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“This Nighthawk has suffered such a big loss, what do you think he will do next?” In the hotel, Wang Lan asked Jiang Xinyu three people.

“Run, what else can I do? Now he is a stray dog, don’t run to wait for death?”

“Not necessarily!” Wang Lan shook the head lightly saying, “Is the 30,000 drug dealers the power of Nighthawk this time?”

“Why not? Wait…” Xu Xiangwen suddenly understood.

“These 30,000 drug dealers have been entrenched by Aigel before. It is only because the government has implemented a drug isolation policy that they will have conflicts and civil strife. But is their civil strife really killing each other?

I even believe that Nighthawk is doing the trick, and Nighthawk’s own strength is also very powerful. Without these two brushes, can he integrate a scattered drug dealer group in just half a year?

So Nighthawk is not a stray dog, those 30,000 people are just strength picked up by Nighthawk. This is also very terrifying Nighthawk, and its own strength is also very strong. If he can integrate drug dealers, he can integrate arms dealers and gangs. “

“You mean…the next step he will integrate other forces?”

“It is possible.”

“da da da ——” Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Xu Xiangwen opened the Opening Heaven Eye and took a look, “It’s Latin.”

Open the door and let Latin come in. Latin’s expression is very serious and panic. Seeing the Latin expression Wang Lan knew that there must be a major event.

“Mr. Fire Phoenix, something went wrong. Last night, Mr. Hatch was killed at home.”

“What?” Wang Lan looked at Latin in surprise, but Latin’s expression didn’t mean cracking a joke.

“I underestimated Nighthawk, and underestimated his arrogance. I thought he would get up well after being hit by this, didn’t expect…really didn’t expect…” Wang Lan Shook the head slowly, “Do you dare to provoke us when you know we are here?”

“Mr. Fire Phoenix, please turn on the TV.”

The TV is holding a press conference, and the protagonist of the press conference is Senator Fawth, who has been in the limelight in recent days but has rarely appeared. No one doubts whether he will be the next president. In terms of popularity, no one can mention on equal terms with him.

“Now, as I personally declare, I declare war on the Nighthawks. This despicable, shameless beast, the executioner. The killing of Aigil mountain range drug dealers was facilitated by me. I let Mr. Hatch lead the team. Ability You come to me, I am waiting for you at home, if you are not a coward, come to me.

Don’t think that doing this kind of assassination will make us succumb, I swear, I will send you to the guillotine and cut off your head personally…”

“Representative Huo Si was very angry when he learned that Hatch was killed. He insisted on fighting the Nighthawks despite our obstruction. He is a brave and wise soldier, but we are very worried about him…”

“Are you worried that Nighthawk will assassinate him?”

“Yes, Nighthawk is a thug regardless of the law and of natural morality. He will certainly do so when he is provoked by Senator Fawth today. I hope you can protect Mr. Fawth’s safety.”


And soon, the news headline push pushed Hosi’s statement of war to the front page headlines. The assassination of Nighthawk may have touched the bottom line of the Barron government and the bottom line of the people of Barron.

Except for Horse, each and everyone of the candidates has issued a declaration of war against the evil forces, saying that we will never be afraid and never back down. Some people even applied the words of a sage from Jade Country, even if one of me was killed, there would still be thousands of me standing up absolutely.

For a time, the whole people were indignant, and it was a feat that Nighthawk could use strength of oneself as an enemy of the people of the whole country.

That night, the four Wang Lan came to Huo Si’s villa. Surprisingly, originally Wang Lan thought that Huo Si’s house would be a villa at most, but didn’t expect it was a manor, and the manor was even more luxurious than the Imperial Palace in the Kingdom of Man.

Huo Si stood at the door in a tuxedo suit to greet him personally, showing the pattern of a politician and the cultivation of a rich man.

“Dear Mr. Horsi, they are the support team sent by the International Security Council, the S-Rank independent team Great Desolate, this is the Captain Fire Phoenix of Great Desolate, this is the Vice Captain Ice Phoenix, and Di Ting , Rain Dragon.” While Latin introduced to Horsi, Horsi shook hands with Wang Lan.

“Thank you very much for your help. I heard from my close comrade Hatch that we would never succeed in the eradication of drug dealers without your help. The Barron Congress will always remember your help.”

“Mr. Horse is polite.”

“Four gentlemen, please, I have prepared your room, do you have any additional requirements? I specially prepared a dinner for you.”

“No, just stay in the manor. In the next few days, no matter where you go, you can’t get away from our distance of 100 metres. Rest assured, within 100 metres, nothing can hurt you.”

“Thank you.” A smile appeared on Huo Si’s face. He likes confident people, because confidence often represents strength.

“I originally just released the A-Rank mission, but didn’t expect to send the S-Rank team, which really surprised me.”

“It’s okay. We originally planned to go out and walk around. We haven’t seen the world so big yet. We happened to see the task you posted and took it.”

