
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

When I arrived at the headquarters of the International Security Council, Wang Lan followed closely Yulia to the interrogation room.

On the opposite screen, all the members of the International Complete Committee appeared. Although today is Sunday, there should be only one person on duty. But with such a big event, all the top leaders of the International Security Council are here.

“Yulia, yesterday afternoon, at 2pm international time, where were you?”

“I was secluded cultivation in the Saintess Palace.”

“Who can prove?”

“The nuns of the Saintess Palace can prove it.” Yulia said in a tranquil voice, with no abnormality on her face.

“Then…Look at this video record.” As he said, a screen appeared on the display, showing Wang Lan fighting a blonde woman. The picture is short, and most of the time it flashes.

After all, with the strength of Wang Lan and the opponent, it is difficult for a high-power camera to capture the speed of the two.

Just one glance, Yulia’s expression suddenly changed. He bounced from the seat with a swish. Several Star Sea realm star martial artists who were monitoring Yulia behind him suddenly burst into star force fluctuations.

The star force dissipated after seeing that Yulia had no extra moves.

“Looks like you can see something?” Leo asked indifferently, propping his chin.

“The other party has cast an angel form, guarded by holy light, War God domain…” Yulia said excitedly.

“In addition to holy light guarding, what are the other two?”

“The long-lost star martial skill of the Celestial Church.” Yulia’s expression is extremely solemn, “these all are Celestial martial skill once very powerful. As long as you learn one of them, you can become a human Peak powerhouse.

The angel form was lost 3000 years ago, and the War God realm was lost within a thousand years. “

“Then is this person from the Kingdom of God?”

Yulia shook the head, “I don’t know.”

“Then, the star martial skill she showed, would you not?” Leo asked next.

Yulia didn’t answer immediately, as her face changed constantly, hesitation flashed in her eyes. Seeing this performance, Leo’s eyes suddenly became severe.

“Yulia, please answer my question, will you?”

“I will!” Yulia said as if drained.

“Didn’t you say that these two star martial skills have long been lost? Why did you? What channel did you get the star martial skill from, what is your relationship with the person in the video?”

“In the battle with the Hell Monarch a year ago, the previous Saintess used the Holy Grail to smash the space of the Hell Monarch and caused slight damage to the Holy Grail. I accidentally discovered the martial skill in the Holy Grail while repairing the Holy Grail. .”

“So, did you get the star martial skill from the Holy Grail?”


“What about her?”

“I don’t know her, and I don’t know where she came from. If it weren’t for I’m sure I haven’t done it, and stayed at the Saintess Palace yesterday, I would have doubted whether she was me.”

“But! At the scene, we got the other party’s blood sample. After DNA matching, we found that… She and your DNA are exactly the same.”

This result made Yulia’s eyes immediately rounded. What does it mean that the DNA is exactly the same? It is a person. Even the cloned human DNA will not completely match.

“I understand, but I appealed again. This is not me. I did not do such a thing and it is impossible to do such a thing.”

“We will investigate the truth, but you must be under our surveillance twenty-four hours before the truth is investigated. Are you willing to accept it?”

“I understand, I am willing to accept.”

The meeting is over and Wang Lan acts as Yulia’s watcher. Among the International Security Council, only Wang Lan can monitor Yulia.

“The realm of angels is to condense the holy light, and the rapid condensing will produce qualitative changes. The qualitatively changed holy light star force will change the star force attribute of the entire Star Palace. After activating this star force, the double ribs behind it The star force valve will open, and the spewing star force will form a group of white wings behind it.

Wings are the source of strength in the angelic realm. It can be said to be a variant of Star Palace. The strength of battle strength can be judged by the size of the wings behind it. I am now fully using the angel realm, and the wingspan is only three meters. “

“Then…will the realm of angels become real angels?”

“Yes!” Yulia said affirmatively, “The second form of the Angel Realm is angel incarnation, which completely changes the body and fixes the body in the form of an angel. The legendary angels in the Garden of Eden are actually from human cultivation. Of.”

“What’s the matter with the War God form?”

“The War God form is another way to use the martial skill of the star. It will make another change in the form of the angel realm. After the battle form is changed, the speed, strength, and defense will reach a very strong point.

She received a full blow from you and only vomited a mouthful of blood, and it was evident that she recovered completely in a very short time. “

“How did you win or lose against her?”

“Let’s open at five or five.”

Wang Lan slightly smiled, “So, in just one year, has your actual battle strength reached the level of Star Soul Realm? Really fast.”

“It’s not as fast as you.” A wry smile appeared on Yulia’s face.

Time flows unconsciously, and the days at the International Security Council are so pleasant and some boring.

Sun shone brightly afternoon, Yulia is doing yoga on the grass. Four days have passed since Yulia returned to the International Security Council.

“Toot toot–“

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s cell phone rang, and he picked up the cell phone, “Hello? What!” Wang Lan suddenly turned and sat up, “Okay, Yulia and I will be there soon.”

