
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

As soon as the wings of the colorful butterfly unfolded, the beauty of the cocoon broke out and Song Jia’s eyes were filled with small stars. Regardless of whether this star’s martial skill is great, she already has 10,000 in her heart for this beauty.

But is the star martial skill that Wang Lan displays just beautiful? Of course not, this is a multi-colored light produced by the collision of five attributes. Yin-Yang Transforming Five Elements, and Five Elements Unite is not only as simple as Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang can produce all things, but also Exterminating All Living Things.

“In the multi-colored light, any matter will be torn apart by the strength of Five Elements. This butterfly transformation form, I also call it the invincible form. How long the invincible form can last depends on your star force cultivation base , But even for an instant, you can do it every second.”

Speaking, Wang Lan’s figure flickered, and countless colorful butterflies flickered in a radius of one kilometer.

“In the butterfly transformation mode, any of your five-attribute star martial skills can undergo shape changes and attribute changes. If you have mastered the star force attribute integration, use this trick to kill the star martial artist of the Star Sea realm It’s like cutting melons and vegetables, do as one pleases.”

As Wang Lan’s voice landed, the star martial skills of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth poured down like a pouring rain. Suddenly, the hard ground under my feet undulated like the sea surface wrinkled by strong winds. In an instant, the hard rock structure on the skin layer turned into powder during the violent bombardment.

“Awesome!” Hu Feifei sighed with envy. There is no idea of ​​contentment for a girl of this age. I can’t wait to see it all by myself.

Wang Lan can teach them both martial skills, and even give them all of his life learning, but he can’t learn it. People’s experience is limited, so there’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, Sea of ​​Learning, No Horizon.

Two star martial skills, any kind of mastery and mastery can aspire to the top of the world.

The cultivation method, difficulties and skills of the two star martial skills were imprinted into the minds of Song Jia and Hu Feifei, and then the two children were allowed to comprehend them by themselves. Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau such as Wang Lan and Li Ge The seniors went to chat while chatting.

Two years have passed. The Heavenly Sword Bureau is no longer what it used to be. At that time, most of the people at Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau, except for the elite geniuses like Li Ge and Zhang Yeqiu sisters, were transferred and left.

Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau is listed as one of the key branches. The level is only half a level lower than Jinling and the magic capital Heavenly Sword Bureau. The overall strength must be strengthened. Li Ge used the strength of the late Star River as the head of the operations department, and Zhang Yeqiu and Zhang Xiaoxue were in charge of the intelligence department together. Wang Qianfeng and the others were transferred to other Earth Grade cities to be the top leaders.

It’s so easy to watch Wang Lan’s display, and the formidable power is so gratifying. But when they were really cultivating themselves, Song Jia and Hu Feifei finally understood that any powerful martial skill is very difficult to cultivation.

The formidable power is big, and learning is easy? How can there be such a good thing in the world? Cultivated for a few hours, and didn’t even have a clue how to get started.

The two launched the comprehension mode almost simultaneously, smiling bitterly at each other.

“I don’t know if I can successfully display it in my lifetime?”

“It should be… right?”

For a while, neither child bothered Wang Lan, and Jiang Xinyu also took care of Jiang Xinchen after a few days. The two went shopping, watching movies, and having a barbecue and picnic with Xu Xiangwen like normal lovers. Little days live like a fish back in water.

Wang Qi has been busy for almost ten days before finalizing all the details. After finalizing, she will return to the western research institute in a few days to continue her research.

In the words of my aunt, she has only really done what she likes now. Although I was also engaged in research before, there is still a technology company under my hand to maintain.

Especially when developing life medicines, I didn’t worry less about maintaining the company’s survival. It’s all right now. The company does not need to worry about the operation of the company. She only needs to devote herself to the life gene business as much as possible. If she has no money, she will go to the company to grab a sum of money and continue to burn money.

My aunt’s biotechnology company and Xingwu Toxin Vaccine Company may make money faster than the bank’s money printing machine.

“Lanlan, you have graduated, are there any arrangements?” At the family dinner, the auntie asked Wang Lan leisurely while eating egg custard.

“There must be arrangements, but they are not ready yet, so there is nothing to do for the time being.”

“I saw you and Xinyu when I passed by Guardian the day before yesterday…”

“Oh, I went to the movies with her. I used to have no time to go shopping or watch movies. Now I have time to relax and relax. Who knows if a new job will come in the future, do I still have It’s empty.”

“To what extent are you talking about?”

Wang Lan was stunned when he asked this question. This question is really difficult to answer. To what extent? Isn’t it a bit scumbag to eat dry, pat butt and leave?

“How long have you been together?”

“Almost…” Wang Lan touched the chin, this time is really hard to say, “Three years.”

“You two grew up together, and you know your temperaments and you are not afraid that you will not get along in the future. What about you…Although you are still young, you have a mature personality and know how to give in. I have nothing to worry about when you are together. You have all graduated. Shall we get married at this time?”

