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Since it is a competition in the competition of star martial artists, Wang Lan was originally planning to find something to earn experience points and skill points from the hands and people. Watching this competition for the competition in the competition suddenly started.

The main page is the registration page, and there is also a manual customer service under the registration page. As soon as the page is opened, it is an advertisement prompt for the hot registration of Xingwu Contest.

Wang Lan connects to the manual customer service, and the gentle and friendly voice of the other party sounds from the sound.

“Hello, distinguished customer, manual number 100 is at your service. Hello, may I help you?”

“I want to inquire about the registration and competition process of the Star Wars Championship.”

“Okay, sir, are you a star martial artist? Are you going to register yourself?”

“With this intention but need to understand the situation, will the player information be announced in this competition? Or, can you participate in the competition without exposing the player information?”

“Yes, there is an option in the registration form to choose whether to participate anonymously, if so, then your information will be kept strictly confidential by the organizers, and we will allow players to wear masks or face masks to mask their faces when participating in the competition .

If you do not choose to be anonymous, the player’s information will be used as a material for our promotion. Personally suggest that you register with public information. The winner of the Star Wars competition is not only winning the prize money, but also more likely to become a big star. The star martial artist champions of the previous two issues have developed very well. Maybe you are the next one? “

“I don’t care much about this. How many opponents does the Star Wars have to defeat to win?” Wang Lan figured out that if there are ten people, it is ten experience points. If there are 100 people, then 1000, if there are 200 people participating, , It is very objective to defeat everyone.

Take a look at this guy who is inflated. After understanding his strength in Suzhou City One, it can be regarded as the most advanced expert. Wang Lan suddenly realized that he might not be so weak in his imagination.

Although it did n鈥檛 take long to wake up, it 鈥檚 a big deal.

“If Mr. won the Star Wars Championship, it would naturally be considered to have defeated all the players. Is it possible for Mr. to register? If necessary, please complete the registration on the website.”

“Are there any requirements for Star martial grade?”


“When is the game time, can students participate?”

“As long as you have a Star Martial certificate, you can participate even if you are a child. Most of the competition time is on rest days or in the evening, and our programs are not live broadcast. If the time of the players is not enough, you can also agree on the time. But this premise is that you must enter the top 50.

It is precisely that there are only 100 contestants, but now the number of registered players has reached 500. Many foreign players came to Suzhou City to participate in the Star Wars competition. If you want to register, sir, as soon as possible, the registration will close by 2 o’clock tomorrow noon. “

After understanding the situation, Wang Lan swiped and opened the registration form to quickly fill in his personal information. Carefully checked whether the star martial artist identity was publicly selected to participate in the Star Martial Artists competition, and then just clicked on the registration submission.

Wang Lan doesn’t care about money, he wants experience and skill points. It’s too public to go to the ring without saying it, and people like Wang Lan can’t do it. Now that there is a third party holding a similar event, plus the possibility to participate anonymously, the application is for registration.

After completing the registration, you can download the detailed process of the game. But when Wang Lan saw this process, he was dumbfounded …

I was just too excited when I signed up, and because of the misleading language of the manual customer service, Wang Lan subconsciously thought that this game was a challenge.

Wang Lan thought of the Xingwu Tournament as a competition, but it was actually a promotion.

For example, if there are 100 regular players, then 2 2 matchups will be held, and finally 50 will be promoted successfully. Wang Lan eliminated only 50 people by defeating one person. If this is the case, it will be regarded as a champion. Actually, I haven’t experienced a few battles. How much experience do I have?

When Wang Lan was hesitant to cancel the application, he accidentally scanned the system in his mind and found a task in progress.

The hint that this task is in progress is light, electricity, and love for Wang Lan! Every time the task judged by the system is completed, the rich reward can make Wang Lan subconsciously drool.

Click on the task reminder, the following introduction is also simply outrageous.

“The mission is in progress, participate in the Suzhou City Star Martial Arts Competition.”

On the 2nd day, Wang Lan went to the school and found that the Star Wars competition was really hot. It was just signed up here, and the program preview there was already in a frenzy.

“There is another week where the Star Martial Arts Competition is about to begin, but I still have to practice the new star martial skill … What should I do? If I do n鈥檛 master the star martial skill and go to watch TV, my dad will be killed. “” A classmate suddenly sighed and complained after class.

Obviously, this person’s focus is his newly learned star martial skill, but because of this, he has started a hot discussion on the Xingwu competition.

“Really? It will start in a week? I just saw the ad the day before yesterday. I thought it would be at least half a month …”

“What are you looking forward to, Star Wars is a variety show. When I watched the first issue, I was a bit skeptical. How could the two people play so beautifully? The discussions between my classmates and me were so batteryd and exhausted. Routine. “

“Yes, especially when the second episode broke out, this program was scrapped. If you don’t look at the strength and look at the value, whoever wins or loses is already determined. The top 2 are all backstage backgrounds, sign up to participate Are always studying with the prince. “

“You can’t say this, since the ancient truth can’t be retained, only the routine is popular. Do the audience friends care about the truth of their fight? The average audience does not understand the battle between star martial artists.

