I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 212: official announcement

   Chapter 212 Official Announcement

   Although he was short, Ye Lian thought a lot, but his aura was 2.8 meters high, and he easily silenced everyone.

   Everyone forgot to swipe the screen, and the whole live broadcast room suddenly became extraordinarily quiet.

  Ye Lian wanted to glance at the screen, knowing that the fans were overwhelmed by Xiaozheng's powerful aura, she couldn't help but smiled and waved to the camera.

  【Okay, let me introduce to you, this is the child of my relatives. Because my parents are not around, they are staying with me recently. I heard that there are still people speculating on the Internet that he is my son. In fact, if possible, I would also like to have such a good-looking and handsome baby. I believe you must also want it, right? 】

   As soon as she finished speaking, the fans immediately became active again.

  【Xianbao, you can marry a handsome man, and you can give birth to such a beautiful son. 】

  【Thinking treasure, I am a sunflower. Our family Xiaoxiang also looks good, you and Xiaoxiang are together, we also support it. 】

  【Xu Xiang is too young for sister and brother CP to accept. Think of treasure, consider our brother. My brother is handsome and talented. When you are with him, the child born will definitely be more beautiful than the one just now. 】

  【Haha, upstairs, are you blind? How could a mortal like your brother be born with the heaven-defying beauty of Xiao Zhengtai? If you want me to say, think of treasure, why not consider my God Qiao? 】

  【Thinking about treasures and thinking about treasures, God Qiao is too old to be worthy of you. You should still consider my Fengshen...]


   Accidentally, the building crooked, and it directly became a large-scale matchmaker sales scene.

   Ye Lian wanted to laugh and cry.

   She didn't even have time to show her superb cooking skills, the noble qualities of a good wife and a good mother have not yet been highlighted, this group of people rushed to introduce her to someone, and Amway's object was actually her idol.


   But, why is it suddenly cold, the air-conditioning seems to drop ten degrees in an instant?


   Ye Lian wanted to shiver quietly, but she didn't realize that all those coldness came from someone who stood beside her and didn't say a word.

   "Xu Xiang?"

   "Unknown brother?"

   "God Joe?"


   These people, one by one, are particularly annoying!


   "Cough cough..."

Ye Lian wanted to digest those barrages and tried his best to bring the topic back, "Okay. Let's get to the topic next. In this era of foodies, everyone is paying more and more attention to delicious food. Among them, small yellow croaker roasted tofu It attracted a lot of people, including me of course. Next, I will introduce the preparation method of this dish. First of all..."

   With her skillful explanation, the attention of the fans Piao Yuan finally returned.

   The live broadcast went on smoothly, but someone had a stinky face and felt a lot of dissatisfaction with Ye Lianxiang.

  This girl, why is it so uneasy?

   knew that he should announce the marriage directly, so that no one would dare to covet her.


   Ye Lian wanted to finish the live broadcast, and the rice was almost ready.

   "Little cold, eat."

  Xiao Zhengtai left in the middle of the live broadcast, she could only go out and shout.

  Huo Shiyun was sitting on the sofa texting Huo Kong, and when Ye Lian wanted to urge him, he quickly sent the text message in his hand, and then he stood up.

   At the same time, Huo Kong, who had just left the company after working overtime, turned on his mobile phone and saw a message from His Royal Highness——

  【Official announcement of my relationship with Ye Lianxiang. 】

  Official announcement?

   Did the little devil take the wrong medicine?

   A few months later, he has to take His Highness back. The two are destined to have no relationship, so why bother Miss Ye?

  Huo Kong shrugged and said, don't do it!

   (end of this chapter)

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