“cough cough cough ——”

Wang Lan hasn’t coughed yet, Song Jia next to him started coughing violently.

“Married? Wang Lan is going to get married?”

“What’s so surprising about this? Isn’t the legal age for marriage reached? And the relationship between two people is enough. Isn’t marriage as it should be by rights?”

“Auntie, why are you so sudden?”

“Suddenly? Or you two haven’t considered this issue. You know the current situation better than me. No one knows how far human civilization can go.

If the relationship is about to talk about, I think you can get married after a lifetime like this, it doesn’t make sense to drag. “

“I will consider this matter again.” Wang Lan did not evade this question, and answered and considered it face-to-face.

Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu are walking on the edge of Chenghu Lake, and the tourists who come and go have their eyes on the pair of Biren.

“Take a rest.” Jiang Xinyu said while pulling Wang Lan into a chair by the lake.

“What’s the matter with you today? Feeling worried?”

“I had dinner with my aunt yesterday, and my aunt mentioned a problem that I cannot avoid and must face directly.” Wang Lan looked at Jiang Xinyu’s eyes and said seriously.


“When will he ask me to get married?”

Jiang Xinyu’s body couldn’t help feeling tense, “What about…what did you say?”

“I said I have to discuss with you…”

“Talk to me about something, my aunt urges you to get married…” At this point, Jiang Xinyu’s voice became unconfident. Suddenly Pu Chi laughed, “You made me fool.”

“Is it the one who made you fool? It’s obviously that you are stupid, okay? I don’t discuss with you who I should discuss with? You are married too, so I want to hear your opinion.”

“I haven’t really considered getting married, but since my aunt has mentioned it, there will definitely be more and more mentions in the future. This year is your aunt, next year may be my mother, and the next year I am afraid it will be the seventh Auntie.

Getting married just after graduation, it seems not so good. If we don’t work for three years, we will all be 25 years old after three years, and it’s not too late to get married. “

“Okay, I will listen to you.”

“di di di ——” At this moment, Wang Lan’s cell phone ringing suddenly remembered, and when he took out his cell phone, his face changed suddenly.

“A task?”

“It’s Mr. Jin’s call.” After speaking, he pressed the answer button, “Hello, Mr. Jin?”

“Wang Lan, sorry interrupted your date with Xinyu again.”

You know what you still said?

Wang Lan’s current military rank is already general, and he has reached the peak of the domestic military rank. But this complaint can only be talked in the bottom of my heart, and the answer on the face is definitely no.

“I am in the cafe diagonally across from you, and Xinyu will come with you.”

“Okay, we will come right now.”

Stand up with Jiang Xinyu and walk towards the cafe diagonally across. In the coffee shop, I saw Mr. Kim in a casual dress and wearing cool sunglasses.

“Mr. Kim, do you have a mission?”

“It’s not a big mission, it’s just that it’s a bit weird and weird, and your ability is recognized by everyone, anyway, you are idle, so I intend to give it to you.”

“What task.”

“Go to Huzhou Province to investigate the disappearance of the deputy director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau in Huzhou.”

“Missing? A deputy director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau is missing? Is there anyone to see a person or a corpse?”

“Yes, the specific situation is waiting for you to go to Huzhou to learn about it.”

“Okay, when will you leave?”

“The sooner the better.”

“Just the two of us or, take Xu Xiangwen and Xie Sisi?”

“I have arrangements for the two of them. You two will go this time, and as soon as possible. If there is no clue for a month, please come back.”


There is nothing to say, the communication between soldiers is so simple and direct. Fortunately for Wang Lan alone, Jiang Xinyu needs to tell his family to perform the task. At noon that day, the two got on a plane to Huzhou Province.

Huzhou Province, located in the south of Jade Country, covers an area more than five times that of Jiang Province. While the mountains are high and densely forested, the plains are like dots inlaid among them. Looking down from the sky, Huzhou Province is like a Star Luo Chessboard.

Flying for an hour, the plane slowly landed in the airport.

As special agents, Wang Lan and Wang Lan changed into military uniforms and went there, but Wang Lan ignored how much psychological pressure his rank as an admiral had caused on the airport and even the passengers on the plane.

When I realize it, changing clothes is no longer appropriate.

The rank of Colonel Jiang Xinyu is already very exaggerated, but Wang Lan has five general stars. And because of the development of the Internet, netizens in Jade Country have developed a pair of golden eyes.

As long as there is one proficient in terms of military rank and identification, all the people around will know it.

What is the general concept? There are only twelve public announcements in the entire Jade Country. And such a young admiral, what’s a joke?

Moreover, in Jade Country, military uniforms cannot be worn casually, especially the ranks are not casual. Being able to pass the security check and boarding in such a stately manner will certainly not be fake.

On the flight, there was an admiral, an old driver who had been flying for 3,000 hours. This trip was a bit nervous, staring at the cockpit data and didn’t dare to be sloppy.

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