Like the second season champion Li Mingfeng, the strength faction, the Star Radiance Realm Peak strength, and the formidable power of the formidable power. How hot has it been in the last year? So many fans like him, do you think they like Li Mingfeng’s strength? It’s not greedy for him. “

“I really called Qu for Ye Xiaochen, and Ming Ming is so much stronger than Li Mingfeng, but in the end he only lost his ability to fight. If you are undefeated, you will be compensated for huge damages in violation of the contract. T lift and pose. “

“After all, is it the Star Martial Arts? How do you have to do it twice? And the Star Martial Arts Competition is not to say, they are competitions but also variety shows, any accidents that appear on the show … Well, it is the effect of the show.

For example, a fake hit is just a program effect. Anyway, the whole World is fake, they are also true, and their faces are gone. “

“Do you want your face to be able to do this?”

Hearing that the classmates were so frigid irony and scorching satire to the Star Wars competition, Wang Lan was a little panicked on the spot. Was it pitted to sign up?

Looking back, Jiang Xinyu asked in a low voice, “Are they really talking?”

“En!” Jiang Xinyu put down the book and said indifferently, “The first season of Star Wars has achieved Perfection success, so the second season began to chaos. They held the Star Wars competition in the form of a variety show, and finally became a hang. A variety show where sheep head sells dog meat.

Word of mouth plummeted, and criticisms were made online. Basically, this IP collapsed. “

“That’s already a street mouse, how can there be season 3?”

“Because the producer was changed in the third season, and the director of the show was changed at the request of the producer. The show required the game to be completely centered on a real game and to create a new Star Wars competition!

This time, the organizers of the Star Wars competition also specially invited the famous Star Wars expert in Suzhou City to participate, in order to create a real Star Wars competition.

I think that with the strength of director Min Jian, we can still look forward to the third season. what happened? Look at me like this? “

“Xinyu, are you 100 degrees and 100 subjects? When I ask you, how do you know everything?”

“Advertisement popped up on my computer when I was doing my homework yesterday. I clicked and glanced at random.”

“Hehe … pretend! You must have the idea of 鈥嬧€媠igning up, right? Otherwise, you will never pay attention to what you don’t care about with your personality.”

Wang Lan feels that he can be attracted by the idea of 鈥嬧€媠igning up for advertisements. Jiang Xinyu and other people who are eager to fight and who are young should also be irritated. So, I took a closer look at the Raiders.

“I just glanced at it and closed it. Why do you think I would like to sign up for the contest?” Jiang Xinyu looked puzzled.

“You can remember everything at a glance? Are you your scanner?”

“I am like this throughout childhood, don’t you?” Jiang Xinyu’s big eyes stared at Wang Lan’s eyes.

I … really not!

“Let’s just take a look, and participate? Don’t you face?” Mingyue Wucheng smiled and sat down next to Wang Lan, “A real genius like classmate Jiang Xinyu is more impossible to participate in this boring competition.”

“Why? Is it embarrassing?”

“You think about it, even if this rectification is a real game, let us a group of students who have not formally participated in the battlefield and those veterans who have experienced many actual battles? Look for abuse.

Don’t think about it if you don’t have Star Radiance Realm Peak in the top ten. Even though Xinyu is in Nebula, it is not necessarily the opponent of Star Radiance Realm Peak who has experienced countless real battles in the ring.

Not even Xinyu, others are even worse. Star Wars will either win the championship. If you don’t get the championship, you will be embarrassed in the future.

When we become famous in the future, we will become a side powerhouse. At this time, there will be a middle-aged and elderly person who only has Star Radiance Realm to the media. Look, this is the expert you brag about. It was my defeated that year! tsk tsk tsk …

Who are the people participating in the Star Wars? Nebula is impossible above the realm, who has this spare time? Soldiers impossible, scouting impossible, our students are unlikely. Isn’t that the group of star martial artists who are no longer enterprising in the metropolis? “

“You say … makes sense!”

Participating in the Star Wars competition really seems to be under-considered. Fortunately, I chose to be anonymous. When the time comes, I do n鈥檛 want to wear a mask to participate.

If at first participating in this Star Wars competition is optional, it will be completely different when the system hint task is in progress. That means a lot of experience points and a lot of skill points.

After lunch at noon, Wang Lan’s mobile phone received a text message, which was sent by the organizer of the Suzhou City Star Wars Tournament. The qualifier was held at the Suzhou City Gymnasium for 6 days on 2 weekends this week.

Carry your personal certificate and Star Martial certificate with you, and select 100 people from the contestants to participate in the official Star Wars competition.

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