
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Yulia’s injury was beyond imagination, and she was on the verge of death for a whole year. Even with the martial skill of Wang Lan’s medical star, Yulia’s injury was stabilized for most of the day.

The First National Defense Hospital of Yunhai Province, outside the independent inpatient building, is full of armed police guards with live ammunition.

Patients in the past inpatient department looked curiously at this normally quiet inpatient building, and talked in low voices with their acquaintance patients from time to time.

“Guess who lives inside?”

“At least the mayor level, right?”

“Fart. Can the mayor be in such a big battle? That’s the anti-terrorist force, and they are all real guys in his hands. I suspect they are at the cabinet level…”

“I haven’t heard of the seven cabinet members who are coming to the sea of ​​clouds?”

“Who knows…but be careful anyway, don’t dangle in front of others, if you get shot as something like that.”

“Exaggerated. Jade Country is still humane. You think it is the White Eagle nation. As long as there is doubt, the guard can shoot and kill. But don’t wander around right, in case you get misunderstood. ……”

In the ward, Wang Lan stood at the window and looked out the window. Jiang Xinyu was sitting on a chair next to the bed and flipping through the newspaper, Xie Sisi was chasing drama with his headphones in, and Xu Xiangwen was pushing the tower crazy.

There has been an accident at the International Security Council headquarters. Since the Xuanyue mask has been taken by the opponent, it is useless for Wang Lan to rush back. After Yulia wakes up, I will confirm the information.

The angel and the bird of paradise must be connected, otherwise the angel will not carry the bird of paradise. But Wang Lan has another feeling that angels and birds of paradise have different styles. They are more like a cooperative relationship.

And since the angel is a copy of Yulia, how did the other party do it? The copied angel’s strength is even above Yulia’s body? If the other party has this ability, it’s too terrifying.

Copying ten Yulias can compete with a superpower. Can copying Yulia copy other people? For example, copy Wang Lan, copy the Peak expert of the whole world? Everyone makes ten copies, which is a nightmare.


Suddenly, a humming sounded from the silent room, and Wang Lan quickly turned around. On the bed, Yulia slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at the snow-white roof, then turning away to look at the four Wang Lan, Yulia showed a smile on her face. Yulia struggled to do it, but for more than a year, Yulia was very weak even if he was cured by Wang Lan. She tried and failed.

“Yulia, how do you feel when you wake up?”

“Very good, thank you.”

“Don’t say thank you to us.”

Yulia tried to sit up again, but she did it this time. The body is recovering quickly. Yulia sat up slowly, Jiang Xinyu quickly put the pillow behind Yulia.

“What happened? Why are you…”

“This matter should start from the battle a year ago. Do you remember when the former Saintess used the Holy Grail to smash the seal of the Lord of Hell? At that time, the Holy Grail also cracked. And it was because the Holy Grail appeared. The damage caused the seal of the Holy Grail to loosen.”

“It’s loose? That means the Lord of Hell ran out again? The Lord of Hell hurt you?” Xie Sisi asked quickly.

Wang Lan’s eyebrows were slightly frowned. He remembers that the hell lord died soon after being taken into the Holy Grail. Although he didn’t tell anyone, the lord of hell must be dead.

Yulia silently shook the head, “It’s not the lord of hell, but another one that can be photographed a hundred times, or even a thousand times, than the lord of hell. The number one traitor in heaven, Lu is the culprit who directly caused the fall of heaven. West.”

“Something terrifying a hundred times and a thousand times more than the Lord of Hell?” Jiang Xinyu looked at Yulia in surprise, wanting to see the exaggerated expression on Yulia’s face, but unfortunately not at all.

Yulia said this very seriously and pessimistically.

A hell monarch has made the entire human race the highest battle strength. If it is more terrifying than the hell monarch a hundred times a thousand times, wouldn’t it be possible to format human civilization with a wave of hands?

“The lord of hell was swallowed by Luxi when he was sealed in. Because of this, Luxi got the most basic energy to break out of the seal of the Holy Grail.”

“What exactly does Luxi exist?” Wang Lan asked quickly.

“Luxi was a sacred angel in heaven 10,000 years ago. Wang Lan, do you know the shape of an angel?”

“The star martial skill used by that angel? I know.”

“The star martial artist Cultivation System of the Celestial Church is directly inherited by the Celestial Gods. Our cultivation method is different from that of any faction in the whole world. Our ultimate evolutionary direction is to become angels.

When the angel form reaches the second realm, it will transform into an angel, but that is only the most basic Dynamism. But even the most basic Dynames have the strength of the Star Soul Realm.

As the cultivation continues, the strength of the angel will increase with the number of wings. When the wings are increased to the fourth team, they are battle angels, when the wings are increased to the sixth team, they are shining angels, and the eight pairs of wings are Seraphim… And Luxi is one of the two long Archangels one 10,000 years ago, and is also only one holy angel. .

