three steps and two steps, “How? How? Is there a clue?”

Wang Lan pointed to the information in front of him, “This is what I collected using big data. The Central Plaza in San Dezhou and the Glory Plaza in New Blue Country are not buildings in the same phase. They are five years apart.

I tracked down their construction period. The 67 Glory Plazas did not start at the same time, nor did they open at the same time, but they had a unified renovation seven years ago, and it was this fountain pool that was renovated. “

“You mean, this Space Stone was only buried seven years ago?”

“Yes, it should have been buried during the unified renovation. No wonder I thought those fountain pools felt a bit new when I was in San Texas.

Look at this. In May seven years ago, Manda had a traffic accident, and Ace settled it with money. Manda is the most project director of Sunland Real Estate, but he drives the muck truck himself? Is this suspicious? “

“Indeed, there is a problem with this muck truck?”

“There is also a problem with the place where the muck truck appeared. It’s just that…the matter of such a long time has not been recorded. Only the transportation department registered. Manda drove from Yulin to Xingcheng that year. What did he go to Yulin for? What muck needs To transport this far?”

“Space gems?”

“Yes, I guess so. And I just found out that Senlan Real Estate bought a piece of land in this place ten years ago and said that iron ore was discovered. But after the survey was not at all, the land was finally Abandoned.

Sunland Real Estate is rich and imposing not at all requesting the government to return it, and no one cares about it afterwards. I suspect that the space gem is in this land area. “

“Whether it is or not, go find it first.” Dyson said excitedly. If in doubt, go and see.

This task naturally fell on the Wang Lan team and Yulia team. The two are strong enough, and at the same time there is the reconnaissance innate talent star martial artist Xu Xiangwen.

For the two teams to go to reconnaissance Dyson is a hundred hearts, the strength of these two teams can easily retreat even in danger. Two teams are absolutely worth the battle strength of ten pure Star Sea teams.

Wang Lan and the others flew directly to Yulin City, two hundred kilometers away, and then immediately entered the deep mountains. Xu Xiangwen’s Heavenly Eye continued to move, and as he went deeper, Xu Xiangwen finally found traces of humans.

The area bought by Senlan Real Estate belongs to the mountains and old forests, deserted, and after being bought, it becomes a private domain, and no one enters the mountains. Therefore, the traces left by humans must be related to Senlan Real Estate.

The eight people were in the shape of flashing lightning, and in the blink of an eye they came to an empty canyon. The entire canyon was surrounded by gravel, more like a quarry. And there are several collapsed stone houses in the valley.

“Little Lan, there is a corpse below.” Xu Xiangwen’s Heavenly Eye with no opportunity can’t escape his eyes even if he is buried underground. Wang Lan pressed the palm of his hand, and a dozen corpses were turned out with a surge.

“It’s all fresh, it doesn’t take long to die.” Jiang Xinyu glanced roughly and said.

“The time to die does not exceed twenty-four hours.” A young girl named Dan lightly saying behind Yulia.

“The corpse spots on his body are very light, and his face is a little bit blue.”

“Is it killed by Senlan Real Estate or…”

“I don’t know, but from the point of view of where they fell… they seem to be blocking something and then being killed one after another.” Wang Lan’s mind came up with a speculative lightly saying.

The eight people walked inside again. Xu Xiangwen kept discovering buried corpses along the way. There were nearly a hundred people along the way. Jiang Xinyu held a notebook in his hand to scan the corpses continuously. In the notebook, Xiao Ai also constantly matched the corresponding faces.

“They are all missing children in St. Texas. The missing time is basically in the range of ten years ago. It can also be seen that they are very young, most of them are around 15-16 years old.”

“When they disappeared, they were basically between the ages of four and ten. If the purpose of the hell monarch is to train star martial artists, ten years will barely allow them to have battle strength. The experts we have encountered before are all 20 years Left and right.”

“Then this may be the training base of the hell lord? Or maybe it is the hell lord’s lair?” Yulia paused and said, “are we here a bit sloppy?”

“Don’t worry, even if it is, it should be safe now.” Wang Lan said affirmatively.

“Why? In case it is the nest of the hell monarch, we are impossible opponents.”

“If it was the lair of the hell lord, would he allow his men to kill at the door of the house?” Wang Lan asked, pointing to the corpses all over the floor.

At this question, Yulia was taken aback. Very simple reason, if this is the lair of the hell monarch, whether the people on the ground are killed by the hell monarch or someone else kills it, it proves that the hell monarch is already not in.

After figuring this out, Yulia shut up and followed Wang Lan immediately. In just one sentence, Yulia has realized that Wang Lan’s reaction speed and judgment are far beyond her. As a woman, I don’t have that many eagerness to be competitive, after all, using my brain is very tiring.

Soon, the entire group came to a cave entrance. Behind the cave is a huge mouth that looks like an ominous beast, but at the entrance of the cave there is a twisted and vague Space Gate.

