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“Activate the space-time gem? he he he…what is my identity you may not know? Activate the space-time gem? Then wait for the Demon Race army to arrest me?”

“Since Divine Race exiled you to the boundary, how could it possibly arrest you? From the moment you were exiled, you were the soldiers of Divine Race and our comrade-in-arms.”

“hahaha…” The hell lord sneered, “comrades in arms? You may not know, how could Demon Race be willing to exile me to the earth? They want to keep me in the eternal black hell forever, you know it is a Where?

It is a dark and empty world, unable to move, unable to see things, imperceptible, but will be extremely awake and unable to sleep. Surrounded by loneliness in the eternal years, all those imprisoned in the eternal black prison are slowly tortured and finally completely mad.

If I hadn’t sneaked into the exile crowd, I would have been imprisoned in the eternal black prison. You tell me they are my comrades in arms? I, the hell lord has no comrades in arms. For the sake of our common enemy, I won’t kill you, you can go. “

“Sir Monarch in hell, but do you think you will let you go if you don’t activate the time-space treasure Stone Golem Race?”

“Of course they won’t let me go, but I have Castlevania to defend it. As long as I keep it for ten days, they can’t help me. I have eternal life at worst and I can consume them slowly…”

“Ten days? hahaha… hell Sir Monarch, it’s not that I underestimated you, let alone ten days, you may not even have passed today.”

The imposing manner of the hell lord suddenly soared, and the terrifying coercion was like a mountain, like a dark shadow, “What did you say? Do you dare to say it again?”

“Even if you ask me ten more times, my lord, I’m still saying that. I’m afraid I won’t even be able to spend tonight. Did you know that the three superheroes of the White Eagle nation came to the City of Angels at noon today? I don’t know, the two Nordic War Gods of Polar Bear have arrived, as well as Azure Emperor of Jade Country.

Six experts of the same level as the Pope Wushuang Knight arrived, and there are 30 first-rate experts plus the 300,000 god Paladin regiment. With such strength, dare to ask adults how do you persist for ten days? “

“Impossible, the White Eagle nation has not sent people to the kingdom of gods for several decades, and the polar bears are also at odds with the kingdom of gods. They are impossible to help the kingdom of gods.”

“Lord of Hell, do you still think you are fighting the kingdom of gods? hahaha…It’s ridiculous. From the moment you get the gem of time and space, you are enemy of all mankind.”

The hell lord became silent immediately.

“Hell Sir Monarch, you don’t have much time to think about it, soon humans will launch an offensive…”


Several loud noises almost reminded me of the moment the Angel of Paradise’s voice fell. In an instant, Castlevania trembled.

“Master——” cry out in surprise sounded, and a black armored soldier rushed in, “Master, the god Paladin group has attacked the city.”

“Block them, block them for at least ten days.”


The black armored soldiers did not hesitate to turn around and rushed out. Several decades of brainwashing training made the black armored soldiers impossible a little bit of violation. But the black armored soldiers also understand in their hearts that with more than a thousand black armored soldiers and hundreds of thousands of zombie soldiers in Castlevania, they want to defeat the 300,000 god Paladin regiment? impossible.

Zombie soldiers do not know what death is, and the tools trained by the hell lord do not know what fear is. But in the face of absolute strength disparity, what is the use of courage and fearless?

A black armored soldier stands at the head of the city, frantically urging the star force to send out a range-type martial skill. But before his star’s martial skill had time to blast, at least five god Paladins under the city had joined forces to set up a defensive barrier.

Star martial skill strikes were so futile above the barrier that even the ripples didn’t have time to ripple. Suddenly, the black armored soldiers felt their eyes dark, and something seemed to dazzle their eyes.

lifts the head, but saw a silhouette standing against the sword. Suddenly, I felt like my body had become a funnel, and strength was swallowed by a huge black hole. After looking down, he realized that a blood line appeared on his chest at some point, and his body was slowly sliding down along the blood line.

Wang Lan and many other titled powerhouses seem to be ghosts on the battlefield, appear and disappear unpredictably beside every black armor soldier, whether they are cartilage or hard bones, they are all broken.

Wang Lan has never fought such a great disparity and such a wealthy battle. It’s no wonder people often hear about horizontal pushes. The original horizontal push feels so cool.

The battle lasted less than twenty minutes, and the Paladin regiment of the gods had already approached Castlevania. Castlevania was originally a domain fortress refined by the hell lord, and its material structure is extremely hard, without knowing what material components are used. Wang Lan tentatively cut out a knife, and the Zanpo knife drew a faint scratch on the city gate.

The strength of the city gate is no less than that of the gate of Yellow Springs, which Wang Lan fully displays. This Castlevania is to be placed in an ancient war that is an immortal fortress.

“Wang Lan, let’s come.”

The voice fell to the ground, and a silhouette appeared behind Wang Lan twisting in the void, and the Azure Emperor came to the city gate silently. At the same time, the all around of Castlevania, the six Star Soul Peak powerhouses are all in place.

