
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

White’s horror still spread over the entire world. In the afternoon, two and a half-step Star Soul powerhouses were dug out of their hearts and died. They belonged to different countries and had no contact at all.

“There are twenty Star Soul Experts in the whole world, and there are 20 Experts in Half-Step Star Soul Realm, totaling 40 people. So far, Luxi has killed three. It is not clear that Luxi hunts. The purpose of Xingwu expert, but we must immediately stop Luxi from continuing to commit attacks.” In the International Security Council, the five newly appointed members of the Security Council said in an emergency meeting.

“The problem is that Luxi’s strength is too strong, and he hides in the dark. Xingwu expert is in the light. Luxi also has the space ability to appear and disappear unpredictably. He wants to hunt the expert and no one can stop it.”

“There are only 40 experts in total, and people will soon be killed by him if this continues.”

“For today’s plan, I am afraid that Xingwu expert has to hide first.”

“Which of those Xingwu experts are not proud and arrogant, let them hide… I’m afraid it is hard to accept?”

“If you are hunted as prey or hide, you have to choose one, right?”

Immediately, the International Security Council issued an announcement to the entire world to temporarily conceal the star martial artists above the Star Sea in the entire world and not to reveal their whereabouts. Luxi is now frantically hunting Xingwu expert, and Xingwu expert tries not to reveal his whereabouts before finding a way to restrain Luxi.

Once this announcement came out, it caused a lot of backlash from star martial artists. Can become a half-step expert in the Star Soul Realm. In their words, the life and death that they have experienced in this life has long since made them dissatisfied with life and death.

Luxi is coming, so there will be a battle.

The Kingdom of God, Saintess Palace.

Wang Lan is still meditating on the information in front of him. These all are information obtained from the residence of Bishop Thunderbolt. But he has searched it several times, and has not been able to find out why Luxi wanted to hunt Xingwu expert.

If Luxi is just a Xingwu expert who simply wants to destroy humans, then he does not need to kill Bishop Thunderbolt and take the heart of Bishop Thunderbolt. In doing this, Luxi is definitely not as simple as destroying the advanced human strength.

“Wang Lan, watch TV, international channels.” Yulia suddenly opened the door and said. With that, Yulia picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. After switching to the international channel, this was a talk show of White Eagle nation.

A weird man with a grimace mask, sitting on a very cool-looking motorcycle, arrogantly provoked the screen.

“Fallen Angel Lucy, you a traitor from heaven, trash from hell, do you know Laozi? I am your father, the undead Knight. The White Eagle nation superhero, the undead Knight, you are not hunting the world Peak’s Xingwu expert Huh? Father is here waiting for you, come to me if you have a seed, and father will definitely put you back into hell again.”

The audience continued to whistle and cheer. The people of White Eagle nation like this kind of superhero with the breath of bad boy. The popularity of the undead Knight is very high in White Eagle nation.

Through the TV, Wang Lan could even see some viewers fainted directly in the excitement of screaming.

Wang Lan’s face suddenly changed, “I really don’t know how to write dead words?”

Wang Lan’s body was slightly distorted and disappeared instantly.

At the beginning of the mission in White Eagle nation, Wang Lan incidentally left a space coordinate in White Eagle nation. But the location of the spatial coordinates is several hundred kilometers away from the city where the undead Knight is located. When Wang Lan appeared, his body turned into a streamer and rushed into the sky with a swish.

“Russie, I don’t know if you can read TV, maybe in your savage head, you can’t understand what this technology is. He also threatened to destroy the technological civilization and let mankind return to Barbarian Desolate. Era?

You are an idiot, in Laozi’s eyes you are a gorilla, a stupid pig! “

bang bang bang ——

Suddenly, a clear applause sounded. It was obvious that the sound was not loud, but it could clearly reach the ears of everyone present.

The slight applause actually covered the current scream and noise.

Everyone looked curiously at the place where the applause came from, a young god with long black hair and an extremely beautiful appearance slowly walked onto the stage while applauding.

And this scene was also broadcast to thousands of households through live TV.

“This gentleman, please don’t walk on the stage at will, gentleman please…”

The youngster waved his hand gently, and the host floated out like a balloon being released. All the security guards who came up all stopped, and looked at the youngster who was approaching with horror.

“What you said is very good. It’s so pleasing. Seeing your kind invitation to me, would it be too rude for me to accept your invitation?” As he said, the youngster was enveloped in a hazy water. The water disappeared, and the youngster’s clothes had been replaced with black robes.


With a light sound, a large piece of black wings suddenly appeared behind the youngster. Eight pairs of wings were placed in the shape of a butterfly. They were gorgeous, beautiful, but sacred.

Suddenly, the sound on the stage sounded a beautiful holy tone. In the holy tone, Luxi walked towards the undead Knight step by step.

