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“putting it that way, is it possible that Wen Xianghua’s death was designed? It is still possible that the person who designed Wen Xianghua was Liu Yuxin?”

“Wen Xianghua was designed with a high probability, but it is not so sure whether the designer is Liu Yuxin or not. Forget it, anyway, we have a lot of time, we just need to investigate slowly.”

In the early morning, the sun had just reached a corner of the horizon, and most of the citizens of Changle City had not yet got up. Three black cars drove into the Superintendent of Changle City.

“Who, stop!” The superintendent’s guard called out immediately after seeing a car breaking in, but the three cars stopped at all and rushed inside the superintendent.

“The report says that three more black cars refused to listen to stop entering the Superintendent. I remind you again that three black cars refused to stop entering the Superintendent…”

“wu wu wu ——”

The alarm sounded, and the guards who had been on the night shift suddenly started to startle. Each and everyone quickly picked up their weapons and rushed out of the office.

With a bang, a swarm of swarms came out of the office building, and three cars stopped under the main office building of the superintendent.

The car door opened slowly, and a dozen Heavenly Sword Bureau secret agents in red uniforms got out of the car. The three headed by them wore black Heavenly Sword Bureau uniforms.


“If you are not blind, you should be able to recognize the clothes on us. I heard that Wen Xiaorou was arrested by you, and I want to take her away.”

“It turned out to be an adult from the Heavenly Sword Bureau, but our Inspector Wu has explained that no one can take the gentle and gentle.”

“Wu Yao?”


“Neither Heavenly Sword Bureau?” The opponent’s eyes suddenly became cold, and his gaze pierced the opponent’s mid-level inspector’s eyes like a sword.

“Inspector Wu said it, especially Heavenly Sword Bureau.”

“he he he…” The Heavenly Sword Bureau lieutenant colonel suddenly smiled, “This Changle City Superintendent is really promising. It can overwhelm the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Wu Yao will not even leave the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Dare to speak like this.”

The lieutenant colonel took out the official document, “This is your chief’s order. Is it good?”

“Usually, the chief’s order is good, but in the matter of gentleness, the chief’s order is not good.”

“Then, the order of the Director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, is it good?” The lieutenant colonel asked again with a cold face. If he dared to break half of his teeth between his teeth, he could take it immediately.

“Director Zhang, stop cracking a joke with my brother.” A soft laugh sounded. At the gate of the office building, Wu Yao slowly walked over with an egg cake in one hand and soy milk in the other. “Sorry, just now To the Superintendent.”

“Inspector Wu is really fulfilling his duties, he went to work so early?”

“I’m afraid that when I go to work late, the superintendent will be picked up.”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense with you, I’m here to take away Tenderness by Director Liu’s order. Inspector Wu shouldn’t listen to Director Liu’s order, right?”

“Director Liu is the head of the Huzhou Heavenly Sword General Administration. I dare not listen, but I also received an order that no one should take Wen Xiaorou away, and no one is allowed to have contact with Wen Xiaorou. This makes it difficult for me to do so. Ah…”

“hmph! In Huzhou Province, apart from the senior officials, Liu is the largest bureau. Is it still the orders of the senior officials? The senior officials don’t care about the law and order, and his orders are useless.”

“Forget it, I can’t tell you clearly, you can explain to him yourself.” With that, he dialed the number quickly.

Wang Lan was sleeping with the soft Jiang Xinyu, and was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

“Hey–” Wang Lan asked lazily.

“I am Zhang Qi, Director of the Operations Division of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Changle City, and I was ordered by Director Liu of the Heavenly Sword Bureau of Huzhou to take away the suspect, gentle and gentle…”

“No!” Wang Lan said without even thinking about it.

“Hello, I am not asking for instructions, I am telling you.”

Wang Lan suddenly became energetic. It’s been a long time since I met such a tough person. Who is this guy?

“Where are you now?”

“Changle City Superintendent!”

“Okay, I see, wait five minutes for me.” Wang Lan hung up with a beep.

Wu Yao, who listened to the conversation between Zhang Qi and Wang Lan, was full of weirdness. His eyes looked like hell.

“What’s the matter? Is there any problem?” Zhang Qi and Wu Yao are old acquaintances. Although they didn’t have any friendship before, they had worked together, and Zhang Qi didn’t catch a cold with Wu Yao’s expression.

“Do you know who is on the phone?”

“Aren’t you a senior official?”

“Shente, a senior official, when did I say a senior official?” Wu Yao looked at Zhang Qi with satisfaction, and couldn’t help but put a thumb up.

“It’s not an order from a high-ranking official? Who else can it be? Apart from a high-ranking official, who can make you so tough?”

“Me!” A voice sounded, making the Heavenly Sword Bureau complexion changed suddenly, and suddenly retreated vigilantly to attack Wang Lan.

Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu seem to appear out of thin air, and everyone present did not notice their arrival. Zhang Qi looked at Wang Lan suspiciously, frowning slightly.

“You are…”

Wang Lan took out his ID and arrived in front of Zhang Qi. The certificate from the Heavenly Sword Bureau made Zhang Qi frown again. People of Heavenly Sword Bureau system? Who can be so rigid?

The result certificate, open it. After just one glance, his face became pale with a brush.

Immediately stand at attention and salute, “Hello Chief!”

Admiral, naturally the chief. The general in the Heavenly Sword Bureau system, that is the chief among the chiefs. Although Zhang Qi has never heard of anyone in the Heavenly Sword Bureau system who can climb to the rank of general, he is certain that this document is impossible.

“Return the certificate to me.”