Wang Lan stepped back two steps, the majestic star force spouted from the Azure Emperor, and the terrifying star force converged from all directions, and gathered in front of the Azure Emperor into a cloud of azure energy light.

In Wang Lan’s induction, there are six groups of the same energy light, which are in the all around area of ​​Castlevania. The ball of light held in the hands of Azure Emperor was originally ten meters high, but it was instantly compressed, and it was compressed between two palms in the blink of an eye.

Such a huge amount of energy is compressed to such a small amount, the formidable power exploded is probably close to a nuclear bomb. It is indeed reasonable to say that the Star Soul Realm is a human-shaped nuclear bomb.


Azure Emperor launched with a violent palm, and the terrifying energy instantly hit the city gate of Castlevania. After a little resistance, the city gate suddenly burst open. The energy beam rushed into the city gate again without changing the trend. After the gate, the densely packed zombie soldiers were instantly ablated by the energy beam, and even more directly vaporized and disappeared instantly.

all around the city gate was broken, and the group of god Paladin, who was ready to go behind them, let out a burst of cheers.

“The Paladin of the gods. Charge——”

“ao 唔——”

In the center of Castlevania, the hell lord whose complexion is gloomy lifts the head fiercely. A white light rushed towards him. A beam of light blasted from the city gate went straight into the inner palace of the hell lord without any partiality.

The hell lord, expressionless, allowed the energy group to rush to the front door. Suddenly, the energy rays exploded as if hitting an invisible barrier. The roof of the inner palace was lifted into the sky with a bang.

The bird of paradise messenger came out from behind the stone pillar with a trace of panic on his face, “Hell Sir Monarch, the Castlevania is broken, what are you hesitating now?”

The lord of hell floated slowly, and with a light wave of his palm, the black pool under his feet suddenly rolled violently as if it had boiled. Along with the tumbling, a body slowly rose.

When the bird of paradise messenger saw this body, his eyes shrank sharply, and a deep look of fear appeared on his face.


A corpse that was pulled out of the ink pond by the hell lord had two pairs of jet-black wings spread out behind it. This is not a legendary. What else can an angel be?

Angels and humans are fundamentally different. Humans are humans, and angels are gods. Legend has it that there is a powerful star martial skill called angel form in the lost secret technique of the Celestial Sect. As long as this star martial skill can be successfully cultivated, people will transform and temporarily gain the strength of the gods.

And this star martial skill has been lost thousands of years ago.

10,000 years ago, angels would often come to the world to pray for mankind, eliminate disasters, and eliminate sickness. However, angels have never appeared in nearly ten thousand years. Now everyone agrees that angels are just gods that people imagined. Not real.

Only believers of Celestialism still believe that angels exist in the Garden of Eden.

The original mythical creature appeared in front of my eyes, which caused a great impact on the angel of the bird of paradise. If angels exist, do gods really exist?

Seeing the shock in the eyes of the Angel of Paradise, the Lord of Hell expressed satisfaction.

“The angel…really exists?” The angel of the bird of paradise opened his mouth, his face still frozen with an expression of disbelief.

“Do you think that angels are just fictional creatures without the presence of angels in the past ten thousand years? Angels have existed, and they are not foreign races, but the native Human Race.

The angels passed down the angel form cultivation to the third form, they will completely transform into angels. Angels have a long life, even the lowest Dynames have a lifespan of at least a thousand years.

Unfortunately, ten thousand years ago, the gods including all the angels were wiped out by the Demon God. I found the record of that battle through the literature of Demon Race, and then I found this complete body of the battle angel in the land of the battle 2000 years ago.

It’s a pity that this is the only complete body. It would be perfect if I found a Seraphim. It took me 2,000 years to soak it in magic liquid before I converted this corpse into a fallen angel.

You ask what I have to rely on, he he he…Is this relying on enough? “

The hell lord said, suddenly the incarnation smoke fell into the mouth of the fallen angel. The angel of the bird of paradise opened his eyes and stared at the angel in front of him in a daze. Suddenly, the wings behind the fallen angel were slightly trembled.

Although the wings are very damaged and look like weeds that have been beaten up, angels that look ugly are all angels.


A heavy heartbeat sounded, and the angel with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes. There was no trace of white in the eyes.

The hell lord slowly walked through the bleeding pool, and the magic liquid in the blood pool suddenly ascended and wrapped around the hell lord’s body, turning into a dark armor.

At this moment, the rumbling sound of the battle outside is very close, as if the next moment is about to hit the inner palace.

The lord of hell took a gentle step, and his figure turned into streamer disappeared. When he appeared again, he stood on the roof of the inner palace. Gently raised his hand, a terrifying energy wave swept away.

The charged Paladin group instantly seemed to hit the meat grinder and was melted by the invisible blade. In an instant, thousands of god Paladin flying ash annihilation, the charging street was empty.

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