Obviously, the entrance of this cave is connected to a different dimension. But how to make an alien space appear at the entrance of the cave and perfectly blend with the cave… This is difficult to achieve with current technology, and it is only possible to place the entrance and exit of an alien space at a fixed point.

It doesn’t make sense to entangle this, Wang Lan’s eight men filed into the alien space. In an instant, the picture before him changed. This alien space is like a world of flames. Just stepping on the land of alien space, the hot air waves assaults the senses.

At the foot of Wang Lan, an arm is making a zi zi sound on the ground. The temperature of the rock underneath is extremely high, and this arm has been roasted golden.

Cautiously entered, and soon saw several bodies. It’s easy to draw a conclusion from the corpses outside and the corpses inside. Someone has beaten in from outside.

“Are we here late? Someone caught the early bird the worm?” Jiang Xinyu asked with an ugly face.

“Little Lan, to the northeast, there is a star martial artist playing against each other. The winner will be determined soon!”


In the place Xu Xiangwen saw, more than a dozen star martial artists were strangling seven or eight star martial artists in a panic.

This group of people are all of the strength of the Star Sea realm, and the start is very spicy without leaving any room. A few star martial artists in a panic had suffered serious injuries, and they couldn’t last long in the face of enemies whose strength was no less than their own and crushed by numbers.

“boom~ boom~ ——”

Several big recruitment was sent out, and seven or eight star martial artists were hit. Even though they had tried their best, they were ultimately defeated by the crush of absolute strength and fell to the ground one after another.

“Confirm if you are completely dead, hurry up and make up the knife.” A woman said expressionless.

“All split up and in pieces are all split up and in pieces, can I still have alive?”

“For the star martial artist, does all split up and in pieces mean death?” As soon as the words came out, the man who answered the conversation suddenly shrank his neck and quickly turned around to smash the heads of several corpses on the ground .

“Go!” After all this was done, the woman gave a soft drink and led her men to leave, but just a few steps out, a few silhouette whiz whiz whiz fell.

When Wang Lan and the others appeared suddenly, the woman was taken aback. In an instant, it seemed that I had taken a step backwards. But the arrogant guy before took a step forward with a sneer, “The lackeys of the new blue government came so quickly, so let’s clean up together.”

“Mad dog, shut up.” The woman coldly shouted.

“Boss, why…” The man named Mad Dog obviously realized that the boss’s expression was a bit nervous, and he was obviously looking at the few in front of him.

“That man is Wang Lan!”

In the past, it must have been a joke if the bird of paradise people heard someone say that so and so was more powerful and powerful, and could make the bird of paradise tremble when hearing the name. The bird of paradise will use the other’s head to declare to the world that the bird of paradise is fearless.

But now, Wang Lan’s name has become a taboo for Bird of Paradise and a nightmare.

The bird of paradise has suffered too much from Wang Lan. The bird of paradise number one expert went to find the trouble of Wang Lan, and then was slaughtered by Wang Lan and Azure Emperor. Ranked 3rd expert of the bird of paradise went to the Yunhai Space to do something, and was finally killed by Wang Lan.

Wang Lan’s name is on the top of the Bird of Paradise Killing List, but Wang Lan is still alive and free.

Wang Lan’s fear is not in his strength, no matter how strong he is, can he be better than the 5 Emperors of Jade Country? Can a superhero be better than White Eagle nation? Can beat the Pope of the Kingdom of God?

These Peak powerhouse birds of paradise are not afraid, how can they be afraid of Wang Lan?

Wang Lan is the one who can catch the bird of paradise lurking and kill it. No matter how deep you hide, or how good you think you hide. All useless.

How many bloody lessons have told Bird of Paradise that where Wang Lan is, he stayed away.

The face of the mad dog changed slightly. Although the smile on his face was still mad, the eyes under the smile were so panic.

“Cut-you guys say that Wang Lan is so unpredictable and mysterious, I just don’t believe it, you have the ability to kill…”


a sword light Skip, the Zanpaku knife in Wang Lan’s hand is out of its sheath. The mad dog didn’t even know how Wang Lan made the move or when the knife was in his hand.

Have ability. You killed me? The last two words may never be spoken.

A drop of blood dripped down Wang Lan’s Zanpaku. Wang Lan looked at the woman in front of him coldly, “Are you birds of paradise?”


a light sound, the head of the mad dog fell to the ground, and the headless corpse fell like a wooden stake pushed onto it.

Yulia frowned, her face a little unhappy. It’s not that she thinks that the bird of paradise should not be killed, but that Wang Lan’s killing is too heavy, and if she doesn’t agree with her, she might be bewitched by the devil and go into evil ways.

Moved my mouth several times, but in the end I couldn’t speak.

“Wang Lan, let’s make a deal. If you let us go, I can tell you a piece of information, a very important piece of information, related to time and space gems.”

“Oh? When will the bird of paradise give out the information? Will the surgery in your head not happen?”

“Yes, but this information allows me to tell you, but I can also not tell you. All I want to use this information for our lives.”

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