“Oh, yes!” Zhang Qi respectfully presented his credentials with both hands.

“Are you here to remind Xiaorou? Liu Yuxin asked you to come?”

“Yes… the subordinates were ordered to come here to raise Wen Xiaorou. He is closely related to Director Wen’s disappearance.”

“You can’t take away people. There is the truth in this Soul bead, you can take it back.” Wang Lan handed the Soul bead to Zhang Qi’s hands.

“Yes! Then… did the subordinates go back and return first?”


Zhang Qi decisively turned and left, and within one minute, three cars disappeared into the superintendent’s compound.

“General, since the mystery of Director Wen’s disappearance has been solved, why not let them take Wen Xiaorou away? Isn’t this matter already As the water recedes, the rocks appear? How should Wen Xiaorou judge that it is a military court? Thing.”

“The matter is far from over. On the contrary, things are becoming more and more confusing. Gentle and Xiaorou are still placed with you. You arrange the expert to protect her. I am afraid that someone will kill her.”


Wang Lan asked the Superintendent for a car and took Jiang Xinyu back to central Huzhou Province. But instead of going to the Heavenly Sword Bureau immediately, he returned to the office dormitory.

Wang Lan dialed Mr. Jin’s phone number, and as soon as he was connected, Mr. Jin’s incredible voice came from inside.

“Five days have passed, and you solved the case?”

“Mr. Jin, you praised me too much. Although the cause of Wen Xianghua’s death is clear, there is still a lot of hidden information about this matter.”

“Is it determined to die?”

“Flying ash annihilation, I’m sure it’s dead.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Wang Lan said five to ten from the memories engraved in Wen Xiaorou’s mind. After listening, Mr. Jin on the opposite side was also gloomy. It took a long time before he let out a long breath.

“persisting in evil brings about self-destruction! Wen Xianghua, this bastard, is really promising, raising the killer in captivity and doing things for him to kill people and overstock for him. His problem is more serious than Zhou Shen three years ago. Times!”

After a long time, Mr. Kim’s anger disappeared a little, “What do you think?”

“Wen Xianghua’s death is likely to be a game, and the person who arranged this game knows Wen Xianghua very well. He even knows the existence of the Shadow Guard. He also knows that Wen Xianghua has been looking for the source of stars over the years. President Jin , Do you know the origin of stars?”

“The origin of the stars is the legendary star martial skill spread in Huzhou, and this legend starts with Zhang Lingxian who soared 2000 years ago.

Huzhou Zhang Family, 2000 years ago, was one of the eight star Wu Family in China at that time. According to their family heritage, they went to the Ancient Immortal gate. Originally, To achieve the Dao and become Immortal has become a legend, and not many people believed in becoming immortal back then. But Zhang Lingxian became the only one who was recorded in history books.

There is a biography of him in the history books. He was ten-year-old with a talent for awakening, 22 years old into the Star Sea realm, 30 years old into the Star Soul realm, and 15 years old into the Supreme realm, called the Supreme Grandmaster at the time. , Land Immortal.

The current landscape of the Zhang Family world is rumored to have been attacked by Zhang Lingxian’s tens of thousands of sword art strikes. However, this is only an unofficial rumor, and there is no record in the official history.

Then Zhang Lingxian announced a retreat, which was closed for 22 years. After leaving the customs again, Zhang Lingxian, who was sixteen years old, recovered one’s youthful vigor in full view, returning from a white-haired old man to a youthful appearance.

Afterwards, Zhang Lingxian claimed to have realized the great way, and chose auspicious day to fly to Immortal World.

The news shocked the ruling and the opposition at the time, and even the emperor of the lobby dynasty did not travel far away to observe the ceremony. On the auspicious day, the Zhang Family community swarmed into almost all the star martial artists at the time, and countless people heard good things.

The history books say that there were no less than tens of millions of people gathered at that time. At least 10,000,000 people squeezed to see Zhang Lingxian soaring.

After that, Zhang Lingxian summoned out of the Immortal Ascension Platform in full view, and the clouds danced in time, the cranes lingered, the fairy sound was dim, and the sky gate opened. Zhang Lingxian jumped onto Immortal Sect and entered Heaven Realm. “

“Is there really a fairy?” Wang Lan asked in surprise.

“Others don’t know, don’t you still know?” Mr. Jin’s angry voice sounded.

Wang Lan instantly calmed down, and suddenly remembered that Mother seemed to have also stepped on Immortal Sect to the Earth Immortal world back then.

“You mean, Zhang Lingxian’s ascension is the same as my mother’s method?”

“Yes, isn’t the Celestial Court gone? The so-called Ascension should be to the Earth Immortal world, but people at that time didn’t think so.

After Zhang Lingxian ascended, he left a cultivation technique for posterity, which is the origin of stars. This cultivation technique naturally becomes a cultivation technique that can be cultivated into immortals. at first, taken when Zhang Lingxian was soaring, no one dared to attack the idea of ​​the origin of the stars, but as time went by, the deterrence decreased and more and more people used the idea of ​​Zhang Family.

A thousand years ago, the last Zhang Family Bloodline was found by the notorious Dongchang, and then Zhang Family Bloodline was completely broken. “

“so that’s how it is.”

“By the way, do you think the person who set up the bureau to deal with Wen Xianghua is Liu Yuxin.”

“I have also been thinking about this issue. There are always signs that it should be him, but I have an intuition in my heart, and it seems that it is not him. Especially the origin of the stars is the key, in order to design Wen Xianghua, the origin of the stars must be obtained. By the way, is there any information on the origins of stars, I want to be a reference.”

“Yes, I will post it to your phone in a while.”

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