With the body of an angel, we are like the gods. “

As soon as these words came out, Wang Lan’s hearts suddenly surged into the sky. The lowest level angels have the strength of the Star Soul Realm, and the twelve-winged sacred angels have advanced to five levels. Does this mean that the Star Soul Realm is the same in front of the sacred angels as the ordinary person is in front of the Star Soul expert?

“One 10,000 years ago, Luxi was lured by Demon God to breed ambitions to replace the gods, because his betrayal led Demon God to invade the heavens, causing the heavens to fall. The gods put a curse on Lucy before death.

He will be burned by the True Solar Fire during the day, and the soul will be burned by the True Fire of the hell at night, and he will be tortured all the time. Then Luxi was sealed in the Holy Grail by the gods and endured thousands of years of torture. “

“This plot, I seem to have heard…Xuanyue mask?”

“Do you also know the Xuanyue Mask?” Yulia asked differently, “The Xuanyue Mask is a Divine Item that the gods use divine force to create to counteract the curse.”

“The angel has got the Xuanyue mask…” Wang Lan smiled bitterly and said the news that made Yulia despair.

“Luxi can offset the curse of the gods by getting the Xuanyue mask. Although her strength has been greatly reduced for ten thousand years, even the twelve-winged sacred angel whose strength has been greatly reduced is still a sacred angel…”

“Is there no other way?”

“I don’t know, but at the moment I really can’t think of any way… Luxi’s strength can be compared to the gods, destroying heaven extinguishing earth but only in his thoughts. Unless, the sleeping Gaia and the thick earth are two The will of the ancient god is revived.”

“Gaia and Houchu?” Xu Xiangwen smiled, “I said Yulia, I know you are a religious believer, but it’s fine if you believe in the gods’ religion. Don’t believe in other religions, Guy Asia is of the Olympian family, and the thick soil is our Eastern god.”

“Olympus, heaven, and Celestial Court in the East. Ancient Era is the four God Worlds, which are clearly recorded in the Celestial Church. A 10,000 years ago, the Demon God invaded, and the fall of heaven caused the earth. The strength of the Star God world was unbalanced, and a final battle took place with Demon God. The final result was that Demon God was exiled to infinite time and space, and the four God World gods fell.

Although Demon God is exiled, he will come again one day, and the surviving gods Gaia and Thick Earth incarnate the will of the earth and merge with the earth star, using the earth star as the formation eye and the Milky Way as the formation Enclosed the entire galaxy and solidified the galaxy.

Because of this, outside creatures stepping into the Milky Way will be suppressed by laws, otherwise, with the strength of Demon Realm, how can Human Race resist? But Luxi is the accident among them. Luxi is the Spiritual God of the earth. Although he betrayed the gods, he is still within the law.

The twelve-winged sacred angel is enough to destroy the world……”

The four Wang Lan looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing whether they believed it or not.

“Then what do you say about this angel?”

“Angel? Is it a copy of me?” Yulia sighed, leaning on the hospital bed. “When I repaired the Holy Grail, I was curious to find out. I accidentally saw Lucy who was sealed by the Holy Grail.


I didn’t know the identity of Luxi at the time. He lied to me that he was a sojourn in the Holy Grail. He knows all the secrets about heaven and all the martial skills handed down from heaven.

Since the fall of heaven, too many powerful star martial skills have disappeared in the long river of history because they have no descendants. It is natural to be overjoyed to obtain inheritance from the Holy Grail.

I followed Luxi’s cultivation afterwards, but he was also depriving me of my soul in the process of cultivation. As more and more souls were deprived, I also realized that something might have happened.

Later I went to the Zhuxing Building and found the truth in the Zhuxing Building. There is an impossible in the Holy Grail, so the one who claims to be an elf must be Luxi. After I saw my identity, Luxi finally tore his face.

I am not Lucy’s opponent. If the Holy Grail hadn’t protected me, I would have been killed by Lucy. The Holy Grail took me to the Pacific Ocean and lost strength. I fell into the sea and sank into a seabed.

The angel should have been copied by Luxi using my soul. As for the strength of the angel, it should have been bestowed by Luxi.

I have been sunk in the seabed for a year. If I hadn’t been caught by the Holy Grail by falling into the sea not long ago, I might still be lying on the seabed.

I had a short awakening after being taken ashore by him, but I was so injured that I had no time to say that Jade Country fell into a coma here, and that person took me to Jade Country. “

“So you use SMS to send messages to the four of us?”

“Yes, I was sober for too short a time, too late to call or do other things. This year because there was no Xuanyue mask to suppress the curse, Luxi did not appear. But now they have the Xuanyue mask, Lu West will definitely appear. His appearance is the nightmare of the world.”

At this moment, Wang Lan’s cell phone rang, and Wang Lan saw that it was Chapur who called.

“Wang Lan, we caught a star martial artist who was smuggling into the country near where you were fighting. This person said he wanted to see Saintess, otherwise he would not speak anything.”

“Are you still so polite at the interrogation? Directly engrave the spirit.”

“He is an expert in the Star Sea realm, and his spirit strength is extremely strong. Only you can engrave spirit.”

“Well, I’ll come here.”

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