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The Pope Yijian and the Hell Lord are frozen in the void. The pope’s hair and whiskers are like dancing in the water, his eyes burst open, and he looks hatefully at Mulla with a light smile on his face.

“The lifespan of human beings is really short. You are so old. Your current strength is less than half of 30 years. It’s really sad.” The lord of hell slowly extended the hand and pointed it softly.

“pa ——” With a green sound, the pope’s body flew upside down with a whistling sound. In an instant, Yulia’s figure bathed in holy light appeared in the sky, and the Divine Sword in her hand was condescendingly beheaded to the lord of hell.


The hell gentleman gently pushed his hand, a ripple rippling behind him, Yulia cut it down with a sword, and froze in the air.

“My Lord Pope, how are you?” Yulia looked behind her nervously. The Pope was thrown to the ground by fiercely and rolled to the edge of the altar.

On the altar of the temple, there was a thick smoke shrouded suddenly, in the smoke and dust, the evil strength raged everywhere. Many experts of the Holy See plan to rush to the altar, but they all seem to be in the abyss, surrounded by cold, suppressed fear.

Below the altar, the believers who arrived were quickly evacuated. Although the believers uttered one after another in horror, they still kept looking back at the scenes that took place on the sacred altar, hoping to see the Pope greatly showing divine might, suppressing the evil hell monarch.

But they saw a scene where the Pope was beaten out by the hell lord with just one move. This makes the hearts of the believers sink to the bottom again. The destruction of the Christmas festival by the hell monarch is already unacceptable. Now, the pope is even more unbearable in front of the destroyers like mantis trying to stop a chariot.

In the hearts of most believers, it may not be anger but sadness. Sorrowful for the Celestial Sect may be really lonely, sorrowful that my belief will be so powerless in the face of disasters.

“The Pope–“

“Pope, get up!”

“The Pope–“

The call was like a resonance between Heaven and Earth, which exploded in the closed heart of the Pope. The pope’s closed eyes suddenly opened, and the open eyes turned out to be milky white.

“You are the child brought back by the Pope 20 years ago… Do you want to know your life experience? Do you want to know who your parents are?”

“Don’t want to confuse me!” Yulia’s face was struggling, but the struggling expression showed that she had been moved.

“he he he… The demon’s deceit is never a deception. I will only use facts to seduce the world. It is your Holy See that really deceives the world. You use hypocrisy to warn the world that people should be kind and benevolent, but you did it yourself. What?”

“Swastika, Judgment of Light!” Loudly shouted suddenly sounded, and Heaven and Earth was instantly shrouded in light. Yulia, who had just been tempted by the hell lord and couldn’t help but want to know the truth, suddenly woke up.

The rays of light in the sky are like the holy voice of heaven. Yulia was afraid for a while before she almost asked that sentence. And once asked, Yulia knew that she must be consigned to eternal damnation, because the answer from the hell lord would definitely break her mind.

The white light fell like a willow branch, and a Heavenly Sword fell from the white light. Facing Yulia’s move, the hell lord only raised his hand and gently blocked, but facing Wang Lan’s trial of light, the hell lord’s face was full of solemnity.

“Drink—” The hell lord loudly shouted, a spatial ripple appeared in the sky, and the sword of light fell, fighting fiercely fiercely in the sky. The lord of hell lifts the head looked towards Wang Lan curiously, with strong jealousy in doubt.

“You are the Heaven’s Chosen from Jade Country. I heard that the guy who was also planted in your hands has several points of out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, you are still too young. If 20 years later, You may be our biggest rival. But now…”

The Hell Lord suddenly burst into intense space fluctuations. In an instant, a crimson world appeared next to the Hell Lord, the trial of light suddenly disappeared, and the crimson world enveloped Wang Lan even more terribly.

Once engulfed by crimson’s world, Wang Lan will undoubtedly die. At the moment when crimson’s world was about to encircle, Wang Lan’s whole body also rippled with space.

With a swish, Wang Lan’s figure disappeared instantly.

“Space Department?” For the first time, the Lord of Hell showed a surprised expression. How scarce is the space system? Not to mention Human Race, the entire universe, including the powerful Demon Race, is so rare.

“Lord of Hell!” With a deep cry, the pope stood up again, and the holy light around him became more dazzling and sacred.

“en?” The hell lord looked at the pope who came again with a sneer, “Is this going to be desperate? But you are old, and your strength is no longer a threat to me. “

“Even if I am not as good as before, I have the determination to guard the glory of the Holy See.” The pope extended the hand, and suddenly the sky above the sky was shining.

Among the stars in the sky, twelve constellations complement each other, and the constellations turn into two hexagrams that overlap each other. After the overlap, the hexagram emits dazzling rays of light, and a huge book appears in the rays of light. book.

With the universe as the background, the stars are the pages of the book.