Yulia stopped, “Wang Lan, do you want us to gather?”

“The angel is shooting again.”

This is definitely bad news for the target being shot, but it is good news for the International Security Council, especially Yulia. Wang Lan and Yulia changed their clothes and appeared in the combat conference hall.

“Before that, I will announce that the surveillance and review of Yulia is over. Yulia is indeed not that angel. Yulia, we apologize for the distrust of you before.”

“It’s nothing, after all, I will doubt myself if I change it. Where did the angel attack this time?”

“Poker, the rich man of the White Eagle nation!”

“The angel broke directly into Polk’s home. After Polk’s help, White Eagle nation dispatched three heroes to expertly support, but… the three heroes were all killed, Polk and his villa were killed together. The angel erased it.”

“Now I need you to go to White Eagle nation to investigate this matter.”

“But… I was just expelled from the White Eagle nation, right?” Wang Lan said whispered.

“There is no such thing, this is definitely a misunderstanding.” Leo said quickly.

Wang Lan, Yulia and Jiang Xinyu immediately took the plane to White Eagle nation. The CAI agent who asked Wang Lan to leave last time was still picking up the plane at the airport, looking at each other’s smile like blooming chrysanthemums Wang Lan understands what hypocrisy is.

“Welcome to a free country, I represent…”

“Don’t represent it, let’s talk about business.”

Suddenly a silhouette appeared strangely, before CAI, bending over to salute Wang Lan.

“Dear Wang Lan, please follow us to the Heroes’ Club. The angel affairs are taken over by the Heroes’ Club.”

To the three Wang Lan, the white man’s expression is still very sincere. The hero club has the Supreme status in the White Eagle nation. Every star martial artist of the White Eagle nation is proud to join the hero club.

Because of this detached position, the hero will be able to imagine what attitude the hero will have towards the other military force departments of the White Eagle nation. Aloof and remote are just basic operations. In the eyes of the Heroes Association, whether your department has the support of the Congress or not, you have to hold them in front of the Heroes Association.

Why are heroes so arrogant?

The seven Star Soul superheroes of White Eagle nation are all glorious members of the Hero Club. 80% of Star Sea experts are members of the Hero Club. Is this not enough? Then, every president must be recognized by the Heroes’ Association. If the Heroes’ Association does not recognize them, the election can be abolished and restarted.

But the hero will not show an unreasonable expression in front of Wang Lan, arrogance will only be left to the weak, and they will have enough humility to the powerhouse. This hero will be even better than other military force departments.

At least, CAI will show a trace of my position in front of Wang Lan, and I will call the shots, but the Hero Club seems to welcome relatives home.

They were sent to the Heroes’ Club headquarters in Yoo City, and the three Wang Lan were taken to the Conference Hall on the top floor. There are seven people sitting in the Conference Hall, but Wang Lan only knows the bald guy. White Eagle nation powerhouse, superhero mind controller.

“Welcome to you, dear Lan, last time there was a year, right? This year you almost disappeared, what are you up to?”

“Working at the International Security Council.”

“You won’t be the fire phoenix that rose to fame this year, right? I said, Impossible will appear as an expert for no reason. Lan, I have invited you to White Eagle nation several times, but I couldn’t get in touch. You, your country is too unfriendly to my defense.”

Why are you unfriendly, why don’t you feel compelling?

“Isn’t it here now?”

Speaking of this, the faces of the seven people who were doing it suddenly became serious, “Lan, take a look first. This is the video of the angel shooting.”

In the sky, three powerhouse experts rushed to a sea view villa. Suddenly, a stream of light rushed out and killed the three titled powerhouses with one punch. A punch is really a punch, not even a second, and the three heroes with the titled powerhouse’s strength are instantly blown up.

Then the angel threw it down again, and the entire sea-view villa was turned into ruins and scattered, and fell into the sea.

“The last time I robbed a bank, I attacked a wealthy businessman this time. Who is this angel? What is her behavior for?”

Wang Lan and Yulia looked solemn, and they couldn’t understand why.

“There must be a connection between the two. Is there any information about the bank and the wealthy businessman? All, possible collected information, including written records, news records, etc.”

“Of course, we are already doing it.”

At this moment, the phone in the Conference Hall on the top floor of the Hero Club rang again. The mind controller picked up the phone, and after listening for a while, the complexity greatly changed.

“Damn it!” Bang, the mind controller slammed off the phone.

“The angel made another move. This time she attacked Linda Earl.”

“Linda Earl? She is also a wealthy businessman?”

“She is not only a wealthy businessman, but also an ancient nobleman. You know, the White Eagle nation did not have a few nobles, but the nobles of the year ruled the White Eagle nation before Independence Day.

This Linda Earl is the descendant of that nobleman, an internationally renowned entrepreneur, philanthropist, and collector. But she rarely shows her face, and most people don’t even know her existence. All her wealth is managed by the charity fund, and she can’t mobilize how much funds by herself. I really don’t understand, what does the angel sneak attack do? “

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