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The creation bible is the prop of summon heaven, but with the power of the pope, summon can’t go out of heaven independently. And Yulia has overdrawn all her heart and life force, and even Life Aura cannot remedy the consumption of sacrificial offering.

The current Yulia is an ordinary person. Although the Star Palace still exists, a trace of star force cannot be mobilized.

The Pope lit the Holy See’s flame, and the torch was also lit in the palace of the twelve red-clothed bishops.

“What’s wrong? Why did the pope suddenly light the holy fire?”

“The Pope has an order, the twelve bishops join forces, and summon heaven will come.”

Although the order came suddenly, all the bishops respectfully obeyed the order, “I’m waiting for it.”

The fourteen palaces are actually fourteen forts, and they are also the formation eye of a gigantic formation. The holy light array is based on these fourteen palaces. The tool for manipulating the holy light array is the papal scepter.


The Pope held the scepter in his hand, and instantly, a ray of light rushed into the sky, and the entire Imperial Palace was like a torch lit, rays of light lit up, illuminating the world. The rippling divine splendor is rippling all around like a ripple.

Next, the second palace, the third palace.

The palaces are lit by one after another, and the star force of the twelve bishops is connected to the pope as a whole through the holy light array. Coupled with the increase of the star force absorbed by the Holy Light Array, at this moment, the Pope’s star force has reached an incredible level.

The pope respectfully held the Creation Bible and knelt on his knees. The surging star force rushes towards the Creation Bible like a pump.

“Heaven, heed the call of your devout believers, come down–“


In an instant, the sky is rising winds, scudding clouds.

At this moment, the weather stations of countless countries have detected the sudden violent wind erupted. One after another set their sights on the kingdom of gods. The Kingdom of Gods is very special now. Any change in this country can affect the hearts of all countries.

The sudden change caused the uneasy leaders of all countries to call the Kingdom of God to ask what happened.

Compared to their worries, the residents of the Kingdom of God are luckier. Can intuitively see everything happening in the Kingdom of God.

The white clouds in the sky converged instantly, covering the entire sky. But the strange thing is that the clouds covering the entire sky are still white clouds instead of black and heavy clouds.

The clouds are thick, like cotton candy floating in the sky.

Suddenly, the clouds above the Holy See surged violently, and the golden light peeked out of the gaps in the clouds and spilled onto the ground.

In the golden light, a majestic and sacred gate gradually appeared in the clouds.


One by one, the residents of the Kingdom of God took out their mobile phones and recorded this exciting and unbelievable scene.

In an instant, the news that heaven appeared in the Kingdom of God swept the world like a violent wind. The believers of Heavenly God in many countries went crazy, and they were able to even plan to book a plane ticket to the Kingdom of God.

Within just one minute, the ticket booking system in most countries is paralyzed. Not only air tickets, even train tickets, but also ferry tickets are all due to the influx of data into single planes.

The changes in the clouds continued, and a staircase shaped like a white jade hung from the gate of heaven to the palace that taught the Imperial Palace.

The residents of the Kingdom of God who saw this scene were also crazy. what is this? Heaven attracts? Heaven has thrown in to the world, as long as you can climb the stairs, you can climb to heaven?

Thousands of years of faith cohesion, starting from the first moment of faith, the ultimate pie of heaven appears in front of believers. The kind of madness and loss of reason cannot be described in words.

Countless believers flocked to the church madly. If the holy light array was not turned on, Knight, the guardian of the Holy See, would be impossible to block the crazy people.

“The door of heaven is open, let’s go in.” The pope gasped slightly and said softly.

“Yulia, shall I carry you?” Wang Lan came to Yulia and said.

One was a girl and an old man. Wang Lan seemed to be suitable for Yulia after thinking about it. Yulia didn’t hesitate or polite, and clicked nodded, and some impatients climbed onto Wang Lan’s back.

Looking at Jiang Xinyu beside him, he secretly glared at Wang Lan.

This is a bit wrong to Wang Lan. Wang Lan has no idea about Yulia. It’s really the current situation except him, should Jiang Xinyu be the one to blame? Besides, Yulia is a good old woman.

The four of them walked along the stairs to the gate of heaven. They looked towards the clouds on the ground before. The gate of heaven exudes divine splendor, as sacred as it is. But when he came to the front, he found that the gate of heaven was already full of cracks, most of which were thicker than Wang Lan’s fingers.

Being able to stand so strong here is already its last stubbornness.

If it weren’t for entering heaven, you must enter under the door of heaven, Wang Lan would still dare not step into heaven.

The four men filed across the gates of heaven, and the vision in front of them suddenly became clear. This is a white world. Although there is no sun above, the light is very bright. What catches the eye is a lush and green meadow, dotted with beautiful flowers.

“This is heaven?” Wang Lan curiously asked.

“This is the Garden of Eden, behind the Garden of Eden is the real paradise.”

The four of them walked across the grass again and soon found a river. The water flowing in the river was crystal clear, and the river water exudes an inexplicable fragrance with honey-like sweetness.

“This is holy water, the real holy water.” The pope looked very excited, came to the river in exclamation, and drank the holy water.

