
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Soon, a secret room was turned over by Wang Lan from the ground, and I don’t know what happened. Why did Four Great Families like to build underground secret rooms so much, and why do they like to hide people in underground secret rooms?

Enter the underground secret room. In the secret room, an 18-19 years old girl was tied to a chair in an extremely shameful manner, with a gag in her mouth. Good evil, so perverted.

Wang Lan moved her finger, and the rope on the girl’s body broke in response, “Don’t hurt me, please, don’t hurt me… I promise everything you want, don’t hurt me.”

“Don’t be afraid, we are Heavenly Sword Bureau, what is your name? Why are you tied here by Han Family?”

“You are from the Heavenly Sword Bureau? Are you from the Heavenly Sword Bureau in Jiang Province? Is it from Xu City? Where is my dad? My mother?”

“This is Huzhou Province.”

“Huh? Huzhou? Is it so far away? Can I see your documents?” The girl was very wary. When she learned that she was rescued, how could she care about checking the documents and crying The heavens shouted.

Liu Yuxin unfolded his ID and reached the little girl. The girl took a look and handed back the ID to Liu Yuxin in a hurry and respectfully.

“My name is Tian Min. My family lives in Xu City, Jiang Province. My father mother is a special service from the Heavenly Sword Bureau. I graduated from high school this year. I was practicing piano at home and suddenly someone rushed into my house. I didn’t even have time to shout. I was knocked out. When I woke up, I was taken here.”

“You are Tian Min?” Liu Yuxin seemed to be surprised. He took a closer look at Tian Min and he was nodded. “Now the entire Douyin is looking for you, and many people are guessing that you have been killed.”

“What did Han Family catch you for?” Wang Lan asked.

“They are mental illness, they may have hatred with my uncle. First, I asked me if they knew my uncle, and then opened my hand and stuffed a jade token into my hand. After waiting for a long time, I still said why the jade token No response.

But at this time something happened to their house, they said something evil star is coming, and then they all went out. After that, I heard a violent movement and explosion and so on. “

“What photos did they show you?”

“My uncle!” Tian Min said helplessly, “but I haven’t seen him for many years.”

Wang Lan quickly took out his phone and opened the album, “Is this the person?”

“Uh…you guys, you guys don’t want to ask me if I know this person and then cut my palm to let the blood flow? It hurts…” The girl quickly put her hand behind her and asked nervously. Tao.

“We are the special agent of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, what do you think? Just make sure why Han Family kidnapped you.”

“Well, he is my uncle, but…I haven’t seen him for many years.”

“This Han Family is really promising. Wen Tao was taken abducted by Qi Family. After being rescued by us, he was unable to protect him, but he hit Tian Min with his attention. Okay, it’s an act recklessly. Things.” Liu Yuxin scolded in an atmosphere.

Wang Lan’s eyes flickered. How could it be so coincidental that Qi Family just kidnapped Wen Tao, and the murderer killed the Qi Family whole family. Now Han Family just kidnapped Tian Min to try to unlock the secret of Qilin jade token, and was slaughtered by the whole family.

Is the murderer trying to protect Zhang Family Bloodline? No, Zhao Family didn’t do anything, it was destroyed earlier than Han Family.

“By the way, do you know when the Han Family happened?”

“It’s twelve o’clock. At that time, an old man said it’s twelve o’clock. Everyone should eat first and try again in the afternoon. Zhang Family Bloodline definitely has a way. Then he opened the door and said the evil star is coming. , They all went up.”

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s face changed drastically, “Are you sure?”


Wang Lan’s eyes flickered, and he lifts the head fiercely, “Control the few secret agents who were knocked out today.”

Liu Yuxin looked unfathomable mystery and looked at Wang Lan blankly. Wang Lan shouted coldly, “The brothers have problems.”

“Oh, well, immediately take control of all the action teams on duty today.”

Outside the Han Family resident, several Heavenly Sword Bureau agents were smoking each other, and suddenly several bodies flashed. The four of them were immediately jumped off and reacted instantly. But just made a counterattack, after seeing the silhouette, he stopped alive.

“Damn, it’s you guys, do you want to scare me to death?”

“According to the order of the director, the Thor Special Operations Squad of the White Phosphorus City Branch shall be controlled. Please give up resistance and cooperate with us.”

“Old Wang, do you know what you are talking about?”

“Sorry, I also did what I ordered.”

“Old Wang, we are the brother, the brother who was born and died together.”

“Why do you want to control us? What mistake did we make? Even if Han Family is destroyed, it is not our fault. Director, you have to be reasonable. We were knocked out, knocked out. ……”

“Secretary, we just came back from the gates of hell, the chief can’t do this, can’t do this to us–“

“What is the noise!” shout out loudly, Liu Yuxin walked out with a gloomy face, “People who don’t know thought Laozi was going to kill you now. What does it look like?


I didn’t say that you were guilty, but just asked you to cooperate with the investigation. Also, let’s be honest, if the four of you were in Han Family at the time, did you go wild? “

“No no!” The four shook their heads.

“We have been in the Han Family and have not left our job without authorization.”

“You did not leave your duties without authorization.” Wang Lan’s voice sounded, walking step by step from the inner hall, “but you just sat and watched the Han Family being slaughtered and stood idly by, without even reporting to the superior.”

“Huh? Under the crown of greedy wolf, we don’t have any…”

“Yes, no.”

“When did you say you were knocked out?”

“Twelve o’clock…half, half past twelve.”

“When on earth?”

“It’s twelve twenty…”

“At 12:20, 12:20, the Han Family is probably in ruins!” Wang Lan sneered and picked up a stack of paper in his hand. “I just asked the communication office brother to call out all the The activity trajectory of the Han Family victims.

Over the Wei Family, tenderly shouted. The sky is full of Jiang Xinyu silhouette, and every silhouette is a real and illusory coexistence.

And surrounded by Jiang Xinyu, there is a silhouette of Buddha’s radiance entangled all over. The silhouette flashes quickly, passing the lightning, and every flash is the violent shatter of a Jiang Xinyu phantom.

At the same time, countless sword energy falls like a gust of wind and rain, constantly struck the light-like silhouette.

Jiang Xinyu was completely covered up by Wang Lan’s rays of light, so that everyone did not realize that Jiang Xinyu not only has the strength of the titled powerhouse, but even exceeds the general titled powerhouse by a lot.

Up to now, Jiang Xinyu has not been canonized by the country. But once it is canonized, Jiang Xinyu is definitely the existence of Sword God in the titled powerhouse.

Countless sword energy constantly strikes on the mysterious expert’s body, but the sharp Haoyang sword art can’t hurt him. Similarly, no matter how many Avatars the mysterious expert kills, Jiang Xinyu will kill them continuously.

Wei Wuji and other Wei Family experts raised their heads, their open mouths and faces were full of horror and panic. Not to mention going to help, even if you are close, it is a luxury.

Is this really the strength between star martial artists? Are you kidding me?

The strength of the mysterious killer also makes Wei Family’s heart hang in the air. If Jiang Xinyu is not here, Wei Family will probably be wiped out by her as easy as blowing off dust.


Suddenly, the mysterious expert’s body shape shot again, and the speed doubled again. He has delayed too much time, and if he delays it, the reinforcements of Heavenly Sword Bureau are coming.

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