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The entire alien space was blasted to pieces by Luxi, and the Demon Race spies inside were naturally all disappeared. When things came to this step, Wang Lan’s Huzhou province team also came to a perfect conclusion.

Anyway, the country’s Pangu plan is still under preparation, and with Yulia’s invitation, Wang Lan took Jiang Xinyu and embarked on the plane to the Kingdom of God.

The impression of the Kingdom of God on Wang Lan is not very good, and the previous experience was not very good. However, the strength has been greatly reduced, and the kingdom of God, which has been ravaged by the hell monarch, has completely taken off its arrogant coat.

In the past one and a half years, I have actively participated in the construction of the world, visited other countries and established diplomatic relations with poor and backward countries, which has restored my reputation a little bit. In addition, the Kingdom of God is the ancestor of the Heavenly God Sect and is born with a hat of forgiveness, so now the whole world has a positive impression of the Kingdom of God.

Arrived in the Kingdom of God, Wang Lan and the two were directly invited by Yulia to the Palace of the Holy Woman. The Palace of the Virgen is located in the 13th house of the 14th house of Sacred Domain, under the Imperial Palace.

Most people are naturally not qualified to go in, and they can’t even visit, let alone move in. But Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu, as long as they are willing to teach the Imperial Palace, they can’t wait to welcome each other.

“Yulia’s life experience? It is recorded that she was an abandoned baby like most orphans, but in fact she was not. 20 years ago, the pope was inspired by Heavenly God one day and seemed to say that she was looking for a legendary creation. World Bible.

After disappearing for a year, a year later he brought back the Creation Bible, and at the same time he took back Yulia, who was still in her infant. Just by retrieving the Genesis Bible, the previous pope is enough to become one of the greatest popes in the history of Heavenly God. “

“What?” Yulia seemed to hear the incredible things and suddenly stood up, “Isn’t the Creation Bible always in the Holy See? How could it be found 20 years ago? The Holy See was not established with the Creation Bible. Sect , Is the kingdom of God also founded by the creation of the Bible?”

“In fact, the Creation Bible has long been lost, and never appeared after All Gods turn to Dusk. For thousands of years, Heavenly God taught all split up and in pieces, extending countless small sects. They all claimed to be the authentic inheritance of the Heavenly God Church, and even some cults even tampered with the doctrine, edited it into a Bible with random doctrines and said that this is the creation Bible.

Under the circumstances of the year, the Heavenly God religion must establish orthodox authority, so the great Pope Yarway used the divine technique of apocalypse to ditch the Heavenspan Church and wrote the original Bible doctrine. Although the content is true, it is not the true creation Bible after all.

In order to make the Bible false and true, Pope Järvi continued to inscribe great mantras in the Bible at the expense of lifespan. Since then, the Church of Heavenly God has been recognized as the only authentic inheritance. But the false is false after all, and the popes of the past have never given up looking for the true creation Bible.

Until 20 years ago, the Pope finally retrieved the Creation Bible and rounded up the lie that Heavenly God taught nearly five thousand years ago. “

“How do you know that the Creation Bible is true?” Wang Lan couldn’t help but ask, “The Creation Bible that hasn’t appeared for 5000 years, can anyone tell the truth?”

The Pope looked at Wang Lan faintly smiled, “The Creation Bible is not just a book, he is also a Divine Item, a Divine Item even stronger than the Holy Grail. The Pope used the Grand Summoning Spell and succeeded. Opened the door of heaven.

Back then, the pope and the saint also stepped through the gates of heaven and reached the legendary Garden of Eden. “

“Since the former Pope has the Creation Bible, why was he useless when he fought against the Lord of Hell? He didn’t even use it until he died?”

“This…the Pope left a last word. The Creation Bible has an extraordinary divine force. Mortal bodies cannot be manipulated. Even if life and blood are exhausted, the Creation Bible cannot spur an attack. Besides, Creation The world’s bible is the supreme treasure of the religion of God, and we will not use it even if we die. Unless it is the time when Heavenly God’s doctrine is at stake, the doctrine of Heavenly God will only be destroyed in an instant.”

“Then…was Yulia met by the Pope with the Creation Bible?” Wang Lan asked again.

“This… what the Pope said… it’s not. He was on the way back after getting the Bible and found Yulia who was placed in a basket and drifting along with the crowd. The Pope rescued Yulia and was sent off again. Arrived at Orphanage.

Mr. Wang Lan, why do you want to trace Yulia’s life experience? Is there anything strange about her life experience? “

“The biggest surprise is Yulia’s blood.”

Yulia gently cut open the palm of her hand with her nails, and a drop of golden blood overflowed from the wound.

Seeing Golden’s blood, the pope’s face suddenly changed.

“This is, Gold blood? Is there still a Gold Human Race?” The Pope’s calm face finally showed a surprised expression.

“Gold Human Race? Is it a strong bloodline?”

“Legend, after the gods created humans, the first generation of humans created by the gods within the body shed golden blood. They were called the Gold Human Race or the Gold Age.

As the Human Race multiplied, there were more and more Human Races, and the bloodline was more and more diluted, and then evolved into a Human Race flowing with silver blood. This is the end of the Gold era. They are called the Silver generation, and the people of the Silver era are called Silver Human Race.

