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“Director Wu, long time no see.” Wen Xiaorou and Wu Yao are obviously old acquaintances, nodded responded.

“Wu Yao, what is going on?”

“She is Director Wen’s niece, Wen Xiaorou. When Director Wen disappeared, Wen Xiaorou and her boyfriend also disappeared. We always thought that Wen Xiaorou and Secretary Wen disappeared together. Wen Xiaorou, what is going on? What?”

“I need to see the great character of the Ministry of Defense to report, and telling you now is tantamount to harming you.”

“That’s right.” Wu Yao pointed to Wang Lan, “Under the title of greedy wolf, Jade Country’s youngest general, one of Jade Country’s top powerhouses, is this character big enough?”

“You are Wang Lan?” Wen Xiaorou looked at Wang Lan in shock, and after a long time she suddenly let out a wry smile, “I was actually taken down by a greedy wolf. For a lifetime.”

“Can you report now? How did Wen Xianghua disappear? Why were you hunted down?”

“Wen Xianghua died in the star martial artist Self-destruction and was blown to pieces. And why I was chased…I don’t know. That person did come for me that day, but I was against each other I don’t know my identity.”

Wang Lan’s browse frowned, Wen Xiaorou said Wen Xianghua’s tone is very casual, even a little disgusting in it. Didn’t the talent Wu Yao say that Wen Xiaorou is Wen Xianghua’s niece? It seems that the truth of the matter is far more complicated than imagined.

“star martial artist Self-destruction? What Self-destruction?”

“Wen Xianghua has been looking for clues to the origin of the stars over the years. He kidnapped an old man at the twelve stars a month ago, and then ordered us to take the old man to the quarry.

When Wen Xianghua asked about the origin of the stars, the old man suddenly violent, hit me flying with a palm and then he self-destructed with Wen Xianghua. And I lost my memory for a short time because I hit the stone in the quarry with my head. It was only a week ago that I gradually recovered my memory. “

“The origin of the stars? Isn’t this a legend?” Wu Yao asked, frowning.

“No one doubts whether Zhang Lingxian’s ascension is true. If Zhang Lingxian’s ascension is true, then the origin of the stars is also true. In the face of the temptation to become immortal, even if it is possible to be fake, it will make people hesitate. Go after it, just in case it is real?”

“So, Wen Xianghua wasn’t killed by a bureau, but reap what you have sown?” Wu Yao asked suspiciously.

“If you do many unrighteous things, you will die.”

“I’m very curious, aren’t you Wen Xianghua’s niece? Why do you listen to your voice so uncle that you are so uncle.”

“I was never his niece, I was just his tool, a tool he could use at will. As his niece, I was just the identity he arranged for me that’s all.

I am originally from the country of vines. I came to Jade Country with my father when I was very young. Because we don’t have an identity, we can’t do anything in Jade Country. My father carried me on his back and traveled through the jungle barren mountains and unruly rivers to Huzhou Province.

Because we are stowaways, Jade Country will surely find out that we will be sent back to China in normal ways, so my father started a side business.

Where can there be an easy meal in this world? Even if his father was a Nebula star martial artist, he can be mixed to get rich in the kingdom of vines, but in the kingdom of heaven, his strength is not up to the level.

My father dared to fight and fight hard, fighting hard not to be afraid of death, and quickly laid a site and gave me a place to settle down. My father’s wish is simple. I hope I can get an identity in Jade Country and become a real Jade Country person in the future.

However, it is easier to die if you are not afraid of death and dare to fight. A year later, my father died under fire. The Chief-In-Charge of this case is Wen Xianghua. My father’s death was very miserable. After being stimulated, I awakened the star martial innate talent.

Wen Xianghua coveted my talent, so I was adopted in the name of Uncle. From that moment on, I was personally trained by Wen Xianghua as a tool.

at first I thought he really regarded me as a niece, and I really regarded him as an Uncle. But then I gradually discovered that I was his tool and could only represent his will to complete the tool he needed me to complete the task. There can be no independent thoughts, let alone human feelings.

Even on my 14 years old birthday, the gift he gave me was to make me a real woman, his woman.

From there, I have two identities, light and dark, one is his niece, and the other is one of the twelve shadows, the Bourne. “

“Twelve Shadows?”

“Yes, there are twelve secret cards in the hands of Wen Xianghua, who specialize in collecting intelligence, killing people, and robbing treasures for Wen Xianghua. Each has an important handle in Wen Xianghua’s hands.”

Hearing this, Wang Lan’s brows have deepened. The direction of this development is not as simple as Wang Lan’s expectations, but in a direction that Wang Lan did not expect. The kind that can’t be pulled back.

“Gentle and gentle, right? I don’t understand. You and your father are from the Manland? Did your father commit a crime in the Manland?”

Wen Xiaorou shook the head, “No. My father used to be the commander of the Star Martial army regiment in the Kingdom of Vine.”

“Then what are you doing in Jade Country? Don’t you feel comfortable in the Country of Vine?”

“In the country of vines, anyone who has a little dream, who doesn’t want to be a Jade Country person?” Wen Xiaorou without the slightest hesitation said something that made Wang Lan shocked and unfathomable mystery.