“so that’s how it is, Barron has the largest variety of beaches in the world. It is a good place to relax and entertain. There is always one suitable for you.”

“Mr. Huo Si’s family is rich?” Wang Lan sat at the table and looked at the side branch with food indifferently asked, “This is the porcelain produced in the eastern province of Jade Country 500 years ago. It can be preserved for 500 years. So good…”

“My family started doing business 700 years ago. 500 years ago, my family used to be the largest rich man in the Barrons. It owns 70 ports and nearly 1,000 ocean-going merchant ships.

Unfortunately, I started to feel lonely 300 years ago, and my generation had nothing but this manor. “Horse picked up the red wine glass and gestured to Wang Lan.

“Mr. Huo Si is humble. As far as I know, you are the president of the Barren Country Merchants Union.”

“That is what they looked at on the face of my family’s ancestors.”

At this time, Wang Lan noticed that a little girl’s gaze seemed to be staring at herself. Wang Lan looked over and smiled softly at the corners of her mouth. “Your eyes tell me that you seem to have a problem. Is it convenient to tell me? ?”

“Jialing, don’t be rude.”

“It’s okay, Mr. Huo Si.”

“Uncle, why do you wear a mask? This mask is a bit scary… can’t you take off the mask?”

“Jialing, the mask Uncle wears is to deter vicious people, and Uncle’s identity is confidential, which means that it cannot be known to others. Don’t be rude!”

“It’s okay. The mask is really bad to scare the children, and our identity is nothing to keep secret. Even if the enemy understood our identity, it is not a threat to us.”

Speaking, Wang Lan slowly took off his mask.

When the mask was taken off, everyone stopped on the long dining table, and even a few noble Young Lady looked towards Wang Lan suddenly looked wrong.

So young…and so handsome!

Seeing that Wang Lan took off the mask, Jiang Xinyu also took off the mask. For others, the mask may be able to protect their identity and avoid being calculated. But Wang Lan…Forget it, bird of paradise, which Demon Race spy doesn’t want him to die on the spot?

If you want to be able to threaten Wang Lan, you have chopped up Wang Lan long ago, how can you wait until now?

Four uniforms of handsome men and beautiful women, who are 17-18 years old in the eyes of white men, and they all swallowed.

“Unexpectedly, the members of the dignified S-Rank independent team are so young.”

“The people in the S-Rank independent team are very young.” Wang Lan said with a smile.

This is not a pretense. People who can become an S-Rank indie team are all geniuses in the world. The reason why geniuses are geniuses is that they have already won while others are still playing in the mud. The results are up.

For the Star Sea in their twenties, even the Big Four of Jade Country are very few, but in the S-Rank team of the International Safety Council, they are all.

The dinner party ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Wang Lan and the others also stayed in the room carefully arranged by Fawth.

Nothing happened on this day, and nothing happened on the 2nd day. On the 3rd day, Wang Lan and the others secretly protected without disturbing Horsi’s work. The protection range of 100 metres makes Hors very comfortable. Even a man does not want someone to follow closely all day long.

In the past five days, Horth has received seven summons from the President of Barron. From this, it can be seen that Horth is indeed favored by the president, and there is not much suspense about him becoming the president.

The current president of Barron is not in good health. He just completed a heart bridge operation six months ago.

On the sixth night, Wang Lan suddenly opened his eyes when he was sleeping in a daze. When Wang Lan disappeared on the bed, Xu Xiangwen, Jiang Xinyu and the others in the other rooms also got up instantly, took a second to get dressed, and the four of them opened the door at the same time.

Four petite and vigorous silhouettes appear in the manor like the ghosts of the night. They landed silently and acted like the wind, as if they had Heavenly Eye. They avoided all the manor’s vigilant perceptions and cameras, and silently touched them. Outside of Horse’s room.

Then they went through the door of the room and came to Huo Si’s bed. The four of them took out their daggers and stabbed the Huo Si couple on the bed very spicy.

“pa ——”

a light sound, one hand grabbed the stabbed dagger. This a light sound also alarmed Horsi in his sleep, and the two were suddenly awakened. At the same time, the bodies of the four Wang Lan flashed instantly.

The four female killers were subdued before they could even react to what had happened.

“Watt? Who–“

The Huo Sis sighed in relief after turning on the light and seeing the clothes of the four Wang Lan. Although they knew that they were Wang Lan, the masks of Wang Lan still gave them a cold and strange feeling.

“Are they the killer sent by Nighthawk to assassinate me? Sure enough, the killer who killed the former police department chief was sent by Nighthawk. Say, where is the crap of Nighthawk?” Horth suddenly shouted.

“Don’t be so troublesome.” Wang Lan lightly saying, slapped his hand on the killer’s forehead.

“pa ——” Suddenly, the female killer’s head burst open, and blood and brains splashed all over.

“Ah—” Horse’s wife let out a sharp scream of fright, then rolled her eyes and fainted.

“Bird of Paradise!” Wang Lan’s eyes changed on the spot.

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