“Great Power Words?” The Hell Lord also became solemn, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

“My Lord Pope——” Yulia, who broke free from the shackles of the hell lord, retreated to the pope and asked nervously.

The pope stood up solemnly, stepped out, and the rays of light all over his body shot straight into the sky, like a beam of light stirring the starry sky above his head.

“God said, evil will eventually be dispelled by justice, and light will eventually come.” With the pope’s singing, the scroll of in the sky was slowly opened by one page, and in an instant, countless brilliance sprinkled like stars. Down the earth.

Above the altar, the thick black fog that enveloped the entire altar was dispersed by the brilliance of the stars, and an inexplicable strength enveloped the altar. A black mysterious rune appeared on the face of the hell lord, and a deep black light radiated from his body, beating constantly like a pulse.

In the hotel where the International Security Council is located, the space is slightly distorted, and Wang Lan’s figure appears instantly. After appearing, Wang Lan’s face turned pale, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

At that moment, it was really thrilling. He was almost swallowed by the opponent’s scarlet space. Once Wang Lan was swallowed by the scarlet space, Wang Lan would be slaughtered like fish on a chopping board.

Except for the fierce battle at the altar, the entire city of angels is chaotic everywhere. Most of the Paladin soldiers of the Kingdom of Gods were sent to Siberia to defend against the Castlevania. At this moment, the City of Angels defended against emptiness.

Fortunately, Wang Lan has long arranged a group of experts of the International Security Council here, and experts have been arranged in various areas of the City of Angels. In addition, yesterday’s Wang Lan and the others action team’s secretly arranged strength by the hell lord caused a violent blow. Although the hell lord’s attack was very sudden, the situation in the city of angels is still in a stable stage.

However, Wang Lan knew very well that the most crucial battle was the battle between the Pope and the Hell Lord on the side of the Holy See. If the lord of hell wins, no matter how the International Security Council can stabilize the City of Angels and fix the chaos in the City of Angels, it will not help. Can the old pope still have the power to fight the hell lord?

The Holy Light Power of the pope’s body became more and more rich, and on the contrary, the pope’s face became more and more pale. The mighty strength constantly pouring down from the stars, and strikes the hell lord shrouded in holy light.

But the strange thing is that although the Pope seems to be constantly attacking, the hell lord seems to be not at all attacked. He can easily block all the holy light attacks with no difficulty by raising his arms.

The Pope seems to have tried his best but has no powerful attacking power, while the hell lord seems relaxed and comfortable but can only be trapped in a square inch.

“I don’t understand.” Standing on the top of the hotel, Dyson looked at the lightly saying in the distance, “The power of the Pope is beyond doubt. Lost when I was young. There are 20 top experts in the whole world, and the Pope is the Peak of these 20 top experts.”

“The Pope should not have this move to win the enemy, but to delay time.” Wang Lan appeared next to Dyson and said lightly, “How about brothers?”

“It’s okay over there, but the key is the battle on the Pope’s side. You said the Pope is delaying time? Yes, the Pope alone cannot stop the hell lord. I had to say it yesterday, but the Pope has always been fascinated. Confidence. What’s more, in the holy light array, even he alone can easily suppress the hell lord…” Dyson held his mouth in disdain and sighed.

“Is the holy light array abolished at first?” Wang Lan sighed. The holy light array is indeed the Pope’s greatest support, but he did not expect that the hell monarch is the righteous bishop, the largest array was abolished when he came up, and it became so passive.

“Then what shall we do next? The Lord of Hell mainly wins, how do we respond?”

“Even if the Lord of Hell wins the Kingdom of God, doesn’t it mean that he won the whole world? Even if the Lord of Hell wins, the whole world Star Soul Expert will be able to pack the Lord of Hell even if there are ten experts.

The hell lord himself poses little threat to mankind. The real threat to mankind is the gem of time and space. As long as the gems of time and space are not stimulated, there is still a chance for us. The purpose of our coming, isn’t it aimed at the gems of time and space? “

Suddenly, the sky in the distance became pitch black, and thunder flashed under the dark clouds. One after another lightning struck the ground like a Heavenly Sword.

“Very powerful, expert is coming?” Wang Lan asked slightly moved.

“Wushuang Knight, Wushuang Knight is here.”

Along with Dyson’s voice, a flying horse rushed out of the thundercloud and flew towards the Holy See Temple in the thunderbolt. Wang Lan instantly opened the purple eyes in the void and looked at it. An old man in chain armor was holding a battle axe with a fighting intent. The flying horse under his crotch was exactly the same as the unicorn in Myths and Legends.

According to legend, unicorns can run through the sky under thunder and lightning.

Wu Shuang Knight arrived, the pope’s face showed an exhilarating smile, and the face of the hell lord suddenly became gloomy.

“You used the great power word technique only to trap me and wait for Wushuang Knight to arrive… only once you have performed the great power word technique. You can still be my opponent without the great power word technique. ?”

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