“Royal General Army, you don’t know, Jade Country since ancient times is the kingdom of heaven, which has influenced the culture of neighboring countries for thousands of years. In the hearts of the people of the family property layer of neighboring countries, it is the existence of Holy Land.

Most illegal immigrants actually want to be able to integrate into Jade Country, even if they can’t do it, they still have their children. You know, the nationality of Jade Country is very strict. “

“No, what Divine Immortal thought is this? I have also been to the country of Vine. Vine’s policy is so friendly to star martial artists, do you have to treason?”

“Joining the kingdom of heaven is a dream, how can this be treason? Besides, since ancient times, the country of vines is the vassal state of Jade Country, how can it be treason? If it weren’t for those damn nobles, in the past The country has several opportunities to join Jade Country as a whole country, but they have given up in vain.” Wen Xiaorou as it should be by rights made Wang Lan’s mind buzzing.

“Okay, let’s not talk about why you are determined to join Jade Country. Wen Xianghua controlled the Shadow Guard to fight for him with ulterior purposes. Do you know how many things you did?” /p>

“The twelve shadow positions are all independent individuals. We cannot communicate horizontally, nor do we know each other. Because I have been with Wen Xianghua all the year round, I learned some secrets but not much.

I only know the three things that I personally participated in. The first is that I assassinated a family of tomb robbers and obtained an S-Rank star martial skill, Shaoyin sword energy from that family. The second task is to monitor the dereliction of duty by Zhou Shen, the director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau in Changle. The third thing is… is to trace the whereabouts of the stars.

I was only six years old when I followed Wen Xianghua. I started on the mission three years ago. Others have been with Wen Xianghua for at least eight years, and they do more. Zhou Shen was convicted of providing protection to the tomb gang, but as far as I know, Wen Xianghua did more than ten times that Zhou Shen. “

“How many evidence of Wen Xianghua do you have in your hands?”

“Wen Xianghua is very cunning, except for my personal involvement, not at all other crimes.”

A cold wind blew, and the bangs on Wang Lan’s forehead drifted slightly with the breeze.

“It stands to reason that your external identity is Wen Xianghua’s niece, and only Wen Xianghua knows your true identity, but he is dead. You don’t need to confess to me so easily, right?”

“I fell into Liu Yuxin’s hands and he will definitely engrave my spirit, or I will live incognito. Since I have been found, I have only this way of life.”

“Falling in my hands, do you think I will not engrave your spirit?” Wang Lan spit out a word, and suddenly her gentle face became pale as paper.

“Although spiritual engraving does not mean 100% authenticity, relatively speaking, the authenticity of spiritual engraving is much more reliable than what you can tell.”

The gentle eyes dimmed, “I understand. From the moment I was subdued by you, I should understand that this is the best ending for me.”

“Of course, my spiritual engraving level is okay. If you cooperate, it will not destroy your brain.”


Wang Lan didn’t talk nonsense with each other, and slapped her gentle head with a palm. A group of spirit strength invaded Wen Xiaorou’s mind.

Don’t resist, and get in touch with my spirit strength.

Wen Xiaorou followed Wang Lan’s instructions. Soon, Wen Xiaorou’s memory door opened to Wang Lan. His memory also unfolded before his eyes like a slide.

Ten Xiaorou’s father is a fanatical Jade Country mystery. In the country of vines, there are many more like this Jade Country, and most of them are children of poor families. Even if it is only 10% in the country of vines, it is not a small number to put it together.

This kind of people dream of having the identity of a Jade Country, but Jade Country is not something you can join. The entry threshold for Jade Country citizenship is very high, and there is no such thing as a green card if you live in Jade Country and give birth to a child. Once it is found that you were smuggling, sorry, you will be sent back to your country directly.

Six-year-old Wen Xiaorou witnessed the scene of her father being killed by three star martial artists, and then Wen Xianghua appeared in his world like the sun. No matter how harsh the training is, I still clenched my teeth.

Gradually, Wen Xiaorou discovered that Wen Xianghua’s torture was no longer because she didn’t do a good job, but because she had an idea that a tool shouldn’t have. When she understood all this, Wen Xiaorou quickly adjusted her attitude.

Three years ago, Wen Xiaorou officially finished apprenticeship. The first battle was to destroy an Aristocratic Family whole family. This battle can only be said to be Wen Xiaorou’s graduation exam. Wen Xiaorou dragged her whole body with scars, and handed the Soul bead equipped with lunar sword energy to Wen Xianghua’s hands.

After that, after Wen Xianghua’s operation, Wen Xiaorou was quickly favored by Zhou Shen from the Heavenly Sword Bureau in Changle City, and joined the Heavenly Sword Bureau when she was at the senior high school. In the course of gentle training, fighting is only a small part of it. What she is best at is how to use a woman’s advantage to penetrate into the enemy to obtain intelligence.

Zhou Shen probably never heard a word, women are inherently deceptive, and the more beautiful women are, the more deceptive they are. So Zhou Shen’s confidant finally became the poison of his life.

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