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Barron is like a time bomb now, and everyone knows that sooner or later, something will happen. But everyone covered the time bomb and covered their ears and said I don’t know. I don’t know. Only the congressman gave a detailed analysis of the time bomb in front of everyone and told the people that this time bomb might explode. It must be taken apart.

I have to admire the courage of the congressman, but unfortunately, although he has the courage, he has no corresponding strength. Does the time bomb exist because of the gang? No, it was caused by the disconnection between government management and the poor at the bottom. The tentacles of the government cannot reach the bottom, and others will inevitably take root.

To change the status quo, is it just to eliminate the drug dealers and the gangs? It is also necessary to increase the government’s strength control over the people at the bottom, and to control the people, it is necessary to provide them with employment, education, medical care, and other resources, which violates the interests of the top.

So in Wang Lan’s opinion, the congressman’s thoughts are pure and wishful thinking.

“da da da ——”

The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and the four people’s words suddenly stopped. Xu Xiangwen opened Opening Heaven Eye, “I am a white man, without a weapon, I will open the door.”

Xu Xiangwen stood up and opened the door. A white man told his subordinates to wait outside. Then the only son entered the room and bowed his hand to Wang Lan and the others very formally, “Mr. Huohuang, thank you very much for helping us. , I’m Hatch, Captain officer of the Narcotics Department of Barron.”

“Are you sure you are not called a Husky?” Xu Xiangwen spit out silently. Fortunately, Hatch didn’t understand Huaxia, so he didn’t respond.

“What’s wrong with Mr. Hatch’s sudden visit?”

“We need your help.”

“Uh…Aren’t we here to help you solve those murderous incidents?”

“No, it’s not this help, it’s another matter.” Hatch took out a stack of photos from his briefcase. Wang Lan glanced at them, and all these photos were of dead people, most of them were shot.

“What does Mr. Hatch mean? These all are who?”

“these all are notorious drug dealers in Barron, each of them is the top villain on the black list of various countries. A year ago, after Barron introduced the drug quarantine bill, the living space of these drug dealers has been Compression.

Since then, these drug lords began to attack each other to seize the poppy fields, and these drug lords were all killed in a rush. “

“Isn’t this good?” Xie Sisi asked suspiciously.

“It was good at first, but since half a year ago, a little-known drug lord Nighthawk has risen rapidly, and the speed of its rise is beyond our imagination. In just three months, he swallowed All the drug lord’s territories, people and horses. And they are entrenched in the complex terrain of the Aigil mountain range, surrounded by jungle and continuous mountain range, easy to defend and difficult to attack, the government has nothing to do with them.”

“A government army can do nothing against a group of drug dealers…This is really a joke.” Xu Xiangwen said with a smile faintly.

“Do you know how many drug dealers are under Nighthawk? There are a total of 30,000, and they have advanced weapons and are equipped with heavy weapons.”

“Where is your star martial artist?”

“They also have star martial artists, and they can use the complex terrain to appear and disappear unpredictably. Your Excellency the President has organized three encirclement and suppression troops, but in the end they all failed and suffered heavy losses. Senator Brown issued a fierce statement about this. Speech, but soon he was killed.” Hatch said with a sad look.

“Congressman Brown? The congressman killed by the killer?” Wang Lan asked suddenly.


“Why is there no such information in the information sent by the Police Department?”

“There must be scumbags among government officials who were bought by drug dealers. They will not include unfavorable intelligence in them, but I think Congressman Brown’s death must be related to those drug dealers.”

“What is the relationship between those rich men who were killed and the previous Chief of Police and these drug dealers?”

“I don’t know, it shouldn’t matter, right?”

“What do you need us to do?”

“Congressman Huo Si has already moved the parliament. Three days later, another 30,000 troops will be sent to encircle the drug gang for the last time. We hope that you can help us to completely eliminate the Nighthawks.”

“Mr. Hatch, don’t blame me for being too frank. The biggest problem in your Barron is not just the drug dealer gang.” Wang Lan said solemnly.

“Congressman Fawth also told me that the biggest problem is the institutional structure. The government cannot take into account the survival of the poor. This has led to the existence of gangs and drug dealers. The governing goal of Congressman Fawth is actually the same as that of Senator Brown. The same, but he is not as naive as Senator Brown and will not prematurely disclose the true purpose.”

“Then how do you know those oligarchs are willing to support you in doing this? No one who can become an oligarch is an idiot.”

“The power of the Nighthawks has scared them. Thirty thousand armed terrorist forces are enough to segregate Barron. The oligarchs are more anxious to destroy them than we are. Moreover, the killing of the four entrepreneurs made the oligarchs. Start trembling in fear.”

“We can take this task, but this is an additional task…”

“I understand that I am facing 30,000 armed drug dealers. Look, what is the price of an A-Rank mission?”

A-Rank tasks are tens of millions of tasks, with a minimum reward of 10,000,000. For the S-Rank task, the reward will rise to 100 million.

“No problem, that’s the case, let me know before you act.”