Then there is the Black iron generation. The people of the Black iron generation within the body retain the blood of red, and their aptitude and wisdom are far inferior to the previous Silver and Gold.

In the Silver era, it is rumored that they had a third eye between their brows, and they had all kinds of super powers from birth, also known as the super power era. Although people in the Gold era were just mortals, they had a strength comparable to gods.

The first battle between humans and gods was initiated by people in the Gold era. In the beginning, the purpose of the gods in creating humans was simply the need for slaves. Mankind defeated the gods and gained the right to freedom. The gods also discovered in the war that human belief can improve their divine force.

This triggered the first battle of the gods for faith. The history of mankind is barbaric, from war to civilized history, natural battles with Heaven and Earth, battles with gods, and finally battles with people. “

“So, Yulia’s bloodline does have a strong strength, even comparable to gods?”

“If it is a legendary Gold Human Race, this is indeed the case.”

“Then how to motivate this kind of strength?”

The pope looked at Wang Lan innocently, “Gold Human Race has disappeared for at least 200,000 years, you ask me who I ask?”

Well, no one really knows the answer to this question.


Suddenly, there was a thunder, but the four people who taught the Imperial Palace all complexion changed.

This thunder is not natural thunder, but the aftermath of an explosion produced by a powerful star martial skill. In an instant, Yulia’s silhouette disappeared, and Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu hesitated slightly and rushed out in an instant.

The location of the incident was the back garden of Sacred Domain, which was deserted. Outsiders could not enter the back garden of Sacred Domain through layers of defense.

The silhouette of the four people came to the scene of the incident within a few breaths, and just arrived, I saw a scene of the ruling bishop wearing a red ruling robe killing an old scholastic look with one blow. .

“The ruling? Mr. Martin?” Yulia exclaimed, ruling Archbishop, what are you doing?

“Martin attempted to steal the Creation Bible. After I saw it through, I tried to resist, and I was rectifying the law on the spot.” The ruling bishop said, respectfully removing Martin’s backpack, opening the backpack, and taking out a purple- golden book.

“The Creation Bible! How dare Martin?” Pope both shocked and angry. Martin is the administrator of the Star Reaching Building, and only people who are absolutely trusted by the Holy See can become the administrator of the Star Reaching Building.

The Tower of the Stars records all important documents related to the Holy See, including the notes of past popes, the records of star martial skills, and the legends taught by Heavenly God since Mythological Era.

The Pope carefully took the Creation Bible and carefully identified it to make sure that this was the Creation Bible that was stored in the Star Tower, with a frightened expression on his face.

whiz whiz whiz ——

As soon as the strong wind blew, several other red-clothed bishops arrived. When seeing Martin falling in a pool of blood, they showed surprised and angry expressions.

“What’s the matter? Who killed Mr. Martin?”

“Me!” the ruling bishop indifferently said.

“The ruling? What happened? What did Mr. Martin do to prevent you from even giving him a chance to hold a court?”

“He stole the Creation Bible, and got the money.” The ruling bishop gave a cold glance at the Bible in the hands of the pope.

“This is impossible!” A female bishop suddenly drank, “There must be a misunderstanding in this. Mr. Martin is a student of the former Pope, and his position is absolutely trustworthy. The verdict, have you ever doubted whether it was framed or framed? ?”

“The Genesis Bible found in his bag. Could it be that I planted him and framed him? And I felt that there was a problem just now. Although Mr. Martin is a discipline of the former Pope, he is star martial innate talent. Very bad, but now he has the strength no less than mine. Don’t you find it strange?”


“Isn’t Mr. Martin only the cultivation base of Nebula?”

“And don’t forget one thing. Before that, the saint was sleeping on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean by Lucy’s sneak attack for a whole year. But during this time, there is also a saint in the Sacred Domain who is cultivation. This shows that there is an insider in Sacred Domain who is arranging all this.”

As soon as these words came out, all the red-clothed bishops were speechless.

“The… Bishop of the ruling, can I ask you a question?” Wang Lan asked suddenly.

“Mr. Wang Lan, please.”

“How did you know that Mr. Martin stole the Creation Bible? I remember that the Creation Bible was always in Mr. Martin’s backpack.”

“Just half an hour ago, one of my subordinates was on duty outside the Star Picking Building. He reported that Mr. Martin had hurried away suspiciously. I didn’t think much about it at the time, and went to the Star Picking Building to check. Click.

But I found that the divine technique of the Creation Bible was opened, and the Creation Bible inside was gone. Hastily chased after him, chasing Martin here. Before I had time to ask questions, Martin suddenly attacked me.

The two rulings that came with me, Knight can also testify. And Martin’s strength exceeded my expectations, so I concluded that he stole the Creation Bible. “

“Oh, this way, then I’m fine.”

“This impossible, divine technique took a year for the Pope to decorate the seal stone. Without the strength of the Star Soul Realm, it cannot be broken. Even if it is broken, there must be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. /p>

“But this is the case. You can go to the Zhanxinglou to see, the divine technique seal has indeed disappeared.”

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