“Wang Lan, look!” Jiang Xinyu exclaimed suddenly, following Jiang Xinyu’s guidance, there was a corpse, the corpse of an angel, lying down on the bank of the river opposite the holy river.

After endless years, the body did not rot at all, it still looked like it had just died. The corpse was dressed in a white robe, half of the body was covered with white wings, and the lower body was almost not in the river.

The pope put down the holy water in his hand in horror, flew to the side of the corpse together with Wang Lan, turned the corpse over, and found a huge wound in the heart of the corpse. The angel’s flesh and blood were white jade, and the blood was already drained.

The angel’s body made the pope’s excitement of coming to heaven disappear, and the entire group walked along the river again. It is recorded in the Bible that the holy river flows from heaven through the Garden of Eden. According to this statement, paradise can be found along the holy river.

And along the holy river, they soon came to the real Garden of Eden, also known as the Pure Land of Bliss. This is where the people of God live. There are angels and mortals, and all who can live here are kind-hearted people with pure hearts.

The Garden of Eden has an extremely developed civilization, and the people here have extremely high wisdom. Although the architectural style is different from that of the people on the ground, Wang Lan can still judge that the huge building complex in front of him needs extremely strong construction technology and extremely reasonable planning to achieve the present. The grandeur blends with the sense of beauty, which makes people just look at it. Soul shocking picture.

But now, this magnificent sky city has been destroyed and fell into complete silence.

The four of them walked into the ruins of the Garden of Eden with a heavy heart. The paleness in the city seemed to be a memorial to the city. The streets of the city are full of cracks, countless houses have collapsed, even if a few haven’t collapsed, they are on the verge of collapse.

On the street, there are countless bones and corpses of angels. Most of these angels are Dynames and a few are battle angels.

“It must have been an extremely tragic battle.” The pope sighed long, and it is only now that he truly accepts the reality of heaven becoming hell.

Before seeing what heaven looks like, the doctrine of the Kingdom of God is not like this. Although there are records of the Twilight of the Gods, about 10,000 years ago, the sacred angel Lucy betrayed the heaven and led the Demon King to invade the heaven. Heaven experienced a tragic battle, and finally Heavenly God and the Demon King perish together.

But after seven days, Heavenly God was resurrected, and all the angels, people, the Garden of Eden and the heavens were restored to their original state. The seven-day resurrection is just people’s wish. After All Gods turn to Dusk, there is no more.

When Luxi appeared, he once said that heaven is gone, and even the Eastern Paradise, the Olympian gods, and the Nordic temples have all disappeared. But who is the believer of Heavenly God who wants to believe?

Heavenly God, who has believed in for thousands of years, fell 10,000 years ago. Then, is the teaching of Heavenly God a joke?

“It’s no wonder that the pope didn’t mention a word after he came back from heaven, and he didn’t even allow anyone to inquire about heaven. It turned out to be the truth.”

Suddenly, Wang Lan step one stopped, a slight movement came. In an instant, Wang Lan pushed Jiang Xinyu and the Pope away. A black light rushed out from under Wang Lan’s feet, like a Dao Black Zhu rushing straight into the clouds.

Jiang Xinyu flew backwards out of several dozen meters. Then he stopped his figure and fixed his eyes to see where the black pillar was. It was just a huge centipede that counted ten zhang. The centipede was completely dark, with hideous feet like a sickle as sharp and terrifying.

The centipede is huge, even if it is so fast.

The centipede passed by, like a dragon-like twisting and flying in the air. In the same place, Wang Lan still stood there with Yulia behind his back. When the centipede struck, Wang Lan made his body virtual in time to avoid being swallowed by the centipede.

“Sky-swallowing centipede? Isn’t this the demonic beast of the legendary underworld.”

“Swallowing Heaven Demon Beast? Just listen to this name and you will know your strength is good.”

“Wang Lan, this is the demonic beast that can kill the gods in the legend, be careful.”

Wang Lan took Yulia behind and handed it to Jiang Xinyu’s hands, Swallowing Heaven Demon Beast, just see how you swallow the sky.

body flashed, a white light lit up, as if the stars flickered, Wang Lan, who appeared again, had already put on Phoenix holy cloth.

“Sword of light, cut!”

The sword of light instantly turned into a huge sky sword of several dozen meters long, which was cut fiercely with Wang Lan’s swing.


With a loud noise, the sword of light fiercely cut on the hard back of the centipede. Green’s blood splattered everywhere, and every drop of blood was terribly corrosive, and white smoke with a pungent smell rose from the ground.

Although this sword can injure the Sky-Swallowing Centipede, it cannot kill it. With Wang Lan’s current strength, even the Star Soul Realm would have to die on the spot even if he suffered a cut from him.

The centipede was injured, and suddenly became crazy. The twisted body, the body seemed to be stretched by the space, and it rushed towards Wang Lan quickly. The speed is extremely fast, even faster than the speed of sound.

Wang Lan stared at the centipede, his eyes rounded, and two big windmills turned in his pupils.

“divine might, cut!”

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