The undead Knight moved from the locomotive to his hips, his face turned into a deep dignity.

“It’s not convenient to do it here.”

“Where is it convenient?”

“Heaven!” The undead Knight fell to the ground and rushed into the void with a whistling sound and disappeared. Luxi smiled faintly, her wings trembling slightly, and she immediately caught up.


A terrifying star force wave came from a distance, and the rapidly flying Wang Lan’s figure suddenly stopped. Suddenly, his face changed drastically again, and his figure turned into streamer and swiftly pierced into the air where the explosion occurred.

At the talk show, the audience also understood what happened. Some even looked blank, isn’t this a talk show? Isn’t it the program part arranged by the director?


A loud noise suddenly exploded, and everyone was buzzed by the loud noise, screaming and covering their ears and fell to the ground.


Another loud noise came from overhead. The roof of the talk show’s studio lobby was instantly shattered, and the wires were instantly torn off, exploding into groups of terrifying fire stars.

A heavy object fell from the sky and fell to the center of the stage. From the hole in the sky, a moonlight fell and fell on the silhouette in the center of the stage.

All the audience in the audience covered their mouths with horrified expressions. The person who fell on the stage was their superhero, the undead Knight.

The blood overflowed from under the undead Knight’s body, slowly spreading all around.

The superhero of the White Eagle nation is the most powerful star martial artist of the White Eagle nation and an undefeated myth. But now, he is dead, killed by people in full view.

The silhouette of Luxi seemed to come from the moonlight, and in his hand, he held a slightly trembling heart.

“This is what he asked, I just did what he wanted. I fulfilled his wish, then ladies and gentlemen, we will meet again!”


Shout out loudly suddenly came from the sky, Wang Lan’s people have not arrived, and the starry divine arrow has arrived. Nine days from the sky, fiercely shot towards Luxi.

Luxi instantly raised her hand, and a ripple rippled away from her palm.

“Om—-” A ripple instantly swept across, turning the entire building into powder. The stands scared the audience, and most of them were harmless.

“Wang Lan, you are the last one, not the next one.” As he said, Luxi’s whole body twisted and Space Power rippled away.

Wang Lan fell from the sky like a meteorite. With a thud, fiercely’s strikes hit the studio. The air wave rolled and the rocks shot, and a cloud of blue smoke overflowed from Wang Lan’s fist. But wherever he is, there is no longer where Luxi is.

The undead Knight was killed on the spot in front of so many people, and the Peak experts of the world began to recognize each other. Even the veteran Star Soul Expert and the undead Knight, who is no different from Jade Country 5 Emperors, were killed in such a short period of time. Others should be similar.

In today’s world, Wang Lan can run after Luxi.

Whether they are happy or reconciled, their lives not only belong to themselves, but also to the whole world. So that night, all the experts above Peak in the Star Sea realm hid secretly in the safe house.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Wang Lan also put out his own declaration of war through global satellite broadcasting, and requested all public channels of various countries to broadcast it uninterrupted.

The fragrant words will not be elaborated, they only have one meaning overall. Luxi, you don’t want Bilian. If you don’t dare to stand alone with me, you will pick soft persimmons? Want to become a god even with your virtue? Do you have the face of becoming a god? Even if you can become a god, no one agrees with you.

If you still have a little bit of courage, come to the Kingdom of God and ask me to single out, and labor and management will wait for you 24 hours. If you dare not come, just squat in the bird’s nest obediently and don’t come out ashamed.

A normal person generally cannot bear such a provocation. Even if he changed Wang Lan, he would have jumped out to single out. But Luxi endured it. Not only did he endure it, but he did not move at all for three consecutive days.

However, high-level officials from all over the world have just had time to catch their breath. Luxi’s hunt has begun again, and four Peak experts have been hunted in the safe house.

Luxi even broke into layers of defenses, armed with heavily guarded military bases, killed the target in a rain of bullets, took out his heart, and drove away.

His arrogance completely angered the whole world, but at the same time he was terrified. In the face of absolute strength, the entire world is helpless.

“There must be something we didn’t care about.” Wang Lan looked at the photos of the expert who was killed by Luxi. They come from different countries, different races, and cultivation different martial skills.

All the appearances indicate that Luxi’s hunting is only because of their strong strength, and they are the experts of the human cream of the crop. But if you throw in the picture of Bishop Thunderbolt, you find it strange.

Bishop Thunderbolt shouldn’t be among this group of people, but he happened to be the second person whose heart was taken out by Luxi and died.

“What is it…”

Wang Lan turned on the computer and opened the folder containing the life information of these people. In a daze, Wang Lan saw a string of numbers. In an instant, Wang Lan woke up suddenly.

“November 16.”

“September 27 days?”

these all are the birthday of the expert who was killed, but Wang Lan suddenly noticed that the ten people who were killed had different birthday months.

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