“Okay, let’s leave now…” Hatch quickly got up to express his gratitude, then turned and left.

The other three have no opinion on Wang Lan’s acceptance of this task, although this task can be completely ignored. The reason why Wang Lan took over this task is also very simple. Drug dealers should die.

In the past three days, the secret killers did not act again, they seemed to be understood Wang Lan and they came. Of course, it is also possible that they have no operational tasks themselves during this time.

In the early morning of 3rd day, the four Wang Lan changed into Xiaoxiao’s red cloud cloak with black background, put on masks, and the body flashed disappeared into the room. On the other side, 30,000 people from the anti-narcotics unit were all in the troop carrier and ready to go.

Haki kept raising his hand and looked at his watch. The agreed time was almost here, why hasn’t the Fire Phoenix and the others arrived… When this idea just came up, suddenly four silhouettes appeared in front of Haki like a ghost .

“Ah—” Hatch screamed in shock, and slumped directly on the ground. The soldiers around who reacted instantly raised their guns and pointed them at Wang Lan.

“What are we doing? Are we so scary?” Wang Lan’s unhappy voice sounded.

“Fire…Fire Phoenix?” Hatch reacted and asked nervously.


“Hurry up and put down the guns, they are friendly forces, friendly forces…”

“When can I leave?”

“It’s okay right now, you can set off now.” Hatch said quickly, rubbing the sweat on his forehead, and the army pulled out when Wang Lan got on Hatch’s command vehicle.

There are 150 soldiers on a troop truck. There are 30,000 soldiers and two hundred trucks in a row, which stretch for several kilometers like a train.

The location of drug dealers is located in the northwestern part of Baren State, with the Nyo River to the north. The Nyo River is one of the largest rivers in North Africa and is more than three times the length of the Yangtze River. On both sides of the river are dense primordial jungles, and crossing the primordial jungle is the complex mountain range terrain.

each and everyone The Canyon Basin is a natural treasure for growing poppies. In addition to the canyon basin, there are also hidden poppy fields in the dense primordial jungle. Only the planting forces know the whereabouts of the poppy fields.

Thirty thousand army seems to be a lot, but once you enter the dense primordial jungle, it becomes sparse in the blink of an eye.

The army just arrived at the outskirts of the primordial jungle. We will rest here tonight, and we will pass through the primordial jungle tomorrow. It took three days to walk through the primitive forest of two hundred kilometers, and always beware of the sneak attacks of the drug gangs that appear and disappear unpredictably in the jungle.

Wang Lan and the others are divided into four groups, guarantee and protect in one direction. With the power of a few people in a small group, you don’t need to be too nervous even if you encounter a sneak attack in the army. Especially Xu Xiangwen, he is not a sneak attack, you are already pretty good, you still think about sneak attack him?

Today is already the 2nd day of entering the jungle. I traveled 80 kilometers on the first day, but the speed of the 2nd day slowed down significantly. After yesterday’s journey, I am very tired today.

Yesterday, there was no incident. The team advanced quickly and did not encounter a sneak attack. But the small animals in the primordial jungle are very cruel and poisonous. More than a dozen soldiers died in the mouth of a poison insect poisonous snake, and even more were bitten.

Hatch has had three encirclement and suppression experiences. Judging from his experience, he will encounter a sneak attack from a drug dealer today. The army was tired for a day yesterday. Today’s strength and reaction speed will be greatly reduced.

Xu Xiangwen walked silently next to the two commanders. The two commanders talked to Xu Xiangwen from time to time. But there is a foreign language called a foreign language that I can’t even understand. Anyway, the two commanders thought they were okay, but Xu Xiangwen’s ears were garbled.

In order not to embarrass the other party, Xu Xiangwen has to pretend to understand and keep nodded, which is simply torture.

Suddenly, Xu Xiangwen grabbed the commander beside him and threw it back, but everyone did not react. Suddenly, a mass of sawdust exploded on the trees beside him.

“There is an ambush–“

“It’s a sniper, everyone is on guard–“

When the army quickly adjusted its combat status, Xu Xiangwen had already turned into a stream of light disappeared. The sniper is 900 meters away from Xu Xiangwen. Although this gun poses little threat to Xu Xiangwen, it poses a great threat to the commander of the army and must be drawn out immediately.

The sniper knew that he had been exposed when he missed a shot. He just got up and planned to shift his position when a gust of wind hit his head. The sniper raised his head and saw a cloak with red clouds on a black background and a mask with a smiling face.


With a slash, a human head rose into the sky.

At this moment, the gunfire sounded fiercely behind him, and dozens of armed men attacked an army of thousands of people. But the armed personnel were in the dark, and they had the advantage of being familiar with the environment, and the Barron government forces were in chaos.

Xu Xiangwen’s figure suddenly turned back, like a ghost flashing around in the forest. Every time it appeared, it would take the life of an armed person. Within one minute, the gunfire became sparse.

Xu Xiangwen appeared next to the commander again and gave a gesture of OK.

“Oh, my respectful truth, you are simply God, and I am confident in this action with you.”

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